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Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 408-425

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Process Safety and Environmental Protection IC h e m E :.'

ELSEVIER jo u rn a l hom epage: w w w .e ls e v ie r.c o m /lo c a te /p s e p

Sustainable Industry 4.0 framework: A systematic literature review ®

identifying the current trends and future perspectives C heck for

Sachin S. Ramble3, Angappa Gunasekaranb’*, Shradha A. Gawankar3

J Operations and Supply Chain Management, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (N1T1E), Mumbai, 400087, India
b School o f Business and Public Administration, California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway, 20BDC/I40, Bakersfield, CA, 93311-1022,


Article history: In d u stry 4.0 and its o th e r sy n o n y m s like S m art M anufacturing, S m art P roduction o r In te rn e t o f Things,
Received 17 February 2018
h ave b een identified as m ajo r co n trib u to rs in th e c o n te x t o f digital an d a u to m a te d m a n u fa c tu rin g en v i­
Received in revised form 6 May 2018
ro n m en t. The te rm in d u stry 4.0 co m p rises a variety o f tech n o lo g ies to en ab le th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e
Accepted 9 May 2018
value chain re su ltin g in red u ced m a n u fa c tu rin g lead tim es, an d im proved p ro d u ct qu ality an d o rg an iza­
Available online 29 May 2018
tional perfo rm an ce. Industry 4.0 has a ttra c te d m uch a tte n tio n in th e re c e n t lite ra tu re , h o w e v e r th e re are
very few sy ste m a tic an d ex ten siv e rev iew o f resea rch th a t c a p tu re s th e d y n am ic n a tu re o f th is topic. The
Industry 4.0 rapidly g ro w in g in te re st from b o th academ ics and p ra c titio n e rs in In d u stry 4.0 h as urged th e n eed for
Smart manufacturing rev iew o f u p -to -d a te resea rch and d e v e lo p m e n t to develop a n ew agenda. Selected 85 p ap ers w e re classi­
Internet of things fied in five resea rch categ o ries n am ely co n cep tu al p a p e rs on In d u stry 4.0, h u m a n -m a c h in e in teractio n s,
Process safety m a c h in e -e q u ip m e n t in teractio n s, tech n o lo g ies o f Industry 4.0 and su stain ab ility . The rev iew p rim arily
Augmented reality a tte m p te d to seek an sw e rs to th e follow ing tw o q u estio n s: (1) W h a t a re d ifferen t resea rch a p p ro ach es
Sustainability u sed to stu d y In d u stry 4.0? an d (2) W h a t is th e c u rre n t sta tu s o f rese a rc h in th e d o m ain s of in d u stry 4.0?.
Big data
W e p ro p o se a su sta in a b le In d u stry 4.0 fram ew o rk b ased on th e findings o f th e rev iew w ith th re e critical
c o m p o n e n ts viz., In d u stry 4.0 technologies, process in te g ra tio n an d su sta in a b le ou tco m es. Finally, th e
scope of fu tu re resea rch is d iscussed in detail.
© 2018 In stitu tio n of Chem ical E ngineers. P ublished by Elsevier B.V. All rig h ts reserv ed .

1. In troduction ing unit such as a computer (Karakose and Yetis, 2017; Monostori,
2014). In the system, the computer acts as the head and the machine
Industry 4.0 is a revolution in manufacturing, and it brings a acts as the body, i.e., as there are changes, the computer network
whole new perspective to the industry on how manufacturing can takes the decision and implements it through the collection of the
collaborate with new technologies to get maximum output with machine. The system also consists of a feedback loop: When there
minimum resource utilization. Industry 4.0 is a German project is any change in the input parameter, the output is changed to
that has amalgamated manufacturing with information technol­ meet the alteration on input, so we can say that the feedback loop
ogy (Adolph et ah, 2016). The outcome of this collaboration results works as a two-way system. The system, due its high adaptability,
in the development of factories that are “smart,” i.e., they are highly is used in hospitals, traffic control systems, and power generation
efficient in resource utilization, and they adapt very quickly to meet and distribution. The second part of this system is cloud computing,
management goals and current industry scenarios (Wittenberg, which in simple terms is the delivery of services related to the com­
2016). The information technology part of Industry 4.0 consists of puter or information technology like a server, storage, or database
a cyber-physical system (CPS), cloud computing, and the Internet on the internet. This is referred to as the cloud because it is not
ofThings (IoT). It is the CPS that makes the whole factory adaptable actually present where the service is being used, but at a remote
(Ivanov et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2015a)). It is a system formed by location, and the whole system is controlled by a third party (Liu
the integration of physical systems; in the case of manufacturing, and Xu, 2017). The advantages that cloud computing gives are the
it is machines such as a CNC, lathe, mill, or grinder to a process­ economies of operation, the speed of service, the massive scale of
operation, and accessibility, as it can be accessed in any part of the
world, no matter how far away the cloud is located (Yu et al„ 2017).
The third part of the system is the IoT, which refers to machine-
* Corresponding author. to-machine interaction without human intervention (Xu et al.,
E-mail addresses: (S.S. Ramble), 2014). In the IoT, there is a network of devices where each device
(A. Gunasekaran), (S.A. Gawankar).
0957-5820/© 2018 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 40 8 -4 2 5 409

has a unique identification through the computer system to which it 2.1. S e le ctio n o f d a ta b a se
is connected. The devices connected to the system can be controlled
remotely with high accuracy and efficiency. So, the loT makes the The search strategy was developed by first going through the rel­
system smart, and this is what has led to the industrial revolution evant data sources. To have access to a wide range of academic and
known as Industry 4.0 (Lee et al., 2017b; Lu and Cecil, 2016). conference publications, the Web of Science database was selected.
There is growing interest around Industry 4.0, yet there is a Web of Science is one of the most extensive abstract and cita­
scarcity of systematic, extensive reviews of the recent research on tion databases and includes thousands of peer-reviewed journals
Industry 4.0 (Lu and Cecil, 2016). This paper seeks to explore the sta­ in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and social sciences.
tus of the research in domains of Industry 4.0. This paper identifies These peer-reviewed journals belong to various publishing houses,
Industry 4.0 research categories based on a systematic literature including Elsevier, Springer, Emerald, Taylor and Francis, and IEEE.
review (SLR) viz., c o n c e p tu a l p a p e rs on In d u s tr y 4.0, h u m a n -m a c h in e
in te ra c tio n s , m a c h in e -e q u ip m e n t in te ra c tio n s , te c h n o lo g ie s o f In d u s ­
2.2. K e y w o rd se le c tio n
and s u s ta in a b ility . The review was conducted with two
t r y 4.0,
research questions in mind: (1) What are the different research The authors cited only the most relevant and appropriate
approaches used to study Industry 4.0? (2) What is the status of research publications related to the topic at hand to establish a
research in the domains of Industry 4.0? The review paper is struc­ reproducible, comprehensive, and unbiased article search process.
tured as follows. Section 2 describes the review methodology used The keywords used by the authors fell into the following two cate­
for the SLR. Section 3 presents the descriptive findings from the gories;
review. Section 4 presents the detailed review of the collected Industry 4.0-related keywords: i ) In d u s tiy 4.0, i i ) S m a rt m a n u ­
material. Section 5 describes the proposed sustainable Industry fa c tu r in g , i i i ) S m a rt p ro d u c tio n , iv ) S m a rt fa c to r y , v ) C y b e r-p h y s ic a l
4.0 framework based on the findings of the review. Section 6 pro­ S ystem s, v i) C lo u d M a n u fa c tu rin g , v ii) In te r n e t o f T h in g s (lo T )
vides the scope for future research. Section 7 concludes the review, Operations-related keywords: i ) P ro d u c tio n , i i ) M a n u fa c tu rin g ,
presents the research contributions and research limitations. i i i ) J u s t in T im e, iv ) A g g re g a te P la n n in g , v ) C a p a c ity p la n n in g , v i) Lean
m a n u fa c tu rin g , v i i) Q u a lity , v i ii ) Process im p ro v e m e n t
Search was executed through a pairwise query, taking one key­
2. Review methodology word from each category at a time.

A literature review is an essential part of any research work.

