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Lee, Hwang Il S.

BSN IIC by giving abdominal thrusts or

syrup of ipecac.
Nursing Care of children with problems
in Nutrition and GI disorders Endoscopy (esophagoscopy) is by far the
most commonly used means of removal
A. Common GIT incidents and is usually the procedure of choice.
Most children with esophageal foreign
a. Foreign bodies bodies are stable. Endoscopy usually can
be delayed until the child's stomach is
emptied and a surgical team is
As children explore the world, they will assembled. However, pointed objects
inevitably put foreign bodies into their should be removed as rapidly as possible
mouths and swallow some of them. to avoid further injury to the esophageal
mucosa. Impacted button (disk) batteries
Most swallowed foreign bodies pass are notorious for rapidly causing local
harmlessly through the gastrointestinal necrosis and should be removed from the
(GI) tract. Foreign bodies that damage esophagus without delay.
the GI tract, become lodged, or have
associated toxicity must be identified Foley catheter method: Blunt foreign
and removed. Children with preexisting bodies may be removed by use of a
GI abnormalities (eg, tracheoesophageal Foley catheter. The patient is restrained
fistula, stenosing lesions, previous GI in a head-down position on a
surgery) are at an increased risk for fluoroscopy table, and an uninflated
complications. catheter is inserted distal to the object.
The catheter is then inflated and gently
Treatment: withdrawn, drawing the foreign body
with it. Progress is typically monitored
• Most children who have fluoroscopically.
swallowed a foreign body do not
require specialized care. Bougienage method: Blunt esophageal
• Patients with drooling may foreign bodies may be advanced into the
require suction. stomach with a bougie. While the child
• Children benefit by being is sitting upright, the lubricated
allowed to remain with their instrument is gently passed down the
parents and being allowed to esophagus, dislodging the object. The
assume a position of comfort. object is then expected to pass through
• Although a theoretical risk of the rest of the GI tract; thus, this
spontaneously vomiting and then procedure should not be performed on
aspiration of a foreign body children with known lower GI tract
exists, this is unusual. Children abnormalities. A brief observation
should not routinely be intubated period and a repeat radiograph should
to protect their airways. follow any removal procedure to rule out
• Similarly, do not attempt to retained foreign bodies and other
dislodge a foreign body from a complications (eg,
spontaneously breathing patient pneumomediastinum).
Although drugs such as glucagon, Color Green
benzodiazepines, and nifedipine have Effort of Expulsion Effortless
been successfully used to relax the lower pH Less than 7.0
esophageal sphincter in adult patients Odor Sweet or foul
with esophageal foreign bodies, these smelling
measures are generally unsuccessful in Occult blood Positive; blood
children. may be overt
Reducing substances Positive
b. Vomiting
- For Mild Diarrhea:
- fever: 38.4 – 39.0 degree Celsius
- differentiate between the various - anorectic and irritable and appear
terms that are used. It is unwell
important that vomiting be - episodes of diarrhea consist of 2
described correctly because to 10 loose, watery bowel
different conditions are marked movements per day.
by different forms of vomiting, - The mucous membrane of the
and a correct description of the mouth appears dry in an infant
child’s actions can aid greatly in with mild diarrhea. The pulse
diagnosis. will be rapid and out of
proportion to the low-grade
Therapeutic Management: fever.
- Skin feels warm. Skin turgor is
- withhold food from the stomach not yet decreased.
for a time. If there is nothing in
the stomach, vomiting cannot - For Severe Diarrhea:
occur. Most parents treat
vomiting in the opposite way. - Progressive mild diarrhea
Every time the child vomits, they - rectal temperature: 39.5 – 40.0
attempt to feed the child again. degree Celsius
The child vomits again and they - both pulse and respirations are
feed again, and so on. This weak and rapid
prolongs the vomiting and - skin is pale and cool
intensifies the potential for - infant may appear apprehensive.
electrolyte imbalance. Listless, and lethargic
- signs of dehydration: depressed
c. Diarrhea fontanelle, sunken eyes, and poor
skin turgor
Assessment: - stool is liquid green, perhaps
mixed with mucus and blood,
- may be mild or severe and it may be passed with
explosive force.
CHARACTERISTIC DIARRHEAL - Urine output will be scanty and
STOOL concentrated.
Frequency Unlimited no.
Therapeutic Management (mild): which blocks the action of toxin
