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RCM Reason for additions / Improvements and
RCM2 RCM3 Highlights
Element changes advantages
Mentions and considers the The Operating Context should be This makes it the undeniable first
Operating Context (OC) defined and agreed upon prior to listing step of the RCM process and all
throughout the process. Operating functions, failed states, failure modes, assumptions and decisions are
Operating Context is considered when failure The Operating Context is the FIRST step required failure effects and defining failure The operational
based risks andContext.
on the Operating all the
modes are identified and when for the RCM3 process. consequences. All these are influenced decisions made in the RCM
Context failure management strategies are by and derived from the Operating process is directly tied to the
developed (Failure consequences Context. Risks are also directly related Operating Context.
are different when OC varies). to the Operating Context.
Attention is drawn to the process or
policy of ensuring that lubrication
Requires the definition of Primary replenishment and / or replacement
Requires the definition of Primary and
and Secondary Functions. must happen under the optimum
Lubrication is not treated as a separate conditions to prevent
failure management policy in RCM2/3 contamination.
(as in MSG3). The reason is that in Defect elimination is treated as a
• Performance
most modern designs, lubrication is condition to improve reliability
standards should be defined Secondary Functions.
designed as a dedicated separate proactively (not as a failure
Functions (where possible).
system and as such are analysed as a management strategy).
• Specific about the separate system. Where there is still
• Performance standards should be
definition of functions for hard point lubrication required, RCM3
defined (where possible).
protective devices. deals with the failure of the hard point
• Specific about the definition of lubrication as a separate failure mode.
functions for protective devices.
• Expands the Secondary Function to
include the considerations for defect elimination
Functional failures are Now defined as “Failed State” and acknowledges Agreement between different
The partial failure or failed state is now
acknowledged as “failed states”: the differences between: disciplines (i.e. engineering,
clearly defined and distinguished from
• General failed state, • General failed state, operations and maintenance) can
Functional • Total failure and, • Failing state,
the end state (total failure). The RCM3
process deals with all possible failures
be reached much faster and
therefore the process to identify
Failures • Partial failure. • Failed state and at the appropriate level. RCM3 further
and define the appropriate failure
• End state (as part of the failure defines the worst case “End State”
management strategy is much
process). condition (when multiple failure occurs)
quicker (saving time and money).
This makes the integration with RBI
Defines a Failure Mode as the RCM review groups (and facilitators) practical as RBI also defines failure
Defines a Failure Mode as a “Cause” and
event that causes the Functional have to define at least one or more modes as “deterioration /
“Mechanism” that causes the Failed State. This
Failure / Failed State. The failure mechanisms for each failure degradation mechanisms”. The
Failure facilitator / review group must
allows the facilitator / review group to identify “root
causes” easier and at the correct level of detail.
cause to ensure that the level of detail same terminology is used for the
constantly be reminded of the is sufficient (and appropriate) to develop two recognized Risk Management
Modes correct level of detail (not to
The failure mechanism also ties in with the
failure management policies that are Systems (RBI and RCM).
degradation mechanisms. (Terminology used in
describe failure effects / symptom both technically feasible and worth “Templating” of like type equipment
of the failure). doing. is streamlined and quicker to
Separating the effect description makes Easier and more comprehensive
it possible to distinguish more easily “templating” at equipment type level
Similar to RCM2, Failure Effects are described if between the
Reporting onspecifics of complex
failure effects failure Indicators
(assessing (Local effect descriptions
easier to defineincluded
no attempt was made to prevent them but the effects. in the analysis template).
the consequences) to different levels in difference between what operator /
effects are now separated in three levels: Local the organization is more granular and maintenance personnel sees vs.
Failure Effect is defined as one
Effect, Next Higher Level Effect, and End Effect. less time is spent during the analysis what management wants to see).
Failure statement (one paragraph that
describes what will happen if the
RCM3 also describes Potential Worst Case Effect and the subsequent analysis audit
(where applicable). Describing failure effects are
Effects failure mode occurs and nothing
far easier and the separation allows the different
Potential worst case describes
was done to prevent it).
disciplines in the review group (engineering, multiple failure conditions separate
operations and maintenance) to focus on their and with appropriate level of detail.
areas of expertise and knowledge. The focus is on increasing the
reliability of the protected
function/system as a first priority
Considers Safety / Environmental, This is especially useful and
Considers evident Safety / Environmental, Risk and cost is managed at the
Operational, Non-Operational and applicable in higher risk
Consequen only one category of hidden failure
Operational and NonOperational Consequences
and splits the Hidden Consequences between
appropriate level and the economic
impact of failure finding (functional
environments i.e. nuclear,
consequences. Facilitators could petroleum and petrochemical
ces by mistake treat all hidden failures
Hidden Safety and Environmental Consequences checks) is now be better defined and
industries. Improved integrity and
and Hidden Economic Consequences. managed.
the same (regardless of the actual improved planning for testing
impact). protective devices are possible.

