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The main objective of this study is to determine if sugar water

concentrations will be better than normal water for growing Pechay (Brassica
rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) plants. In this experiment sugar water concentration
was used; there were also methods that can be used from this experiment like
soda, juice and milk which also contains sugar. The plants in this experiment
didn’t grow because of the measurement used for water and sugar was not
proportional. Water was measured in terms of liter, while the sugar was measured
with the equivalent liters in grams. The plant that was labeled A was the only one
that showed growth through the experiment. The plants watered with mixed
sugar and water did not grow due to excessive amount of sugar, the scientific
study both elements or materials to be used should be measured using the same
sate of the respective elements. This method can also be used in other
experiment but only with small amounts of sugar because plants originally
produce glucose (sugar).


Background of the Study

The problem originated from our past researches about botany (the study of
plant). The group then came across a botany study about Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv
group Pak Choi) plants. The title of the study was “How to make your plants grow
faster!”. The group, as well as Teacher Hanna – our Science teacher and adviser,
agreed with the idea. Another reason why the group decided to remain with this idea
because, if the group uses the right amount of sugar and water for the concentration,
then there would be more sugar for the plant to consume and it will also get a little
hydrated, in order for it to grow faster. Pechay (Brassica Rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) is
also an erect biennial herb cultivated in vegetative stage, also Pechay (Brassica rapa L.
cv group Pak Choi) is genuinely included in Kingdom Plantae since it is a herb. The
group are occupying 3 weeks in this experiment. When you add sugar to your plant's
water supply, it changes the ability of the plants to absorb water. In some instances this
is helpful such as when the plants are dying off, but in other cases this will damage
the plants when the plant is already functioning properly.

Statement of the Problem

Can varying sugar water concentrations help enhance the growth of Pechay
(Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) plants?

Significance of the Study

In our world, people are using water and either fertilizer or other chemical
solutions in order to make their plants grow increase. If the group’s experiment is
successful the group is going to be able to help not only the plants, but also the
environment. Plants are producers in the food chain and the rest of components are
highly dependent on its existence. Problems that occur to plants will eventually affect
the whole ecosystem. Even if ammonia naturally presents in soil and plays an important
role to plant growth, diluted ammonia that comes from household chemical can
trigger alkaline condition in the soil. Over time, which can be as soon as several days,
it’s converted to nitrate, making the soil more acid, which isn’t best for all plants and
might create an environment in which plants have difficulty getting the nutrients they
need. Moreover, there is a huge difference of natural ammonia and ammonia that
comes from residual household chemical. There are many vague chemicals
component with uncertain effects added to it. Thus, that may be harmful effects of
household chemicals on plant growth. These chemicals can affect plant’s growth:
citric acid, ethanol, acetone, turpentine, and DEET.


If the plant has sugar water concentration, then it will/should grow better/faster
than with just normal water, because plants use photosynthesis in order to create their
food. Therefore, this experiment is going to be useful because, the group are adding
sugar in order to help the Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) plant grow faster
with the help of photosynthesis, water and extra sugar.

Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

 to determine if the right sugar water concentration will enhance the growth of
Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) plants

 to determine if sugar water concentrations will be better than normal water for
growing Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) plants

Scope and Limitations

The researchers will try to determine whether different sugar concentrations will
affect the growth of the plants. The researchers will be allotting 3 weeks for the group to
see if the sugar water concentrations affect the growth of plants. The plants in trial 1 will
be receiving enough sugar. While trial 2 will not be receiving enough sugar. Watered
equally and have a controlled set up so that the researchers can compare the results
after the time allotted for the experiment.

Definition of Terms

 allotting- to reserve or to take

 ammonia - a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent smell. It dissolves

in water to give a strongly alkaline solution

 chlorophyll - the green coloring substances of leaves and plants that

absorbs light to provide energy for the production of carbohydrates by
photosynthesis in plants

 determine - cause (something) to occur in a particular way; be the

decisive factor in. to know or to define

 glucose- the original sugar photosynthetic product

 growth- physical changes that can be measured or observed during the


 height- measurement of the length of the plant in millimeters, noted


 oxygen- is needed to break the sugar into carbon dioxide, releasing


 photosynthesis- the process in which plants use sunlight to make glucose

 plants- have chlorophyll that uses sunlight to gather energy

 starch- is the storage form of glucose in plants Pechay (Brassica Rapa L.

cv group Pak Choi)- is an erect, biennial herb, cultivated as an annual
about 15- 30 cm tall in vegetative stages; also a plant that has a large
fleshy yellow or white root; included in Kingdom Plantae

 sucrose- is the sugar in plants and comes from sugar beets or sugarcanes

 sugar solution- can also cause reverse osmosis, meaning, water or fluid,
rather than being taken up and then utilized by the plant, is instead
expelled, causing the plant to die