circulating in the blood. This can
- rest prevent patients from worsening,
- oral rehydration solution such as but recovery still takes many
pedialyte in small amount on a weeks. Physicians may try to
regimen similar to that for remove contaminated food still in
vomiting the gut by inducing vomiting or
- for breast fed infants: continue by using enemas. Wounds should
breast feeding be treated, usually surgically, to
- don’t use over-the-counter drugs remove the source of the toxin-
such as loperamide or kaolin and producing bacteria. Good
pectin to halt diarrhea. As a rule, supportive care in a hospital is
these are too strong for young the mainstay of therapy for all
children. forms of botulism.
- Wash hands after changing - Furthermore each case of food-
diapers to prevent the spread of borne botulism is a potential
infection and to notify their public health emergency in that it
health care provider if fever, is necessary to identify the
pain, or diarrhea worsens. source of the outbreak and ensure
that all persons who have been
Therapeutic Management (severe): exposed to the toxin have been
identified, and that no
- oral or IV rehydration therapy, contaminated food remains.
initiating rest for the GI tract, and
discovering the organism
responsible for the diarrhea
- stool culture e. Cryptorchidism
- blood specimens need to be
drawn for a hemoglobin level Cryptorchidism - Failure of one or both
- Wbc and differential counts of the testes to descend into
scrotumDistinguished undescended
d. Botulism testes from retractable testes (retractable
can be "milked down"True undescended
Treatment:. testes are in the abdomen or inguinal
canal and cannot be milked into the
- The respiratory failure and scrotum
paralysis that occur with severe
botulism may require a patient to Therapeutic Management:
be on a ventilator for weeks, plus
intensive medical and nursing - Cryptorchidism Treatment -
care. After several weeks, the Observation while awaiting
paralysis slowly improves. If spontaneous descent of the testes
diagnosed early, foodborne and during the first year of life.
wound botulism can be treated Surgery between 1 and 2
by inducing passive immunity
with a horse-derived antitoxin,
- Cryptorchidism Nursing Care - starving, foods are reintroduced
In post-op period wear loose carefully. People who have
clothing. Change diapers difficulty digesting solid food
frequently to decrease chance of may need liquid supplements. If
infection. Avoid strenuous undernutrition is severe, people
activities Teach about monthly may need to be hospitalized.
testicular exams into puberty Multivitamin supplements are
also given.
f. Cow’s Milk Sensitivity - Tube Feeding: This method may
be used to feed people whose
Treatment: digestive tract is functioning
normally but who cannot eat
- Currently the only treatment for enough to meet their nutritional
milk allergies is total avoidance needs (such as people with
of milk proteins. Products in severe burns) or who cannot
addition to milk itself to be swallow (such as some people
avoided by those with milk who have had a stroke). For tube
allergy include yogurt, butter, feeding, a thin plastic tube (a
cheese, and cream. Goats' milk nasogastric tube) is passed
products may also need to be through the nose and down the
avoided. throat until it reaches the
- Ingredients that also denote that stomach or small intestine. If
food product contains dairy milk tube feeding is needed for a long
include whey, casein, caseinate, time, the tube can be inserted
butter flavor, lactic acid (lactic directly into the stomach or small
acid derived from dairy intestine through a small incision
products), natural or artificial in the abdomen.
flavors such as milk or butter - Intravenous Feeding: This
flavor, and sodium caseinate. method is used when the
digestive tract cannot adequately
B. Nutritional Disorders absorb nutrients (for example, in
people with a malabsorption
a. Undernutrition disorder). It is also used when the
digestive tract must be
- Undernutrition is a deficiency of temporarily kept free of food (for
calories or of one or more example, in people with
essential nutrients. ulcerative colitis or severe
Treatment: - Drugs: People who are very
undernourished are sometimes
- For most people, treatment given drugs to increase appetite,
involves gradually increasing the such as dronabinol or megestrol,
number of calories consumed. or drugs to increase muscle mass,
Eating several small, nutritious such as growth hormone or an
meals each day is the best way. anabolic steroid (for example,
For people who have been nandrolone or testosterone
including infections, dehydration,
and circulation disorders, which