Through literature review, the pertinent literature is assessed 2.3. C o lle c tio n o f a rtic le s

and analyzed, with an aim of finding possible research gaps. The

research gaps should be such that, if worked upon, would help The initial search queries resulted in a total of 529 publica­
strengthen the field of study (Tranfield et al., 2003). Saunders et al. tions. The authors ensured that different aspects of Industry 4.0
(2016) prescribed a structured literature review through an iter­ were covered. Book chapters, books, doctoral theses, white papers,
ative cycle of defining suitable search keywords, searching the editorial notes, etc. were excluded from the search to ensure that
relevant literature, and performing the analysis at the end. In this the research originated from academic sources (Ramos et al„ 2004;
paper, the authors adopted a similar review procedure. Lamba and Singh, 2017). The total number of articles dropped to
For this paper, first, relevant sources of publication were identi­ 202 .
fied regarding developments in the fields of Industry 4.0 and smart
manufacturing. For this, the authors referred to papers from the 2.4. F ilte r in g (in c lu s io n /e x c lu s io n )
Web of Science (WoS) database, which contains a significant num­
ber of renowned publications, like Emerald, Taylor and Francis, To refine the results further, authors removed duplicates, papers
Springer, IEEE, and Elsevier. The structured review methodology that were present in more than one combination of keywords, and
adopted a six-step process as presented in Fig. 1 (Lamba and Singh, articles with incomplete bibliographic data points. Articles were
2017; Arunachalam et al., 2017; Nguyen et al., 2017; W am baet al., also filtered based on their relevance to the topic. In addition, arti­
2015; Mishra et al„ 2016). cles that mentioned Industry 4.0 as a short point of reference or as

Selection of Keyword
Database Selection * Collection
o f Articles

y[ _______

r Descriptive
J Discussions

o f Framework


Fig. 1. Research process adopted for the structured literature review.

410 S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 408-425









0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 4. C o n t r ib u t io n s f r o m p u b lis h e r s ( > t w o p a p e r s ).

Fig. 2 . Y e a r w is e p u b lic a t io n d e t a ils .

3.4. Contributions from journals

a collateral research topic were dropped from the study. A total of The credibility and fame of publishing journals have a signif­
85 papers were selected for the final review. icant impact on how people perceive the publication. The journal
classification was extracted by using the BibExcel tool. The journals
3. Descriptive statistics Engineering, International Journal o f Production Research, and Inter­
national Journal o f Advanced Manufacturing Technology have three
3.1. Year wise publications publications each (see Fig. 5).

In recent years, a steep upward trend is visible regarding papers 3.5. Contributions by country
published in the field of Industry 4.0 (Fig. 2). There is an upward
trend observed from the year 2012 to 2017. However, the number The authors’ affiliations with various countries were extracted,
of papers published from 2015 onward has increased drastically. It showing that the USA dominates the list, with 25 papers out of
is observed that 64 out of 84 total papers were published in the year the selected 80 papers. England, the Netherlands, and Switzerland
2016-2017, which shows the researchers’growing interest level in are next in the list with contributions of 17, nine, and eight papers
the emerging technology since 2014. respectively. This shows that the major research contributions are
coming from authors in the USA and Europe (see Fig. 6 and 7 ).
3.2. High-contributing authors
3.6. Keywords statistics

The list of contributing authors was extracted using the BibExcel The most commonly used keywords in all selected papers were
tool (Fig. 3). Huang, G. Q,, Wang, S. Y„ and Li, D. top the chart with extracted using the BibExcel tool. “Industry 4.0” was the most fre­
three publications each on smart manufacturing, followed by Sanin, quently used keyword (28%), followed by “Internet ofThings” (16%),
C„ Christofides, P. D, Jiang, P. Y., Qu, T„ and Lao, T. with two papers “smart manufacturing” (13%), and “cyber-physical systems" (9%).
The other keywords used were “RFID,” “smart factory,” and “cloud
computing” (see Fig. 8).
3.3. Contributions by publishers
3.7. Keywords used in titles
The contributions made by various publishers were extracted by
using the BibExcel tool. Springer has the highest number of publi­ “Industry 4.0" was present in the majority of the publication
cations, with eight papers, followed by Elsevier Science with seven titles (51%), followed by the phrase “smart manufacturing” (18%).
papers. This implies that the topic of Industry 4.0 is covered across Other words that appeared in the publication titles included “cyber­
different publishers with a wide spread (see Fig. 4). physical systems,” “loT,” and “big data” (see Fig. 9).

ro 3
k_ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
§ 1


* '


. <c-

<A A
* S /
A 3
< -

Author Names

Fig. 3. T o p c o n t r i b u t in g a u t h o r s ( > t w o p a p e r s ).
S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safely and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 408-425 411











0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5

Fig. 5. Journal p ub licatio n details.

Fig. 6. C ou n try-w ise p u b licatio n details ( > tw o papers).

(4 ) Slates V /
/f S ,
Sooth Kwea •

t« : '

Mat. Nty«i Sudan

V *n w uHa Ntgond Ethiopia
Colcrobw ;

B a liw If

Go gle Mao data £2017 1CCG km l

Fig. 7. D is trib u tio n o f papers across the w orld .

3.8. Network analysis tool that provides flexible visual aids, powerful filtering techniques,
an essential toolkit for network analysis, and the capability to han­
There are multiple tools available for performing network anal­ dle different data formats. Other network analysis tools lack one or
ysis. Some of the most famous are Pajek, HistCite Graph Maker, and more of the features that Gephi provides. Gephi is an open-source
Gephi. For this paper, we have used Gephi. It is a comprehensive software package. It employs a 3-D render engine for making large
412 S.S. Kamble e t al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 4 08-425

Fig. 8. Frequently used keywords (count >2).

Big data


Cyber-physical systems

Smart Manufacturing

industry 4.0

0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 9. Keywords in publication titles.

Fig. 10. Co-citation map o f the authors.

networks in real time (Gephi, 2013). It contains a flexible, multi­ Fig. 10 shows the co-citation map for the selected top contribut­
tasking architecture that facilitates an insightful visualization of ing authors. It is observed from the figure that no clear cluster of
even the most complex of datasets. As per Bastian et al. (2009), papers is developed for the co-citations map. This indicates that
Gephi provides “easy and broad access to network data and assist papers have spread across the different topics related to Industry
in specializing, filtering, navigating, manipulating and clustering of 4.0. The low density of paper citations at the author nodes indicates
data.” BibExcel software was used to reformat the data file into a that Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing are emerging fields of
.NET format, which was used as input for Gephi. study and have just started to gain attention.
S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 408-425 41 3




25 21


C o n c e p tu a l Case s tu d y S im u la tio n E x p e r im e n ta tio n S u rv e y P ro to ty p e

F ig . 1 1 . D is tr ib u tio n based o n ty p e o f research.


1 1

C o n c e p tu a l S u rv e y P ro to ty p e

»2012 ■ 2013 ■ 2014 2015 2016 2017

F ig . 1 2 . D is tr ib u tio n o f re s e a rc h ap p ro a ch e s.







In d u s try 4 .0 Key T e c h n o lo g ie s S h o p flo o r-E q u ip m e n t H u m a n M a c h in e S u s ta in a b ility
C oncepts In te ra c tio n In te ra c tio n s

F ig . 1 3 . D is tr ib u tio n o f re s e a rc h c a te g o rie s .

3.9. Industry 4.0 papers based on type of research validated through empirical studies using case studies, simulations,
and experimentations. It is observed that there has been a sharp
Fig. 11 shows the distribution of the selected 85 papers by increase in the conceptual studies. However, the increase in the
methodology. Two research methodologies were considered for studies using simulations, experimentations, and prototyping is not
classification: conceptual and empirical. Empirical papers focus on significant. More studies using empirical approaches are required
visible or measurable Industry 4.0 activities and processes through to be undertaken.
a variety of methodological approaches. Conceptual papers discuss
the ideas, applications, theories, benefits, and challenges of Indus­
try 4.0 but do not collect primary data or analyze secondary data. It 3.10. Distribution of publications as per research categories
can be observed from Fig. 11 that 43% of the papers described the
topic at the conceptual level. The remaining 57% of the papers dealt The selected 85 papers were categorized in five research cate­
with the topic using empirical research methods that included case gories, as shown in Fig. 13. The distribution of categories indicates
studies (24%), simulations and prototypes (8%), experimentation that more attention has been paid to Industry 4.0 technologies (67%
(7%), and surveys (6%). of papers) that include the use of big data, simulations, additive
Fig. 12 presents the trend on how different research techniques manufacturing, loT, virtual reality, etc. This was followed by studies
have been used to study Industry 4.0 during the period 2012-2017. that propose general theories and concepts in Industry 4.0 (45% of
The trend observed in Fig. 12 reveals that there is a steep increase in papers), shop floor equipment interactions (43% of papers), human-
the conceptual papers on different aspects of Industry 4.0. The trend machine interfacing (24% of papers), and sustainability (18% of
reveals that the concepts presented in papers are being tested and papers). Fig. 14 presents the distribution of research categories
414 S.S. Kamble e t al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 4 08-425






2012 20 13 2014 2015 20 16 2017

......... In d u s try 4 .0 — Key T e c h n o lo g ie s

—~ “ Shop f lo o r E q u ip m e n t In te ra c tio n -™ ~ " # R E F !

