Trophy ETX Intraoral X-Ray

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N © | trophy IRIX 70 -E INTRA-ORAL X-RAY SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND SERVICE MANUAL THIS MANUAL MUST BE RETAINED AT THE INSTALLATION SITE IMPORTANT ! ... X-RAY PROTECTION Xray equipment may cause injury it used impropery_ The instructions contained inthis manual must by read and folowed when operating the IRIX 70, TROPHY dealers wil be glad to assist you in putting the IRIX 70 into operation ‘The IRIX7O-E provides a high degree of protection from unnecessary Xradaton, Howeves, no practical MOUNTING Difrent fastening systems may be used depending on the nature of the wal “Three lag bolls are provided to mount the RIX 7U-E on a wooden plata, For mounting on studs 16 apart, a large wall brackel (AD 137) must be used. For a wall with metal studs or a concrete wall, use 8” threaded rods of the corect length For all types of wal consucton, mounting hardware must withstand a 100 pound shea’ 1oad and 400 pounds withdrawal force at each mounting locaton, ‘The wall fabrication and altachments to the bulding structure must be capable of withstanding a toad moment couple of 850 fos. The dimensions ofthe standard (AD S46) and large (AO 157) wall brackets may be found on the prosnstalaion template. Mounting localons are shown below for those brackets, QUIREMENTS, 198 Volts minimum to 125 Volts maximum, no load. nt: 10 amperes during exposure ge fluctuation = 39% > lecrical service ditibuton center othe Xay control bax or om the X-ray al rackets) must contain mer neutral wie and ground wie, ype SPT-2, SP.2, SPE-2, SVT, SVTO, SVE e-card, 1 12 wire - up t0 100 Ft (30 m) 1 10 wire - 100 ft (20m) to 50 ft (86 m) on a separate fuse of circu breaker, rated ala minimum of 16 amps. No ther rated on tho ciclt (dedicated line). Ls not used, wire cable must be type SUF, $ITO, $10, ST, $0, STO or equivalent IW - INSTALLATION EM box soto that faston bracket b) EXTENSION ARI ‘Make sure thatthe ste! washer is in place ‘on one extension arm pivot (wall bracket side) ‘and thatthe nylon fing isin place on the other Pivot Steet 100 NOT GREASE OR Olt. THE PIVOT comes witha selFtubvication ring) washer = Inert one pivot ofthe extension arm Jina the Role on the top of tho wall bracket {the pivol withthe steal washer) + Make sure the extension arm is fovel or slighty ising ©) SCISSOR ARM WARNING : DO NOT REMOVE THE ARM RESTRAINT UNTIL THE HEAD IS ATTACHED TO THE ARM. ‘Due othe spring tension ofthe counterbalance mechanism, te sclssor arm might suddenly swing ‘open and enuse injury Do not grease the exension arm pivet ‘Thread the eable trough the extension arm (iis Settbicating) (a guide inside the arm facitates this step so that “Inser the tubehead cable into the pivot, 20 srng is requited) Put the scissor arm on the pivot “Thread the cable through the extension arm pivot ‘down to the wall bracket wm © oston the plastic caps to hide the cable Hammer in the 2 plastic pir that will hold = Inst he rotation brake ‘each cap, ‘on the acter arm “Install the upper plastic cover ‘) TUBEHEAD Remove the locking collar from the sessor arm - Goase the rotating plug ofthe tubehead; insert it into the arm Hold the tubehead femly in place, then inset the ‘ooking collar, place the thing screw and tighten i Proceed to IrS (Electrical insalation) 2) LARGE WALL BRACKET OPTION (AD 137 Use the provided template fo prepare the instalation. - Afi the sat of three screws that wil receive the ‘regular wall bracket ofthe system aston the brackot with the four lag bolts (provided). “The power wive can go through the central hole of the bracket (see figure below - Proceed withthe instalation 2s described tear m section HAI 9) REMOTE”STATION OPTION (AD 591) -Insal the Xray as previously described (section ILAt) Eloctrical requirement : a 3 conductor wire betwen the X-ray mount and the timer location (se ‘ection 15), Mounting requirements for the remote station are | 2 kg (641 los) shear