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11/21/19, 7(03 AM

ACURA Project Proposal: Stereotypes and kids' development

Babu, Sarah
Thu 11/21/2019 3158 AM
To: Babu, Sarah <>

1 attachments (23 KB)

Sarah Babu draft 3.docx;

Dear Dr. Bernstein,

My name is Sarah Babu, a first year student at Penn State Abington, with a focus on
psychology. In the upcoming spring semester, I intend on starting an ACURA Project –worth
two credits– aimed towards the development of kids. I know you have done extensive
research in this area, so I think collaborating with you on this project would really move me in
the right direction.

My specific research will uncover how stereotypes on TV impact kids' development. This
idea bounces off an op-ed I wrote earlier in this semester, which can be found attached
above if you wish to take a look at it. While trying to edify myself further on impacts of
stereotypes, I came across your article titled "Social exclusion and stereotyping: Why and
when exclusion fosters individualization of others," which directly correlated with my topic of
study. Based on your understanding in this area, I feel you would be the perfect person to
work with. My hope is that when the spring semester rolls around, we can set up a day once
a week to meet so that you can guide me during my research.

If possible, I'd love to hear back from you, January 13th being the latest. I appreciate the
time and effort taken to read my request. If you are unable to work with me on this project I
understand completely where you are coming from. As the program chair of the psychology
department, you are very busy with different tedious tasks. Thank you again for your
consideration. I look forward to hearing your reply.

Sarah Babu
(BA) Psychology
Penn State University…NGJiOC1hZjAyLTI4ZDdkNWFhMTlmNgAQALbaCg%2Bndi9Cj0HBcGeMRmM%3D Page 1 of 1

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