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{2061}{2085}Here you go,my friend.

{2086}{2155}Make sure you go|as close as you can,

{2156}{2229}I'll get you something extra|if you make it a good trip.
{2230}{2290}I'm going to get you close,|my friend.
{2291}{2401}But not too close.|You know what I mean?
{2402}{2425}Are you ready?
{2426}{2519}- Ready!|- Ready!
{2590}{2660}1, 2, 3!
{2685}{2760}Subtitles downloaded from
{3235}{3260}Are you scared?
{3261}{3346}This is great!
{3618}{3640}You see anything yet?
{3641}{3726}No... Not yet.
{4412}{4443}What was that?
{4444}{4527}I don't know.
{4576}{4614}- Hold on.|- What's happening?
{4615}{4677}Hold on.
{4678}{4761}Make it stop.
{4839}{4861}What happen to them?
{4862}{4945}I don't know.
{4965}{5022}- We're gonna crash.|- No, we are not.
{5023}{5080}We're gonna crash.
{5081}{5106}I'm going to take this tools.
{5107}{5210}Let go the rope.|Let go the rope!
{5211}{5285}Move your hands.
{5286}{5364}Come on. Keep...
{5365}{5432}Let go!
{5656}{5754}It's gonna be okay.
{6182}{6211}Actually Charlie that doesn't hurt.
{6212}{6263}They won't really be fighting each other.
{6264}{6307}But these one here are Corythosaurus.
{6308}{6347}They really like fighting|with each other.
{6348}{6460}They use their teeth and their claws|to rip each other's jaws out.
{6461}{6556}Alan, he's three.|Let's wait until he is five.
{6557}{6610}Right. Sorry, Charlie.
{6611}{6643}- Ellie.|- Yes.
{6644}{6661}It's Tom again.
{6662}{6709}He says he has to talk|to you about the last chapter.
{6710}{6846}Just tell him I am not gonna to|lose the Jack Corner Club.
{6847}{6950}Hey, look who's here?
{6983}{7028}This is Alan.
{7029}{7068}Nice to meet you, Alan.
{7088}{7175}This is Hylaeosaurus.|That's the dinosaur man.
{7176}{7219}Dinosaur man?
{7220}{7304}Jack, say my name.|Is my name Alan?
{7305}{7395}Is my name Alan?
{7438}{7530}He used to know me.
{7531}{7597}Here you go.
{7619}{7675}So you know Mark is going to|work with the State Department now.
{7676}{7709}What do you do, Mark?
{7710}{7767}It's international relation most.
{7768}{7850}Somethings like that.
{7851}{7934}I'll get her.
{7950}{8082}You guys...|You guys have a little chat.
{8083}{8152}He's a great guy.
{8153}{8185}So what are you working on now?
{8186}{8221}Raptors mostly.
{8222}{8284}My favourite.
{8285}{8363}Do you remember the sounds|they made?
{8364}{8394}I try not.
{8415}{8461}all the theories are about|raptors intelligence,
{8462}{8501}what are they capable of?
{8502}{8540}We work even close.
{8541}{8554}Tell me.
{8555}{8609}We did plenty of scan|on the raptors skeleton.
{8610}{8696}We find out it looks like a very|sophisticated resonating chamber.
{8697}{8741}Wait a second.|So we were right?
{8742}{8780}I mean they had even living vocalise.
{8781}{8827}I'm convince they had the|key of social intelligence.
{8828}{8885}Which explains why they work|together as a team.
{8886}{8916}And co-ordinate they attacks.
{8917}{8959}And they probably know|what is going on.
{8960}{9000}They could talk to each other.
{9001}{9047}To agree, we could never imagine.
{9048}{9110}Ellie, they were smart.
{9111}{9176}They were smarter than|dolphins or whales.
{9177}{9307}They were smarter than primates.
{9406}{9475}I just want to say I'll be ready|to help with anything.
{9476}{9568}Someday if you want to ask,|you can call me.
{9569}{9616}Anything. Anytime.
{9771}{9806}You're still the best.
{9807}{9882}I mean it.
{9900}{10003}The last in my breed.
{10149}{10196}So the basic study about the|interior chamber,
{10197}{10244}and most of these specimens.
{10245}{10301}They begin to determine|the exciting color relation
{10302}{10363}between the upper-pales|and the leerings.
{10364}{10467}This lead us theorise the raptors.
{10468}{10536}Which are capable of|sophisticated vocalizations
{10537}{10618}which were had been|tremendous evolutionary advantange.
{10619}{10656}Raptors were fierce,
{10657}{10729}intelligent and|socially sophisticated.
{10730}{10817}They were able to hunt in numbers|and co-ordinate their efforts.