load and 45 hg (992 ibs) withdrawal force at each mount For the location ofthe remote station use the prednstalaion template Unpack the wall box and remave the cover trom the bracket Place the bracket on the wall: thread the power wires and the ‘omection wires coming fom the Xray mount tough the holes ae: Provided (208 template and photo) Fasten the bracket to the wall with 3 sorews, 4) REMOTE SWITCH OPTION (AD 142) «The exposure time on the timer should be visible from the switeh location + Electrical requirements: a3-conductor cable going from the X-ay mounting location ta the switch location ; the overall resistance of the closed circut should not exceed 0 ohms. + Install a gang box into the wall and prepare the S.conductor cable ‘ + Install the X-ray system as described previously in section LAA B) ELECTRICAL 1) IRDX 70 SYSTEM, + Make the connections according to fg. page 7 2) REMOTE STATION OPTION (AD 591 | ‘Make the connections according ta fig. page 8 ‘Remove the white font cover from the fomoto station box (6 nuts) {Remove tne ETACtimer fom the wal! bracket bax (4 nuts) and Ti on the remote station box. {Place the white cover on the wall racket Box * Close the remote station and proceed to section It 3) REMOTE SWITCH OPTION (AD 142) + Make the connections according o ig. A page 9 + Mount the switch onto the gangbax (tig. B page 8) Ill - MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS 4.1 the wal isnot plumb, the extension arm may not be exactly level. In this case, use shins on the lag bots required CS = ‘ARM ADJUSTMENT, INBOARD ARM (o0e figure below) Remove the plastic cover and the plastic cover support Place the arm at 45° Adjust It withthe special too! SAAS 0 + RY AOWUSTHENT, OUTBOARD AP ee som “Rano ester eereraa entered NN + Horizontal dit adjustment Tighten the brake to stop any horizontal dit IV - ELECTRICAL CALIBRATION WARNING Radiation wil be produced during the electica calibration ‘Thereloe a lead cover must be placed over the Xray head zone ‘These calibration procedures must be followed to incur thatthe instalation complies fully ih appleable regulations, ithe requreé measurements velues are nt correct, contact "TROPHY ‘or information, and advise the user not to operate the equipment INSTRUMENTS CALIBRATION TYPE OF INSTRUMENT ANGE "RECURAGY TAG vaknetee - 150 VAG = 15Y (Faas cig maton) Rs ‘8¢ milameor comm pOimA ET (MEASUREMENTS caUTION 4) Make sure thatthe supply wes vtich connect the unt tothe meter are in good condtion, of sucientciameter and thatthe intermediate accessories (unction Doves, uses, tt, ) do nol Nave any poor contacts, which could cause vllage surges and damage the Xray ubeheed 2] Make sure the timer is OFF (power switch on O} 9} Gonnect AC voltmeter to read 100 to 130 VAC on power switch connection ofthe ETX. 4), the umer ON (power sth on 1) record the voltmeter reading. "NO LOAD ne voltage on the calibration calculation carcutarion osload pawor voltage ~ in load power voltage zai x 100 = % in toa power voage 5) Verily thatthe voltage distrbution is correctly connected (see table below) ‘Adjust the dstrbutor voltage according to the power supply voltage reading (ig, 42) Line Vottage Distributors 9 to 109 Vote "00 109 to 18 Vor 10 11916 125 Vals 120 (standars) ‘CAUTION - tite necessary ‘2 adjust the voltage distributor such the timer OFF, then remove the plastic cover from the cota ‘ing parton the tube housing assembly ig) aera 16) Turn the timer ON. Select an exposure time of 2.0 sec. ‘Mako an expose (push the exposure button) 7) Record “In load voltage inthe fomula on page 12 and make the calculation 6) The result should never bo mor than 9% ofthe rated valve {1 ncrease the cameter ofthe power wis om the break box othe unt (a ceca cru Use power condionner i the power is unstable cing the day 19) Turn the Xray control OFF 10) Remove the tubehead pivot plastic cove (a. 41) 41) Remove ho "NA STRAP JUMPER" fo, 43) 12) Connect 1G MA metor to terminal MA and. (ig 44) 10) Turn the Xray