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- G O O G L E I N C O R P O R AT E D B U S I N E S S -
- R E P O RT – M A N A G E M E N T & C H A N G E -


- Y E A R 1 2 H I G H E R S C H O O L C E R T I F I C AT E B U S I N E S S S T U D I E S -
T h e W r i t t e n R e p o r t


Company Name:
“Google Incorporated”
(Shortened to ‘Google Inc.’ and also commonly known just as ‘Google’)
Company Founded:
September 4 th , 1998
Challenge Being Faced:
Changes in Technology; Privacy Laws & Acts
Operating as a competitive form of ‘Internet Search’ with ‘Yahoo!’, ‘’,
‘’ and other Search Engines, ‘Google’ has always been working on technology that
can improve on existing ways of doing business.
‘Google’ provides a vast variety of typical services and specialized tools for advertisers,
amateurs, organizations and even schools of all sizes to publish the required piece from simple
text ads to display and mobile advertising, and to publishers. These are the typical programs
which make up the primary backbone of the well established ‘Google’ company as known today.
The current Challenge that shall be discussed in this Business Report is the Changes in
Technology; Privacy Laws & Acts. In addition, the strategy that has been used by Google to help
reduce or minimize the costly detrimental effects is to pull out and remove itself away from the
problem i.e. Google vs. China.
Target Markets:
For ‘Google’, the Target Market is the established business advertisers. They have developed
viral marketing and have attracted the attention of all sources of media for promotions both paid
and free. This has thus provided them with top dollar revenue.


‘Google Inc.’ has to face many challenges

and problems, and sometimes resolving them can
come at a cost, involving millions of dollars and
even sometimes billions of dollars. This problem
has revealed to be a Legal Problem.
‘Google Inc.’ has faced a legal problem of
Changes in Technology. Its main problem is with
the major issue being its Privacy Laws & Acts,
which can also affect the economy. In 2010, ‘Google’ updated its homepage with a brighter logo

These Privacy Acts & Laws are as follows, in a simple table form:
Privacy Law & Act Details/Definition of Privacy Law & Act
(Key Layout) (Basic & Simplified)
1. Your relationship with Your use of Google’s products, software, services and web sites is subject to the
Google terms of a legal agreement between you and Google.

.. Terms
2. Accepting the . In order to use the Services, you must first agree to the Terms.
Where Google has provided you with a translation of the English language
version of the Terms, then you agree that the translation is provided for your
3. Language of the Terms
convenience only and that the English language versions of the Terms will
govern your relationship with Google.
4. Provision of the Services
Google has subsidiaries and affiliated legal entities around the world.
by Google
You may be required to provide information about yourself as part of the
5. Use of the Services by
registration process for the Service, or as part of your continued use of the
6. Your passwords and You agree and understand that you are responsible for maintaining the
account security confidentiality of passwords associated with any account you use.
7. Privacy and your For information about Google’s data protection practices, please read Google’s
personal information privacy policy at
You understand that all information which you may have access to as part of, or
8. Content in the Services through your use of the Services are the sole responsibility of the person from
which such content originated.
You agree that Google own all legal right, title and interest in and to the
9. Proprietary rights
Services, including any intellectual property rights which subsist in the Services.
Google gives you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-
10. License from Google exclusive license to use the software provided to you by Google as part of the
Services as provided to you by Google.
By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual,
11. Content license from irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce,
you modify, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you
submit, post or display on or through, the Services.
The Software which you use may automatically download and install updates
12. Software updates from time to time from Google. These updates are designed to improve, enhance
and further develop the Services and may take the form of bug fixes.
13. Ending your If you want to terminate your legal agreement with Google, you may do so. Your
relationship with Google notice should be sent, in writing, to Google’s address.
Jurisdictions don’t allow the exclusion of conditions or the limitation or
14. Exclusion of exclusion of liability for loss or damage caused by negligence, breach of
Warranties contract or breach of implied terms, or incidental or consequential
15. Limitation of Liability You expressively understand and agree that Google shall not be liable to you
16. Copyright and trade It is Google’s policy to respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement that
mark policies comply with applicable international intellectual property law
Some of the Services are supported by advertising revenue and may display
17. Advertisements
advertisements and promotions.
18. Other content The Services may include hyperlinks to other web sites or content or resources.
Google makes changes to Universal Terms or Additional Terms from time to
19. Changes to the Terms
Sometimes when you use the Services, you may use a service or download a
20. General legal terms piece of software, or purchase goods, which are provided by another person or
Primarily, the key problem that shall be discussed in this Business Report will be the
Privacy of ‘Google’ [P1] and what its plans or steps/precautions are to help minimize or
even completely fix them.

