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Leviticus 25:10, which reads "And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all

the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man
unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family."


The 14th Amendment created a new class of citizenship, the United States citizen. This
citizenship applies only to 'persons subject to the jurisdiction' of the federal government. All
jurisdiction implies superiority of power. A 'person' is always an artificial corporate entity with
it's name spelled in all caps.
YOU are "presumed" to be a U.S. citizen, unless and until you can prove otherwise.
A Sovereign National/State Citizen of the United States of America (American Citizen), lives
in one of the 50 sovereign states, and has inalienable rights secured by state and national
The artificial person, U.S. citizen, is a legal fiction that has been created by the federal
government, via the social security application, and is a corporate employee of the United States
by virtue of being a U.S. citizen. He is subject to the jurisdiction of the federal government and
of the state government and subject to the corporate income tax.
The U.S. citizen is created property, created to raise revenue for the government, your employer.
You have essentially contracted to be liable for the debts of your master, the federal government.
First let’s start with the Different types of status classifications, and properly understanding the highest
level of sovereign power on these American Lands.


Many people ask what is the difference between a Secured Party Creditor, a Private Citizen, American National, and
related terms. They basically mean the same thing but are slightly different. You can be one or all of those status’ in some
cases, let me explain the definitions so there is no confusion:

Secured Party Creditor (“SPC”) – someone who was a U.S. Citizen and has a U.S. birth certificate or Certificate of
Citizenship (if born abroad), or permanent resident who has a green card and social security number; who has voided and
canceled the contracts creating the U.S. Citizen/Resident, and replaced them with a Private Citizen status who also has
taken control of their LEGAL NAME trust; and can operate freely to discharge debts or court actions at will.

Private Citizen – is someone who is private and not governed by any de facto corporation like the
U.S. Corporation or its subsidiaries like the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, STATE OF TEXAS, etc.

American National – a private citizen of anywhere in America; North or South America, anywhere whatsoever – can be
on Indian territory/ Tribal territory in Canada or Mexico; or you can be a resident of your city, located at one of the
sovereign republic states, without interfacing jurisdiction in the Corporation “UNITED STATES”.

State Citizen – an American National who is not an Indian, not from Canada, not from Mexico or South America or the
Caribbean. A state citizen is one who is domiciled in the republic common law of New York, or Florida; or the California
Republic, etc.

Non-Resident Alien [with respect to the UNITED STATES (corporation)] – means you are residing in the republic, and in
the view of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, you are not residing in
their jurisdiction, so they have no territorial jurisdiction; by being an alien (foreigner), they also do not have in personum

Now that we properly understand the different Status Classifications, for the highest power in law we
should all strive to be American Nationals or State Citizens! But before doing that, it’s important to note
that we have the international right to freely change our STATUS of nationality According to the United
Nations Declarations on the rights of Indigenous People as it states in:

Article 6
(1) Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality.

And in the United Nations of Declarations of Human Rights it also states that:
Article 15
Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.

Also in the Declaration of The Rights of The Child is states:

Every child shall be entitled from his birth to a name and a nationality.

It’s crucial to understand those International Rights protected by those Declarations because
that’s what will help give you legal right to Change Your Nationality and Name within THEIR
commercial system. You will make a complete “Status Change” in this process by receiving a Legal
Name change in a Federal District Court, then going back to modify your “US Trust” Title Documents to
your possession.

Our main objective here is to change the name of your Social Security Account (the “US
Corporate Trust” administering over your Body) from the ALL Caps name, to the Title of YOUR 98-
Foreign Corporate Trust. Instead of your Social Security Card reading your Name in FULL CAPS
representing an Artificial Entity, It will now represent a “Certificate of LIVE Birth” again under the
Control of your FOREIGN TRUST that is not controlled by their DOMESTIC government according to
their IRS rules in

Notice the Difference between a DOMESTIC Trust & FOREIGN Trust; One is administered by the U.S.
Government, and the other is the exact opposite. We Want to go back to controlling our body’s Certificate
of Title under our FOREIGN Trust, so that we can control it without intereference of US Administrations,
laws, codes, or statutes!

If You don’t want to abide by THEIR rules, you must take YOUR trust out from under THEIR control
and go back to a Sovereign/State Citizen protected by the Constitution. It’s really just that simple!
(The Certificate of LIVE birth depicts a Living Soul while the Birth certificate depicts a CORPORATE entity in all
caps! Through this process of nationalizing we will be re-issued a NEW Certificate of Live Birth representing a Living Soul &
not a US citizen chattel)

Truth be told the birth certificate is an irrevocable trust that is set up, and that is one of
the secrets in commerce. It is an irrevocable trust and you cannot change the name on that
UNLESS you go to court. Otherwise you cannot change it any way, shape or form because you
did not create that trust. Now as far as the other grantor type trusts that are created under Social
Security (Driver’s License, etc), you can change those at any time, and you can revoke at any
time because you created that trust, but your property is brought down through generations, in
equity, because that’s what a trust is, and equity has existed for hundreds of years under the law
of use from England.


