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My Sister Leah Survives

It was a casual evening in the Netherlands, 1943, I was with my family in our humble
home having a lovely dinner. I was speaking to my little sister, Leah, about how her day was in
school. I was enjoying my food that Mother cooked until we were abruptly interrupted by a hard
knock on the door. “Oh, Andrius, were we expecting guests tonight?” Mother calmly asked. “I
do not recall, Mother. Perhaps it’s a neighbor?” I said. Before I could get up to answer the door,
pounding full of force began. “Answer the door now!” a muffled voice from outside called out. I
quickly ran to open the door but was unexpectedly greeted with 5 soldiers holding weapons.
“Come with us now! Or we shall show no mercy!” One of the soldiers shouted. Before I could
run back to the kitchen, Mother was standing behind me with terror in her eyes.
The soldiers forced their way into the house and grabbed Mother, Leah, and I. They
quickly took us out of our home and pushed us into this small truck. Inside the truck, there were
many people crammed together, some I recognized from our own village. My mother began to
wail in hope for someone outside to hear her desperate call.“They’re not going to hear you lady.
So shut up.” said one of the men sitting down. “Where are we going Mommy?” asked Leah with
concern. “They are taking us to Poland. AUSCHWITZ!” one of the old ladies said hysterically. I
was so confused and didn’t understand anything that was going on. During the entire ride, which
lasted an eternity, I wondered to myself why they are doing this. What did we do and what are
they planning to do with us? It was a long trip, then all of a sudden the truck jolted to a stop with
a bump that shook us. We heard footsteps coming towards the truck, the back opened and
soldiers started forcing everyone in the truck to get out. One by one each one of us got off.
QUIETLY,” yelled one of the soldiers. Everyone rushed into a line not wanting to anger the
soldier even more. They took us into this camp and it didn’t look so welcoming. On one side of
the camp you could see one of the soldiers beating on the people staying there and on the other
side you could see people being killed on the spot. Leah grabbed my hand and looked away as it
must’ve scared her very much. They pushed us into these barracks that was now our “home.” I
looked around and saw mud everywhere, I walked down the row of bunk beds and looked out a
window. Until I saw something that forever will devastate me; an entire family being shot in the
head multiple times. One of the soldiers looked at me and glared, I quickly looked elsewhere and
continued walking. I sat on one of the bunk beds and layed down. Not even for 2 seconds can I
lay peacefully as the door busted open soon after. BAM! “ALRIGHT LISTEN UP! YOU ARE
resonated a piercing ring.
The following next few weeks were hell itself. The soldiers forced us to do such horrible
things as to change our clothes and push us to work all day and night. We would have to wake up
as early as possible and hygiene was definitely nonexistent. For days, we hardly ate or drank and
over time people slowly got weaker. As we were walking, an elderly man fainted and the soldier
merely shot him just like that. I was afraid something would happen to us because I noticed how
my mother began to limp and get lazy with her work. “Mother if you ever need me to do your
chores, don’t hesitate to ask.” I said with a smile. “Thank you Andrius. Thank you so much.” she
said weakly. We continued our work until Mother started to faint. She fell to the floor and Leah
and I quickly carried her up before anyone could notice. “Mommy you must get it together!”
Leah said with tears streaming down her cheek. “HEY GET BACK TO WORK NOW!” one of
the soldiers yelled from afar. I tried to pick her up but instead accidentally dropped her to the
ground. The soldier who yelled started walking our way with fury in his eyes. He grabbed
Mother by the hair and took her. “MOTHER!!!” Leah screamed sobbily. “No! Don’t take her!!”
I shouted but she was no longer in our view. “Where could they be taking her?!?” Leah asked not
seeming to be able to calm down. “To the gas chambers,” one of the workers whispered to me.
“I’m afraid you won’t be seeing your mother any time soon.” My eyes began to fog up as I
started to continue the work. “I think I can help you son. But it’s not going to be easy.” The
soldier whispered in my ear. “What’s your name?” I turned to face him. “Nowak.” he replied
with a brief smile. “Yours?” he asked. “Andrius, pleasure to meet you.” “Let’s chat later before
they see.” Nowak said as he started to walk away. “Meet me outside your barrack at night.”
As soon as night came I looked out in hope for no guards to be there. I made sure Leah
went to sleep before she can discover that I had left. The guards all went into another room to
drink and eat. So I made my way outside the barracks. Nowak was out waiting patiently. “Ah
there you are,” he said turning towards me. “Let’s cut to the chase Andrius. I want to help you
because what they are doing is just not right.” I was quite baffled from what he had just said so I
stood there silently waiting for him to continue. “If there is a way to help all these innocent
people, I would risk it all.” “Innocent lives are being taken every single day and torture is
absolutely traumatizing. Honestly it’s just utterly ridiculous.” “Do you know why they are doing
this?” I asked Nowak. “You are Jewish. These people don’t accept that. To them, you are
disgusting and a disgrace. But I don’t understand why they would take your own life for that.”