D E TA I L S O F T H E B U S I N E S S – ‘ G O O G L E I N C O R P O R AT E D ’

Google Incorporated is a multinational public corporation invested in Internet search, cloud

computing, and advertising technologies. Google hosts and develops a number of Internet-based
services and products, and generates profit primarily from advertising through its ‘AdWords’
Google Incorporated’s rapid growth since its incorporation has triggered a chain of products,
acquisitions, and partnerships beyond the company's core search engine. The company offers
online productivity software, such as its Gmail e-mail software, and social networking tools,
Orkut, and Google Buzz.
Name of Company ‘Google Incorporated’
Structure of Business Public: (NASDAQ: GOOG, FWB: GGQ1)
‘Google Incorporated’ is a multinational Public Corporation invested in:
Internet Search
Details of Business
Cloud Computing, and,
Advertising Technologies
Some say that one of Google’s objectives is to have dominance of the
Internet World. Clearly, this is not to be the truth.
‘Google Incorporated’ wishes to:
Have an improved infrastructure to make their engineers more
Objectives of Business
Be the best in search
Push their communities and content, and,
Improve existing products and launch new ones
Increase Shares, Stocks and Company/Personal Profits within a time
frame of 5 years (long-term planning)


Such a Business Strategy to help manage the change within Google Inc. is about its
Privacy Issues with the Technology it offers and features. Google is all about giving
everyday Stakeholders to view and have access to the world’s information. Google’s 2009
Mission Statement backs this up, in a short, simple, but effective slogan; “Don’t Be Evil”.
This saying is to reduce the level/amount of information that is available for people to
put on and upload to the Internet. The level of Technology within the Privacy issues can
alter and change (Government Change and Legal Change) causing problems such as:
Laws & Acts between mutual countries, and
Countries who can’t come to an agreement – Broken Treaties
‘Google Incorporated’ wishes to pull out of the Mass Market with China and their
Government, as for quite a while now; they have not been able to come to an agreement in
their Contract.
[The Extract below gives more detail and insight to this]

.. 1: Privacy Laws in Certain Countries:
i.e. China
E.g. The recent disagreement between China and Google
Inc. has caused Google Inc. to pull out and move away
from China, because of Privacy Laws and Issues from
China, who have since placed a Firewall by the
Government. This Firewall, also known as “The Great
Firewall of China” is very much so able, by the Chinese
Government to block and unblock websites to either
restrict or maximize the Search Availability into China “Prickly Thought: Google vs. China”
from Internet/Google Users.


Those Who Are in Favor of the Change:

Resistance to Change can alter the many changing factors of the Business. Those in
favor of this change to the Business, depending on size and majority of the voters would
be, for example the Stakeholders, Public Users, etc. This reason for the change to be in
favor is because Stakeholders would receive more users, more money and to have a better
relationship with the Public Users.
The Public Users would be greatly thankful as they can better protect their Computer,
Software, and any other personal information that they do on the Computer.
Those Who Are Not in Favor of the Change:
Large Companies that largely rely on Internet Usage/Searches/Stock Market, etc,
would certainly not be happy with the changes in Privacy and Laws, because new laws and
re-training of Staff would need to be introduced to successfully operate the new software,
which enables the blocking, and Privacy of the Computer Network.
Investors who are in the Company could cause a resistance to the change that is going
on within the Business, as it may affect the way of their Business, Costs, Resources and
Product/Consumer Availability.
In December 2009, Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, after the recent privacy concerns with
"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be
doing it in the first place. If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is that search
engines - including Google - do retain this information for some time … information
could be made available to the authorities."


