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the concept of heavenly jin is all aspects of the dark that don't have clear

negative consequences.
i studied negative jin in a past life and i will try to create an acount on its
merits and extensivenis.

heavenly yin includes all aspects of regular yin that are apeazing to god.
often people shy away from darkness thinking its displeazing from god.
however jin and yang elements both contain things that are displeasing to god.
i once met a jin teacher who told me this, he then told me for the very first time
about heavenly jin.
he preced to tell me that black colors are not inherently displeasing to god,
however mixed with browns they do become displeasing to god.
like filt on a shirt or rust on blackend steel, shit in a hole or clouds before the
he then told me the stars in the sky are however a part of yin, they are so tiney
they bleach infront of the night sky.
neither are yin or yang in the night sky, however the night sky in itself is yin.
many other things are yin like soup, however rotten and muciscent its no longer
part of heavenly yin.
we then preceded to eat.

on the nature of darkness

dark colors are used to conceal things, to not stand out as much and for comforting
and mourning.
these practicesa are all part of heavenly yin except for concealment trough
concealment trough darkness is omited for it creates bad feng shui.

on the heavens at night time.

the heavens at night time are yin, the stars are yin, the black is yin.
the goddes of the heavens at night time is yin
the moon is yin opposed to he sun
the goddes of the moon is yin
these are all forms of heavenly yin

on the lotus
The lotus is an important movement in the heavens, climaxing at the 55th heaven.
these black dressed rufians have a revoltiunary of looking at life.
endurance and mindfullnes waking in the final hour is there style of life.
many people have been moved from being stone mongers to being accupunturists by the
and some people have moved from being low life writers or warriors into heavenly
prince and princesses.
lotus clann members pracitice necromancy and wear black, however some very famous
demon hunters reside in the lotus.
all practices caried out by lotus officials are considerd heavenly yin.
the tea they make increases a necromantic potency that is congruent to the spirit.
This alowes esteemed practioners to turn into a lich and extemd their life
accupuncture is one of the lotus her finest arts and some of the innermost secrets
of the clan have to do with accupuncture.
accupuncture is practiced with silver needles in heaven, and is both a restoring
and transgressing pracitse.
also sigil magic is practiced by the lotus to great detail, they have pilars made
out of stone that are inscribed with sigils.

on accupuncture
accupuncture is a divine art that is part of heavenly yin.
the chi energy that flows trough the body and is affected by accupuncture is also a
part of heavenly yin.
the plant medicines that are used to treat the nodal sites are also part of
heavenly yin practice.
makshabustation on the other hand is part of heavenly yang.
accupuncture in the heavens is a very fine art involving different kinds of
needles, and plant medicine.
either washes to treat affected area's, or ointmensts put into certain area's
during the treatment are common place.

on the tantras
yin tantra is most of the time considerd more heavenly than yang tantra.
the most heavenly forms of tantra are also considerd yin.
kundalini awakening is considerd a yang event, but the kundalini energy is
considered a yin energy.

on sigil magic
in sigil magic the chaos is bent, the choas is however inherintly yang, although
depicted in yin coloring of the type of brown on black.
the sigils themself are yin and are however not part of heavenly yin.
only when sigils are refined and distilled to quit sigils are they considered a
heavenly yin element.
cultivating the energy connected to the casting of these sigils is considerd
another part of heavenly yin.

on necromancy
there are ways of connecting to the ancestor ergo necromantic practices that are
included in heavenly yin
cutting or harming thyself by making gashes can increase the connection to the
ancesters in a spirtual sense.
it works by creating a deep carnal conection to the decaying flesh of the
forefathers and their lovedones.
imbueing the practioner with a ghastly look at life which is generaly better
equiped at dealing with situations.
this is however not included in heavenly yin
an other necromantic practice is meditating in gravesites upon the flesh of the
ancestors and the kundalini and dna.
This practice can initiate a blood awakening where the blood of the ancestors comes
alive in the practicioner.
This connects the practioner to the ancestors in a mental way, knowledge of the
forefathers is gained and.
Emotions and skills of the ancesters can be invoked thourgh practice.
this is a way of heavenly yin.

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