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The Köhler Effect: A

Motivational Strategy for

Strength and Conditioning
Christopher R. Hill, PhD
Department of Kinesiology, California State University, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California.
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ABSTRACT role social influence might have in di- working alone, the rowers curled
minishing or strengthening motiva- a 44-kg weight until exhaustion.
tion. Previous reviews of the When in groups, they either used an
literature have noted increases or de- 88-kilogram bar (for pairs) or a 132-kg
creases in motivation can occur solely bar (in a group of 3 people), again,
GROUP TRAINING. HOWEVER, based on the ways in which tasks are until exhaustion. The purpose of the
RESEARCH IN SOCIAL PSYCHOL- implemented and groups are designed increase in weight on the bar was so
OGY HAS LARGELY FOUND PEO- (10). The literature in social sport and the amount of weight being lifted by
PLE DO NOT WORK AS HARD exercise psychology has (by quantity 1 individual never changed. How-
WHEN IN GROUP SETTINGS. of articles) many more research find- ever, when working in groups, if 1
MORE RECENT EVIDENCE SUG- ings that provide evidence about person stops lifting the weight
GESTS WITH THOUGHTFUL effort losses in groups (20). However, because they become too fatigued,
DESIGN OF GROUPS AND THE a more recent line of research has their partner (or 2 other group mem-
TASK STRUCTURE, THE EFFORT examined how those motivation los- bers) would be unable to continue
LOSSES PREVIOUSLY SEEN CAN ses can be turned into motivation with the group task because they
BE TURNED INTO EFFORT GAINS. gains. The purpose of this article is could not lift the heavy weight on
THIS ARTICLE WILL REVIEW to examine how the Köhler motiva- their own. This type of task later
RESEARCH THAT EXAMINES 1 tion gain effect can be harnessed to became known as a conjunctive task
PARTICULAR MOTIVATION GAIN provide enhanced motivation for ath- (18). In a conjunctive task, the group
SEEN IN THE LITERATURE, THE letes and clients in SC and group outcome is dependent on the perfor-
KÖHLER EFFECT. SPECIFICALLY, training settings. The research mance of the weakest team member.
THIS ARTICLE WILL PROVIDE included in this review has been con- What Köhler noticed was in these
PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS OF ducted with college and adult popu- conjunctive tasks, the weakest group
lations. Therefore, the implications of member worked harder compared
the findings presented within this arti- with when they worked by them-
cle should be interpreted with caution selves (12). This motivation gain
for SC coaches working in other became known later as the Köhler
settings. effect.
THIS ARTICLE Köhler noted this performance im-
trength and conditioning (SC), THE KÖHLER EFFECT: A WAY TO provement in group settings was

S personal training, and rehabilita-

tion domains increasingly are
using the potential benefits of groups
In the 1920s, an industrial psycholo-
gist named Otto Köhler was noticing
a fairly consistent phenomenon and
generalized to many of the rowers
who were engaged in this conjunctive
task. To further understand this phe-
for both behavioral and financial rea- something interesting about the
sons (1). However, when working power of social influence while rowers nomenon, he modified the discrep-
with clients or athletes in group set- of the Berlin Rowing Club were train- ancy for the weaker and the stronger
tings, it is important to consider the ing. Köhler had rowers participate in
a biceps curl task in different situa-
Address correspondence to Dr. Christopher
tions; working alone, working in pairs,
or working in groups of 3. When motivation; psychology; teams
R. Hill,

90 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2019 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association

