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BS WEATHER SYSTEM REGISTRATION FORM WASHINGTON BC WELCOME TO THE FOX 5 CLOSING REGISTRATION SYSTEM! This email address is used for FIRST TIME REGISTRATION ONLY. if you would like to register your orgenization with FOX 5, please follow the steps below. Emailing vour organizations status to this address wil NOT update vour status in our system, If you are already registered and need to enter a status for your organization, please go to http://www and click closings and follow the instructions using your ID and Passcode. It you hs tony rogaine your sohool or betwee i sue oyetom ed eed entre closing for your organization, CUCK HERE. yeu need to regster your exgantaton cick nerefor more romain. Pleaso note that not al closings willbe mentioned on FOX Nowa, but youll finda ‘complete ist hee at al ines. FIRST REGISTRATION OR ID/PASSWORD REMINDER instruction: On company letter, email your organizations name as you like to see it displayed; include the contact information (name, address, phone and email) for the orgarization and person responsible for the account. Once we receive your information, you will recewe an email with your FOXS closings ID and Passcode. Please keep your ID and Passcode confidential and in a place where you can easily access it. The ID and Passcode you receive allows you to access our system through the website and gives you the ability to enter a status for your organization.

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