conrl ON and select an expire ime of 20 see 14) Make an exposure (push the exposure button) “The MA reading should bo botwoen 66S and 83 mA. I the value isnot corec, contact TROPHY technical support, Fig. 43 Fig. 44 15) Tur the Xray control OFF and remove the DCMA mater 16) Replace the MA strap and plastic cover 17) Remove the lead cover fram the Beam Limiting Device (cone) 18) Put the timer in the wall box and secure i with the two fixing sorows, V - SYSTEM FUNCTION CHECKS, CERTIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE “The system function check is tobe pertormes atthe end ofthe installation, It should also be perfor med, as part ofthe PERIODIC MAINTENANCE, at 12 months interval, IMPORTANT : It the 1X 70-£ system does not pecorm the functions, seo the rouble shoxting sec: tion ofthis manual or contac TROPHY technical suppor. Advse he customer that {he system fs not fo be used. 1 TUBE HOUSING ASSEMBLY (TUBEHEAD) 8) Chock thatthe certification label i legitie and intact. ) Check that there is no ol leakage and no physical damage that could cause unsafe radiation revels. 21 BEAM LIMITING DEVICE (CONE) 2) Chock that the certication lave! is legible and intact, ) Check that the BLO is securely allached tothe lube housing assembly 1 Check for physical damage and verity thatthe BLD allows a source to-skin distance of 20 em 31 SUSPENSION 28} Check that the wall mount is properly fixed and rigid 1b) Check the arm in all postions for wear and looseness 41 XRAY CONTROL, 8) Check that the warning label and the certification label are legible and intact Verity thatthe exposure handsuitch and the colle cord are in good condition and thatthe expo- sure push-bution releases, 6} Turn the power ON and very that the power indicator lights 4) Solect tooth (27-20) and fim type 5 : make an exposure, check thatthe buzzer is audible tothe ‘porator and ceases to beep atthe end af the exposure. Also check thatthe exposure Inciestor Tigh is vise, USER'S MANUAL ‘A the end ofthis check, verify thatthe user has a USER'S manual CERTIFICATION RESPONSABILITY Ths IIx 70 oystem is ceritied to comply with the provisions of the United States Government Radiation Peslormance Standards whon asvombied, callrated and chucked sceoraing tee ‘muctions given is this manual {84s the esponsabitty ofthe installer to 11 Assemble the system according the previous sections 21 Perform the Electrical Calibration and System Function Checks, {31 Complete and distribute copies ofthe United States Form FD 2579 for installations subject to the United States juriscietion. Upon complaton of instalation, sytem/unetion checks, and contre, {hs corftcaton form (FD 2979) s to be completed and sistibuted according provisions a US Law 47 turn the warranty card to TROPHY 51 Maintain records ofthe location af he equipment. VI - TROUBLE SHOOTING AND SCHEMATICS ‘This trouble shooting guide includes technical data to identity and repair electrical mallunctions SIMPLIFIED THEORY OF OPERATION ‘The following simples theory of operation explains the function ofthe IRIX 70 system, This information is provides to give the TROPHY service representative a goneral understanding ofthe sytem, EXPOSURE SEQUENCE 1 Switch the Xray conto! ON 1 The power inaieator lights 2/ Preset the program * Select an exposure of 032 s0e. 81 Press the handswiten + Relay Ki is energized (on) (safety relay) 4+ Gircult Us OS Is onorgzed (tlament preheat) + Gircult Us Qa is on (exposure tie) * The timed Xray exposure besins 4 Exposure termination The circuit US 04 + Input voltage to tudohead goes to 0 + Exposure teminates and Xray ight and buzzer go OFF + Release the handswiten + Safely relay KI goes OFF 6 Problem solving of a problem, please go through the trouble shooting char of the user's manual, Then fot low thes steps according tothe problem "PROBLEM ‘ANALYSIS, ACTIONS: No LED lights up at power | 1) There is no voltage accross |- Circuit breaker isin off ON Nand Lon the wal bracket | position electric terminal