{10818}{10919}With the catadysmic advance|which overtook them
{10920}{10994}it's entirely possible|that raptors or humans
{10995}{11101}whether to become a dominant|species on this planet.
{11102}{11133}I hope this has been interest.
{11134}{11222}It certainly excites us|as it's intelligence.
{11223}{11310}There is much more to discover.
{11311}{11503}That is why we continue to|need and ask for your support.
{11522}{11597}Thank you.
{11779}{11839}Thank you very much,|Dr Grant.
{11840}{11973}Now,|does anyone have a question?
{11995}{12138}Does anyone have a question that|is not related to Jurrasic Park?
{12139}{12324}All the incident in San Diego|which I did not witness.
{12336}{12384}Yes, sir.
{12385}{12494}Your theory on raptors is good.|But isn't it a conjecture kind of
{12495}{12555}I mean once the UN in Costa Rica|and everyone decides
{12556}{12595}how to handle that second island,
{12596}{12670}scientists will just go in|and look for themselves.
{12671}{12760}Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago.
{12761}{12855}What is left of them is|fossilise in the rocks.
{12856}{12886}And this in the rock,
{12887}{12959}that real scientists make|real discovery.
{12960}{13041}Now what John Hammand and|Ingen in the Jurassic Park
{13042}{13144}is created genetically engineered|theme park monsters.
{13145}{13203}Nothing more and nothing less.
{13204}{13320}Are you saying that you don't want|to get to Isla Sorna and study
{13321}{13345}if you have the chance?
{13346}{13420}No force on earth or heaven.
{13421}{13536}Forget beyond that island.
{13764}{13809}So what we got here?
{13810}{13880}20 million gas operator|sending out in a minute.
{13881}{13910}Gunship, magazine, third routine
{13911}{14086}and both our clothes cope with|reducing muscles...
{14191}{14273}Here, Udesky.
{14280}{14371}Yes, sir.|We are going to get here.
{14372}{14402}The matter of fact is|you knock things down
{14403}{14537}as soon as you bought me|that thing.
{14538}{14558}Well, that's right.
{14559}{14707}There are two of the best|man that I would find.
{14708}{14759}No, sir.|I've not worked with them personally.
{14760}{14782}But believe me, sir.
{14783}{14931}These men come very|highly recommended.
{15084}{15120}Nothing to worry about, sir.
{15121}{15246}It's going to be walk in park.
{15437}{15587}I don't think that|I'm doing this right.
{15682}{15784}Let's try to do first.
{15785}{15866}You got to do this slowly.
{15867}{15919}It'll just take a little bit of time.
{15920}{16000}I can never tell what's rock|and what's bone.
{16001}{16033}Technically it's all rock.
{16034}{16112}But calcium in the bones|replace during fossilisation.
{16113}{16203}You can feel the difference, see.
{16204}{16291}Rough... smooth...
{16292}{16387}Rough... smooth...
{16526}{16588}Dr Grant!
{16589}{16623}Mr Brennan.
{16624}{16683}So how did it go?
{16684}{16812}It's not too late to change|your major, Billy!
{16813}{16907}Worse,|we gonna have backup in four weeks.
{16908}{16958}I have to run some equipment.
{16959}{17009}I got to show you something.
{17010}{17046}You like computers, right
{17047}{17101}I like the abacus, Billy.
{17102}{17152}Meet the future of paleontology.
{17153}{17206}It's a rapid photo type.
{17207}{17282}I scanned them from|the raptor skeleton.
{17283}{17340}If the computer breaks down|a thousand of slices.
{17341}{17471}And this thing scoops it.|One layer at a time.
{17472}{17547}It's done.
{17745}{17835}I give you the resonating|chamber of velociraptor.
{17836}{17924}Listen to this.
{18190}{18263}This is brilliant, Billy.
{18264}{18326}All I have to say,|it's just a little bit too late.
{18327}{18431}Grant, Paul Kirby.|Kirby Enteprise.
{18432}{18539}My card.|How are you doing, Billy?
{18540}{18574}What can I do for you,|Mr Kirby?
{18575}{18677}Well, the first thing,|I'm a great admirer of yours.
{18678}{18750}And I have a proposition and|I would like to discuss with you.
{18751}{18818}Would you have dinner with me|and my wife this evening?
{18819}{18854}It'll be our treat.
{18855}{18884}That will be great, but...
{18885}{18905}I'm tired,
{18906}{18966}I have been travelling.|Maybe some other time.
{18967}{19020}Believe me.|This will be worth you a while.
{19021}{19056}We love to.
{19057}{19110}Terrific.|That's the spirit. Good.
{19111}{19226}See you this evening then.
{19382}{19489}- Billy.|- How are you?
{19538}{19618}So what are you boys drinking?
