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Name : Rafiqah

NIM : 1705105010011

Gerund and To Infinitive

A. Gerund
Gerund adalah bentuk kata kerja yang ditambahkan “ing” dan digunakan
sebagai kata benda, misalnya talking, plaing, understanding, etc.
Fungsi gerund :
a. As a subject : Watching movie is fun.
Cooking is something that so hard to do.
b. As an object : I enjoy watching movie.
I hate waiting
c. As a complement : My hobby is playing tennis.
My bestfriend’s favorite activity is shopping.
d. As a noun modifer : A writing novel.
A reading book
e. After a preposition : He gained the success by working hard.
f. As a title : Writing English Tests.

1. Berfungsi sebagai objek apabila setelah kata kerja berikut ini :

Avoid : menghindari Keep on : Terus-menerus
Consider : mempertimbangkan Mention : Menyebutkan
Delay : menunda Mind : Berkeberatan
Dislike : tidak suka Miss : Ketinggalan
Escape : melarikan diri Postpone : Menunda
Enjoy : menikmati Understand : Mengerti
Excuse : menuduh Appreciate : Menghargai
Finish : selesai Can’t resist : Tak tahan
Forgive : memaafkan Can’t stand : Tak tahan
Go on : terus menerus Can’t help : Tak tahan
Countinue : terus menerus Deny : Menyangkal
Contoh :
 Would you mind leading me your money ?
 I can’t help falling in love with you.
 The guests enjoyed dancing in a party last night.

2. Setelah proposisi
(on, in, at, of, before, after, with, without, over, against, etc)
Contoh :
 A lot os students are fond of playing football.
 He is interested in investigating a special case.
 Any lesft home without saying anything.
3. Setelah frase
a. To be + used to + gerund (biasa, diwaktu lalu)
Contoh : I am used to eating tumpeng
b. To be + accustomed to + gerund (biasa, diwaktu lalu)
Contoh : Tina is accustomed to wearing a tie during the presentation.
c. Look + forward to + gerund (berharap)
Contoh : tya looks forward to meeting her lecturer.

Contoh kalimat gerund

1) I enjoy reading the newspaper every morning while having a cup of
2) By the time I arrived at the restaurant, they had already finished eating
3) After working for IKEA for ten years, he considers running his own
4) My friends and I discuss going to a music concert on the weekend.
5) We are not looking for something specific to buy, so we only go window
6) When he is mad, he avoids answering my questions.
7) They mentioned taking the bus to campus instead of walking.
B. Infinitive
Infinitive adalah bentuk dasar dari kata kerja yang didahului oleh “to”,
seperti to talk, to play, to understand, etc. Infinitive dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek
dalam kalimat atau sebagai objek dari kata kerja. Sedangkan pada frasa infinitif
dapat dibentuk menjadi infinitif yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda, kata
keterangan, atau kata sifat.
Infinitive dengan “to” dipakai setelah kata kerja sebagai berikut :
Advise Hope Permit Expect
Allow Intend Promise Force
Ask Invite Propose Need
Beg Instruct Warn Tell
Decide Learn Would like Urge

Rumus yang digunakan :

S + V + to V1 + O
Contoh : Anton wants to countinue his study to a university.
S + V + to V1
Contoh : Agus askd me to close the door.
Infinitive without to (V1) biasanya berada setelah kata kerja: make, let,
have, help. Dan kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan indra (verb of perception) :
see, listen, hear, observe, notice, watch, feel.
Pola yang digunakan yaitu :
S + V + O +V1
Contoh :
 Father lets me go out at Saturday night.
 The teacher had me study hard.
Verb of perception dapat diikuti kata kerja bentuk –ing dengan pola :
S + V + O + V ing
Contoh :
 I saw him crossing the street.
Beberapa contoh penggunaan infinitive:
1. Kata kerja + Infinitive
 I hope to see her again soon.
 She promised to be here at 12 p.m.
2. Kata kerja + pro (noun) + infinitive
 Mr. Evan told me to be at the meeting on time.
 I expect Wanda to pass the university enrollment test.

Contoh kalimat:
1) She would like to join us tonight.
2) Gina offered to lend me a little money.
3) George promised to meet tomorrow.
4) My teacher asks us to finish the task soon.
5) Max intends to give me money.
6) Grace has warned her child not to touch the stove.

C. Gerund and To Infinitive

1. Words followed either by infinitive or Ing-Form
Words with the same meaning.
Example : I started to read or I started reading.
Attempt Countinue
Begin Hate
Bother Intend
Cannot bear Love
Cease Prefer

2. Word with same meaning but different use

Word Infinitive – with an object Gerund –without an object
Advise I advise you to go by bus I advise going by bus
Allow/Permit He allowed her to take the car He allowed taking the car
Forbid She forbids us to smoke She forbids smoking
3. Word with a different meaning
Word Infinitive meaning Gerund –without an oject
With regard to the future With regard to the past
Forget/Remember Remember to switch off the Do you remember switching
lights. off the light?
Start something new Countinue with the same action
Go on
Go on read. Go on reading.
Regret With regard to the future With regard to the past
I regret to say that’s wrong. I regret saying that.
Stop Interrupt another action Terminate
I stopped to smoke. I stopped smoking.
Try Do something complicated Do it and see what happens
Try to solve this riddle. Try talking to him.

Gerund or Infinitive Exercise

1) We arranged under the station clock at half nine. (to meet)
2) I always try to avoid him whenever I can. (to see)
3) My mom demanded the manager. (to see)
4) In the end I gave up to persuade her. (to try)
5) He deserves severely punished. (to be)
6) I always put off my homework until the last possible moment. (to
7) I never risk through that part of town. (to go)

1) We arranged to meet under the station clock at half nine.
2) I always try to avoid seeing him whenever I can.
3) My mom demanded to see the manager.
4) In the end I gave up trying to persuade her.
5) He deserves to be severely punished.
6) I always put off doing my homework until the last possible moment.
7) I never risk going through that part of town. (to go)

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