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You are an archeologist in the year 2300 A.D. You are looking at these artifacts from the past that
were found at an archeological dig. You don’t know the name of the things. But you have some
ideas about them.

It seems to be a garment to cover the head and protect the eyes from the sun using a visor
and an adjustable piece to the skull, which can include side wings. which is made of 100%
cotton material, in turn this can be rigid and keep the shape or it can be soft and flexible if
a cotton pre-wash is done, and it has a ticket that says this was done in China.

This seems to be an object that ensures things have a wide variety of everyday applications,
mainly in closures that are not often used, to prevent the access of thieves or intruders who
can perform robberies, sabotages or vandalism. The largest and most sophisticated are used
to lock metal doors, which are closed with chains. and these objects are made mainly of
Metal, iron or steel. It also has an instrument that is used to open or close the locks
incorporated into objects that are intended to be protected from unwanted access. This
mechanism was designed to secure.
Parece ser una prenda para cubrir la cabeza y proteger los ojos del sol con una visera y una
pieza ajustable al cráneo, que puede incluir alas laterales. Está hecho de material 100%
algodón, a su vez puede ser rígido y mantener la forma o puede ser suave y flexible si se
realiza un prelavado de algodón, y tiene un boleto que dice que esto se hizo en China

Esto parece ser un objeto que asegura las cosas tienen una amplia variedad de aplicaciones
cotidianas, principalmente en cierres que no se utilicen a menudo, para impedir el acceso
de ladrones o intrusos que puedan realizar robos, sabotajes o actos vandálicos. Los más
grandes y sofisticados se utilizan para el bloqueo de puertas metálicas, que se cierran con
cadenas. y estan hechos estos objetos principalmente de Metal,hierro o acero. ademas
tiene un instrumento que se usa para abrir o cerrar las cerraduras incorporadas a objetos
que se pretende proteger de accesos no deseados.Este mecanismo fue dieñado para

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