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Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

ECE 232
September 5th, 2019
Journal Week 2
Appropriate 1: While I was watching 2 mobile infants play, I noticed that one infant did not
want to be touched by the other. As time went on during the morning, I saw that she warmed up
to him and they started to play together. I found a DAP text in which it speaks about
understanding that they are building their social skills. I thought this made perfect sense since I
saw how she warmed up to him. DAP pg. 77 “Caregivers know that infants are curious about
each other and are just beginning to build social skills. Because touching is a natural urge,
caregivers allow interested infants to explore each other while making sure that they treat each
other gently.”

Appropriate 2: I saw how the caregivers sang often to the infants. They made a song for all the
activities that they infants were participating in. I love seeing how the infants were so interested
in them also. DAP pg. 79 “Caregivers frequently talk with, sing to, and read to infants…”

Inappropriate 1: Her mother when entering said that she might be sleepy so maybe she will nap
soon. When the infant was fussy, the caregiver took her to her crib. I noticed that the infant was
not in a quiet place since the other infants were still playing. She never ended up falling asleep.
DAP pg. 86 “Bright lights and the sounds of playing babies or loud music disturb babies trying
to sleep.”

Inappropriate 2: When one infant and her family entered into the room. Her mom handed the
caregiver a container of watermelon. Once it was lunchtime, the mobile infant did not want to eat
it. The caregivers questioned within themselves if the child had tried this out at home. One
caregiver mentioned how she did not ask the parent. This is the only DAP I found that made
sense DAP pg. 87 “Caregivers communicate with parents only rarely or only when there are
problems or conflicts.”

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities to
smiling, running make things
toward that happen
After being
dropped off she
was quite shy at
first but after
seeing her
caregivers for a
couple of minutes
she always
smiled at her
when she would
see her.

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development She was able to up to stand trot, walk *Throw objects *Use markers
sit up by If seemed like backward on pape
herself when she was just
alone. starting the
process of pulling
herself. She was
still very wobbly.

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
objects words adult

Social/Emotional *Show pride *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: and pleasure in negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions new When her in mastery strong sense of
accomplishmen caregiver got up self
ts to go get her
diaper ready to
change her, she
looked up and did
not see her which
she started to cry
as if she got
scared that she
did not see her

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense of
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers self through
another as the toys, read books) She was assertiveness;
basis for interested in her direct actions of
establishing a other infant others (for
relationship classmate while example, “Sit
he was around here”)
but once he left
she seemed to
forget about
Journal Week 3
Appropriate 1: I enjoyed this week when the infants had “music time” (not what they call it but
what I named it). The music was soft but loud enough for all the infants to hear. They all seemed
to enjoy it. Some were even dancing! It was a very loud day with some infants not feeling good.
I could tell that music is something the infants love because of the way they reacted to the music
playing. DAP pg. 80 “...To judge what is the right amount of sound, caregivers look for cues in
babies’ reactions. Caregivers play music and other recordings that infants enjoy.”

Appropriate 2: One parent came into the room and tried to make the baby walk. You can tell the
infant is starting to pull them self’s up and hold on to things but not walk. He’s caregiver notifies
how if the infant cannot walk holding one hand, that it’s better to get them to crawl. It was very
good how she acknowledges what he can go and also give knowledge to the parent. DAP pg. 78
“Caregivers respect infants’ individual abilities and respond positively as each baby develops
new abilities…”

Inappropriate 1: When I went in for one of my Monday/Wednesday shifts, a parent dropped off
their infant. The caregiver talked to the parent for a little bit and then proceeded to say goodbye.
When the parent walked away, the caregiver called out to them and yelled something about the
infant. They exchanged a few more words and then he left. Later on, throughout the day I kept
hearing the caregiver saying “Oh I have something to tell you about the parent” in a very bad
tone. Which made me feel as if they had a very bad image of the parent and they could be wrong.
The parent could be running late or simply forgot something that day. In the DAP pg. 87 says the
following “Caregivers see parents as the “problem” rather than part of the solution.”