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team members. After some refining, this article will conclude with practical would likely lead to increases in effort,
Köhler noted this increase in perfor- implications for harnessing the Köhler especially for the weak link in group
mance was optimized whenever the effect in SC and personal training settings. The indispensability phe-
discrepancy between the weaker and settings. nomenon has been seen in Köhler
stronger members was moderate (20– effect findings in and out of sport
40% difference in capabilities; (12)). MECHANISMS OF THE KÖHLER
and exercise settings (2,11).
Because of issues with research dis- EFFECT The examples provided in the past 2
semination and language differences, Researchers in a variety of psycholog- paragraphs provide some evidence of
Köhler’s work went largely unnoticed ical domains have examined the Köh- 2 key underlying mechanisms that
for decades. ler effect and have uncovered 2 might lead to group motivation gains.
The resurgence of Köhler effect potential mechanisms that might be However, for it to be a true Köhler
research is important because for driving the motivation gain seen in effect finding, it needs to consider
many decades, there was a narrative group settings. The first mechanism both components together. Each
about groups potentially hindering is called upward social comparison component by itself might provide
performance. This narrative was (11). In upward social comparison, some benefit to the motivation of ath-
driven by researchers who uncovered the weaker team member would need letes or clients with whom you are
that as the size of a group increased, to be paired with a stronger team currently working with, but both
the group productivity actually member if you are trying to boost mechanisms together are indicative
decreased (20). This negative group the motivation of the weaker team of current thinking about the Köhler
effect was known by 2 names, the member. For example, if you are effect.
Ringelmann effect or social loafing. designing a paired strength training
Through a variety of group-based ex- program for a team, it would be wise TYPES OF TASKS
periments, Ringelmann uncovered to pair an athlete who might need When thinking about ways to imple-
when group size increases, the group a motivational boost with someone ment the Köhler effect in strength
has productivity losses that are mainly who is moderately stronger than the training, coaches should consider
due to a lack of an ability to accurately athlete needing the extra motivation. how the task structure might influence
obtain an individual performance There is some evidence the upward motivation. Tasks can differ based on
score and coordination losses within social comparison mechanism, by it- the demands placed on the group and
the group (20). The Köhler effect self, would bolster the motivation of how the group is evaluated (18). A
seems to alleviate both of these issues weaker group members (11). conjunctive task is a task when the
in group settings because the individ- The second mechanism of the Köhler group score is dependent on the weak-
ual has their own performance (i.e., effect relies on each group member’s est group member (6,18). If a dyad is
they cannot hide their own score scores being indispensable to the team under conjunctive task domains, and 1
within the score of others) and there score (11). This group indispensability member completes 25 reps of a biceps
is no identifiable way to lose coordi- principle can be seen in a variety of curl task and the other member of the
nation when performing by oneself tasks, including the original research group completes 32 reps of a biceps
toward a team goal where each indi- conducted by Köhler. In the original curl, the team score would be 25 reps.
vidual also gets his/her own score. Köhler studies (12), when the weakest An additive task is when the perfor-
Therefore, Witte (20) noted the Köh- member of the team quit the biceps mance of the group is a sum of all the
ler effect is the “anti-Ringelmann” curl task, the weight was too heavy group members’ contributions to the
effect and should be used as a way for anyone to lift it on their own. task (18). Common relay races (i.e.,
to actually boost motivation in group Another way to think about indis- track and field, and swimming) fit
settings instead of trying to cut your pensability is within the context of the scope of additive tasks. In the
losses in group tasks. relay races. The overall team score weightlifting example presented
Recently, there has been an increase of a relay race is largely dependent above, the additive team score would
in research examining the Köhler on each member of the team partici- be 57 reps. A disjunctive task is when
effect specific to the sport and exercise pating at a high level. If 1 group mem- the best member of a group deter-
field. The next section will examine ber performs at a suboptimal level, mines the overall group performance
the theoretical explanations for why there will be consequences for the (18). Using the aforementioned
this effect is seen in group settings. entire group’s performance. Indis- weightlifting example, the team score
The subsequent section will examine pensability is key when thinking about in a disjunctive task would be 32 reps.
the research already conducted in who is the “weak link” in a group. Finally, a group can also be in a coac-
exercise settings examining motiva- Designing training programs with this tive task. In a coactive task, the indi-
tion gains in group settings. Finally, indispensability mechanism in mind viduals present are not in a defined

