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The Holy Spirit in you

Only in the Scriptures we can receive knowledge of the supremely important revelations of the nature
of God. The Bible unfolds a mystery that we could know through no other source. The mystery is that
God is both one and yet more than one; 3 persons, yet one God.

One of the most profound and distinct revelations of the whole Bible is that of the person and work of
the Holy Spirit. The first thing we must understand is that the Holy Spirit is Himself a person, just as
much as the Father and the Son. Because of human parallels, it is comparatively easy for us to realize
that God the Father is a person and God the son is a person, but it is not easy to realize that the Holy
Spirit is a person.
It is through the Holy Spirit that God knows and sees everything that is going on in the universe. And
through Him God can be everywhere and anywhere at once. These 2 characterstics are called
omniscient and omnipresent. Jer.23:23,24
Plm 139 God fills Heaven and Earth Time and Space. He is not limited to human understanding.

The Holy Spirit inspired men of the Old Testament such as Bezalel Ex3:2-3. He was the
first person to be annointed by the Holy Spirit. He was a furniture maker for the first place of worship.
How practical and natural the Holy Spirit is.
You can ask Him to help you find your glasses. Or your keys. He can help you with anything.
He annointed many such as Joshua a military leader and Gideon Deut 34:9.

In the life of Jesus: Jesus is introduced to us not as a savior or friend or anything else you might
expect but he was introduced as the “Baptiser in the Holy Spirit” Mt 3:11
1.The H.S is the sole source of power:He never preached or performed miracles until HS came upon
Him at the Jordan River.
2.His sole purpose was to remove the curse of sin so the blessing of the Spirit would come upon us and
live in us. He never converted one soul to christianity. He had to go so the the HS could come and
indwell us and prepare us to do the work.
3.His sole promise was: Jn 16:5-7 Jesus told us that Greater work we shall do because he goes to the
Father. He had to ascend for the Holy Spirit to descend. Jn 7:37-38.
In the life of a christian 2nd Corinth 4:7-12
1. He is our indwelling helper Jn 14:16-18
2. He revealer of God's Word. Jn 16: 25
3. He is elevates us to a higher plane Acts 19:11 (evil spirits leave in your presence)
4. He helps us in prayer. Rmns 8:26
5. The provider of life and health
6. He is the conveyer of divine love and grace and beauty.
Prayer in unison
Lord Jesus, I'm thirsty for the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. I present my body as a living temple
for you to dwell in and enlighten with truth and power. Guide me into greater faith and trust.
Annoint my lips to speak life and healing . Let the rivers of the Holy Spirit flow throw me and
bring glory to your name. Amen


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