Review of Related Literature

Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) is a widely cultivated plant that
belongs to Kingdom Plantae. Green plants are sometimes called mataphytes or
vividiplantae. Plants produce their food with the use of sunlight in a process called
photosynthesis. The Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) will be planted in the
soil; soil contains elements which are required in large amounts called macronutrients
which are primarily nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, carbon, oxygen and water.
Elements required in smaller amounts like magnesium, molybdenum and iron called
micronutrients are also present in the soil, these function as coenzymes for the plant’s
metabolic activities. As early as year 1800, chemists and plant biologist had analyzed
plants and demonstrated that certain chemical elements were absorbed from the
environment. It was established in the mid-1880s that at least ten of these chemicals,
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus,

sulfur and iron are necessary for plant growth deficiencies in the plants. The group will
be using sugar for our experiment to make the Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak
Choi) plant grow faster. Sugar is a term for a class of edible crystalline carbohydrates
mainly sucrose, lactose, and fructose characterized by a sweet flavor. In food, sugar
almost exclusively refers to sucrose which primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar
beet; one of the things related to sugar is soda. Soda can also be used for watering
plants; this can also increase a plant’s growth because soda contains the
macronutrients carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and sodium
that are essential for healthy plant growth. Therefore pouring soda on plants such as
classic Coca-Cola is advisable. But, the group will be using sugar water as the plant’s
water source.

Raw Materials

The materials that will be used are: eight empty seven-liters water bottle, reused
empty water battles as a replacement for pots or commercial plastic plant box,
economically efficient. Pechay (Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) seeds, subject of
the experiment. Water for watering. Garden soil, Healthy soil is the basis of healthy
plants and a healthy environment. When garden soil is in good shape there is less need
for fertilizers or pesticides. White commercial sugar – replacement for fertilizer, Sugar is
the generic name for sweet-tasting, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used
in food.

The group bought garden soil with no fertilizer or any organisms from gardening
shops. Gardening shops are easy to find here in the Philippines because of the
increasing businesses of Filipinos that are related to plants or gardening. Pechay
(Brassica rapa L. cv group Pak Choi) seeds are also easy to buy as said in the group’s
first explanation.

Materials and Methods

Cut a rectangular opening at the center body part of the water bottle making it
a makeshift plant box, then cut small holes opposite that opening for excess water to

pass thru. Then put five scoops using hand trowel of garden soil on each water bottle.
Scatter two pinches of pechay seeds in each water battle. Cultivate to porous the soil
for oxygen to pass. Label each water battle: A for 100 percent water; B for 75 percent
sugar and 25 percent water; C for 50 percent sugar and 50 percent water; and D for 25
percent sugar and 75 percent water.

Special Equipment

The equipment we use are: A hand trowel is a small hand tool used for digging,
applying, smoothing, or moving small amounts of viscous or particulate material;
Garden Gloves, Worn to protect the hands from soil, water or cold. They may be
constructed from lightweight cotton, leather (or a combination), or from a water-proof
material such as rubber; 350 ml water bottle for standardization of water and sugar
measurement, this will also be used to water the pechay.

Environmental Factors

Possible environmental factors that will affect this experiment would be: the sun,
Plants get energy from light through a process called photosynthesis. This is how light
affects the growth of a plant. Without light, a plant would not be able to produce the
energy it needs to grow; temperature, High temperatures affect plant growth in
numerous ways. The most obvious are the effects of heat on photosynthesis, in
which plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, and respiration, an opposite
process in which plants use oxygen to produce carbon dioxide.



Sugar Water Concentrations

Figure 1

Week 1
Plant A Plant B

0% sugar 75% sugar

100% water 25% water

Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2

Plant C Plant D

50% sugar 25% sugar

50% water 75% water

Figure 2.3

Week 2

Plant A Plant B

0% sugar 75% sugar

100% water 25% water

Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5

Plant C Plant D

50% sugar 25% sugar

50% water 75% water

Figure 2.6 Figure 2.7


Week 3

Plant A Plant B

0% sugar 75% sugar

100% water 25% water

Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9

Plant C Plant D

50% sugar 25% sugar

50% water 75% water

Figure 2.10 Figure 2.11


Results and Discussion




On the first week of sugar water concentration on pechay, the plant labeled A
watered with 100% water was the only one that showed growth with 4.5 cm than the
other pechays.



For the second week of sugar water concentration experiment on pechay, the plant
labeled A watered with 100% water was the only one that showed growth again with
6.5 cm than the other pechays.





On the last week of the sugar water concentration experiment, it seems that pechay
plants B, C and D watered with mixed sugar and water did not show any signs of
growth through the entire process unlike pechay plant A with growth measuring 9.5 cm.


On the entire process of the experiment plant A (Figure 3.1) was watered with
100% water, plant B (Figure 3.2) was watered with 75% sugar and 25% water, while
plant C (Figure 3.3) with 50% sugar and 50% water, and lastly plant D (Figure 3.4) with
25% sugar and 75% water. The only pechay plant that showed growth was plant A with
9.5 cm.

Plant A Plant B

0% sugar 75% sugar

100% water 25% water

Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2

Plant C Plant D

50% sugar 25% sugar

50% water 75% water

Figure 3.4
Figure 3.3


The plants watered with mixed sugar and water did not grow due to
excessive amount of sugar, the scientific study both elements or materials to be
used should be measured using the same sate of the respective elements. This
method can also be used in other experiment but only with small amounts of
sugar because plants originally produce glucose (sugar).

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