{19619}{19696}- Ice peak cap.|- Two please.
{19697}{19732}We admire your work for years.
{19733}{19772}Really truly inspiring.
{19773}{19831}Amanda|and I just love the outdoors.
{19832}{19909}We have been on just every adventure|that can come up with.
{19910}{20018}The Neil and everything.
{20019}{20038}We even have two seats reserved
{20039}{20077}on the first commercial flight|to the moon.
{20078}{20137}And for the wedding anniversary|this year,
{20138}{20187}we like to do something|really special...
{20188}{20233}- Something...|- Once in a lifetime.
{20234}{20332}I've charged an airplane|to fly us Isla Sorna.
{20333}{20437}And we like you to be our guide.
{20438}{20533}There you go, guys.
{20534}{20570}This is a very kind offer,|Mr Kirby.
{20571}{20613}I'm a very very busy man.
{20614}{20683}I can recommend a couple|of guys who is highly qualified that...
{20684}{20774}No. No.|You are the best.
{20775}{20803}You'd seen these animals|in the flash.
{20804}{20873}There is even one comes close|to you.
{20874}{20907}You won't be able to fly|enough low
{20908}{20962}to see anything|that is really interesting.
{20963}{21017}That's the interesting part.
{21018}{21076}Because|we have the permission to fly low.
{21077}{21102}How low?
{21103}{21159}Haven't issue yet.
{21160}{21227}But I can fly lower than anybody else.|I can tell you.
{21228}{21281}From what I understand,|I understand...
{21282}{21371}This is what we want.
{21372}{21382}You see,
{21383}{21431}through my business dealing,|import and export.
{21432}{21453}Emerging market.
{21454}{21509}I have|a lot of friends in high level.
{21510}{21575}In that case,|Costa Rica we can go in.
{21576}{21610}Dr Grant,
{21611}{21644}you have no idea
{21645}{21703}how this important to us|that you come along.
{21704}{21740}This will be all the difference.
{21741}{21762}Mrs Kirby, I...
{21763}{21956}And of course we love to make|a contribution to your research here.
{21957}{22058}I can write all kind of numbers|on this check, Dr Grant.
{22059}{22129}Tell me.
{22140}{22247}What's this gonna take?
{22605}{22685}No way.|This one is lucky.
{22686}{22710}A couples years ago,
{22711}{22810}some parties in Island hand|gladding these cleaves in museum.
{22811}{22921}And it's big up draught come in|and swipe me right across the sign.
{22944}{22980}Well, it does sound like.
{22981}{23081}This strap saved my life.
{23082}{23132}I got hook on the rock|when I was falling.
{23133}{23258}Survivor are the most idiotic.
{23284}{23373}Alan,|thank you for bringing me along.
{23374}{23426}The bones will still be|there when you get back.
{23427}{23496}This is the great thing about|bones that they don't run away.
{23497}{23631}The truth is,|you got me into this.
{23632}{23800}I've no intention of being|on my own with these people.
{23801}{23842}Don't get too excited, Billy.
{23843}{23896}Chances are once here think.
{23897}{23967}Good time to be nice.
{23968}{24086}Awake me when we get there.
{24180}{24259}So how do you know the Kirbys?
{24260}{24357}Through our church.
{24897}{25025}Here we go,|we're almost there.
{25299}{25492}You're approaching Isla Sorna.|Do you want to approach...
{26696}{26803}My God. I've forgotten.
{27046}{27118}We did it, honey.|We are here.
{27119}{27182}If you see anything,|yell up.
{27183}{27222}I thought of keep it to myself.
{27223}{27247}I'm sorry.
{27248}{27308}Everyone, if you could|look out the left of the plane.
{27309}{27367}You can see a whole curf|of Brachiosaurus.
{27368}{27454}In fact you could see the front of|the group alpha male grazing
{27455}{27511}Udesky, Nash.|How about the front?
{27512}{27527}You guys see anything?
{27528}{27573}Nothing yet,|Mr Kirby.
{27574}{27612}Mrs Kirby, look.
{27613}{27672}Out here you'll see a group|of Triceratops...
{27673}{27707}Mr. Kirby, we have to land|in strip down ahead.
{27708}{27739}You want me to put it down?
{27740}{27758}No. No.
{27759}{27807}I told you on a circle|to see the whole island.
{27808}{27865}You have been set down.|We can't land here.
{27866}{27883}What are you talking about?
{27884}{27931}- Hold on, I can explain.|- You cannot land on this island.
{27932}{28012}It's gonna be fine.
{28013}{28102}Everybody sit down.
{28103}{28223}Would you please sit down...
{28432}{28539}Tell me we didn't land.
{28615}{28757}I think they are looking for someone.