S u s ta in a b ility

Fig. 14. Distribution of research categories during 2012-2017.

Table 1
Level of research across Industry 4.0 domains.

Research Categories Conceptual Case Study Simulation Experimentation Survey Prototype Total
Industry 4.0 Concepts and Theories 30 0 0 0 0 0 30
Key Technologies 23a 19 7 5 1 2 57
Shop Floor-Equipment Interactions 15a 11 5 5 0 1 37
Human-Machine Interactions 7a 6 2 1 3 2 21
Sustainability 6a 6 3 0 1 0 16
a Concepts are covered in the conceptual papers.

during the years 2012-2017. The findings indicate increased inter­ 2016). This integration enables identification and communication
est from researchers in all research categories. for every entity in the value stream and leads to IT-enabled mass
customization in manufacturing (Posada et al., 2015). Compared to
3 . U. Research techniques across Industry 4.0 categories conventional forecasting-based production planning, Industry 4.0
significantly influences the production environment with radical
The results presented in Table 1 help us understand how differ­ changes in the execution of operations, enabling real-time pro­
ent research techniques have been used to study the Industry 4.0 duction planning and control (Sanders et al., 2016). Industry 4.0 is
research categories. Most studies adopt an empirical (65%) research characterized by increased competitiveness through use of smart
approach, and the remaining a conceptual approach (35%) to study equipment, making use of information about high-wage locations,
Industry 4.0. The empirical approach is concerned with using case demographic changes, resources, energetic efficiency, and urban
studies, simulations, experiments, etc., for testing and validating production (Heck et al., 2014). The features required for the imple­
the concepts, theories, and applications. Out of the 57 papers on mentation of Industry 4.0 include horizontal, end-to-end digital
the key technologies, 33% of them used a case study approach. integration and vertical integration. Horizontal integration refers to
Simulation and experiment were used in 8% and 5% of the stud­ the integration of multiple smart factories through value networks,
ies respectively. Out of the 37 papers on shop floor-equipment occurring both within a smart factory and across different smart
interaction, around 30% of them used a case study approach, fol­ factories. Vertical and horizontal integration enables end-to-end
lowed by 13% using simulation and experimentation approaches integration across the entire value chain (Stock and Seligar, 2016).
respectively. Again, most of the studies in human-machine inter­ The smart product is another critical concept component in Indus­
facing and sustainability used a case study approach (28% and 37.5% try 4.0’s concept system. In a smart factory, products and machines
respectively). This finding indicates that the case study approach is communicate with each other, cooperatively driving production.
the most popular approach used by researchers to demonstrate the Smart products can refer to objects, devices, and machines that are
technology or the interface layers. Although the use of simulation, equipped with sensors, controlled by software, and connected to
experimentation, and prototype research approaches is increas­ the internet. Industry 4.0 gives rise to different CPSs, which include
ing, it is not significant. More studies using these approaches are the horizontal and vertical layers integrated with key technolo­
required to be conducted in the future. The detailed systematic gies and applications with an objective to support collaborative
literature review classification is presented in Table 2. industrial business processes and the associated business networks
(Liu and Xu, 2017). Roblek et al. (2016) claim that loT technology
4. Review discussion enables the creation of new products, services, and business mod­
els, and hence the business value of IoT technology is significantly
4.1. Industry 4.0 concepts and theories higher than is reflected by the number of devices. Nowadays, orga­
nizations are focused on creating value for the customer, who is
Industry 4.0 is the paradigm of connecting different kinds of becoming more aware and demanding regarding lead time delivery
physical devices enriched with embedded electronics (sensors, services and product availability and reliability (Witkowski, 2017).
actuators, radio frequency identification (RFID), etc.) to a net­ Mrugalska and Wyrwicka (2017) suggest that lean manufacturing,
work or internet, so they interact. The continuous interaction and when integrated with Industry 4.0, can support achieving great
exchange of information are not only between machines, but also flexibility of production systems and processes, realizing complex
between humans, and between humans and machines (Wan et al., products and supply chains. The manufacturing organizations can
S.S. Kamble etal. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection U 7 (2018) 408-425 415

Table 2
Systematic literature review.
SI. No. Topic Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 Machine- Human-Machine Sustainability Research
Concepts and Technologies Equipment Interactions Approach
Theories Interactions
1 Alexandre et al, (2017) J J Survey
2 Bahrin et al. (2016) V Conceptual
3 Bogle (2017) V V Conceptual
4 Chen and Lin (2017) V J Conceptual
5 Choi et al. (2016) V V Conceptual
6 Cornells and Strandhagen (2017) ■J ■J V Conceptual
7 Davis etal. (2012) J J Conceptual
8 Fernandes and Assuncao (2017) V Survey
9 Gentner(2016) V Conceptual
10 He et al. (2017) J Experimentation
11 Heck and Rogers (2015) V Conceptual
12 Ivanov et al. (2016) J J Conceptual
13 Kamigaki (2017) V J V Conceptual
14 Karakose and Yetis (2017) ■J ■J ■J J Conceptual
15 Kersten(2016) V V Case Study
16 Kibiraet al. (2016) V Conceptual
17 Kim et al. (2016) J Case Study
18 Lao et al. (2014) ■J ■J ■J Case Study
19 Lao et al. (2016) •J V V Simulation
20 Lee and Liu (2016) ■J ■J Experimentation
21 Lee et al. (2017a) V ■J Case Study
22 Lee et al. (2017b) Survey
23 Li etal. (2017) V V Experimentation
24 Lin et al. (2016b) ■J •J Simulation
25 Liu and Xu (2017) V Conceptual
26 Lobo(2016) V Conceptual
27 Lotzmann et al. (2017) V ■J V Case Study
28 Lu and Cecil (2016) ■J V Conceptual
29 Marques etal. (2017) V V Conceptual
30 Menasceetal. (2015) V J Conceptual
31 Monostori (2014) •J J J Conceptual
32 Moreno et al. (2017) •J V Simulation
33 Mosterman and Zander (2016) V Simulation
34 Moyne and Iskandar (2017) V ■J Case Study
35 Mrugalska and Wyrwicka (2017) ■J Conceptual
36 Mueller et al. (2017) ■J V Conceptual
37 Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) ■J V Conceptual
38 Paelke(2014) V V Experimentation
39 Papazoglou et al. (2015) V V V Conceptual
40 Park and Tan (2015) V V J Conceptual
41 Parlanti (2017) ■J •J ■J Conceptual
42 Pei et al. (2017) •J J ■J ■J Case Study
43 Pfeiffer (2016) s i
44 Pfliegl and Keller (2015) ■J ■J V V Conceptual
45 Posada et al. (2015) V ■J Conceptual
46 Prause and Atari (2017) J Survey
47 Preuveneers and Ilie-Zudor (2017) V Conceptual
48 Qian etal. (2017) V Conceptual
49 Qu et al. (2016) ■J V Case Study
50 Quintas et al. (2017) V V Experimentation
51 Ramadan et al. (2017) s! V V Simulation
52 Reis and Gins (2017) V Conceptual
53 Reubmann et al. (2015) Case Study
54 Roblek et al. (2016) ■J Conceptual
55 Sackey etal. (2017) ■J Survey
56 Sanders et al. (2016) V V Conceptual
57 Schlechtendahl et al. (2015) ■J Case Study
58 Schuh et al. (2014a) ■J V V Case Study
59 Schuh et al. (2014b) V V V Conceptual
60 Shafiq et al. (2015) V J V Simulation
61 Shafiq et al. (2016) J V V Case Study
62 Shamim et al. (2017) ■J ■J V Case Study
63 Sommer (2015) ■J Conceptual
64 Strange and Zucchella (2017) ■J Conceptual
65 Tao et al. (2014) V V •J Prototype
66 Theorin etal. (2017) V V Case Study
67 Thramboulidis and Christoulakis (2016) V V Prototype
68 Uhlemann et al. (2017) V ■J V Conceptual
69 Waibel et al. (2017) J V Case Study
70 Wan et al. (2016) •J V V Case Study
71 Wanget al. (2015) ■J •J •J Conceptual
72 Wang et al. (2016) ■J ■J Case Study
73 Wang et al. (2016) ■J J ■J Simulation
74 Wang et al. (2017) ■J J ■J Case Study
416 S.S. Kamble etal./ Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 408-425