What is Positive About the Strategy? What is Negative About the Strategy?
Easy draw back (withdrawal) Costs involved for removal of
from arguing Countries with ‘Google’ in China (and other non-
minimal costs involved from it mutual countries

A very large percentage of Google
& its Company Employee’s will Loss of Possible Job Vacancies in
be happy about the change and China – Would need a ‘Chinese
enforcements that have been made Google Head Quarters’
No need for Lawyers and Court
Cases if it went on further to China – Almost 1/3 of the Internet
allow the changes using World
Stakeholders – Opportunity gain Stakeholders – Opportunity loss

The overall analysis of this here Business Report of ‘Google Incorporated’ and its
Strategy to effectively and efficiently Manage the Change/s that need to be complete, in
respect to the ‘Positive’ and ‘Negative’ Conclusions are of a good idea/result.
If there is a change in any system, with either ‘Google Incorporated’ or the Chinese
Government, it will not be a short-term change. If, and when there is a shift in either of the
Partners (Google Incorporated and China), it would be a consequence of a long-term effect.


-Websites & Information-

Google – Wikipedia; Search ‘Google’: - Used with Target Markets, Details of the Business
Google – Google Search “Google vs. China”: – Used in Resistance to Change of the
Business: “Google vs. China” Topic

.. Search “Business Overview of Google”:
Google – Google . - Used in “Business Overview of
Google – Google Search “Google vs. China – Key People”: - Used in Resistance to Change of the
Business: “Google vs. China” Topic about Eric Schmidt and recent Privacy Issues
-Pictures & Logos-
Timothy Robinson - McCallum’s Laptop – ‘My Pictures’ (Sourced: From Google):
C:\Users\Timothy\Pictures\Pictures (My Laptop) – Used as main Title Logo
Google – Google Search ‘Google Logo’: - Used in Major
Business Challenge – Edited & Cropped
Google – Google Search “Google vs. China”: – Used in Resistance to Change:
“Google vs. China” Topic
Google – Google Search “Google Privacy Conditions”: - Used in the Google Privacy Laws & Acts table
-People & Primary Sources-
Timothy Robinson – McCallum:
Trudy Lawson (Callaghan College Jesmond Senior Campus – Business Studies
Callaghan College Jesmond Senior Campus – Gave much information and knowledge
towards the Business Studies Report
Raymond Robinson (Father):
Gave great detail and background knowledge on Business information and strategies
towards the Business Studies Report
Jordan McCallum (Brother – Senior Customer Support Officer, Chief Fire/First Aid
Warden and Assistant Manager at “The ORS Group”): – Gave information about Businesses and also much
information and knowledge towards the Business Studies Report
Name: Mark: /20
Marking Criteria Mark
Presents a comprehensive, well structured, logical report which
incorporates appropriate Business Terminology and concepts
Uses and integrates a Case Study, in depth, throughout the
response with appropriate referencing
Analyses in depth, a Major Challenge facing Management in 17 – 20
today’s Global Environment
Provides comprehensive detail on Reasons For Resistance to
Change with clear reference to the conflict of interest
Comprehensively evaluates the effectiveness of the strategy used

Presents a comprehensive, structured report which incorporates
Business Terminology and concepts
Uses a Case Study, in depth, throughout the response with
appropriate referencing
Analyses a Major Challenge facing Management in today’s 13 – 16
Global Environment
Provides adequate detail on Reasons For Resistance to Change
with clear reference to the conflict of interest
Evaluates the effectiveness of the strategy used
Presents a structured report which incorporates appropriate
Business Terminology and concepts
Provides Business examples with an attempt at referencing
Describes a Major Challenge facing Management in today’s Global
Environment 9 – 12
Provides general detail on Reasons For Resistance to Change from a
variety of Stakeholders with limited discussion of conflict of
Comprehensively evaluates the effectiveness of the strategy used
Presents a structured report which incorporates some Business
Terminology and concepts
Refers to minimal Business examples
Outlines a Major Challenge facing Management in today’s Global
Environment 5–8
Provides limited detail on Reasons For Resistance to Change from a
variety of Stakeholders with some reference of conflict of interest
Refers to the effectiveness of the strategy used
Presents a poorly structured report with little use of Business
Terminology and concepts
Little or no reference to Business examples
No Bibliography or referencing
Identifies a Major Challenge facing Management with minimal or 1–4
no description
Provides little detail on Reasons For Resistance to Change from a
variety of Stakeholders with no reference to conflict of interest
No judgment made of the effectiveness of the strategy used

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