{28926}{28993}Dr Grant, are you alright?|I'm sorry we have to be so...
{28994}{29068}Who hit me?
{29069}{29136}That will be cooper.
{29137}{29160}What are they doing?
{29161}{29212}They are setting up a parameter.|Then we could play safe.
{29213}{29235}These guys are good.
{29236}{29293}Trust me. In this island,|there is no such thing as safe.
{29294}{29329}We must get back to that plane.
{29330}{29381}Could you ask your wife|stop making up that noise?
{29382}{29427}That is a very, very bad idea.
{29492}{29575}Amanda, honey, Dr Grant says|that is a bad idea.
{29614}{29670}He says it's a bad idea!
{29671}{29766}What's about idea?
{29786}{29840}What was that?
{29841}{29879}It's a tyrannosaurus.
{29880}{29906}I don't think so.
{29907}{30000}It sounds bigger.
{30044}{30078}We have to leave.
{30079}{30113}We have to leave now!
{30114}{30204}What's going on?
{30328}{30493}Where is the professional who|can handle this?
{30851}{31011}It's alright.|We're just circled the island.
{31395}{31409}What is he doing?
{31410}{31493}That's Cooper.
{31599}{31717}No one can stop this plane.
{32443}{32494}Are you okay?
{32495}{32548}We're okay up here.
{32549}{32637}Everyone just stay put.
{32638}{32669}Mayday! Mayday!
{32670}{32690}Who has a satellite phone?
{32691}{32747}I do.
{32748}{32785}I got it right here.
{32786}{32924}Come and get it.|The radio is gone.
{33046}{33151}We haven't landed yet.
{33162}{33194}Damn it.
{33195}{33290}"The number you call is busy".
{33291}{33376}What was that?
{33439}{33474}What is it?
{33540}{33629}- What...|- Hold it!
{33630}{33725}Hang on, everyone.
{33996}{34066}Help me!
{35645}{35747}Mrs Kirby, come back!
{36873}{36948}Follow me!
{37119}{37189}In here!
{37983}{38083}I think we lost him.
{38144}{38235}It's okay. It's dead.
{38236}{38338}Nobody move a muscle.
{39752}{39835}No... No... No... Please don't. Stop.
{39884}{39945}It's time you do some explain,|Mr Kirby.
{39946}{40030}We called everyone.|We did verything we could.
{40031}{40047}No one would help us.
{40048}{40111}The Costa Rica goverment|said this is no fly zone.
{40112}{40145}The US embassy...
{40146}{40260}That's our US embassy told|we should accept the fact.
{40261}{40282}Can you believe that?
{40283}{40331}You left a 12 year-old|go para-sailing alone?
{40353}{40393}He wasn't alone.|He was with a friend.
{40394}{40427}Ben Hilderban.
{40428}{40495}Paul and I divorced over a year ago.
{40496}{40543}So why me?
{40544}{40608}He said we needed someone who|had been on island before?
{40609}{40691}Yes. But I did not tell|you to kidnap somebody.
{40692}{40761}I have never been on this island.
{40762}{40815}Sure you have.|You wrote that book.
{40816}{40898}That is Isla Nublar.|This is Isla Sorna.
{40899}{40966}You mean there are two islands|with dinosaurs?
{40967}{41009}You stay out of this.
{41010}{41044}So how long have he been missing?
{41045}{41165}- 8 weeks.|- Almost 8 weeks.
{41186}{41263}Billy, now go back to plane|and set a camp.
{41264}{41304}And we make for the coast.
{41305}{41328}Dr Grant,
{41329}{41376}we are not leaving|this island without our son.
{41377}{41438}You can go on and look for him.
{41439}{41515}Or you can stick with us|as long as you don't hold us up.
{41516}{41534}Either way,
{41535}{41705}you probably won't|get out of this island alive.
{41908}{41992}So? What do we do?
{41993}{42085}Go and search for your son.
{42086}{42169}That's the direction they are going.
{42170}{42285}That's the one. Excellent.
{42833}{42881}Oh, sorry. Sorry.
{42882}{42984}It's nothing you haven't seen before.
{42985}{43046}How much weight did you lose?
{43047}{43134}About 25 pounds!|I've been swimming.
{43135}{43215}I hate to swim.|And I don't even know how to swim.
{43216}{43281}I learned.
{43282}{43407}- You look good.|- So are you.
{43450}{43487}How would you classify, Billy?
{43488}{43593}It's a super predator.
{43685}{43744}I think bigger.
{43776}{43829}Not on that cell.
{43830}{43957}Spinosaurus stick up with this.
{43968}{44020}I don't remember that|on Ingen's list.
{44021}{44049}Because it wasn't on there,
{44050}{44220}unless it makes them wonder|what they are up to.