Power supply line detective Wrong connection of the power supply wites 2) Main ewteh ofthe timer ia | - Switch to on position in off postion 23) Main fuse on the front Replace the fuse panel is burned 4) 03154 fuse on the power | - Replace the fuse board ie burned 5) No voltage between the | Main switch out of order; two contacts an the right side | replace the switch ofthe main switch 6) The voltage eelactar is not_ | - Replace the voltage selector in place on the power board No Xray when the switch ie |) The swith i not depressed ‘connected 1) Connect the switch 2) Mandswitch or remote __| 3) Check the wiring, then the ston not property connected | switch oF defective 8) The tubeheadis not con- | - Connect the tubehead nected | 4) Wieas 1 and 6 the tubehead | - Check that 1,6 are properly Wires) are net property connee- | connected on the tubshead tea selected Check that 1,6 are not sere ‘wed on he insulating material 5) Wes 1, Sinvertedin the arm | Pull the tubehead out and retling Socket ora the imer te | verily that there is nos cont: ‘minal rhuiy of wie 1 tothe central pin of the arm rotating sockel | trvert and 6 on the ime ee {6) U-shaped jumper of votage selector in the tubehead tel oft 7) Bad curren conduction ofthe ‘behead cabies (16) {8} Voltage drop too great due to ‘a poor section ofthe wies ora oor installation or a commen line with other equipments {enako “load no load tt) 9) Defective tubehead the tube hess emis a eraking noise) 10) Defective timer -Tghton it with a pair of pliers ane put it back on Pull the tubehead out Disconnect 1, 6 on the timer an verify tha there is no eon- tiuity of wires 1 tothe central pinaf the arm rotating socket; also vey that there is nocon- tiuity of wie pia of the arm rotating socket. = Change the cable = Make a direct lina betwoen the Xray and the power = Change the tuochead Change the timer Low Xray output 1) Switch released belore the end othe exposure 2) Wrong exposure ime 8) Detective handswitch or remote suiten 4) Tost mA current + Select the correct exposure Change the switch check thatthe specification label is intact and legible. > check that there i no il leakage > check thatthe cone is correcly tightened to assure a 20 cm distance between the focal spot and the skin ofthe patient > check thatthe plastic lacking collar which attaches the generator to the arm is correctly positioned and thatthe screw is tight, Otherwise the generator could drop causing damage to the unit and possible injury to people alongside. General atachment of the complete unit and scissor arm, > check that the wal bracket is solidly attached. I no, repeat the complete installation procedure, following the instructions in the installation chapter scrupulously. ifthe unitincludes an 80.em extension ar, check that a stop system on the extension ‘arm prevents the scssor arm rotating through 360° which could damage the power supply cable. > check that the arm moves smocthiy in all postions but remains immobile once released (Otherwise adjust the brake and the springs. a Intra-Oral X-Ray Ua RIX 708 - NOVELEX 6510 with CCX Dig Timer ® Check thatthe handswitch button returns ois inital postion when released. Otherwise ‘change the handswitch, % make an exposure (tooth 27/28 et fim type 5) and check that the X-ay light comes on during exposure and the audible signal stops atthe end of the Xray emission lecrica Installation > Check that the unit is correctly linked to earth, Check thatthe power supply value is within the limits accepted by the unit SECOND LEVEL (PERIODICITY: EVERY TWO YEARS) In addition to the hereabove described verifications fora fist evel maintenance, a qualified {technician from a Trophy dealer must perform the here-enclosed * Preventive Maintenance Procedure and Checks for Mechanical Wear [The above maintenance procedure requires the senices of a qualified technician from a Trophy dealer. tn addition to the periodic maintenance, any deviation from the| normal performance of the unit