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Köhler Effect

group that will have a singular group would never plank longer than the pre- settings. One interesting question sur-
score, but the 2 individuals will be recorded video partner (but the partic- rounded the amount of discrepancy
working toward an individual score ipant did not know this information). that can lead to increased motivation.
in the presence of another person. In Participants either worked in a coactive, Köhler’s original work indicated a mod-
the previous weightlifting example, additive, conjunctive, or individual task erate discrepancy, but further refine-
the individuals would just receive their structure. Overall, participants worked ment of the discrepancy level could
own scores and would not receive harder when paired with a partner, lead to increases in the motivational
a team score. Based on the current than if they worked by themselves. mechanisms (12,19). Presumably, if an
state of the literature, if an SC program Interestingly, the conjunctive condition athlete is too far inferior or superior to
is using groups to attempt to boost did not perform significantly better a teammate, the same motivation gains
motivation, it is not advisable to use than the additive or coactive condi- would not be seen. Feltz et al. (3) exam-
a disjunctive or coactive group set- tions (2). Practically, in this experiment, ined this issue by creating 3 different
ting (2,11). participants in the partnered condi- partners to test against an individual
tions had a 24.1% increase in the plank- control. All the partners in this exper-
ing duration in the second set of imental manipulation were conjunctive
REVIEW OF THE CURRENT STATE exercises. Even after a fatiguing exer-
OF THE LITERATURE in nature, but the discrepancy between
cise bout, participants worked harder the participant and the partner varied.
Although Köhler’s original work was in the second set of exercises when
using a physical task with athletes, There were low-discrepancy (1% bet-
working with a video recorded partner. ter performance from the virtually pre-
more contemporary work in the field It is also worth noting previous
moved away from the intense physical sented partner), moderate-discrepancy
research findings denote when the
nature of a very heavy biceps curl. Many (40% better performance than the vir-
partner is physically present, the Köh-
experiments used tasks such as holding tually presented partner), and high-
ler motivation gain is enhanced (7,13).
a small weight at a 908 angle from the discrepancy (100% better performance
SC coaches can not only view this find-
torso like a static shoulder lateral raise. If than the virtually presented partner)
ing as a way to boost motivation, but
the weight fell below 908, the experi- partners. All partnered conditions out-
also a cautionary tale. It might not be
ment would stop (6). Although the pre- helpful for athletes who need a motiva- performed the individual control con-
viously mentioned task is physical in tional boost to train on their own ditions, consistent with previous
nature, it will likely not bring about because the social influence of another findings in the Köhler literature (2),
changes in strength that fitness profes- person being present, either physical or but the moderate-discrepancy condi-
sionals aim to target in their condition- virtual, seems to boost exercise effort tion outperformed the low- and high-
ing and training sessions. and persistence in an exercise task discrepancy conditions. This finding is
under conjunctive task demands. consistent with the original Köhler
The studies that are going to subse- work (12) noting a moderate discrep-
quently be discussed all have a similar Shortly after the first contemporary ancy is best at garnering the highest
task structure. Participants perform the experiment, researchers aimed to increase in work in exercise settings.
first set of exercises by themselves to understand whether the Köhler effect When pairing teammates to work
gather baseline data, then participants could be harnessed in promoting aer- together, SC coaches should consider
complete the set of exercises again but obic exercise (8). Participants were pairing the weaker team member with
in the condition he/she was random- asked to cycle at an intensity to gener- someone who is about 20–40% stron-
ized into (2,8,9). This fact is worth not- ate 65% of maximal heart rate for as ger than them to see the largest moti-
ing because the participants would be long as they wanted. The participants vation gains. Perhaps, a driving force in
fatigued heading into the second set of were randomized into either an indi- this discrepancy is the predictions out-
exercises, potentially limiting their per- vidual control condition (with no part- lined by self-efficacy theory. If team
formance. If incorporated into their ner), a conjunctive condition, or members are too dissimilar, they likely
coaching sessions, SC coaches can a coactive condition. On average, the will not make the comparisons with
expect to see increases in performance conjunctive condition participants the partner. The weaker member will
especially when athletes or clients are cycled for 12 minutes longer than the believe they have little in common
already fatigued. individual control condition and 18 mi- with stronger partner, and the ties
In the first laboratory experiment, Feltz nutes longer than the coactive condi- between the 2 (both socially and per-
et al. (2) examined whether the Köhler tion. These findings again lend support formance wise) will not be as strong. It
effect could effectively increase the that the Köhler effect can be harnessed is important for coaches to remember
duration of a 5-plank exercise bout to bring about increased performance this discrepancy does not have to be
when working with a prerecorded in exercise and fitness settings (8). perfect to see changes in motivation for
partner under different task demands. Since these original 2 findings, there the weak link in these groups, as noted
The prerecorded partner was a confed- has been a continued interest in under- in the previously mentioned study (3).
erate, so the participant in the study standing the Köhler effect in exercise Athletes are going to differ from lift to