{44406}{44445}So, Mr Kirby, tell me.
{44446}{44481}When you climbed K2,
{44482}{44601}did you based camp at|25,000 or 30,000 feet?
{44602}{44684}30,000 feet.|We were pretty close to the top.
{44685}{44779}It is above 30,000 feet,|actually.
{44780}{44821}No. No.|That's a common mistake.
{44822}{44846}Mr Kirby,
{44847}{44968}there is no such thing|as Kirby Enterprise, isn't?
{44969}{45019}There's Kirby Painting Tile and Plus.
{45020}{45074}The Plus stands for bathroom fixtures.
{45075}{45118}We're in the|West Case Shopping Centre...
{45119}{45192}I suppose we don't check|you out or anything...
{45193}{45242}Now, listen to me.|I'll pay you the money...
{45243}{45319}- This is good.|- No matter what.
{45320}{45408}We are in worst place on|the world, we are not being pay.
{45409}{45465}Alright, now wait.|Fellows, hold on.
{45466}{45506}I'll make this up to you.
{45507}{45590}If you ever do a bathroom|or a kitchen...
{45591}{45638}You are not really a mercenary,|are you?
{45639}{45672}I never said I was.
{45673}{45730}That's true.|What are you?
{45731}{45783}I'm like a booking agent.
{45784}{45896}Guys who got sick count on me.
{45897}{45971}Here. See we are now|in a hardware store.
{45972}{46016}Pay in title, yeah.
{46017}{46060}You never can tell about people,|do you?
{46061}{46123}You get the truth.
{46170}{46196}Would you stop that?
{46197}{46252}Dr Grant said this is a|very dangerous territory.
{46267}{46308}Maybe we should split up|or something, you know?
{46309}{46345}We could cover twice as much|of the island.
{46346}{46370}Dr Grant says that is a bad idea.
{46371}{46415}Dr Grant...|Dr Grant says this...
{46416}{46482}What's the good of hiring an expert|if we are not going to use his
{46483}{46548}Yeah. Except Dr Grant|isn't looking for Eric.
{46549}{46578}He is looking for the coast.
{46579}{46610}Okay, fine.|Go ahead and scream.
{46611}{46661}And when cry sake plot comes|and attacks.
{46662}{46698}Don't come crying to me.
{46699}{46750}- Not that bad.|- What?
{46751}{46776}- Nothing.|- What did you say?
{46777}{46856}- Nevermind.|- What did you say?
{46857}{47022}If we split up,|I'm going along with you guys.
{47202}{47241}- Eric!|- Eric!
{47242}{47288}- Mrs Kirby.|- Eric!
{47289}{47343}Mrs Kirby!
{47344}{47392}Mrs Kirby,|the chance is our remote.
{47393}{47525}There are still in our resonance.
{47586}{47659}An adult.
{47671}{47746}Hey, guys.
{47854}{47947}That's my camera.
{47977}{48042}The battery is dead.
{48043}{48106}I got an idea.
{48107}{48214}Let me have the camera.
{48530}{48685}I shot this in the morning|he disappeared.
{49458}{49490}He is alive.
{49491}{49634}I know he's alive.|We got to find him.
{49635}{49681}Will we find one of those?
{49729}{49778}Only if cell is not doing.
{49779}{49829}Let's take it.
{49830}{50035}If we spot a plane,|it might be the good way to get attention.
{50215}{50294}I got it. Okay. Okay!
{50295}{50390}Mrs Kirby, please!
{50442}{50540}Okay, you are free.
{50548}{50600}Come back, Mrs Kirby.
{50601}{50703}Amanda, wait. Amanda.
{51104}{51181}Amanda... Amanda!
{51182}{51259}Amanda, stop...
{51260}{51388}I'm sorry.|I'm sorry about Ben.
{51415}{51524}It's not Ben,Paul.|It's Eric.
{51525}{51606}He's out there all by himself.
{51607}{51647}I know, I know.
{51648}{51734}Our kid is out there all by himself.
{51735}{51885}Listen to me.|We'll find him. I promise.
{52141}{52299}Dr Grant!|You should come and look at this!
{53326}{53355}We are going to find him.
{53356}{53419}Are you listening to me?|We are going to find him.
{53420}{53460}This kid got resources.
{53461}{53575}Remember last time|we tried to ground him?
{53576}{53661}Where's Billy?
{53763}{53808}What are you doing?
{53809}{53863}I was trying to go to the nest.
{53864}{53920}Don't do that again.
{53921}{53973}I'm sorry.
{53974}{54147}If I lose you,|that means you are a damn tourist.
{54275}{54332}I bet they are in there,|don't you think?
{54333}{54414}I bet my bottom dollar.