must be immediately reported to your dealer. tn the "meantime, its recommended not to use the unt. Ti Ga FORGE = Intra-Oral X-Ray Unit {REX 708 -NOVELIX 6510 with CCX Digital Timer and Scissor Are “The scissors arm greasing must be done every 2 years by your instllator lke show below. Grease require: ELF MOGLIA 220 For Arms made Novembre 1995 (Code K) | Intra-Oral X-Ray Unit [RIX 708 - NOVELIX 6510 with CCX Digital Timer and Scissor Arm Remove the centre cover. (CAREFULLY PERFORM THE FOLLOWING CHECKS I this steel shaft rotates during the manipulation as hereabove described on the crawing oF if grating noise can be heared, the shafts of the arm show a wear that might eventually cause the device to fall. Replace the arm as soon as possible. Intr-Oral X-Ray Unit [RIX 705 - NOVELIX 6510 with CCX Digital Timer and Scissor Arm The two screws MUST be propery tightened and IN CONTACT WITH THE HN213, PLATE. Loose screws or a gap between the srews and the HN213 plates ate signs of wear in the arm that might eventually cause the device to fal. In this case only rece therm as oon as posses Yd C_SPRINGS BALANCE AND TENSION, ‘The arm must be balanced troughout its movements. Adjust the springs as described in the installation manual, D. GENERATOR CONNECTOR WEAR. Position the arm as shown. /\ Do not use an other position of the arm = Remove the plastic locking collar HY133 ‘= Remove the generator Intra-Oral X-Ray Unit {RIX 708 - NOVELIX 6510 with CCX Digital Timer and Seisor Arm ‘© If the generator cannot be removed, (Otherwise, using alcohol, clean the contacts (especially traces of graphite dust) and the pivot. rt ruccorcumumeous|_ | ‘Check that there is no scoring on the pivot. SCORING if there are races of scoring polish the pivot with fine glasspaper (180) until all traces disappear from the pivot. ‘= Lightly grease the pivot wth a good quality mechanical grease such as WYNN HP. [AREA TO BE GREASED WYNN, MECHANICAL GREASE AREA TO BE GREASED 1000 Vots GREASE 1» Using alcohol, clean scrupuiousy the part of the atm which receives the pivot ‘Then reassemble the generator. Chech that rotates freely. s Intra-Oral X-Ray Unit RIX 708 - NOVELIX 6510 with CCX Digital Timer and Scissor Arm E_ ELECTRICAL CABLE CONDITION, = Check the cable for cracks whore the arm bends ‘= Replace the cable if any anomaly, however sight, is found (lstallation and Maintenance manual- page 35 - Procedure to change the generator power supply cable) + Position the arm as shown. The halfextended arm must be IMMOBILE throughout horizoatal travel '= Maintaining the arm in the same postion, place a water level on the extension ‘arm to check thatthe arm does not dip during horizontal travel, In the event of an anomaly, remove the unit and proceed again tothe fll installation (as described inthe Installation and Maintenance manual, G.WALL BRACKET FASTENING. ‘= Extend the arm fully, moving it fara its stroke allows, and check thatthe wall bracket does not separate from the wal, ‘= If any movement is observed between the wall bracket and the wal (sip of Separation), remove the unit and proceed again to the fll installation (as described in the Installation and Maintenance manual) trophy 4, rue F Pellouter ~ Croissy-Boaubourg "T1687 MARNE-LANALLEE Chios 2 FRANCE Ph, 4 93 1 6400 8500 - Fax: + 531 648095 85, Se niet: pw rophy} mal : cstomer-servoe trophy imaging om TROPHY BENELUX 4 rua eye -Ca Clee Drie Pte 02954 1520/6676 Fax: 3229530460 TROPHY ESPARASLL ale Par ae Zara, 5 soos MADRID Phrsw 491345 0800 Fae: 3491358 20 82 OPH GERMANY GmbH Gare? Dire KEHL ORK FEN GERMAN ra goo 00 ross“ USSONE (0 Frese 3999.27 80 904/@77 ~ Fax+ 99902700 080 TROPHY RADIOLOGY (U9 Lid Bok Camm Bis Cae REC TROPHY Staple riage Pas DENTAL BHISION Brauner ona usa Prose 109 20745 8° Fax 9206 207-4546 [TROPHY JAPAN roKx0-70 INATOU ‘tearamen {exaramon 2 Mon Bulting aaa yrs 819.95 0 68.) - Fax:401 935 40.6900, ‘TROPHY S.A. ie an 1809001 -EN46001 company soo?

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