92 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2019

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lift, but keeping the tasks structured as of obese adults (i.e., lighter weight or Köhler motivation gain. One main con-
either conjunctive or additive will likely same weight partners) and did not find cern is what happens to the motivation
lead to motivation and performance weight status of the partner influenced of the stronger members of the groups
gains for each member of the group the Köhler effect. Other researchers in conjunctive task settings. As of right
compared with using individual tasks. have examined the role of software- now, there is no evidence in exercise
The key is to make sure each individ- generated partners in exergame-like settings of what happens to the stron-
ual’s performance is uniquely identifi- settings and found the Köhler effect ger individual in these group settings.
able while keeping an overall team can still be harnessed when working However, it would be an interesting
score component. with a software-generated partner (4), future line of inquiry, and coaches
Researchers have continued to try to but the feedback given from the should be thoughtful about how they
uncover mechanisms and variables software-generated partner should be work with the athlete who is consis-
that will moderate and potentially bol- accurate and must be perceived as real tently the stronger member in a group.
ster the Köhler effect in fitness settings. by the participants (17). The Köhler Coaches could apply the lessons from
There have been investigations con- effect can also be modified by creating other leading motivational theories
ducted attempting to uncover the role competition with outgroups. If an SC (e.g., self-efficacy theory, self-
encouragement has in the Köhler coach has 2 athletes working toward determination theory, and achieve-
effect. In other words, will the superior a team score in a conjunctive task while ment goal theory) to help maintain
partner giving a participant encourage- strength training (team 1), the coach high levels of motivation in their stron-
ment enhance the motivation gains could say team 1 is also competing ger athletes. Specifically, self-efficacy
already established in laboratory set- against another team, team 2. In this theory and self-determination theory
tings? Participants in a plank study case, the coach has created a situation (competence, autonomy, and related-
were either given no feedback or verbal where there might be a Köhler effect ness) focus on how the most confident
feedback from their partner (i.e., “you seen due to the conjunctive nature of performers can continue to have an
can do it,” “stay strong here,” and “you the task, but there might a potential upward spiral of performance and
got this”). Initial evidence suggests boost in motivation because there are motivation as they continue to
encouragement from a virtually pre- additional mechanisms outside of the strengthen their strengths. Also,
sented partner will actually hurt the group now motivating the individuals coaches could discuss with the stron-
Köhler effect by reducing the effort in each group to not let their partner gest athletes that their role is to be
substantially (9). However, later down. Recent evidence outlines out- a team leader in the weight room,
research examined whether changing group competition (having multiple and as part of their role, they need to
the pronoun used in the verbal com- teams attempting to score higher than continue to work at high levels, so
munication (from “you” to “we”) could their competitors) in physical tasks will other athletes maintain their levels of
reverse the negative effects of encour- also provide enhanced motivation effort. This leadership role is one way
agement seen in the study by Irwin compared to just working with a part- for athletes to take ownership of their
et al. (9). The researchers tested this ner or working without a partner (15). own training in a positive direction and
change because partner-inclusive feed- Although not yet tested, practitioners could lead to more feelings of related-
back will likely bolster feelings of team would likely see this improvement in ness within a self-determination frame-
perception and group cohesion (14). motivation for athletes and exercisers work. An additional avenue for future
Similar to the Irwin findings, Max who have a more competitive nature. research would be understanding if
et al. (14) found the no feedback con- A major concern of being the inferior there are developmental differences in
dition performed better than the other partner in a dyad might lead to de- Köhler effect findings. No work to date
groups, but the inclusive (“we”) creases of motivation over time. How- has examined the Köhler effect with
encouragement performed better than ever, researchers have extended the youth or high school populations, but
the exclusive (“you”) encouragement. Köhler motivation gain to lengths over it would be helpful to understand those
SC coaches should encourage athletes a 6-month period (5). It appears in lon- relationships for SC coaches working
to use inclusive language within their ger studies the Köhler motivation gain with younger athletes.
workout teams to boost perceptions of still holds over long periods. One PRACTICAL STRATEGIES
“we-ness” rather than “I-ness”. hypothesis is the weaker team member The previous section and other re-
The Köhler effect has also been tested starts to take ownership of their role as views of the literature (19) demonstrate
using a variety of other moderators to the determining factor for the group. the Köhler effect could provide SC
the relationship, mostly examining Therefore, the weaker member will coaches, personal trainers, and practi-
how we can change the partner char- consistently work a higher level in con- tioners in the health sciences with
acteristics to boost motivation in exer- junctive groups and by themselves. a potential mechanism to boost moti-
cise settings. Samendinger et al. (16) There are many future research ques- vation in their respective professional
tested partner similarity in a sample tions that need to be addressed in the spheres. The first key point in