Inappropriate 2: No other inappropriate practice found this week.

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities to
smiling, running make things
toward that happen
She continued to
smile at her
caregiver when
she first arrived.
She knew who to
look for.

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development She continues up to stand trot, walk *Throw objects *Use markers
to sit up by This week she backward on paper
herself without was not pulling
anyone helping herself up. She
her. either sat or
crawled more.
She would try to
stand up, but it
seemed like it
would scare her,
and she would go
back to sitting

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
During objects words adult
lunchtime, I language
did hear her
babble a little
more than last
week. Not to
long but she
kept making

Social/Emotional *Show pride *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: and pleasure in negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions new This week she in mastery strong sense of
accomplishmen seemed to have self
ts either gotten
when she kept
hearing all the
babies cry. She
started to cry

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense of
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers self through
another as the toys, read books) She didn’t assertiveness;
basis for really but much direct actions of
establishing a attention into others (for
relationship her other example, “Sit
classmates this here”)
week. She did
her own thing.
Journal Week 5
Reflection on Observation:
● When reading the paper I was left after my observation, I enjoyed reading the pointers
you have provided. As I was sitting in the mealtime area the infant lifted he’s chair and I
processed to say “Chair on the floor”. I understand this is the right comment but he does
not understand why I was saying it. To me, I know he can fall back and hit his head but to
him, he was just excited at that moment. I could have said, “Chair goes on the floor, you
can fall back and hurt your body” with that I have added more context. I could have
provided a pat on my head and said “ouch” almost showing him the outcome.
● I also saw how many of the things you could not hear. This means I have to speak louder
for the infants because they might not be able to hear me either.
● I feel it’s extremely important for them to know their surroundings and who is in it. This
way they can learn to trust the familiar faces and sounds within their room.
● The question regarding the Lab school system of “2 points” doesn’t make to much sense
to me either. I have just caught on to saying it because of its a “norm” for the children
now. I prefer the saying of “Let’s put it in the trash” & “Thank You”. I feel that it’s what
they will get used to at home rather than “2 points”. I did ask Ebany as to why it was said
to the children and I did not like the answer to much.
● After speaking about the topic of “I’m going to put you down” in class, it has made me
understand the importance of their voice. Not so much their voice because they are not
speaking but their cues. I will now be processed to pause and see how they react to me
saying that. Rather than quickly putting them on the floor.
● As for the last part, pointing out exactly what they are pointing out is hard. Simply,
because they might not be pointing! They can just have their arm up. But I do however
like to acknowledge what is around them. So I can possibly name what is around where
they are pointing. I believe it’s almost like putting text to items.

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen
For this week(she
was gone
Monday &
Tuesday) she
seemed to be out
of it, not really
who was around.

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development She continues up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
ro sit up when She crawled backward objects on pape
playing and around more this
just looking week, not really
around. picking herself

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
She didn’t objects words adult language
babble as often She
this week! She acknowledges
was more when someone
quiete! is talking to her
but looked
away after a

Social/Emotional *Show pride *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: and pleasure in negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions new She know who in mastery strong sense
accomplishmen her main of self
ts caregiver is and
can sense when
she has walked
away from her
view. That is
where she begins
to cry.

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) Not interested through
basis for this week. Just assertiveness;
establishing a did more direct actions
relationship solitary play. of others (for
example, “Sit
Journal Week 7
Appropriate Practice 1: One of the caregivers comes in later during the day when I am heading
out. I can see how the infants get excited when they see her. It shows me how well of a
relationship she has made with the infants. DAP pg. 76 “ There is sufficient continuity of care to
ensure that every infant and parents can form a positive relationship with one or two primary
Appropriate Practice 2: I enjoy seeing how they don’t worry if the infant gets super dirty when
eating. From experience, my family would get so mad when my cousins did. They let the infant
explore textures when doing so. They are learning while feeding themselves. DAP pg. 85
“Caregivers allow children to feed themselves(including using utensils and cups), even when
their efforts are messy…”
Inappropriate Practice 1: This week I observed how cramped the room can get when there are
many adults in the room. One of the days there was 4 people in the room and 4 babies. That is
pretty good but I felt that we were all super close and the children didn’t have to much room. I
saw how the children didn’t have too much room to move around and kept hitting each other.
DAP pg. 80 “Spaces are cramped and/or unsafe for children who are learning how to move their
Inappropriate Practice 2: Another thing I noticed this week, is how one person did most of all the
diaper changes. She did them for about 3 infants back to back. She took her time and cleaned
properly but it was just her doing it. The other caregivers were in the room also. I know that it’s
the primary caregiver of that infant to change the diaper. “ DAP pg. 86 “One person diapers all
babies, not necessarily the primary caregiver or an adult familiar to every child.”