Table 2 (Continued)
SI. No. Topic Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 Machine- Human-Machine Sustainability Research
Concepts and Technologies Equipment Interactions Approach
Theories Interactions
75 Witkowski (2017) V ■J Conceptual
76 Wittenberg (2016) V ■J V Conceptual
77 Wolf and Serpanos (2017) V V/ Conceptual
78 Wong and Kim (2017) V Conceptual
79 Wu et al. (2017) ■J V Experimentation
80 Xu et al. (2014) V ■J Conceptual
81 Yang et al. (2017) V V V Case Study
82 Yu etal., (2017) V Simulation
83 Yuan etal. (2017) ■J ■J ■J V Case Study
84 Yue etal. (2015) ■J ■J Case Study
85 Zawadzki and Zywicki (2016) V V Conceptual

commit to Industry 4.0 with the perspective of making their pro­ implementing smart and optimal manufacturing processes (Qian
duction shop floors lean (Sanders et ah, 2016). The exchange and et al., 2017). The efficacy, acceptance, adaptability, and overall
use of data by the elements on a shop floor enables a certain performance of human-machine systems and human-system inter­
degree of autonomy, and moreover, a shift to decentralized pro­ action applications can be enhanced by integrating context and
duction planning and control, which is another characteristic of interaction information models into a decision-making component
Industry 4.0 (Liu and Xu, 2017). Strange and Zucchella (2017) dis­ that behaves as a supervision process for controlling interaction
cuss the implications of Industry 4.0 for global value chains. They (Quintas et al., 2017). Alexandre et al. (2017), based on their study
note that the emergence of Industry 4.0 will impact the activities of the application of Industry 4.0 in the design and manufacture
and strategic decisions of MNEs. The MNEs will need to control of handicraft products, recommend respecting the individual iden­
the design and distribution stages of the global value chains. The tity values of the craftsmanship to promote an interdisciplinary
authors further report that 3-D printing technology and virtual relationship between industrial designers, industrial manufactur­
engineering will potentially allow customers to provide input on ers, and artisans. However, considering the aspects of human-cyber
product design and influence decisions on where and when the interaction, there may be adoption barriers to successful imple­
product is to be manufactured. The manufacturing facilities may mentation of smart manufacturing in the organizations. Sackey
move closer to the final customers. The decisions about selection et al. (2017) feel the need to manage the impact of Industry 4D
of plant locations will be revised with the decreased cost economies on an industrial engineering (IE) education curriculum by offering
that would result from the use of robotic systems in manufacturing. practical teaching and learning infrastructure.
The deployment of BDA and the IoT are identified as the compe­
tencies that will guide organizational performance in the future, 4.3. Shop floor and equipment integration
which will be based on the need to anticipate and shape poten­
tial customer demands and improve manufacturing, logistics, and The shop floor entities (machines, conveyors, etc.), the smart
distribution efficiencies. Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016) report products, and the cloud can communicate and exchange interac­
that most of the critical technologies—cloud computing, mobile tively over the established network. Each of the shop floor entities,
computing, modularization-have reached market maturity, while considered as agents collaborate efficiently to achieve agility and
the others—like additive manufacturing; robotics; and augmented, flexibility. Global coordination between these agents are required
virtual, and mixed reality—are still in their formative stages. to handle issues such as load-unbalance and inefficiency that may
occur due to the compability issues. New control algorithms with
4.2. Industry 4.0 and human-machine collaboration big data feedback mechanisms will be reqiured to minimise the
load-unbalance (Li et al„ 2017). In a production system, sensors
Bahrin et al. (2016) identify the interconnection of human play an important role in the operation of the IoT and CPSs. A sen­
beings, objects, and systems, which leads to dynamic real-time sor is “a mechanical device sensitive to light, temperature, radiation
optimized and self-organized intercompany value systems as one level, or the like, that transmits a signal to a measuring or control
of the critical components of Industry 4.0. Shamim et al. (2017), instrument.” It is a useful device that converts information from the
recognizing that continuous learning and innovation in an orga­ physical world into data in the cyber system. Use of self-sustaining
nization depends on people and the enterprise’s capabilities, intelligent sensor nets is proposed by Mueller et al. (2017) to collect
proposed a framework of management practices that promote an and transmit the manufacturing process information in real-time
environment of innovation and learning in an organization, mak­ to the computers. The improved instructions are transferred bade
ing the digital enhancements and implementation of CPSs much to the physical system with the support of network algorithms in
easier. Pfeiffer (2016), based on a qualitative survey of 62 man­ cyber systems for better control of the process. Lin et al. (2016)
agers in assembly plants, challenged the dominant view that a suggest building a controlled workspace using large-scale deploy­
human could be easily replaced by robots. He further adds that ment of wireless sensors. They suggest that, to achieve efficient
experiential knowledge, informal expertise, and tacit knowledge connectivity between the machines, the wireless sensors be fur­
are essential on a shop floor, bringing interactive capabilities into ther divided into multiple groups for multiple monitoring tasks,
assembly work to ensure high performance, quality, and smooth and each group of sensors be deployed densely within a subarea
material flow. Workers bring much value to the processes of inno­ in a large plant or along a long production/assembly line. Menasce
vation and organizational learning. The modern manufacturing et al. (2015) propose a framework that combines various models,
system is considered a composition of cyber-physical, cyber, and like a process model to represent machines, parts inventories, and
human components, and IoT is used as a connecting element for the flow of parts through machines in a discrete manufacturing
integration (Thramboulidis and Christoulakis, 2016). Cooperative floor; a predictive queueing network model to support the analy­
control and optimization of plant-wide production processes via sis and planning phases of smart manufacturing; and optimization
human-cyber-physical interaction is identified as an element for models to support the planning phase of smart manufacturing. The
S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117 (2018) 408-425 417