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Köhler Effect

maintaining high levels of motivation with about 3–4 players per group, then providing a rational for their role
in group settings is practitioners should inform the athletes the team score is on the team/purpose of the training,
make sure individual contributions in the score of the lowest scoring team provide feedback that is constructive
groups are quantifiable and easily mea- member in each group and inform and solution focused, inquire about
surable. In each of the tasks mentioned each group they are competing against athlete perceptions of the task/role,
in the review, each member of the each other. This example would be and encourage athletes to accept
group was given feedback about their a way in which SC coaches could use responsibility of their training.
own performance, the performance of both the Köhler effect and outgroup  Coaches can also focus on develop-
the teammate, and the overall group principles to boost motivation in weak- ing relatedness-supportive environ-
performance. When feedback is just er athletes. SC coaches could also tell ment during training. Relatedness-
given at the group level (i.e., just a group the athletes their team scores will be supportive environments are charac-
score for a collection of people), it al-
posted and tracked week by week. terized by interpersonal communica-
lows for others to socially loaf and not
Over time, this boost in motivation tion that has components of
put forth as much effort as possible
could help develop the weaker mem- openness, respect from the coach,
(10). Training in group settings is com-
bers of the teams to become stronger support, and warmth.
mon in the SC field; therefore,
athletes. It is critical to note this boost  When working with athletes,
thoughtful group design can lead to
performance improvements of the in motivation seems to hold over time encourage them to use inclusive lan-
weaker members of the group rather and continually being the weaker guage (we-ness) rather than exclu-
than social loafing. SC coaches should member does not seem to hurt partic- sive language (I-ness).
also consider the amount of discrep- ipants’ motivation (14).  Create a culture of outgroup compe-
ancy between group members. As SC coaches can also use each of the tition and have different teams com-
noted in the discrepancy study, having mechanisms of the Köhler effect in sol- pete under conjunctive demands
the weaker team members being mod- itude and likely see an enhanced per- against each other to boost the Köh-
erately discrepant (20–40%) from the formance in SC, fitness, and exercise ler motivation gain.
stronger group members seems to pro-  Try to have the weaker athlete stay
settings. Providing unique ways to have
vide a motivation gain that is substan- weaker athletes or clients upwardly at the 20–40% discrepancy, but do
tially better than a lower or higher socially compare while maintaining not worry if it is not perfect. Working
discrepancy partner (3). If a coach is a conjunctive task structure will lead in conjunctive tasks with other team-
setting up groups and is looking to mates will lead to great effort in tasks
to the strongest motivation gains.
boost the effort of the weakest member compared with working individually.
The Köhler effect has robust research
of the group, it is important to consider  Incorporate the findings from other
evidence providing explanations for
the Köhler motivation gain is most theories of motivation (i.e., self-
effective when the weaker member of how weaker members of groups func-
tion within conjunctive task structures. determination theory and self-
the group is about 20–40% discrepant efficacy theory) to continue to boost
from the stronger member of The motivation gains seen in the labo-
ratory can be nicely translated to pro- the motivation of the stronger athlete.
the group.  Make sure the individual perfor-
fessional settings to boost
Based on the current literature, SC improvements of the weakest mem- mance of each athlete is identifiable.
coaches should look for unique ways bers, especially in SC settings. Without this individual component,
to create conjunctive task structures social loafing is likely to occur and
with their teams. Potentially, just by STRATEGIES COACHES CAN motivation decrements will follow.
grouping members together and telling IMPLEMENT TODAY  Always reinforce the importance of
them the group will be given a team the SC training in respect to the
score that is based on the weakest  Have athletes train in groups using overall goal of the team. If the task
member of the group can improve per- conjunctive task structures (i.e., the is perceived as meaningless, social
formance by itself (2). Incorporating an group score is the weaker team loafing is likely to occur.
outgroup can further boost the Köhler member’s score but both members’  When athletes are not in season and
motivation gain seen in the exercise scores are identifiable). away from teammates, coaches can
psychology literature (15). If an SC  Inform the stronger athletes of their encourage athletes to communicate
coach has 20 soccer players and spe- role in motivating the weaker ath- with each other about how their off-
cifically wants to target boosting the letes. This strategy will likely lead season training is progressing.
motivation of the weakest members to greater role acceptance and a con- Coaches can set up a social media
of the group in a circuit training style tinued high level of effort in group message board where athletes can
workout, the strength coach could first tasks for both the stronger and weak- post their daily workouts (with rele-
divide the groups based on the Köhler er athletes. vant performance measures) and
principles already mentioned above  Communicate athlete roles using an teammates comment on their team-
(i.e., creating the proper discrepancy) autonomy-supportive approach by mate’s workouts. Providing space for

94 VOLUME 41 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2019

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