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen
For one of the
days this week,
her mom was in
the room with
her. So she would
crawl her way to
her and lay on her
for comfort.

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development She would sit up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
up when all the This week she backward objects on pape
other infants was pulling This was the
were around herself up more first week I
her. than any other saw her throw
week! She was multiple
standing when items.
she would find a
good surface to
hold her.

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
She likes to objects words adult language
speak a lot She was very
during eating interested in her
time. Also mom this week.
when she hears When she
other infants would hear her
talk. Not so mom, she
much when would pay
you speak attention.
directly to her.

Social/Emotional *Show pride an *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: pleasure in new negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions accomplishmen This week she in mastery strong sense
ts was doing an of self
activity outside
and you can tell
she was getting
mad when things
were not being
done her way.

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) She likes to pay through
basis for attention to assertiveness;
establishing a what the others direct actions
relationship are doing. She of others (for
She did share sits back and example, “Sit
multiple items then just here”)
with the others observe them.
today. She
would sit
across from
each other and
hand them a
toy she had.
Journal Week 8
Appropriate 1: There is an infant in which he is staring babbled more when in the classroom. The
caregiver who is around him like to either repeat it or continue the conversation with him. I can
tell he is excited when she responds back to him. He then continues to keep babbling/screaming.
DAP pg. 79 “Caregivers observe and listen and respond to sounds the infant makes.”
Appropriate 2: This week one of the students did not have much food in their lunchbox. Plus,
what they did have, you can tell she was not interested at all. I like how they have other options
when it is lunchtime. They provided vegetables and fruit options for them. DAP pg. “Small
servings of healthy foods are offered, and each child selects how much to eat and when to stop.”
Inappropriate 1: When we were outside, it was time to go inside for lunchtime. The caregivers
did not advise as to what was going on. You can tell the children were surprised when we all
started to go inside without a warning. DAP pg. 84 “Routines are accomplished quickly and
mechanically without involving the infant.”
Inappropriate 2: Not found

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen
person She’s learning
when to
another infant
and when not

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
I can tell she’s backward objects on pape
starting to stand
up for every
week. Not
walking but isn’t
afraid to stand
and look around.

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
Her favorite objects words adult language.
time to talk is
Other times she
doesn’t babble
to much.

Social/Emotional *Show pride an *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: pleasure in new negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions accomplishmen in mastery strong sense
ts. of self

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) She played through
basis for around them assertiveness;
establishing a this week, not direct actions
relationship so much with of others (for
She does not them. example, “Sit
mind sharing here”)
the toys with
the other
infants but does
not play so
much with
Journal Week 9
Appropriate 1: The infants are begging to babble more as the weeks so by. All of the caregivers
when they hear them always respond back to them. It always makes the infants happy to see that
someone is hearing them. DAP pg. 79 “Caregivers imitate children’s vocalizations and
appropriate the sounds like the beginnings of communication.”