combination of these different models helps to achieve different tise in analytics for the realization of efficient online manufacturing
levels of integration and provides improved decision-making. solutions (Moyne and Iskandar, 2017; Reis and Gins, 2017). Exploit­
ing intelligence from big data to drive agility will require tackling
4.4. Technologies of Industry 4.0 new challenges, such as how to ensure the consistency and con­
fidentiality of data through long, complex supply chains (Bogle,
In Industry 4.0, the IoT is connected alongside CPSs in such 2017).
a way that the system develops the potential to generate and
feed information, adding value to the manufacturing process. The 4.4.3. Cloud for integrating the CPS
interconnection is made possible with a combination of software, Industry 4.0 and cloud manufacturing enable the networking
sensor, processor, and communication technologies (Bahrin et al„ of manufacturing things, services, data, and people over the inter­
2016). net in the manufacturing field, which constitutes part of the smart,
networked world. It can be envisioned that Industry 4.0 and cloud
4.4.1. IoT manufacturing will unleash the full potential of the manufactur­
The IoT is a new industrial ecosystem that combines intelli­ ing industry in the coming new era of industrial production (Yue
gent and autonomous machines, advanced predictive analytics, et al., 2015). Cloud technologies can be widely used in Industry 4.0
and machine-human collaboration to improve productivity, effi­ for increased data sharing across company boundaries, improved
ciency, and reliability (Wong and Kim, 2017; Thramboulidis system performance (such as increased agility and flexibility), and
and Christoulakis, 2016). The IoT (IoT) provides real-time reduced costs through bringing systems online (Liu and Xu, 2017;
sensing/actuating ability and fast transmission capability of Tao et al., 2014). Wang et al. (2016a, 2016b, 2016c) present a smart
data/information, so that the remote operation of manufactur­ factory framework that incorporates industrial network, cloud, and
ing activities and efficient collaboration among stakeholders are supervisory control terminals with smart shop floor objects such as
greatly facilitated (Yang et al., 2017; Lu and Cecil, 2016). Cloud man­ machines, conveyors, and products. These self-organized physical
ufacturing (CM) and the IoT (IoT) are interlinked, yet most work systems are assisted by cloud-based big data feedback and coordi­
only focuses on one of them and takes the other as a constituent nation control. The proposed system helps design complementary
technology unit (Qu et al., 2016). The increasing use of sensors on strategies to prevent deadlocks by improving the agents’ decision­
physical products allows them to capture, process, and communi­ making and the coordinator’s behavior. A similar framework was
cate data with humans and other physical systems. There exists a developed by Lu and Cecil (2016) using Extended Enterprise Mod­
vast potential for the development of sensor-based applications, as eling Language (EEML), which provides a structured foundation
these sensors provide real-time data that may be used for preven­ for designing and developing collaborative frameworks, and by
tive maintenance by detecting equipment wear and tear, to avoid Qu et al. (2016) to achieve real-time production logistics synchro­
stock-outs through monitoring of inventory levels, for better capac­ nization by systematically integrating cloud manufacturing and
ity planning, and to assess the usage and functionality of products IoT infrastructures to enable a smart PLS control mechanism with
(Lin et al., 2016). IoT technology is used for collecting, analyzing, multi-level dynamic adaptability. Mosterman and Zander (2016)
and managing data, and an object-oriented RFID system is used successfully demonstrated a smart manufacturing system includ­
as a control process in manufacturing systems (Yang et al., 2017; ing a physical environment; a wireless network; parallel computing
Kamigaki, 2017). IoT products are allotted unique identifiers and resources; and computational functionality such as service arbitra­
are intricately linked to information about their provenance, use, tion, various forms of control, and processing of streaming video on
and destination. The use of the IoT helps in the effective coordina­ a pick and place machine. The system proposed by Wan et al. (2016)
tion and synchronization of product and information flows. The introduced mobile services as the third layer, integrated with the
CPSs based on IoT technology find applications in smart manu­ cloud computing technology and manufacturing device layers. In
facturing to achieve intelligent perception and access to various this system, the manufacturing device layers are composed of phys­
manufacturing resources (Tao et al„ 2014), to connect multiple par­ ical devices, such as a flexible conveyor belt, industrial robots, and
ties using social networks to facilitate open innovations (Yang et al„ corresponding sensors, which are connected to the cloud via the
2017), for process control using RFID to provide more flexibility to support of a wireless module. The manufacturing big data about
the manufacturing process (Kamigaki, 2017), to improve the pro­ customized manufacturing is then computed in the cloud and used
ductivity of the microdevices assembly (Lu and Cecil, 2016), and to receive orders from customers and to inquire about the necessary
to manage dynamics in production logistics processes (Qu et al., production information, based on a mobile services platform. Park
2016). and Tran (2015) proposed a cloud-based smart manufacturing sys­
tem for machining transmission in which the advanced information
4.4.2. Role of big data in Industry 4.0 and communication technology, such as cognitive agent, swarm
Manufacturing companies should understand that it is imper­ intelligence, and cloud computing, are used to integrate, organize,
ative to have the data analytics capabilities for driving the digital and allocate the machining resources. With the increasing use of
transformation. They are therefore required to possess a wide vari­ cloud computing technologies, there is a need to optimize storage
ety of skill sets for developing the algorithms and interpreting space. The use of flash memory is recommended with improved
the data (Lee et al., 2017a, 2017b; Liu and Xu, 2017). Big data algorithms (He et al., 2017).
analytics and technologies support real-time data collection from
many different sources, comprehensive analysis of the data, and 4.4.4. Simulations and prototype
real-time decision making, leading to improved manufacturing Simulations and prototyping will leverage real-time data to
flexibility, product quality, energy efficiency, and improved equip­ mirror the physical world in a virtual model, which can include
ment service through predictive maintenance (Bahrin et al., 2016; machines, products, and humans. This allows operators to test and
Li et al., 2017; Rubmann et al„ 2016; Strange and Zucchella, 2017; optimize the machine settings for the next product in line in the vir­
Preuveneers and Ilie-Zudor,2017; Wan etal., 2016). Big data analyt­ tual world before the physical changeover, thereby driving down
ics has been widely used in manufacturing for process monitoring, machine setup times and increasing quality (Bahrin et al., 2016).
and fault finding is supporting new capabilities like predictive ana­ The simulation technique was used to study cyberattacks using
lytics (Lee et al., 2017a, 2017b; Qian et al., 2017; Yuan etal., 2017). the bifurcation control method with an objective of generating the
However, these capabilities require high data quality and exper­ expected dynamic behaviors and guaranteeing the trustworthiness
418 S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018)408-425

of cyber-physical manufacturing systems at run time (Yu et al., 4.4.6. Robotic systems
2017). Simulation studies were also used for observing the behav­ Modern robots are characterized as systems offering autonomy,
ior of machines: movements, machining operations, connectivity flexibility, and cooperation. It is predicted that the robots will soon
with robotic arms (Moreno et al., 2017), real-time tracking of man­ start interacting with one another and work safely with humans
ufacturing cost (Ramadan et al., 2017), energy efficiency of wireless and even learn from them. These robots will offer cost advan­
sensor networks (Lin et al., 2016), deadlock prevention (Wang et al., tage and an excellent range of capabilities, performing most of the
2016a, 2016b, 2016c), and the use of virtual engineering objects processes in the intelligent factory (Pei et al., 2017). Use of pro­
for industrial design and manufacturing (Shafiq et al., 2015). Pro­ grammable dual-arm robot is proposed by Mueller et al. (2017) for
totype as a tool was used to study the CPS (Thramboulidis and material distribution in the assembly line. Further to assure safe
Christoulakis, 2016; Tao et al., 2014). Yuan et al. (2017) present the operation of the robot and monitor the environment a safety eye
applications of smart manufacturing in the petrochemical industry concept is implemented. If any disturbance such as some person
to manage the physical resources efficiently. A few of the suggested or equipment such as an automated guided vehicle enters the vir­
areas where smart manufacturing is applied are the fault detection tual space (safety eye), the system stops the movement of the robot
of a catalytic cracking unit driven by big data and advanced opti­ with unique sound anticipating some complicity. The operator has
mization for the planning and scheduling of oil refinery sites. Use to remove the obstacle before the robot starts working again. As the
of digital twins (prototypes) to simulate the process behavior of the manufacturing tasks become more individualized and more flexi­
actual machines interactively is proposed by Moreno et al. (2017). ble, the machines in the smart factory will be required to do variable
Digital twins are based on the Ethernet/lP communication protocol tasks collaboratively without reprogramming. Wang et al. (2016a,
and provide information like movements, machining operations, 2016b, 2016c) discuss the similarity between smart manufacturing
and connectivity with robotic arms. systems and the ubiquitous robotic systems, and propose deploying
ubiquitous robotic technology to the smart factory.