{54415}{54454}What you think it is?
{54455}{54577}That's ancient.|Four seasons.
{55451}{55553}Paul,don't do that...
{55706}{55791}What the hell?
{56137}{56182}Who's got some change?|Let me take some quarters.
{56183}{56281}I got a buck ten...
{57594}{57635}This is how you make dinosaurs.
{57707}{57820}This is how you play God.
{59106}{59213}- That way!|- Look out.
{59258}{59338}It's locked.
{59379}{59481}- This way!|- Go! Go!
{59593}{59680}Hey! Over here!
{60060}{60138}Push! Push!
{60327}{60394}My God.
{60400}{60444}It's calling the other half.
{60445}{60515}Come on!
{61036}{61126}It's in a hurry.
{61744}{61842}Out from the trace.
{62941}{63009}Mr Kirby!
{63043}{63135}Is Alan with you?
{63252}{63285}Oh my God...
{63286}{63338}Mr Udesky!
{63339}{63404}Mr Udesky!
{63405}{63480}He's dead.
{63481}{63514}Oh my God. No,he's not.
{63515}{63540}- No, he's not!|- No... Wait!
{63541}{63610}Something is not right.
{63768}{63860}Hold on! Hold on!
{63983}{64028}They set a trap.
{64029}{64134}Yeah, they set a trap.
{64216}{64279}What do you say?
{64280}{64390}What do you looking for?
{66460}{66577}Thanks. Thanks a lot, Eric.
{66617}{66642}You know who I am?
{66643}{66712}Yeah, your parents are here.
{66713}{66788}They are looking for you.
{66789}{66881}- Together?|- Together.
{66882}{66933}That's not good.
{66934}{66986}They don't take so well|to get together.
{66987}{67056}I think it's big surprise|when people could do in it.
{67057}{67145}When I have to.
{67470}{67538}You are Alan Grant.
{67539}{67621}What are you doing here?
{67622}{67755}Your parents...|invited me along.
{68308}{68378}I read all of your books.
{68379}{68434}I like the portion more.
{68435}{68502}Before you are on the island.
{68503}{68558}You like dinosaurs back then.
{68559}{68711}Well back then they hadn't try|to eat me then.
{68712}{68778}When I jumped in here,|they left a lot of stuff behind.
{68779}{68807}Any weapons?
{68808}{68880}No.l just use the gas...
{68881}{68986}And I appreciate that.
{69010}{69078}Be careful with that T-rexas.
{69079}{69108}Scare some of the small ones away,
{69109}{69197}but attacks the really big one|with defend.
{69198}{69288}This is T-rexas?
{69326}{69365}How do you get it?
{69366}{69474}You don't want to know.
{69714}{69854}I have to tell you lost for|eight weeks in this island.
{69855}{69919}Is that all has been?
{69920}{69985}You are alive.|That's the important thing.
{69986}{70113}And thanks to you is one thing|we have in common.
{70114}{70187}Did you read Malcom's book?
{70299}{70330}I don't know. I mean...
{70331}{70401}It was kind of preaching...
{70402}{70477}And too much chaos.|Everthing is chaos.
{70478}{70590}It seem like the guy|was hiding himself.
{70591}{70743}Well that's two things|we have in common.
{70818}{70862}What is it?
{71273}{71350}Alan! Alan!
{71902}{72014}No matter how this turns out|it wasn't your fault.
{72015}{72103}Eric is always a sorry little kid.|Always.
{72104}{72237}And he threw someone like|Ben Hilderban into the mess...
{72238}{72336}- Well...|- Well what?
{72337}{72475}All I'm saying it's not your fault.
{72502}{72620}No... If he'd been with you,|he'll be completely safe.
{72621}{72724}You drive 5 miles in|every speed limit, Paul.
{72725}{72810}And I'd thrown three cars|in three years.
{72811}{72931}Well, not three.|The Buek wasn't really total.
{72932}{73117}I just said I was,|cause I wanted get a "Yes, you do".
{73121}{73257}I'm so sorry that you|have to be here.
{73258}{73328}I'm not.
{75138}{75210}There's a boat lie along side|the bank.
{75211}{75240}Looks in good shape.
{75241}{75276}Rescue boat?
{75277}{75375}No. Someone left behind.
{75376}{75453}Let's move.
{75693}{75786}Stick to the plan.|Head for the coast.
{75787}{75832}You are not going to look|for Dr Grant.
{75833}{75871}Heading the coast is Alan's idea.
{75872}{75918}If he's alive,|there is where he's heading.
{75919}{75948}I agree.
{75949}{75977}What about Eric?
{75978}{76024}Eric is a smart kid.
{76025}{76088}He probably know he stands|a best chance by the coast.