Appropriate 2: This week there was a fire drill in the afternoon, and I enjoyed seeing how even
though it was a stressful situation they handled it so calm and fast. There were other caregivers
who reacted harshly towards some of the children. DAP pg. 89 “Caregivers cope well with
stress, and they model in their interactions with others…”

Inappropriate 1: I have seen how some of the infants can walk into their own chairs since they do
it outside of mealtime. So, I wonder as to why we always carry them in if they can walk now to
their chair. DAP pg.85 “Caregivers feed all children in the same wat regardless of family

Inappropriate 2: I noticed who one of the days everyone was quiet during mealtime. I am not
sure as to why but there was no communication going on other than just letting them know of
what food they had. DAP pg. 85 “Conversation between adults and children is limited.”

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen
person She’s learning
With time I can how to
see her smiling at approach a
her primary toy when she
caregiver, she wants it, she
likes to be in her would be very
presence. shy if other
infants were

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other When
objects someone is
too close to
her she is
starting to
push then

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
This week, her backward objects on paper
main goal was to
stand up
whenever she

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
She likes to objects words adult language.
manly babble When it is time
with her main for books in the
caregiver and classroom, I can
me sometimes. tell she is starting
to pay more
attention to them

Social/Emotional *Show pride an *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: pleasure in new negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions accomplishmen in mastery strong sense
ts. of self

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) She likes to yell through
basis for if she hears assertiveness;
establishing a others yell too. direct actions
relationship of others (for
example, “Sit
Journal Week 10
Observation answers:
1. When I handed him the second block, I wanted him to hear the different sound it had.
But, thinking about it now It made no sense since one was already raddling in his ear. I
could have waited to give him the second block so he can hear the difference. I want to
say it was more of a first intuition to give it to him. I can next time, let him be the first to
initiate if he wants it or not.
2. I am still learning as to when it is right or wrong to approach them. So, when he looked
back at me, I left as if it was an invitation to go with him. I could have been wrong and
could have watched from a distance. But, once I approached he did not give me a clue as
to leave, I stayed with him.
3. Something I can plan to fulfill the need for dumping is taking them to the floor and
having him dump them there. I was afraid that when he dumped them he was going to hit
himself. He was extremely far from the table that I thought he was going to lose his
4. When I was taking a toy from one student to give back to the other, I could of strong used
my words. I was trying to let him know that she had it first. But, not using my voice can
affect them because it can just seem like I’m removing something they want. I wanted to
offer him a new toy, but I could tell on his face how confused he was to what I was
doing. I could have used something like “I saw that she had it first, what if I get you your
5. I need to be louder to get them to know that I am acknowledging what they are
accomplishing. I need to be louder in general, I am still afraid of using all my voice
because I am afraid they will get scared. I now know that it is extremely important to
have them hear you, so they can get to know you better. Also, it’s important to let them
know that you are paying attention to what they are doing and how proud you truly are.

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other
This week I
noticed that
whenever she
wanted a toy, she
would move
everything in her
way to get to the

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
backward objects on paper
She starting to
throw things
when she is
done playing
with them.

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
. objects words adult language.

Social/Emotional *Show pride an *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: pleasure in new negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions accomplishmen in mastery strong sense
ts. of self

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) through
basis for assertiveness;
establishing a direct actions
relationship of others (for
example, “Sit
Journal Week #11
Appropriate practice #1: This week we had lunch outside! I enjoyed everything about it! I also
enjoyed seeing how curious the infants were because it was outside. They knew it was
lunchtime, but it was outside! They seemed to enjoy the weather and the birds chirping. Also,
they have been letting the older infants get into their own chairs. They let them get out of their
chairs alone too. DAP pg. 85 “Until infants can get into a sitting position on their own…”
Appropriate practice #2: The infants are getting older, so they are starting to move more around.
The space provided for them is good. There is still enough room for nonmobile infants and
mobile ones. This week I played “runaway” with one of them and because there was enough
room it was great. DAP pg. 81 “Open areas for mobile infants encourage them to test gross
Inappropriate practice #1: I keep seeing how one caregiver changes every infant’s diaper after
lunch. Once one caregiver is done feeding the infants, they get up and takes them to the play
area. From there they wait for the other caregiver to be done with their infants and come join.
From there either one or the other starts to get the changing table ready for a diaper change. Then
they processed to change all of them, this week it was 4 babies. DAP pg. 86 “One person diapers
all babies…”
Inappropriate practice #2: There was a parent that came in to drop their infant off in the morning.
I can tell both the parent and the caregiver were standoffish with each other. I am not sure as to if
something has happened before. But I can tell that if not one made initiation to talk, they didn’t.
DAP pg. 87 “Caregivers communicate with parents only rarely or only when there are problems
or conflicts.”

