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CHS Portfolio

Grade Tracking Sheet

Use this form to keep track of your grades over the course of this school year in all your
subject areas. Every time you have a Portfolio day, check the current status of your grades,
record where you are, and reflect on your progress. ​By April, you should have 6 of these.

NAME: Paula Gomez Orozco DATE: 12/12/19

In the space below, insert a snapshot/screenshot of your AERIES grades right now.

I went on an independent study.

What is working for you at this point in terms of your academic strategies?
At this point in my terms I am working to bring my grades up as you can see. In
Algebra I am missing a test that I am going to take soon. In English I am missing my
Congressional Debate Speech that I turned in but has not yet been graded and the
same thing in History.
What, if anything, is making academic success difficult?
What is making academic success is I have missing assignments that are soon going
to change when my teachers grade them. The amount of work is also very difficult.
What is one academic goal you have for yourself for the next four weeks?
One academic goal is have is to keep working hard on my assignments and advocate for
myself more to make sure my work is being graded.
What specific actions will you take to help achieve this goal?
I will work hard to pass tests and quizzes. I will ask questions when I am confused with any
assignment or unit.
Portfolio 2018-19

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