{76089}{76152}He figures all the big dinosaurus|are in the centre of the island.
{76422}{76472}You know what this is?
{76473}{76529}That's a raptor claw.
{76530}{76600}I have one. A fossil.
{76601}{76668}Mine is new.
{76669}{76737}How much do you explore?
{76738}{76771}I stick pretty close|to the compound.
{76772}{76831}I think if anyone is looking for me...
{76832}{76897}There's where they started.
{76898}{76935}We need to get to the coast.
{76936}{76963}That was a plan.
{76964}{76979}Are you sure?
{76980}{77029}The closer you get to the water,|the bigger the things get.
{77030}{77201}We have to find a way to the canyon|to find a river out to the coast.
{77202}{77258}After we find your parents.
{77259}{77286}And then what?
{77287}{77331}One step to the time.
{77438}{77563}That's my dad satellite phone.
{77591}{77608}How do you know?
{77609}{77686}Kirby Painting Tile and Plus.
{78313}{78358}- Eric!|- Eric!
{78359}{78400}Eric! This way!
{78461}{78511}Mom! Dad!
{78581}{78653}Mom! Dad!
{78910}{78992}I know it. Oh my God.
{78993}{79084}I know it. Oh my God.
{79085}{79159}Oh, I'm glad to see you.
{79160}{79202}Hey, you got my beg.
{79203}{79298}Yeah, lucky strap.
{79309}{79352}Want me to carry it?
{79353}{79463}Need to find a gap here.
{79467}{79519}How did you know we were here?
{79520}{79536}The phone.
{79537}{79581}The stupid jingle from the store.|I heard it.
{79582}{79612}My phone?
{79613}{79640}Yeah, your satellite phone.
{79641}{79656}Where is it?
{79657}{79680}I don't have it.
{79681}{79709}When did you use it last night?
{79710}{79807}On the plane.|I got a call on the place and...
{79903}{79953}I loaned it to Nash.
{79954}{80079}He must have had it when he...
{81831}{81895}Alan,|you wanna give me the bag back.
{81896}{81951}It's okay, Billy. I got it.
{81952}{82060}Please give me the bag.
{82092}{82177}It's not safe.
{82398}{82479}Raptor's eggs?
{82480}{82600}Did you steal raptor's eggs?
{82716}{82761}Now it all make sense.
{82762}{82845}I swear if I know you're|gonna end up with them.
{82846}{82953}I took them on an impose.|I thought that the door
{82954}{83038}with the fortune are enough for the|things I obtain 10 more years.
{83039}{83101}But you have to believe me|this was a stupid decision.
{83102}{83147}But I did it with the best intentions.
{83148}{83216}With the best intentions...
{83217}{83408}Some other worst things imaginable|have been done with the best
{83409}{83491}Come on, Billy.|As far as I concern, you are
{83492}{83662}not better than the people|who built this place.
{83984}{84009}What are you doing?
{84010}{84059}Those things are after us|because of those.
{84060}{84154}Those things know we have the eggs.
{84155}{84219}I drop them into the river.
{84220}{84267}They will still be after us.
{84268}{84313}What if they catch us with them?
{84314}{84451}What if they catch us without them?
{84454}{84503}There is a boat at the bottom,|just down the river.
{84504}{84649}We try to make to|the coast, at least.
{85877}{85982}- You're okay?|- Yeah.
{86194}{86342}Let's do this one|other time, shall we?
{87162}{87230}Okay, come on over.
{87231}{87281}One other time.
{87282}{87354}Okay, Eric.I'm gonna|leave you just for a minute.
{87355}{87415}And then you are going to|be right behind me, okay?
{87416}{87518}Mom, I've been alone in|the water truck for eight weeks.
{87519}{87668}I think I can manage the next|few minutes without you.
{87669}{87797}Right.|We are all together now.
{88346}{88384}Okay, Eric.
{88385}{88500}- Come on, honey|- You go.
{89347}{89390}Oh my God.
{89391}{89436}What is it?
{89437}{89474}It's a bird cage.
{89475}{89548}For what?
{90161}{90281}I can't stay without my kid.
{90637}{90710}This way!
{90990}{91070}Billy, stop.
{91081}{91113}Billy, stop!
{91114}{91176}Stop, Billy!
{91631}{91716}Eric, hold on!
{93128}{93211}Look out now!
{94590}{94633}There he is!
{94634}{94676}With the pteranodous.
{94677}{94778}Get him out of there.
{94779}{94827}Go! Go!
{94828}{94920}What about Billy?
{95221}{95309}Hang on, Billy!
{95586}{95678}Go away! Go away!
{96875}{96945}Come on!
{97652}{97695}It's playing the gasoline.
{97696}{97773}Now just got to get out|to the coast.