b. Kwashiorkor are frequently lethal and lead to
high mortality if ignored.
- Kwashiorkor is an acute form of - Ultimately, marasmus can
childhood protein-energy progress to the point of no return
malnutrition characterized by when the body's machinery for
edema, irritability, anorexia, protein synthesis, itself made of
ulcerating dermatoses, and an protein, has been degraded to the
enlarged liver with fatty point that it cannot handle any
infiltrates. The presence of protein. At this point, attempts to
edema caused by poor nutrition correct the disorder by giving
defines kwashiorkor. food or protein are futile.
Kwashiorkor was thought to be
caused by insufficient protein d. Failure to thrive
consumption but with sufficient
calorie intake, distinguishing it - Failure to thrive (FTT) is a
from marasmus. More recently, medical term which denotes poor
micronutrient and antioxidant weight gain and physical growth
deficiencies have come to be failure over an extended period
recognized as contributing to of time. Common usage refers to
kwashiorkor as well. Cases in the infancy. However, the term is
developed world are rare. also applied to geriatrics. As used
- by pediatricians, it covers poor
physical growth of any cause and
c. Marasmus does not imply abnormal
intellectual, social, or emotional
- Marasmus is a form of severe development. Failure to thrive is
protein energy malnutrition weight consistently below the 3rd
characterized by energy to the 5th percentile for age,
deficiency. progressive decrease in weight to
- A child with marasmus looks below the 3rd to the 5th
emaciated. Body weight may be percentile, or a decrease in the
reduced to less than 80% of the percentile rank of 2 major growth
normal weight for that height parameters in a short period. The
Marasmus occurrence increases cause may be an identified
prior to age 1, whereas medical condition or related to
kwashiorkor occurrence environmental factors. Both
increases after 18 months. types relate to inadequate
- nutrition. Treatment aims to
restore proper nutrition.
- It is necessary to treat not only
the symptoms but also the - Treatment aims to provide
complications of the disorder, sufficient health and
environmental resources to - A sufficient amount of ultraviolet
promote satisfactory growth. A B light in sunlight each day and
nutritious diet containing adequate supplies of calcium and
adequate calories for catch-up phosphorus in the diet can
growth (about 150% of normal prevent rickets. Darker-skinned
caloric requirement) and babies need to be exposed longer
individualized medical and social to the ultraviolet rays. The
supports are usually necessary. replacement of vitamin D has
- For children with organic or been proven to correct rickets
mixed FTT, the underlying using these methods of
disorder should be treated ultraviolet light therapy and
quickly. For children with medicine.
apparent nonorganic FTT or
mixed FTT, management
includes provision of education
and emotional support to correct f. Infantile Nutritional Tetany
problems interfering with the - Spasmophilia may be defined as
parent-child relationship. a hyperirritability of the
peripheral nerves to mechanical
e. Rickets and electrical stimulation with a
tendency to tonic and clonic
- Rickets is a softening of bones in spasms. The disease is very
children potentially leading to common in infancy and is
fractures and deformity. Rickets responsible for most of the
is among the most frequent convulsions of infants from six to
childhood diseases in many eighteen months of age.
developing countries. The
predominant cause is a vitamin D Treatment:
deficiency, but lack of adequate
calcium in the diet may also lead - The treatment is most
to rickets (cases of severe satisfactory and is divided into
diarrhea and vomiting may be the two stages:
cause of the deficiency).
Although it can occur in adults, 1. The control of convulsions and
the majority of cases occur in spasms;
children suffering from severe 2. The correction of the underlying
malnutrition, usually resulting condition.
from famine or starvation during
the early stages of childhood. - In controlling the convulsions
and spasms, it must be
Treatment: remembered that these only
occur when the calcium content
- Treatment involves increasing of the blood is below a certain
dietary intake of calcium, level, and that the calcium may
phosphates and vitamin D. easily be raised above this level,
by the administration of calcium
in sufficient doses by mouth; but vitamin C. Many animal
this level is only maintained by products, including liver and
the continual administration of oysters, contain vitamin C.
calcium, which has no permanent Though redundant in the
or curative effect. presence of a balanced diet