4.4.5. 3-D printing and augmented reality 4.4.7. Cyber security

Machining techniques such as cutting, drilling, grinding, and The IoT-based CPSs that are connected to millions of embedded
sanding used in traditional manufacturing processes are referred sensors and communications devices pose the normal risks asso­
as “subtractive manufacturing," in which parts and components ciated with increased use of data and the more significant risks of
manufacturing relies on the removal method. These parts and com­ systemic breaches (Wittenberg, 2016). CPMSs may face the threat
ponents are then assembled to form the final products. In contrast, of cyber-attacks. Once the CPMSs are deployed in the organiza­
3-D printing relies on additive manufacturing, which forms the tions, malicious software can affect and spread from one machine
final products by building up successive layers of materials, thus to another by communication systems. The viruses spread through
avoiding the need for parts and component assembly. A computer- this malicious software may be intended to modify the manufactur­
aided design (CAD) software is used in 3-D printing to generate a ing process or destroy data through the system, leading to quality
digital model, followed by creating (printing) a three-dimensional defects in the products or a complete shutdown. The security issues
object in a 3-D printer from raw materials in either liquid or parti­ in the CPMSs in the form of cyberattacks and data thefts are criti­
cle form. Thin layers of raw material are deposited microscopically cal and need to be controlled to improve the trustworthiness and
by the printer so that the deposition of successive layers mate­ acceptability of the system (Yu et al., 2017). The industrial data is
rializes in the formation of the final product (Baynes and Steele, highly sensitive, as it encapsulates various aspects of the industrial
2015 in Oesterreich and Teuteberg, 2016). Additive manufactur­ operation, including information about products, business strate­
ing techniques will have a significant contribution toward Industry gies, and companies (Wolf and Serpanos, 2017).
4.0, as they will help organizations manufacture small batches of
customized products that offer construction advantages, such as 4.5. Sustainable Industry 4.0
complex, lightweight designs (Stock and Seilger, 2016; Rubmann
et al., 2015). High-performance, decentralized additive manufac­ The contribution of Industry 4.0 toward more sustainable indus­
turing systems will reduce transport distances and stock on hand trial value creation will be remarkable in the future (Stock and
(Strange and Zucchella, 2017). Although 3-D manufacturing sys­ Seliger, 2016). In the existing literature, this contribution is mainly
tems are still in the initial stages, organizations are expected to attributed to the economic and environmental dimensions of sus­
make much broader use of it in Industry 4.0. Chen and Lin (2017) tainability. Besides economic and environmental sustainability,
assert the need for the use of 3-D printing technology as an enabler Industry 4.0 has enormous potential for realizing sustainable indus­
for smart manufacturing. However, they identify that 3-D printing trial value creation in social dimensions.
faces technical challenges like limited types of usable materials,
low precision, and low productivity. If these challenges are over­ 4.5.1. Economic sustainability
come, then smart manufacturing based on this technology will be SM implementation studies on management of financial
able continually to provide 3-D objects of interest to customers resources are insufficient in the literature. Lee et al. (2017a, 2017b)
or join as many ubiquitous manufacturing networks as possible. developed a big data analytics platform for the implementation
Zawadzki and Zywicki (2016) discuss hybrid prototyping, which is of smart factories in small and medium-sized enterprises. They
an integration of additive manufacturing technologies and virtual proposed using cloud-based computing for the platform so that
reality techniques. the enterprises can reduce their financial burdens of infrastructure
Spatially registered information on the task directly in the user’s and experts. Ramadan et al. (2017) focused on reducing the man­
field of view may be used to guide the human workers through ufacturing costs by identifying the causes and eliminating them
unfamiliar tasks and visualize information directly in the spa­ by implementing a real-time manufacturing cost tracking system
tial context using augmented reality, supporting the worker in integrating lean manufacturing and RFID. Conducting real-time
the quickly changing production environment. Such augmented preventive maintenance of measurement sensors helps improve
reality-based systems can support a variety of services to the user the economic performance of manufacturing processes and pro­
organizations, such as locating spare parts in a warehouse and send­ vides process stability (Lao et al., 2015). Schuh et al. (2014a, 2014b)
ing maintenance repair instructions over mobile devices (Paelke, provide an Industry 4.0 perspective by analyzing a series of differ­
2014). ent cost-optimized scenarios for several points in time in the future,
S .S . K a m b l e e t a l . / P ro c e s s S a fe ty a n d E n v ir o n m e n t a l P r o te c tio n U 7 (2 0 1 8 ) 4 0 8 -4 2 5 419

with distinct parameter settings for the design of global production cals is a concern for most of the processing companies. Developing
networks. The objective of the study was to identify a path in the countries are facing difficulty in supervising hazardous chemicals,
trade-off between the costs for migrating a network structure into resulting in frequent accidents. There is a need to urgently address
another one and the total landed costs of the regarded series of this issue by developing technologies in Industry 4.0, using new
future network scenarios. The implementation of lean manufac­ tools and techniques such as sensing, detection, control, and trac­
turing in smart manufacturing environments is thought to reduce ing analysis (Qain et al., 2017). Oesterreich and Teuteberg (2016),
costs. Sanders et al. (2016) identify the implementation of Indus­ in their systematic review of the literature on understanding the
try 4.0 as a cost-intensive operation, considering the investment implications of digitization and automation in the context of Indus­
required and the perceived benefits. The authors feel that lean can try 4.0, identify employee safety and health hazards as a critical
be implemented in a smart manufacturing environment, making issue in the construction industry. Technologies recommended for
the organizations lean and smart. improving safety in hazardous work areas include safety training
(Guo et al., 2016 in Oesterreich and Teuteberg, 2016), risk maps,
and wearable technologies like smart glasses and helmets, to be
4.5.2. Process safety and environmental control used with mobile devices or wearable computing. Stock and Seliger
There have been continuous efforts to improve the standard (2016) suggest three sustainable approaches for coping with the
of living in society. The developments in industries are increas­ social challenge in Industry 4.0: i) increasing the training effi­
ing at continuously faster rates to provide a high quality of life for ciency of workers by combining new ICT technologies, ii) increasing
their members. However, the current developments in the produc­ intrinsic motivation and fostering creativity to support decentral­
tion environment are not sustainable (Waibel et al., 2017). Most of ized decision making, and iii) increasing extrinsic motivation by
the developments happening in the manufacturing environment implementing individual incentive schemes based on performance
are focused on addressing climate change and the depletion of feedback mechanisms within the product lifecycle.
energy sources (Schuh et al., 2014a, 2014b). Industry 4.0, steered
with intelligent devices and a smart production system, has the 5. Proposed Sustainable Industry 4.0 Framework
potential to reduce production waste, overproduction, movement
of goods, and energy consumption. Further, the use of additive man­ Based on the review of the literature we propose a sustainable
ufacturing, which works on the pull principle, makes it possible to industry 4.0 framework comprising of three main components viz.,
provide customized products with reduced lead times, reducing the industry 4.0 technologies, process integration and sustainable out­
inventory levels of raw materials and utilizing the capacity more comes (see Fig. 15). The review of the literature identified that
efficiently (Wang et al., 2016a, 2016b, 2016c). Manufacturing com­ the rapid industrialization has contributed to lower standards of
panies are connected in smart production networks with shared health and safety of the workforce and degradation in the environ­
resources, like raw materials, power plants, and workforce. Compa­ ment (Luthra and Mangla, 2018; Guo et al., 2013; Oesterreich and
nies in this network can plan resource-intensive tasks when there Teuteberg, 2016). Industry 4.0 is expected to improve the deteri­
is less requirement for the shared resource at the other location. orating economic, environmental and social values using modern
For example, the companies may schedule their energy-intensive Industry 4.0 technologies and process integration (Stock and Seli-
tasks when there is an oversupply of power energy or planned gar, 2016). The proposed framework takes into consideration that
maintenance breaks at the other manufacturing plants. However, Industry 4.0 facilitates the integration of the business processes
the smart production system, which is based on massive data cen­ and activities through the cyber-physical interaction of connected
ters, sensor devices, and other smart equipment, will have high elements and process innovations making the manufacturing sys­
energy and resource requirements to operate the system, which tem more flexible, economical and environmentally friendly (Wang
will impact the environment negatively (Wang et al., 2015a, 2015b; et al., 2016a, 2016b, 2016c; Duarte and Cruz-Machado, 2017). The
Waibel et al., 2017). Disposal of industrial waste generated in the components of the sustainable Industry 4.0 framework are dis­
form waste water, waste gas, waste residue, and hazardous chemi­ cussed below.

In d u s tr y 4 .0 P ro c e s s S u s ta in a b le
T e c h n o lo g ie s In te g r a t io n O u tc o m e s
I n t e r n e t o f T h in g s
H um an- E c o n o m ic
B ig D a ta A n a ly tic s
M a c h in e
C lo u d C o m p u tin g C o lla b o r a tio n
P ro ce ss
S im ulation & P rototype A u t o m a t io n a n d
S a fe ty
3 D P r in tin g S h o p f lo o r -
E q u ip m e n t E n v ir o n m e n ta l
A u g m e n te d R e a lity
In te g r a tio n P r o te c tio n
R o b o tic S y s te m s
C y b e r S e c u r ity

In te ro p e ra b ility V ir tu a liz a tio n R e a l-tim e c a p a b ility

D e c e n tra liz a tio n M o d u la r ity S e rvice O rie n ta tio n

jn d u s t r y 4 .0 P r in c ip le s


Fig. 15. Sustainable Industry 4.0 Framework.

