Writ of Possession & Execution by Command Southwest Credit Systems LLC MACN-R000000205

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@ Moorish National Republic Federal Goverment ~ Sorietas Republicae Ca Al Maurikanos ~ o Moorish Bivine and National Movement of the Works Rorthwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / 'Che North Gate! Aboriginal Indigenous Writ of Possession and Execution by Command of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and The Moorish American Consulate [December 13, 2019] ‘You are hereby Commanded to execute this Writ of Possession under the authority of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consular Court. In addition to this Writ of Possession, the following Affidavits have also been executed and remain on the public record unrebutted. An unrebutted Affidavit stands as law: Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Possession Written Statement Document # Affidavit of Universal Commercial Code Financing Statement [CORPORATE NAME, HERE] ‘Document # MACN-Rxxxxx205 Affidavit of Ecclesiastical Clear Perfect Allodial Land Title Document # Affidavit of Ecclesiastical Cancellation and Abolishment of Land Patents Document # MACN-R000000120, Religious Corporation Affidavit of Organization Document # MACN-R000000119 Affidavit of International Trust of the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Document # MAC) 333333333 Affidavit of the National Trust of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Document #-MACN-R999999999 Document # MACN-R000000129 Repossession By Command of the Article II Moorish American Consular Court and the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Secured First Party Creditor/Claimant: ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY /Moorish National Republic Federal Government DEBTOR: [SOUTHWEST CREDOIT SYSTEMS] By: ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY ‘This Affidavit of the Moorish American Consular Court is valid Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836, The Declaration of Independence 1776 and the Constitution for the united States 1789 and 1791. Wehave a religious right to our Ancient Ancestral lands as part and parcel of our worship. Latitude and Longitude: 33.0222184N -96.8457216 Mailing location of service: Care of [4120 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY 1100] Near. (CARROLLTON, TEXAS] Zip Code Exempt ‘Non-Residential « Non-Commercial * Non-Domestic * Non-Subject Fax number for service: Email address for service: Upon my inherited status, 1 hel Yapice- Pris ue ing a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other Writ of Possession By Command of the Article II Moorish American Consular Court and the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Secured First Party Creditor/Claimant: ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY / Moorish National Republic Federal Governms DEBTOR: [SOUTHWEST CREDIT SYSTEMS LLC] ‘Care of 4120 INTERNATIONAL PARKWAY 1100, CARROLLTON, TEXAS 75007 Appellation and Mailing location of Moorish American National Commanding this Writ to be Executed and Enforced: ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY Latitude and Longitude: 33.0222184N -96.8457216 W ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY [Ex. Relatione. 820 S MACARTHUR BLVD 105, PMB 410] ‘Near. [COPPELL, TEXAS] Zip Code Exempt Non-Residential * Non-Commercial * Non-Domestic* Non-Subject ‘To the Sheriff: [MARIAN BROWN |] ‘Whereas, itwas Commanded, that on .12/14/2019... [SOUTHWEST CREDIT SYSTEMS OF JEFF HURT J... ., deliver to the Creditor, the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, Possession of the land at the mailing location stated above. ‘You are Commanded to promptly enter the land and secure the property for immediate Repossession by the ‘Moorish National Republic Federal Government, ‘You are Commanded to promptly seize and sell at public auction and tender in gold and silver backed lawful coinage forthe best price available sufficient of the goods and chattels of said debtor to realize the Creditor’s allodial costs of exccution and the allodial costs for executing this writ. Affivavit By Command of the Article III Moorish American Consular Court and the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Secured First Party Creditor/Claimant: ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY/Moorish National Republic Federal Government DEBTOR [SOUTHWEST CREDIT SYSTEMS ] I ETHEL VENICE BASS POGUE BEY , in Propria Persona Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo, and In Proprio Heredes, an Aboriginal Indigenous Mo American National as Partand Parcel of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government do hereby affirm the following: 1 ‘Tracking Number 7019 0700 0002 3285 0541 © Sending it Regular Mail to the DEBTOR at .. That, 07 the ... -nnesneaday Of «nm DECEMBER... at...... 0’elock AM, I did serve the DEBTOR, [SOUTHWEST CREDIT SYSTEMS OF JEFF HURT ] with a copy of the attached Aboriginal Indigenous Writ of Posse: and Execution by Command of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and The Moorish American Consulate record number MACN-Rroac0x205 of the Lin the year ...201 Allodial Property here unto as aforementioned in this Writ by: Leaving it with the DEBTOR at ... Sending it Certified with Return Receipt to the DEBTOR, p, [SOUTHWEST CREDIT OF JEFF HURT | at Care of 4120 INTERNATIONAL PKWAY 1100, CARROLLTON, TEXAS 7500 © Sending itby Electronic Mail at the following email address of the DEBTOR a = 8 Upon my inherited status, 1 Bhel VemecRos _ being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other respect known as American — Al Moroccan — ‘ing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the ‘Five Points of Light’ — Leve, Teuth, Peace, Freedom, and Justis ‘Being ‘competent (In My Own Proper Person) to Attest to this Affidavit upon which I place my Signature; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose. sam GU Ue [bur Pau. Leg i 4; Vizir ey oe the oa ‘American Consulate Bee Wee, Die ne ey Phone: Email: Northwest Amexem — Northwest Africa — North America — The North Gate Central Amexem — Southwest Amexem— Adjoining and Americana Islands Witness. I Am: (TExcho!) Consul Commissioned of the Moorish American Consulate WNichar| Ray Angtedson Bey Omnia Tura Reservantis Phone: Email ‘Northwest Amexem — Northwest Africa ~ North America — The North Gate Central Amexem ~ Southwest Amexem— Adjoining and Americana Islands

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