g. Scurvy C. GIT System

- Scurvy is a disease resulting a. Celiac disease

from a deficiency of vitamin C,
which is required for the - Celiac disease is a digestive
synthesis of collagen in humans. disease that damages the small
The chemical name for vitamin intestine and interferes with
C, ascorbic acid, is derived from absorption of nutrients from
the Latin name of scurvy, food. People who have celiac
scorbutus, which also provides disease cannot tolerate gluten, a
the adjective scorbutic ("of, protein in wheat, rye, and barley.
characterized by or having to do Gluten is found mainly in foods
with scurvy"). Scurvy leads to but may also be found in
the formation of spots on the everyday products such as
skin, spongy gums, and bleeding medicines, vitamins, and lip
from the mucous membranes. balms.
The spots are most abundant on
the thighs and legs, and a person Treatment:
with the ailment looks pale, feels
depressed, and is partially - The only treatment for celiac
immobilized. In advanced scurvy disease is a gluten-free diet.
there are open, suppurating Doctors may ask a newly
wounds and loss of teeth. diagnosed person to work with a
dietitian on a gluten-free diet
Treatment: plan. A dietitian is a health care
professional who specializes in
- Scurvy can be prevented by a food and nutrition. Someone with
diet that includes certain citrus celiac disease can learn from a
fruits such as oranges or lemons. dietitian how to read ingredient
Other sources rich in vitamin C lists and identify foods that
are fruits such as blackcurrants, contain gluten in order to make
guava, kiwifruit, papaya, informed decisions at the grocery
tomatoes, bell peppers, and store and when eating out.
strawberries. It can also be found
in some vegetables, such as b. Biliary Atresia
carrots, broccoli, potatoes,
cabbage, spinach and paprika. - Biliary atresia is a rare condition
Some fruits and vegetables not in newborn infants in which the
high in vitamin C may be pickled common bile duct between the
in lemon juice, which is high in liver and the small intestine is
blocked or absent. If muscle which develops in the
unrecognised, the condition leads first few weeks of life.
to liver failure but not (as one
might think) to kernicterus. This Treatment:
is because the liver is still able to
conjugate bilirubin, and - Infantile pyloric stenosis is
conjugated bilirubin is unable to typically managed with surgery.
cross the blood-brain barrier. The It is important to understand that
cause of the condition is the danger of pyloric stenosis
unknown. The only effective comes from the dehydration and
treatments are certain surgeries, electrolyte disturbance rather
or liver transplantation. than the underlying problem
itself. Therefore, the baby must
Treatment: be initially stabilized by
correcting the dehydration and
- If the intrahepatic biliary tree is hypochloremic alkalosis with IV
unaffected, surgical fluids. This can usually be
reconstruction of the extrahepatic accomplished in about 24-48
biliary tract is possible. This hours.
surgery is called a Kasai
procedure (after the Japanese
surgeon who developed the
surgery, Dr. Morio Kasai) or 2. Toddlers
- If the atresia is complete, liver A. common incidents
transplantation is the only option.
a. Poisoning
c. Congenital Hypertropic Pyloric
- Poison is anything that kills or
- Pyloric stenosis (or infantile injures through its chemical
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis) is actions. Most poisons are
a condition that causes severe swallowed (ingested). The word
vomiting in the first few months poison comes from the Latin
of life. There is narrowing word - potare - meaning to drink.
(stenosis) of the opening from But poisons can also enter the
the stomach to the intestines, due body in other ways:
to enlargement (hypertrophy) of
the muscle surrounding this • By breathing
opening (the pylorus, meaning
"gate"), which spasms when the • Through the skin
stomach empties. It is uncertain
whether there is a real congenital • By IV injection
narrowing or whether there is a
functional hypertrophy of the • From exposure to radiation