Here it is saying it is the documentation that gets you in trouble, not the actual Social Security
Number to your US Trust. If you want to find out what the SS number does, then you can go to
section 783.41, which talks about the number of the vessels, and it says you are required to
have a number if you are going to operate in admiralty waters, which is on their highways and
their business and contracts

— So again it’s not the SS number which gets you in trouble, it is the documentation. The
government has a form to cancel the documentation or the SS-5 application. So I’ve proved my
point right there. Even they think it is very important to cancel the Social Security
application. Notice It says nothing about the number. When you apply for Social Security, it
does not get rid of the documentation, and there is a form to do that. However, it must be done in
the correct way or you are subject to their Public obligations. And if anyone wants to see what
the documentation is, they even define what documentation is, and here it is-You’ll find it in
Benedict on Admiralty, section 783.41, "Numbered vessels." And in it, it says it is not the number that
does you in; you need a number to operate in admiralty. They say it right there. And remember, it doesn’t
say on the SS-5 application that you are applying for a number, it says you are applying for a card, or the

So the straw man, I want to make this clear, is a legal person, corporation, trust, and all
those things which are considered vessels or entities, real beings possessing separate existence
for tax purposes. And you create that entity when YOU sign up for Social Security. That’s
when you created the straw man. YOU created it, they didn’t, and the law says you created this
when you walked in and you transferred title.

(Check the SHOP page of if you would like Authentication Papers)

Acquiring Your Official Nationality Papers from Nation Liberation de Washitaw or any another
Aboriginal Nation which should include:
• Certificate of Nationality Card & Exemption
• Certificate of Indigenous American Tribal Nationality Citizenship
• Genealogy By Jus Soli & Jus Sanguineous
• Genealogy Certification
• Tribal Name & Property Declaration
• Official Record of Birth

After acquiring your Nationality Papers you can move along to the next steps of completing the
Nationality Changing process.

• If you have not done it yet, you can start by acquiring your 98 EIN Trust In the name you wish to
be on your Birth Certificate like so: “John Alex Doe El”. It should say your Appellation first
(Whether you have a El/Bey/Dey/Ali or Not) written in Upper Case/Lower Case form. You will
call in to the IRS at 1-267-941-1000 or 1-267-941-1099 to get your Foreign Number. This Trust
number will be used to “Do Business” PUBLICLY through a Foreign entity uncontrolled or
administered by the U.S. (SS4 Corporate Example -

• You can feel free to use YOUR OWN template or you can use ours and fill out this PETITION
FOR CHANGE OF NAME & RACE CHANGE template and get it filed in your SUPREME
COURT to get a “Case Number” and assigned Court Room. I would advise using the ONLINE
E-File platform in your state due to the fact that some courts tend to hassle individuals for trying
to come in “personally” to complete this task, and they don’t want them getting out the Matrix.

• According to your State, most require that in order to do a “Legal Name Change” you must
provide your Finger Print records (NOT ALL DO, SO CHECK YOUR OWN STATE) to be
sent to your local Department of State with your Petition of Name Change, Case Number and a
Money order to fund a background check. TAKE NOTE THAT THIS IS SPECIAL LAW - AND
the "legislative branch" regulations of the Constitution and you can usually find it there. it’s kind
of hard for them to DENY you your human rights to obtain your Name, & Nationality protected
by the Declaration of the Rights of a Child.

• Next the State will then forward your documents BACK to the Court Room assigned to your
case, and YOU will then call the courts to set you up an OFFICIAL court date to come see the
judge for your Legal Name Change. Usually the Judge will just have some brief, simple questions
for you and complete the process by signing off on your petition papers as an Official ORDER.
(An Example of a Nationality Status Correction backed by a Legal Court Order. Feel Free to add
Extra verbiage if you’d like on the Petition Template)

• After you receive your court order you are now eligible to go to the Social Security Office in
your City and terminate your SS documentation to your original US Trust by filling out a
“Withdrawal of Application”. Remember it’s not the SS number which gets you in trouble, it is
the documentation that’s directly attached to your body making you a 14th Amendment US
citizen. Now you are Utilizing your OLD S.S. Number, for a new Foreign Trust that’s OUTSIDE
the U.S. jurisdiction’s control! (Template:

• Now you can take your Legal Name Change & apply for a new SS5 Application utilizing your
OLD SS#. After completing the process you should be issued a NEW S.S. Card showing your
New legal Trust name, AND still be utilizing your original Social Security Number. (Template:

• After completing that step you can then send your Court order to the Vital Statistics office and
request a new Birth Certificate stating your new Race Nationality, and legal Name change.
Usually if you do a simple Google Search you will find a State Form to fill out and send in for
you to do so. In all Essence you are creating a new “Certificate of LIVE Birth” with it now
showing YOUR Foreign Trust legal name being in control of the title as an American National &
Not a Black/Negro/Latino/Chattel Title.
• Now that you are recognized as a Non US citizen, you can receive a Non-US citizens Passport
from the US Department of State! It will look the Exact same as a regular Passport, just with a
slight few additions to inform Public officials that you are an American National/State Citizen
and NOT a 14th amendment chattel. After getting back your new Birth Certificate, you can now
apply for a new “Non-US citizens Passport” by following the simple directions on the Template.
Once you receive back your Non-US citizens Passport You have officially became an
American National/State citizen to freely travel the world. You now have a Court Order backing
your national status and you are not to be called or recognized by any other Appellation within
the corporate commercial system. It’s never about who you “proclaim” to be, but rather what you
can PROVE.
Stay tuned for more Fast Track Files coming soon! This document has been prepared by
the Honorable Chief Courtland Kelani El of the Nation Liberation De Washitaw Aboriginals.

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