“Nowak, I appreciate you very much. Thank you. I can’t lose my mother, as I already lost my
father.” I said looking down. “What happened to your father?” Nowak asked. “He was at work
one day, but never came back when I was very small. I think something happened to him. He
wouldn’t just leave. I can’t even remember much of him anymore.” “Unless…” Nowak
muttered. “What?” I said with concern. “Nothing.. We need a plan to get your mother.” “My
mother..? She’s still alive?!?” I said with disbelief and hope. “She’s being held before
execution.” Nowak said. “WE MUST SAVE HER!” “I think I’ve already got an idea!!” I
exclaimed. Nowak and I discussed my new idea which blossomed into an entire plan. Nowak
was to give a uniform to me as a disguise. We were to take Leah and Mother for “punishments”
but instead leave to the main gate. If we were questioned, we’d say that Mother and Leah are
being transported to another camp. If it is possible, we’d take more people to escape with us. It
was up to us to gain our freedom.
The next morning, our plan was in initiation. Nowak managed to give me a uniform when
he stopped by my bunker. “How’d you do it?” I asked wonderingly. “Not important. Let’s get
your sister and mother.” He said as I changed into the uniform. I woke up Leah from her bed.
She was very surprised but I told her to roll with it as there wasn’t much time to explain. We
“grabbed” her and took her out. “Is Mommy still here? How are we going to go get her?” Leah
asked. “You’ll see, just follow my lead.” Nowak replied. We made our way to the gas chambers
and searched for Mother. “Andrius..?” a voice softly said. “MOMMY!!!” Leah cried as she ran
to Mother who was in a cell. Nowak busted the door somehow and immediately hugged Mother.
“Wait what..?!?!?” I said in surprise. “MALKA!!” Nowak shouted as he hugged Mother.
“Nowak..? Is it really you?” “NOWAK?” “But father’s name is-” “Nowak.” Mother said with
tears flowing down her face.
“F a t h e r ?” Leah and I both said in surprise. “We must hurry!! We don’t have much time!”
Father said taking Mother out. “How are you still alive, Mommy?” Leah asked. “They mistook
me for someone else and took the other one’s life instead.” Mother said sadly. We began to
quickly make our way to the entrance. “But Nowak, what about the others?!?” Mother said. “We
must help them!! We have a chance to save so many other people!” “NO! Malka I need you to
escape. I can’t risk other people when we’re almost there.” Father said rushingly. “We can save
so many people’s lives Nowak.” Mother said coming to a stop. “She’s right!” I said. “You
wanted to help these people in the first place, didn’t you? Not just us. That’s selfish.” We all
stopped and stood for a moment. “Malka, we have to keep going. I can’t lose you.” Father said in
a serious tone. Suddenly we were interrupted, “Are you guys escaping???” asked one of the
prisoners doing work. “Please! Let me escape with you!!” “I need to leave! GET ME OUT OF
HERE!” he shouted insanely. “We have to go. He’s drawing way too much attention,” Father
said. “HEY! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING THOSE PRISONERS??!?” a soldier shouted coming
towards our way. “Oh no…” Father said. “RUN!!!” he yelled. We all started to run to the
entrance. “But Father!! We can use our excuse!!” I said. “No time!!” Mother was still weak so
she tripped right before we could reach the entrance of the camp. “MOMMY!!!” Leah yelled.
“Keep going son! I love you both dearly!” Father said running back to Mother. “Leave me!”
Mother said desperately. As Leah and I continued to run I turned and saw that the guards have
caught up with Mother and Father. I saw Mother and Father get shot in the head.
“NOOOOOOO!!!” I yelled with pain. We ran to the entrance and left the camp. Goodbye
Mother, Goodbye Father. Goodbye Auschwitz Camp.
For months Leah and I had traveled. We were making our way to someplace safe with
other escapees from other prison camps. We were going on a boat to America which was near
another camp. A guard from near the camp noticed all of us. “What is this?” he questioned in a
forceful tone. “If anything happens Leah, I want you to make it to America. Don’t ever stop.” I
whispered as I started walking towards the soldier. Before I could come up with another excuse
he began to raise his gun. “Don’t shoot!” I pleaded. “BOOM!” And like that my story has come
to an end.
I don’t know what happened after. All I know is that I hope Leah made it. I hope she
grew old in America with a new family. I hope for the best. I hope that all the horrors of the
camp ended. I hope that innocent lives aren’t taken. I hope that peace is restored. It wasn’t right
at all what those people did to us. We were tortured. Forced to do work. We were their slaves. I
wished I could’ve helped the others before me who were worked to death. We are all human and
that’s what matters.

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