420 S.S. Kamble eta/. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 408-425

5.1. Industry 4.0 technologies machines, equipment’s, products, the customer’s data collected
through different sources like social media, direct selling points
The review identifies various industry 4.0 technologies that and the data received from suppliers when analyzed in real-time
are used to assist sustainable manufacturing decisions. The survey changes the way decisions are made and its impact on the prof­
identifies big data technologies that include virtual reality, robotic itability of the industry 4.0 based organizations.
systems, cloud computing, internet of things, simulation and pro­
totyping, and 3D printing as the emerging technologies of Industry 5.2.5. Modularity
4.0. The industry 4.0 technologies connect the machines, tools, Modularity refers to the modular production systems that can
devices, components, products and logistics equipm ent’s ensu­ be adapted by replacing and expanding the individual modules in
ing real-time communications between themselves (Wang et al„ a much more comfortable way. System modularity offers adjust­
2016a, 2016b, 2016c; Bahrin et al„ 2016) in such a way that system ments in capacity in situations of seasonal fluctuations or changes
develops the potential to generate and feed information, adding in product’s production needs. Modularity also facilitates simu­
value to the manufacturing process. The interconnection is made lating various manufacturing processes, such as product design,
possible with a combination of software, sensor, processor, and production planning, production and production engineering and
communication technologies (Bahrin et al., 2016). The proposed services as individual processes and closely interconnecting them
framework acknowledges the role of Industry 4.0 technologies later offering interchangeability (Qin et al., 2016).
in the accomplishment of process integration. Cyber-security is
shown as one of the critical aspects of the framework as secu­
5.2.6. Service orientation
rity and privacy in an industry 4.0 environment is very critical
The process integration brings in the sense of service orientation
(Wittenberg, 2016; Wolf and Serpanos, 2017). The data breaches as all the entities in the production system are interconnected facili­
and cyber-attacks through malicious software need to be controlled
tating the creation of the product-service system. The flexibility and
to improve the trustworthiness and acceptability of the system (Yu
agility achieved as an outcome of the service orientation enable
et al., 2017).
the organizations to respond to market changes more quickly.
This allows the various stakeholders of the organizations to come
5.2. Process integration
together and partner to co-create value for the consumers.
The use of industry 4.0 technologies supports a high level of
process integration. The process integration is an outcome of CPS 5.3. Sustainable outcome
and human-equipment interface achieved through the deploy­
ment of industry 4.0 technologies. The CPS are the most significant 5.3.1. Environmental protection
advances in these disruptive developments (Monostori et al, 2016; It is found from the literature review that the Industry 4.0 allows
Thramboulidis and Christoulakis, 2016). The process integration for efficient resource allocation that includes water, energy, raw
allows for the creation of smart products and processes (Schmidt material and other products based on real-time data collected from
et al., 2015) that helps to cater the rapidly changing market require­ the production processes and other stakeholders using the modern
ments in the form of increased functionalities and more complexity industry 4.0 technologies resulting in sustainable green practices
(Persson, 2016). The following principles of Industry 4.0 are a con­ (Stock and Seliger, 2016). The framework suggests that the Industry
sequence of the successful deployment of industry 4.0 technologies 4.0 technologies have the full potential to make the existing manu­
and process integrations (Carvalho et al., 2018). facturing processes environmentally sustainable (De Sousa Jabbour
et al., 2018).
5.2.1. Interoperability
Interoperability is defined as the ability to perform the same 5.3.2. Process automation and safety
function even on exchanging the machines and equipment, even Industry 4.0 supports stabilized manufacturing processes that
from different manufacturers. Interoperability provides a trusted lead to positive digital management of processes and continuous
environment extending multiple networks in a manufacturing sys­ throughput (Chromjakova, 2017). The stability offered through the
tem (Qinetal., 2016). digital management of the operations provides improved working
conditions and a safe manufacturing environment to the workmen.
5.2.2. Decentralization The literature acknowledges that the importance of human factor is
Decentralization is defined as the ability of companies, oper­ minimizing with complete system automation and use of advanced
ations staff, and even the machines to make decisions instead technologies (Trstenjak and Cosic, 2017). Many safety-related tasks
of depending on the centralized computing system of decision­ are performed at the organizational level to prevent safety hazards
making body. This principle helps to achieve quick decision making and operational risks in the traditional industries (Reniers, 2017).
and offers more flexibility. Decentralization acts as a perfect orga­ The framework proposes that the new industry 4.0 environment
nizational setup to handle the growing needs of highly customized will lead to a new revolution in safety management practices with
products. “out of the box” thinking.

5.2.3. Virtualization 5.3.3. Economic sustainability

Virtualization means creating a virtual copy of the physical With the Industry 4.0 revolution gaining momentum it is
world. The virtualization is used for the process monitoring and believed that most of the companies have planned their transfor­
machine-to-machine communication. These simulation-based vir­ mation to digital supply chains in support of Industry 4.0. Presently
tual models are linked to the sensor data. The virtualization assists there is not much literature available on achieving economic sus­
in notifying the failures of the system to the human being and tainability through Industry 4.0. However, the researchers are
advances the safety provisions. optimistic that the Industry 4.0 will undoubtedly lead to reduced
costs of manufacturing (Ramadan et al., 2017), the improved
5.2.4. Real-time capability economic performance of manufacturing processes and process
Big data technologies take the real-time capability of the orga­ stability (Lao et al., 2015) and cost optimized global produc­
nizations higher. The big data collected from the plants about the tion networks (Schuh et al., 2014a). Our framework proposes
S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 408-425 421

that the Industry 4.0 technologies clubbed with process integra­ will need to be conducted. Research work will also be needed to
tion will bring many economic benefits to the organizations. It is efficiently combine real-time assessment methods with dynamic
expected that the Industry 4.0 will significantly reduce the total optimization, which is presently missing in the context of Industry
cost of ownership of the production capital equipment by way 4.0. Machine learning algorithms for data mining associated with
of improved predictive maintenance, reduced product develop­ cloud services is also a direction for future research.
ment costs, improved purchasing decisions, and offering highly
customized on-demand manufacturing. The on-demand manufac­ 6.4. Impact of changing technologies on Industry 4.0 interactions
turing is a consolidation of just-in-time and lean manufacturing
principles that streamlines the processes and waste reduction. Human-machine and machine-equipment interactions will
change with the new technologies being used. As Industry 4.0
6. Future research perspectives involves information collection, spatial modeling, searching, dis­
play, and interaction between the different layers, communication
6.1. Establishing relationships between the influencing factors for technologies and equipment like sensors, RFID, and robots will have
implementation a significant role to play. Future studies on how to make large-scale
use of RFID and sensors in the smart factory will be required. These
Most of the reviewed studies have focused on developing the­ studies should pay more attention to the function of the reading and
ories enumerating the benefits and limitations of Industry 4.0. writing of RFID chips, with the objective of making the technology
However, the current research trend does not focus on investi­ portable and handheld. The benefits of flexible control, collision
gating the relationships between the key influencing factors for detection, and human-machine collaboration through industrial
implementation of Industry 4.0. Further studies on successful robots must be validated for its general applicability across various
implementation of Industry 4.0 in different industry environ­ industries (Pei et al., 2017). Even though the experimentations on
ments to enhance the understanding of these factors are required. the use of AR technology were conducted in R&D labs more than
This will enhance understanding so that a guideline for success­ two decades ago, there are very few AR-based real-world appli­
ful implementation, concerning the specific characteristics and cations, because of technological limitations (Paelke, 2014). Future
requirements of the industry, can be provided for companies to con­ research on how AR may be used to support workers in the increas­
sider before the implementation of new technologies (Oesterreich ingly flexible and data-rich environment of future smart factories
and Teuteberg, 2016). Multi-criteria decision-making techniques will be required to understand the impact of an AR interface on the
like interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and analytical hierar­ user experience.
chical process (AHP) may be used to develop these relationships. The future direction for research on CPSs will be studies on how
to implement CPSs and how to improve CPSs to become more reli­
6.2. Integration of lean manufacturing with Industry 4.0 able, stable, and capable (Lu and Cecil, 2016). The cyber-physical
machine systems may either resist cyberattacks or be forced to
Lean production has played a vital role in the mass production coexist with the malicious software and then reach an unstable
systems focused on improved product quality with the aim of satis­ equilibrium (Yu et al., 2017). There are possibilities of bifurcations
fying customers. Industry 4.0 and lean production approaches can and chaotic states occurring that may render a CPMS unstable and
support each other (Mrugalska and Wyrwicka, 2017). The reviews destroy it. Wittenberg (2016) reports that loss of sensitive informa­
highlight various Industry 4.0 technologies that increase the com­ tion can result in significant business losses, causing reputational
puting power of the organization’s improvements, or adaptations of damage (Wittenberg, 2016). Future research should address the
the evolution of these new technologies that need to be analyzed security issues concerning IoT data-sharing and propose techno­
regarding their influence on lean manufacturing (Mrugalska and logical solutions to manage sensitive information in the smart
Wyrwicka, 2017). Studies on the practical applications of imple­ manufacturing environment.
menting lean manufacturing in smart production systems must
be undertaken. These studies may focus on creating conceptual 6.5. Impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chains
frameworks by integrating lean principles in fully functional CPSs
(Sanders et al., 2016). Industry 4.0 makes rich data available from different supply
chain domains in real time, which can be used for efficient supply
6.3. Impact of big data on Industry 4.0 chain design decisions. The information collected from products,
logistics operations, and manufacturing machines becomes read­
Deployment of BDA and the IoT will be a significant contrib­ ily available, integrating the physical and digital worlds. This is
utor in guiding organizational performance (Lee et al., 2017b; combined with independent-acting products, production cells, and
Wittenberg, 2016). BDA and the IoT are identified as the capabili­ transport (Stock and Seliger, 2016). This data will help improve
ties that will help companies anticipate and shape future customer products and services compared to the present alternatives. The
demands, bringing greater efficiencies in the distribution of final smart component of Industry 4.0 makes products “uniquely iden­
goods (Strange). It is learned from the review that the success of tifiable” and “makes the increasing complexity of manufacturing
Industry 4.0 largely depends on how well the physical systems processes manageable” (Johannes and Strandhagen, 2017). There is
communicate between themselves with a continuous exchange a need to study how smart factories and smart products will impact
of information. The collected information as an outcome of such supply chain decisions. Future studies on the impact of smart man­
automation is used for the customer-oriented adaptation of prod­ ufacturing on supply chain networks, reverse logistics, production
ucts and services that will increase value added for organizations planning, and control of product recycling and remanufacturing are
and customers (Yu et al., 2017). Further research studies are required.
required on developing new BDA techniques that can analyze the
voluminous data that is generated with the highest speed in real 6.6. Impact of Industry 4.0 on changing customers
time. Techniques such as simulation, data analytics, and optimiza­
tion may be integrated to derive better understanding. Research Industry 4.0 provides companies a platform to have a con­
on efficiently integrating interfaces between and among analysis tinuous link with their customers. It is now possible to collect
models and data sources, such as the shop floor and databases, real-time customer data through wearable devices and other
422 S.S. Kamble e t al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018) 408-425