• Venom from a snake bite

Treatment: of thorough scaling and root
planing (ie, removal of diseased
- Do not induce vomiting or give or toxin-affected cementum and
syrup of Ipecac. dentin followed by smoothing of
- Atropine is an antidote for the root) to remove plaque and
certain nerve gases and calculus deposits. Thorough
insecticides. home oral hygiene is necessary.
- A common antidote is N- The patient is reevaluated after 3
acetylcysteine (Mucomyst), wk. If pockets are no deeper than
which is used to neutralize 4 mm at this point, the only
acetaminophen (Tylenol) treatment needed is regular
overdoses. Acetaminophen, in cleanings.
normal doses, is one of the safest
medications known, but after a
massive overdose, the liver is
damaged, and hepatitis and liver 3. Schoolers
failure develop. Mucomyst works
as an antidote by bolstering the A. common incidents
body's natural detoxification
abilities when they are a. Dental Caries
- If the person is agitated or - Dental caries, also known as
hallucinating, a sedative can be tooth decay or cavity, is a disease
given to calm the person until the wherein bacterial processes
drug wears off. damage hard tooth structure
- A ventilator can be used to (enamel, dentin, and cementum).
breathe for anyone who has These tissues progressively break
stopped breathing from a down, producing dental caries
poisoning. Antiseizure medicines (cavities, holes in the teeth). Two
can be used to treat or prevent groups of bacteria are responsible
seizures for initiating caries:
Streptococcus mutans and
b.. Dental Disorders Lactobacillus. If left untreated,
the disease can lead to pain, tooth
- Any condition that affects dental loss, infection, and, in severe
organs such as the teeth and cases, death. Today, caries
gums. Examples of dental remains one of the most common
conditions include tooth decay, diseases throughout the world.
tooth infection, gingivitis, Cariology is the study of dental
periodontitis, impacted tooth and caries.
canker sores.
- Generally, early treatment is less
- For all forms of periodontitis, the painful and less expensive than
first phase of treatment consists treatment of extensive decay.
Anesthetics—local, nitrous oxide • Blood tests including full blood
("laughing gas"), or other count, electrolytes, urea,
prescription medications—may creatinine, liver function tests,
be required in some cases to pregnancy test and lipase.
relieve pain during or following • Urinalysis
treatment or to relieve anxiety • Imaging including erect chest X-
during treatment. A dental ray and plain films of the
handpiece ("drill") is used to abdomen
remove large portions of decayed • An electrocardiograph to rule out
material from a tooth. A spoon is a heart attack which can
a dental instrument used to occasionally present as
remove decay carefully and is abdominal pain
sometimes employed when the
decay in dentin reaches near the If diagnosis remains unclear after
pulp. Once the decay is removed, history, examination and basic
the missing tooth structure investigations as above then more
requires a dental restoration of advanced investigations may reveal a
some sort to return the tooth to diagnosis. These as such would include
functionality and aesthetic
condition. • Computed Tomography of the
B. GIT System • Abdominal or pelvic ultrasound
• Endoscopy and colonoscopy (not
a. Recurrent abdominal pain used for diagnosing acute pain)

