Abstrak Icomell 2019

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Sundanese Local Wisdom and Philosophy

in the Novel of Prabu Siliwangi written by E. Rokajat Asura:

a Sociological Literature Study

Deni Hadiansah 1 Yuyus Saputra 2

1 Lecturer of Faculty of Education and Teachers' Training Bandung Raya University,

e-mail: denihadiansah@gmail.com
2 Lecturer of Faculty of Education and Teachers' Training Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya,
e-mail: yuyussaputra@unsil.ac.id

Abstract: This study aims to describe the value of Sundanese local wisdom and philosophy
from Prabu Siliwangi novel written by E. Rokajat Asura. The study uses descriptive analysis
and content analysis methods through sociological literature study. Based on the result of the
study, it is concluded that the novel is typically local novel that narrates Sundanese history.
Furthermore, it elaborates humanitarian local wisdoms which comprise: (1) Values for
Personality, (2) Values for Divine, (3) Values for Humans, (4) Values for Nature, (5) Values
for Time, and (6) Values for Inner-Birth Satisfaction. The six values of local wisdom have
intertwined meaning with Sundanese philosophy of drilling each other, loving each other and
caring each other namely a system of interacting in society that contains the meaning of
togetherness, partnership, and responsible involvement as a sign of Sundanese morality.

Keywords: novel, value of Sundanese local wisdom and philosophy, sociological literature

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