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The official expression of the opinion or will of a

legislative body. The practice of submitting and voting
on resolutions is a typical part of business in Congress, state
legislatures, and other public assemblies. ... The rules also
specify what number of votes the resolution must attract to be
The practice of submitting and voting on resolutions is a typical pa
rt of business in Congress, state legislatures, and otherpublic ass
emblies. These bodies use resolutions for two purposes. First, res
olutions express their consensus on matters ofpublic policy: lawm
akers routinely deliver criticism or support on a broad range of soc
ial issues, legal rights, court opinions,and even decisions by the E
Branch. Second, they pass resolutions for internal, administrative
purposes.Resolutions are not laws; they differ fundamentally in th
eir purpose. However, under certain circumstances resolutions ca
n have the effect of law.
What is the Batasang Pambansa?

The Batasang Pambansa (English: National Assembly; lit. National

Legislature; often referred to simply as the Batasan) was the former
parliament of the Philippines, established as an interim assembly in 1978 and
later as an official body in 1984.
Ex: Batas Pambansa Blg. 232
Personnel Transactions - the terms and conditions of employment of personnel in
government schools shall be governed by the Civil Service, budgetary and
compensations laws and rules. 1. Improve himself professionally be keeping abreast of
the latest trends and techniques in his profession.Jul 13, 2014
What is Republic Act of the Philippines?
The National Defense Act of 1935, which created the Armed Forces of
the Philippines. The Rizal Law, which mandates the inclusion of courses on
José Rizal in the curricula of all educational institutions in the Philippines.
The Intellectual Property Code of thePhilippines (the copyright law).

What is the First Republic Act of the Philippines?

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of
the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. This Act shall be
known as “The First Philippine Republic Day Act".

“Acts of the President which relate to particular aspects of governmental operations in
pursuance of his duties as administrative head shall be promulgated in administrative
Administrative Code of 1987, Book III, Chapter 2, Section 3

Administrative Orders. An Administrative Order is defined as: A directive

necessary to administer properly the court's affairs but not inconsistent with
the constitution or with court rules and administrative orders enacted by the
supreme court.

Executive orders (Filipino: Kautusang tagapagpaganap), according to Book

III, Title I, Chapter II, Section 2 of Administrative Code of 1987, refer to the
"Acts of the President providing for rules of a general or permanent character
in implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory powers."

An executive order is a type of written instruction that presidents use to work their will through
the executive branch of government. Congress and Federal courts can strike down executive
orders that exceed the scope of the president's authority. ... Franklin D. Roosevelt holds the
record for most issued executive orders.

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