- Abdominal pain (or stomach

ache) can be one of the
symptoms associated with b. Appendicitis
transient disorders or serious
disease. Making a definitive - Appendicitis is a condition
diagnosis of the cause of characterized by inflammation of
abdominal pain can be difficult, the appendix. It is a medical
because many diseases can result emergency. All cases require
in this symptom. Abdominal pain removal of the inflamed
is a common problem. Most appendix, either by laparotomy
frequently the cause is benign or laparoscopy. Untreated,
and/or self-limited, but more mortality is high, mainly because
serious causes may require of peritonitis and shock.
urgent intervention.
- The surgical procedure for the
- Investigations that would aid removal of the appendix is called
diagnosis include an appendicectomy (also known
as an appendectomy). Often now
the operation can be performed
via a laparoscopic approach, or resection of the Meckel's
via three small incisions with a diverticulum only.
camera to visualize the area of - It is generally not indicated to
interest in the abdomen. If the remove Meckel's diverticula
findings reveal suppurative found incidentally during surgery
appendicitis with complications for other reasons.
such as rupture, abscess,
adhesions, etc., conversion to d. Ulcers
open laparotomy may be
necessary. An open laparotomy - A peptic ulcer, also known as
incision if required most often ulcus pepticum, PUD or peptic
centers on the area of maximum ulcer disease, is an ulcer (defined
tenderness, McBurney's point, in as mucosal erosions equal to or
the right lower quadrant. A greater than 0.5 cm) of an area of
transverse or a gridiron diagonal the gastrointestinal tract that is
incision is used most commonly. usually acidic and thus extremely
painful. As many as 80% of
ulcers are associated with
Helicobacter pylori, a spiral-
c. Meckel Directiculum shaped bacterium that lives in the
acidic environment of the
- A Meckel's diverticulum, a true stomach, however only 40% of
congenital diverticulum, is a those cases go to a doctor. Ulcers
small bulge in the small intestine can also be caused or worsened
present at birth. It is a vestigial by drugs such as aspirin and
remnant of the other NSAIDs.
omphalomesenteric duct (also
called the vitelline duct or yolk Treatment:
stalk), and is the most frequent
malformation of the - Younger patients with ulcer-like
gastrointestinal tract. It is present symptoms are often treated with
in approximately 2% of the antacids or H2 antagonists before
population, with males more EGD is undertaken. Bismuth
frequently experiencing compounds may actually reduce
symptoms. or even clear organisms, though
- Treatment is surgical. it should be noted that the
- In patients with bleeding, warning labels of some bismuth
strangulation of bowel, bowel subsalicylate products indicate
perforation or bowel obstruction, that the product should not be
treatment involves surgical used by someone with an ulcer.
resection of both the Meckel's
diverticulum itself along with the e. Hepatitis
adjacent bowel segment.In
patients without any of the - Hepatitis (plural hepatitides)
aforementioned complications, implies inflammation of the liver
treatment involves surgical characterized by the presence of
inflammatory cells in the tissue - Cirrhosis is a consequence of
of the organ. Hepatitis is acute chronic liver disease
when it lasts less than six months characterized by replacement of
and chronic when it persists liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue
longer. A group of viruses and regenerative nodules (lumps
known as the hepatitis viruses that occur as a result of a process
cause most cases of liver damage in which damaged tissue is
worldwide. Hepatitis can also be regenerated), leading to
due to toxins (notably alcohol), progressive loss of liver function.
other infections or from Cirrhosis is most commonly
autoimmune process. The patient caused by alcoholism, hepatitis B
becomes unwell and and C, and fatty liver disease but
symptomatic when the disease has many other possible causes.
impairs liver functions that Some cases are idiopathic, i.e., of
include, among other things, unknown cause.
removal of harmful substances,
regulation of blood composition, Treatment:
and production of bile to help
digestion. - Alcoholic cirrhosis caused by
alcohol abuse is treated by
Treatment: abstaining from alcohol.
Treatment for hepatitis-related
- there is no specific treatment for cirrhosis involves medications
hepatitis A. The doctor will recommend used to treat the different types of
the abstinence of alcohol and drugs hepatitis, such as interferon for
during recovery. Most cases of hepatitis
A resolve themselves spontaneously.
viral hepatitis and corticosteroids
- The only treatment for hepatitis B is for autoimmune hepatitis.
rest, combined with a high protein/high Cirrhosis caused by Wilson's
carbohydrate diet to repair damaged disease, in which copper builds
liver cells and protect the liver. If up in organs, is treated with
hepatitis B persists, the doctor may chelation therapy (e.g.
recommend an antiviral agent called
penicillamine) to remove the
- The only approved treatment for
hepatitis C virus, and the only one with
demonstrated efficacy, is interferon
