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Comp 1703 - Lab 5 /15

Instructions: In DC Connect, open the “Lab 5 Starter” file and save as YourFirstName
YourLastName Lab 5, i.e. “Ron Simcoe Lab 5”. Complete the following questions. All questions
are worth 1 mark.

1. Insert a column between columns F & G. In the newly created column, in cell G1, enter the
text “Lab 6” (without the quotes).
2. In cell G2 use a simple formula (NOT A FUNCTION) that takes the contents of the cell to the
left (F2) and adds 3. For example, if the cell to the left is 61, the contents of the formula in
cell G2 will be 64. When done, copy this formula to create labs scores for everyone (down to
row 64). The fill command will be the easiest way to do this but you can also copy and paste.
3. Change the font of EVERYTHING on the sheet to “Times New Roman” size 12. Now format
the range A1:I1 to Calibri size 11, bold with a thick (second from bottom on right side) black
bottom border.
4. Dex won the lottery and Iggy is now in Jail (Don’t ask!). Both are leaving the course so
please delete their records (Delete their entire row and not just the contents of the row).
5. Rename the “Week 1” worksheet to “YourLastName”, and change the tab colour to any
colour of your choice. Finally, delete sheet2 & sheet3.
6. In cell H2 use a simple formula (NOT A FUNCTION) to average Abe’s lab 1-6 scores in
the range B2:G2. Note: To average the scores, add them all up and then divide them by
how many there are. You must use BEDMAS to do this. Copy the finished formula down
to row 62 so that it works for everyone.
7. In cell I2 use a function (NOT A SIMPLE FORMULA) to average Abe’s lab 1-6 scores
in the range B2:G2. Note: It should give you the same result as Q6 above. Copy the
finished formula down to row 62 so that it works for everyone.
8. Change the format of cell B2 so that it is a number with 1 decimal. Now use the format
painter to copy the format (not the contents…just the format) of B2 and apply it to
everyone’s lab scores and averages in the range (B2:I62).
9. Center the contents of the range B2:I62 and change the orientation of the worksheet to
10. Change the width of columns B thru G to 12 and autofit columns H and I
11. Set the print area to the range A1:I63 and then set the page to print to 1 page wide by 3
pages tall.
12. Adjust the page break so that Heather is the last person on page one, Michael is the last
person on page two and everyone else fits on page 3.
13. Merge and left align the range A63:C63 (this should be directly below Vic).
14. In the newly merged cells, insert the current date using the date function. Do not use any
other function or method to do this. When done, format it as a long date. It should display
something like Tuesday, February 5, 2019 (not necessarily this date but this is the format I
15. Add a bottom double border to the range A62:I62.

Save, close and submit via DC Connect.

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