communication technologies. This provides an opportunity to discussions on Industry 4.0 concepts and theories. Case study and
provide highly customized products meeting the customer’s simulation approaches were mainly used for studies on technolo­
requirements, industry 4.0 will challenge the role of the customer, gies. However, more studies on the validation of suggested theories
with him being an active participant in the value creation process and concepts using empirical research approaches like simula­
or even becoming a co-producer. In such a situation, it will be diffi­ tions, prototypes, experimentation, and case studies are required
cult for companies to meet their objectives, with customers trying for increasing the speed of Industry 4.0 adoption in the industries. A
to optimize their gains. This may give rise to conflicts that need to lack of studies on sustainability, human-machine interfacing, and
be addressed. For example, companies may have sustainable prac­ machine-equipment interactions indicates an open research area
tices as one of their values, but the customer may assign the least that should be explored by future studies.
importance to this criterion. Future research studies should focus
on addressing the impact of smart products and factories on manag­ 7.2. Implications fo r process safety and environm ental protection
ing customer expectations. Studies are focusing on how companies
can create awareness of their value systems and objectives through 7.2.1. Theoretical contribution
Industry 4.0 and how they will manage the new customer channels The literature reveals that previous studies on Industry 4.0 have
and relationships, resolving possible conflicts. Research on how majorly focused on the basic concepts of Industry 4.0 and case
Industry 4.0 will change the competition between non-sustainable studies demonstrating the benefits of Industry 4.0. The scarcity of
and sustainable products will be required. literature review on Industry 4.0 was identified in the literature,
and hence this study makes a significant theoretical contribution
to the literature in the form of a detailed SLR on the developments
6.7. Sustainable Industry 4.0
in the field of Industry 4.0. We propose a sustainable Industry 4.0
framework based on the findings of the literature with Industry 4.0
The issue of sustainability has received very little attention
technologies, process integration and sustainable outcomes as the
in the Industry 4.0 literature, with only six papers discussing it.
critical components of this framework. The future research studies
Industry 4.0 is believed to reduce operating costs through end-
may investigate the influence of various Industry 4.0 technologies
to-end digital integration. Flowever, it must be weighed against
on the level of process integration that is achieved by the orga­
the high cost of implementation. There are no papers that inves­
nizations. This will help to identify the important technologies
tigate weighing these costs against the benefits. More research
that help to achieve process integration in the different indus­
in this direction is required to evaluate the various Industry 4.0
trial setups. Further, this study identifies environmental protection,
solutions that support customer services, supply chain optimiza­
process automation and safety, and economic sustainability as the
tion, and the facilitation of sustainable practices of remanufacturing
sustainable outcomes of Industry 4.0. The researchers may investi­
and recycling. Future research studies in the field of environmen­
gate to what extent the organizations can achieve these sustainable
tal sustainability should address the issues of climate change and
outcomes and examine the influence of process integration in
depletion of energy sources. Industry 4.0, steered with intelligent
achieving these outcomes. The findings of the SLR in the form of a
devices and smart production systems, has the potential to reduce
proposed framework is one of the initial efforts to contribute to the
production waste, overproduction, movement of goods, and energy
theory of Industry 4.0 and the relationships between technologies,
consumption. Flowever, more studies will be required in the future
process integration levels, and sustainable outcomes. It proposes
to demonstrate how waste may be reduced. Future studies should
that an Industry 4.0 environment leads to unlocking the benefits
focus on developing frameworks for integrating smart production
of sustainability. The framework will act as a ready reckoner for
networks so that they benefit by sharing resources like raw mate­
the practitioners and policymakers in the field of process safety
rials, power plants, and workforce. Furthermore, there is a need
and environmental protection while developing the guidelines for
to urgently address the issue of frequent accidents involving haz­
implementation of Industry 4.0 for sustainable development.
ardous chemicals by developing technologies in Industry 4.0, using
The proposed framework may be used in the further studies
new tools and techniques such as sensing, detection, control, and
to conduct exploratory studies for developing the measurement
tracing analysis.
constructs for Industry 4.0 technologies, process integration, and
sustainable outcomes. Empirical studies may be conducted for
7. Conclusions, contributions and limitations analyzing the proposed relationships using structural equation
7.1. Conclusions
7.2.2. Managerial contributions
This work is aimed at investigating the current state of research The findings of the SLR presented in the form of a proposed
on the topic of Industry 4.0 by performing an SLR on selected framework will guide the practitioners in the field of process safety
publications through an appropriate review methodology. Eight- and environmental protection. The study identifies the industry 4.0
five (85) articles were thoroughly analyzed for this purpose. The technologies that are being deployed in the industries for achiev­
result of this SLR indicates that Industry 4.0 is an emerging area ing process integrations leading to a sustainable environment. The
with an increase in the number of publications over the past practitioners will acknowledge the role of the modern technologies
few years. Firstly, the SLR was focused on what type of research such as internet of things, cloud, big data, robotic systems, 3D print­
methods were used in the studies analyzed. The use of empiri­ ing, simulation and prototyping contributing to the evolution of
cal research approaches to demonstrate and validate the designed new sustainable trends in their organizations. The study identifies
systems, processes, and technologies was frequently observed. that the proposed relationship between the modern technologies
Within the empirical research, a significant number of studies and the process integration results in benefits such as virtualiza­
used a case study methodology. The Industry 4.0 research cat­ tion, real-time capability, interoperability, service orientation, and
egories identified from the SLR were contributions to general decentralization. This implies that practitioners can have a bet­
concepts and theories on Industry 4.0, technologies in Industry ter industrial control on the processes, increasing the flexibility
4.0, machine-equipment interactions, human-machine interac­ and agility of the organizations. The practitioners can make deci­
tions, and sustainability. The majority of the studies focused on sions in real time, offer highly customized products in shorter
managing the technologies of Industry 4.0, followed by general lead times by efficiently using the available resources and low
S.S. Kamble et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 117(2018)408-425 423

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