alfa-2b (Intron A).
- Currently, there is not effective Nursing care of a child with
treatment for hepatitis D and E.
- For treatment of nonviral hepatitis, the
Problems in Metabolism
doctor will first remove the harmful
substance by flushing out the stomach A. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
via inducing vomiting or
hyperventilation. If necessary, the - Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
patient with drug-induced hepatitis will
be treated with corticosteroids.
(CAH) refers to any of several
autosomal recessive diseases
f. Cirrhosis resulting from mutations of
genes for enzymes mediating the
biochemical steps of production patient based on untreated
of cortisol from cholesterol by phenylalanine levels.
the adrenal glands - Aspartame restriction
(steroidogenesis). may be indicated.
- Do not restrict activities
Treatment of all forms of CAH may - If dietary treatment is
include any of: necessary, refer the
patient to a dietitian
1. supplying enough glucocorticoid experienced with PKU
to reduce hyperplasia and (usually a member of a
overproduction of androgens or PKU treatment team).
mineralocorticoids - Pteridin. Some children
2. providing replacement respond to BH4
mineralocorticoid and extra salt supplementation.
if the person is deficient Synthetic BH4
3. providing replacement (sapropterin) is now
testosterone or estrogen at approved by the US Food
puberty if the person is deficient and Drug Administration.
4. additional treatments to optimize Also consider restricting
growth by delaying puberty or use of drugs and food that
delaying bone maturation contain aspartame.
5. genital reconstructive surgery to
correct problems produced by b. Classic Phenylketonuria
abnormal genital structure
- Phenylketonuria (PKU) is
B. Defects in Metabolism a genetic disorder that is
characterized by an
a. Hyperphenylalaninemia inability of the body to
utilize the essential amino
- Hyperphenylalaninemia acid, phenylalanine.
is broadly defined as the Amino acids are the
presence of blood building blocks for body
phenylalanine levels that proteins. 'Essential' amino
exceed the limits of the acids can only be
upper reference range (2 obtained from the food
mg/dL or 120 mmol/L) we eat as our body does
but trail the levels found not normally produce
in patients with them. In 'classic PKU',
phenylketonuria (PKU) the enzyme that breaks
down phenylalanine
hydroxylase, is
- Determine the degree of completely or nearly
dietary phenylalanine completely deficient. This
restriction for each enzyme normally
converts phenylalanine to
another amino acid, level of all newborns at
tyrosine. Without this about 3 days of age. This
enzyme, phenylalanine test is one of several
and its' breakdown newborn screening tests
chemicals from other performed before or soon
enzyme routes, after discharge from the
accumulate in the blood hospital. Usually, a few
and body tissues. drops of blood are
Although the term obtained by a small prick
'hyperphenylalaninemia' on the heel, placed on a
strictly means elevated card, and then sent for
blood phenylalanine, it is measurement. If the
usually used to describe a screening test is
group of disorders other abnormal, other tests are
than classic PKU. These needed to confirm or
other disorders may be exclude PKU. Newborn
caused by a partial screening allows early
deficiency of the identification and early
phenylalanine breakdown implementation of
enzyme or the lack of treatment. The goal of
another enzyme important PKU treatment is to
to the processing of this maintain the blood level
amino acid. A normal of phenylalanine between
blood phenylalanine level 2 and 10 mg/dl. Some
is about 1 mg/dl. In phenylalanine is needed
classic PKU, levels may for normal growth. This
range from 6 to 80mg/dl, requires a diet that has
but are usually greater some phenylalanine but
than 30mg/dl. Levels are in much lower amounts
somewhat less in the than normal. High protein
other disorders of foods, such as: meat, fish,
hyperphenylalaninemia. poultry, eggs, cheese,
Chronically high levels of milk, dried beans, and
phenylalanine and some peas are avoided. Instead,
of its breakdown products measured amounts of
can cause significant cereals, starches, fruits,
brain problems. Classic and vegetables, along
PKU is the most common with a milk substitute are
cause of high levels of usually recommended.
phenylalanine in the Phenylalanine free
blood formulas are available for
all age groups. In some
Treatment: clinics, a phenylalanine
'challenge' may be
- Every state now screens suggested to evaluate
the blood phenylalanine whether or not the child
continues to require a low damage. As these three
phenylalanine diet. This amino acids are required
test identifies those few for proper metabolic
persons with a transient function in all people,
or 'variant' form of the specialized protein
disorder. However, most preparations containing
authorities currently substitutes and adjusted
recommend lifelong levels of the amino acids
dietary restriction of have been synthesized
phenylalanine for and tested, allowing
individuals with classic MSUD patients to meet
PKU, in order to promote normal nutritional
maximal development requirements without
and cognitive abilities. causing harm.