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

The infant was not in class this week.
Journal Week 13
Appropriate practice 1: This week there was one child in which we were getting frustrated for
everything. He was reaching the point in which he would bang his head into anything in his way.
Ms. Begley did such a great job and acknowledging what he was feeling and how to help him
calm down. DAP pg. 77 “Caregivers learn to watch for each infant’s cues, so they are able to
judge when the baby needs…”
Appropriate practice 2: The infants are all starting to talk more now. Some are just screaming,
and others babble off. I like seeing how interested and happy the caregivers are towards them.
They completely make up a different scenario, but you can tell the infant is happy to be talking.
DAP pg. 79 “Caregivers observe and listen and respond to the sounds the infant makes.”
Inappropriate practice 1: This week I caught myself doing an inappropriate practice. I was
washing an infant’s hands when he reached the faucet and opened it all the water can run. My
first instinct was to close it. That’s exactly what I did, I closed it without a paper towel. Ms.
Begley also saw and notified me of what happened. DAP pg. 88 “Caregivers are not consistent in
maintaining conditions and procedures.”
Inappropriate practice 2: The area around the room is starting to become small for the children.
They want to be climbing but there isn’t much room to do so. They are starting to climb places in
which it can be dangerous for them. Good thing is that there is always a caregiver watching
them. DAP pg. 80 “Spaces are cramped and/or unsafe for children who are learning how to move
their bodies.”

Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other
Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,
Development up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
backward objects on paper
She starting to
throw things
when she is
done playing
with them.

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
. objects words adult language.

Social/Emotional *Show pride an *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: pleasure in new negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions accomplishmen in mastery strong sense
ts. She is begging of self
to start standing
up whenever
and I can see in
her face how
proud she is to
be standing by

Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a

Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) through
basis for assertiveness;
establishing a direct actions
relationship of others (for
example, “Sit
Journal Week 15
Observation response:
● For promoting social/emotional awareness you marked how I keep wiping his hands
without acknowledging that he might want his cup. I honestly did not see him reaching
for his cup. But that’s important to understand that so much can happen in such a short
time. I could of probably seem him reach but maybe thought he was just trying to get
more after we said all done to snack time. It helps me realize to stop and observe if they
are completely done or just taking a break. They know exactly what they want, and I
must hear their cues.
Infant/Toddler General Development: Mobile Infants (up to 18 months)

Cognitive *Push their *Actively show *Understand *Show

Development: foot into a shoe affections for a more words heightened
Perception and their arm familiar person than they can awareness of
into a sleeve by hugging, say opportunities
smiling, running to make
toward that things happen

Cognitive *Try to build *Persist in a *Use a stick as *Push away

Development: with blocks search for the a tool to obtain someone or
Cognition desired toy when a toy something not
the toy is hidden wanted
under other

Motor *Sit-up *Crawl and pull *Walk, stoop,

Development up to stand trot, walk *Throw *Use markers
backward objects on paper

Language *Create long, *Look at picture *Begin to use *Shake head *Demonstrate
Development babbled books with me, you and I no, say two or intense
sentences interest, point to three clear attention to
. objects words adult language.

Social/Emotional *Show pride an *Express *Continue to *Assert self,

Development: pleasure in new negative feelings show pleasure indicating a
Emotions accomplishmen in mastery strong sense
ts. of self
Social/Emotional *Enjoy *Get others to do *Show *Indicate a
Development: exploring things for their considerable strong sense
Social Skills objects with pleasure (wind up interest in peers of self
another as the toys, read books) through
basis for assertiveness;
establishing a direct actions
relationship of others (for
example, “Sit

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