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Proposal Presented to Maseno University


World Link Career Academy


P.O BOX 817-00300

Telephone: 0718-554-004/0724
Name of contact person: Felix Asiligwa
Position in the organization: Programs Director
Name of contact person: Isaac Mukabana
Position in the organization: Marketing Director
Mentorship Kenya was founded in July 2015 with the aim of Driving change in the
World Link Career Academy (WCA) was founded in July 2015 with the aim of mentoring the in-school youth in
secondary schools, colleges and universities to make informed decisions on the right career choices through
career fairs, career talks, mentorships, trainings and role modeling. WCA has enhanced strengthened links
between the target students, Parents, Higher learning institutions and the Corporate World. From its inception,
World Link Career Academy has gradually attracted a wide base of clientele mostly from higher learning
institutions and corporate institutions.

Its mission is to Inspire, Mentor and Transform learners on career choices and leadership through it’s’ core
program areas including:
i) Corporate exhibitions; ii) career fairs; ii) motivational talks; iv) role modeling; v) mentorship; vi) coaching; vii)
and trainings, in Kenya and beyond.

WCA has over 3 years’ of experience in bridging the continuously growing career gap between the
corporate world, tertiary institutions (colleges and universities), secondary schools, students,
parents and the teachers; by providing relevant information on Careers, Inspiring the students through
engaging qualified and experienced motivational speakers/role models who get to engage and coach them on a
one on one touch and providing a platform for students to swiftly achieve their career dreams across the 47
counties in Kenya. Overall, WCA currently has strong clientele base coupled with loyal esteemed customers from
local public and private institutions across the country.

WCA will use the existing GOK structures; including the national, county and sub-county education and National
Government Administrative Offices to reach out to its target population across the country.

WCK is there seeking to differentiate from other organizers by:

 Understanding the client/sponsors need and through this understanding provide services that reflect
positive on the client delivering the required benefit while still affordable

 Delivering these services in a manner that demonstrate Professionalism, ethics and dedication.

 Provide client with the highest possible quality in terms of merchandise and services

3. SUMMARY OF The PROGRAMME/Concept outlook

Title: Maseno Career Week (3 -4 days)

I. Inspiring, mentoring and transforming the secondary, college and university students on career choices
and leadership through coaching and trainings.
II. Career teachers/Guiding and counseling and student government training
III. Talent shows and entertainment
IV. Corporate exhibitions.

Our Target(s)
Throughout the 3days World Link Career academy will partner with MASENO University to carry out successful
Career fair by inviting various learning institutions key target being more than 200 high schools from the 47
Counties across Kenya, Corporate organizations, colleges and universities working directly through platforms
facilitated by Maseno University via the existing national, county and sub-county education offices across Kenya.
Where possible, WCA intends to partner with Maseno to have annual career week fairs so as to brand Maseno as
the leading Higher learning institution Career centre in Kenya.
Corporate Exhibitions, Career Fair and Coaching


The Career week intends to address the problem of a lack of adequate information on career choices leading to a
continuous growing gap between the corporate world, tertiary institutions, secondary schools, students, parents
and the teachers, hence leading to un-informed career decisions and choices by secondary graduates.

In our experience working with schools, colleges and universities, during career fairs in different regions across
the country, we have noted that there is lack of adequate information on careers to enable secondary school
students and KCSE graduates make timely informed career choices that they are capable of handling and
affording financially. This is because majority of the secondary students and the KCSE graduates rarely come to
terms with the practical requirements of their lifetime dream careers, including the available colleges and
universities offering the same careers; until they either approach the national KCSE exams or after the exam
results are out and they have to make lifetime choices at the Joint Admissions Board or run to grab the few
available competitive chances at the middle colleges known to them; leading to uninformed career decisions.
This is because the existing gap between the parents, secondary schools, colleges, universities and the corporate
world on available careers and chances in the public universities is continually widening. This is because the
students lack the critical information that would inform them to make informed lifetime career paths hence they
lack platforms to enable them seek relevant questions or concerns on careers they would wish to pursue in life.
Poor performance in the KCSE exams, peer and family pressure, financial constraints due to high poverty levels
are other constraints that hinder the students to pursue careers of their preference; hence they lack technical
knowhow to effectively get Helb loans to enable them transit to tertiary institutions like Maseno University and
pursue careers of their choice, leading to lost opportunities and hope in their lives. Their ignorance on the
available career opportunities and choices is also denied by other competing priorities of need which are mostly
not taken into consideration by parents, schools and the corporate world respectively.


 Maseno University will be branded as the best higher learning institution of choice for career advancement
by KSCE graduates.
 Radio and Tv adverts to run for one week
 Maseno University to get 15% of total sponsorship after deducting expenses
 BTL support through social media approach both face book, and twitter
 Brand positivity due to hosting
 Maseno University students exposed to corporate net works and opportunities

6. Key Performing indicators.

 Positive brand positioning

 Information dissemination
 Enhance top of mind awareness

Maseno University is expected to provide:
I. Venue
II. Security
III. Sound system
IV. Hospitality
V. Chairs
Corporate Exhibitions, Career Fair and Coaching


Since the high schools will be closing by 3rd of August best possible date to have successful career
week will be from 12th to 14th July 2018.

The idea herein remain property of world Link Career Academy, production, use there
for or submission to second party is prohibited

P. O. Box 817 – 00300
Nairobi Kenya.
Telephone: +254 718554004 | +254 724556401

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