b. Maple Syrup Urine Disease

- Maple syrup urine disease C. Defects in Metabolism of

(MSUD), also called Carbohydrates
ketoaciduria, is an 1. Galactosemia
disorder affecting
branched-chain amino - Galactosemia is a rare
acids. It is one type of genetic metabolic
organic acidemia. The disorder that affects an
condition gets its name individual's ability to
from the distinctive sweet metabolize the sugar
odor of affected infants' galactose properly.
urine. Galactosemia should not
be confused nor related to
Treatment: Lactose-Intolerance.
Galactosemia follows an
- Keeping MSUD under autosomal recessive mode
control requires careful of inheritance that confers
monitoring of blood a deficiency in an enzyme
chemistry and involves responsible for adequate
both a special diet and galactose degradation.
frequent testing.
- A diet with minimal Treatment:
levels of the amino acids
leucine, isoleucine, and - The only treatment for
valine must be classic galactosemia is
maintained in order to eliminating lactose and
prevent neurological galactose from the diet.
Even with an early amounts of lactose-
diagnosis and a restricted containing products
diet, however, some throughout the day
individuals with instead of larger amounts
galactosemia experience all at one time.
long-term complications - Eat or drink milk and
such as speech milk products that have
difficulties, learning reduced lactose. In most
disabilities, neurological grocery stores, you can
impairment (e.g. tremors, buy milk with reduced
etc), and in girls, ovarian lactose. Some people like
failure. buying this kind of milk
and find that it helps
2. Lactose Intolerance control their symptoms.
Others find that it tastes
- Lactose intolerance is the too sweet or is too
inability to metabolize expensive. People with
lactose, because of a lack diabetes may find that
of the required enzyme lactose-reduced milk
lactase in the digestive raises their blood sugar
system. levels higher than normal.
- Eat or drink other foods
Treatment: instead of milk and milk
products. You can
- Limit the amount of milk substitute soy milk and
and milk products in your soy cheese for milk and
diet. Most people can milk products. You can
have about 10 g of lactose also use nondairy
each day. This can be a creamers in your coffee.
glass of whole, low-fat, or But keep in mind that
nonfat milk, for example. nondairy creamers do not
All milk contains the contain the same vitamins
same amount of lactose. and minerals as milk, and
- Eat or drink milk and they may contain more fat
milk products along with than milk contains.
other foods. For some
people, combining a solid D. Tay Sachs Disease
food (like cereal) with a
dairy product (like milk) o Tay-Sachs disease
may reduce or eliminate (abbreviated TSD,
symptoms. also known as GM2
- Spread milk or milk gangliosidosis or
products throughout the Hexosaminidase A
day. Many people who deficiency) is an
are lactose-intolerant find autosomal recessive
it helpful to eat small genetic disorder. In its
most common variant sampling or amniocentesis. If an
known as infantile actual mutation has been
Tay-Sachs disease, it identified in both parents, then
presents a relentless more precise mutational analysis
deterioration of techniques using PCR are
mental and physical available.
abilities which
commences at 6 Sources:
months of age and
usually results in
death by the age of


- Carrier testing seeks to detect Adele Pillitteri. Maternal and Child

whether an individual unaffected Health Nursing. 5th Edition. Volume 2.
by the disease is carrying one
copy of a mutation. Many
individuals seeking carrier
screening are couples from at-
risk populations who are seeking
to start a family. Some
individuals and couples who seek
carrier screening are aware of
test results or genetic disease in
ancestors or living family
- Prenatal testing seeks to
determine whether the fetus has
inherited two defective copies,
one from each parent. In prenatal
testing, there is generally greater
information about family history
and the mutations are often
known precisely. Prenatal testing
for TSD is usually undertaken
when both parents cannot be
ruled out as possible carriers. In
some cases, the mother's carrier
status may be known, while the
father is unknown or unavailable
for testing. Prenatal testing can
be performed by assay of HEX A
enzyme activity in fetal cells
obtained by chorionic villus

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