The split places focus on the

devices that could impact safety vs.
The process delivers quantifiable results
operations and improves the
which will easier to defend. It further
understanding of the economic
leads to less redesign considerations.
impact (of functional tests) and risk
of the same.
Follows a subjective approach to Inherent risks as well as revised
risk management and addresses RCM3 addresses risk directly and the risk RCM3 methodology is directly aligned risk calculations demonstrates the
risk only when failures (or multiple management approach is based on the ISO 55000 with International Management Systems impact (risk mitigation) of the
failures) impact safety / the and ISO 31000, Standards for Asset Management and Risk. RCM3 decision process.
Allows for proper and formal
assessment to determine
requirement for redesigns based on
the relative risk (severity) as
RCM2 is a process to determine
RCM3 is the process to determine what must be described in the failure effects. Risk
what must be done to an asset to RCM3 now considers risk avoidance or
done to an asset to preserve its functions while is quantified (and understood) and
Risk preserve its functions (while
minimizing the risks associated with failures to a
management as a failure management
less compulsory redesign decisions
minimizing or avoiding failure strategy.
tolerable level. are made - this allows the review
group to make more decisions (less
open ended results) and it leads to
a more defensible failure
management program.
More ways to proactively deal with
RCM3 further considers a probabilistic risk failure management - reduce the
assessment at component level when compulsory probability (through maintenance) or
redesigns or onetime changes are required. reduce the severity (through redesign)
all done proactively.
Every reasonably likely failure mode is assessed Once failure management policies
have been defined for each failure
Risk and quantified in terms of its inherent risk. Part of formal risk assessment for
physical assets and their associated mode, the revised risk is captured.
Less likely demonstrate
failure modesthearevalue
(continue) Less likely failure modes are considered based on failure mechanisms. This helps
that RCM adds basedby on the actualorrisk
inherent risk.
they possess.
managing risks to tolerable levels.
The criteria in the Hidden
Incorporates additional consequence criteria to Consequence leg for economic
For safety type hidden consequences
separate and identify Hidden Consequences. type multiple failures determines
the tolerable risk criteria determines the
Separation between Safety and Economic type the optimum interval for failure
failure finding intervals.
hidden consequences is made. finding (providing highest
availability) at the lowest cost.
RCM2 decision diagram does not The cost of the task must still be
For economical type hidden
Decision separate Hidden Functions
between the ones that provide Focus is placed on reliability of protected function
consequences the cost of doing failure
acceptable to the user, otherwise a
one-time change may be
diagram protection against safety vs. first.
finding is compared to the cost of the
multiple failure when determining the
considered to reduce the overall
economic risks. cost of multiple failure (where
optimal failure finding interval.
Optimizes failure finding intervals through Improved integrity through
“Functional checks” for evident failures
increasing reliability of the protected function “functional testing” of evident
are now considered (where applicable).
(when applicable). failures (based on risk strategy).
Dependency on protective devices are reduced.
The RCM3 decision diagram
The “worth doing” criteria for different
criteria for “worth doing” allows for
consequences criteria is significantly different from The focus in RCM2 could be (and has
the optimisation of the availability
the RCM2 decision logic since it considers been) misinterpreted as being bias and reliability of the protected
physical risks in all criteria. towards the protective devices present
For any proactive maintenance function as a first priority.
in the system (especially standby and
task (PM) to be considered, the The need for a protective device /
redundant equipment), which resulted in
Decision PM must be both technically
feasible (according to the failure
“No Scheduled Maintenance” decision
redundancy (or failure finding
interval) is only considered AFTER
diagram characteristics) and worth doing
Safety / Environmental Consequences - Risk for the protected function / system. This
should be reduced to a tolerable level. meant that the risk to the organisation is
the improved availability and
(reduces the consequences to an reliability of the protected function
(continue) acceptable level).
drastically increased during repair time
is taken into account (in order to
when the protected function / system
manage multiple failures).
failed (multiple failure), as the process
Economic Consequences - Economic Risks are operates
also considered (first) and not cost only. The PM
should reduce
the operational risk (now quantified) in order to be without any protection / standby / These decisions are all risk based.
considered. redundancy during this period.
RCM3 now aligns with new and
SAE JA RCM2 complies fully with the RCM3 complies fully with the minimum To align and integrate RCM with emerging standards making the
1011/2 minimum requirements of the SAE requirements of the SAE RCM Standards and recognized and adopted International results easier to defend.
RCM standard. goes beyond these requirements. Management Systems. International standards and
Internation management systems are rarely
al RCM
Standard RCM3 aligns with ISO 55000 and ISO 31000 To mainstream RCM with International RCM3 will become the new
Management Systems. Asset Management Systems. standard.

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