{97774}{97849}We got some sort of...|some sort of signal.
{97850}{97886}Build the fire or something.
{97887}{98027}Something that can see|from the air.
{98087}{98151}Dr Grant?
{98152}{98275}Hey, Eric.|How are you doing?
{98437}{98542}I'm sorry about Billy.
{98570}{98650}You know what's the last thing|I said to him was?
{98651}{98764}It's... he's as bad as the people|who built this place.
{98765}{98810}It wasn't true.
{98811}{98943}Billy is just young... that's all.
{98944}{99011}I have a theory there|is two kind of boys.
{99012}{99068}Those who want to be astronomers.
{99069}{99141}And those who want|to be astronauts.
{99142}{99211}The astronomers,|the paying intelligence.
{99212}{99359}Get to study this amazing things|from a place with complete safety.
{99360}{99417}But he never got to go into space.
{99461}{99533}Its the difference between|imagining and seeing.
{99534}{99611}Be able to touch them.
{99612}{99739}And... that's all Billy wanted.
{99880}{99957}Dr Grant...
{100611}{100696}It is open, Dr Grant.
{100697}{100787}Billy was right.
{101886}{101926}Find the phone before|it stops ringing.
{101927}{102019}Eric,stand there.
{102052}{102177}- It's here|- Wait, it's here.
{102338}{102411}I got it.
{102553}{102604}Hello? Hello?
{102605}{102748}"Enjoy your meal in one of|our four star restaurant..."
{102749}{102821}Look out!
{103256}{103300}Turn off the power.
{103301}{103354}You got to choose for making one call.
{103355}{103374}What do you do?
{103375}{103404}Don't call the US embassy.
{103405}{103455}They won't do a damn thing.
{103456}{103593}Hey, guys.|Come here. Look at this!
{103677}{103718}What is this?
{103719}{103769}Something must have spook them.
{103770}{103905}Get the edge of calling, Mr Kirby.
{103998}{104083}Open the plot.
{104532}{104674}Charlie,|take the phone to mommy now.
{104712}{104768}It's the dinosaur man.
{104813}{104955}Charlie,|are you taking the phone to mom?
{106632}{106651}Who's in the phone?
{106652}{106678}The dinosaur man.
{106679}{106713}He is?
{106984}{107028}- Where's the phone?|- There.
{107029}{107114}Get the phone.
{107292}{107337}Ellie, listen to me!
{107338}{107395}Alan, are you on a cell phone?|I can't hear you.
{107396}{107504}The raptor chases me...
{110623}{110695}Dad! Dad!
{111247}{111342}Paul, you can't...
{111347}{111458}You can't leave me like this.
{111459}{111529}I'm not going anywhere.
{111894}{111988}Remember when we went fishing|a couple summers ago?
{111989}{112088}We putted the boat in the water|and the trailer sank.
{112089}{112197}The toll truck tried to pull us out|and they got drag in too.
{112198}{112365}The truck driver wanted to|knock my lights out.
{112397}{112485}I miss fishing.
{112575}{112647}Mr Kirby.
{112720}{112770}That lady you called.
{112771}{112807}Who is she?
{112808}{112855}How do you know that|she can help us?
{112856}{112901}She is the person|I can always count on.
{112902}{112962}I owe her a lot.
{112963}{113013}I don't think|I have ever told her that.
{113014}{113062}You should.
{113063}{113148}You hear that?
{113178}{113253}The ocean.
{113608}{113703}Pick up your eggs.
{113850}{113891}Everybody get down.
{113892}{113997}She is challenging us.
{114398}{114444}She thinks she stole the eggs.
{114445}{114530}Get behind me.
{114983}{115075}Give me the eggs.
{115511}{115588}Do it, mom.
{116005}{116120}No... No... Call for help.
{117175}{117275}That's a helicopter.
{117445}{117533}Dr Grant?|Dr Alan Grant?
{117534}{117651}No!|That's a very bad idea!
{117855}{117928}You have to thank her now.
{117929}{118019}She's in the NAVY.
{118020}{118123}God bless you, Ellie.
{118345}{118473}- Is this man with you?|- What?
{118655}{118693}We made it...
{118774}{118869}I rescue your hat.
{118883}{118965}Give me that.
{118972}{119038}That's the important thing.
{119039}{119112}Dr Grant!
{119649}{119713}What the hell is that?
{119714}{119802}Dr Grant, look!
{119987}{120023}Where do you think|they are going?
{120024}{120064}I don't know.
{120065}{120132}Maybe just looking|for a new nesting ground.
{120133}{120180}It's all in the world for them.
{120181}{120316}How dare them to nest in|Olakhoma?
{120402}{120487}Let's go home.
{120512}{120587}Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player

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