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Short Form (All Genres) #7

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: Each Living Thing Author: Joanne Ryder

Illustrator: Ashley Wolff Publisher/Year: 2000

Genre: Fiction

Summarize the content of the book –

A. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
B. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
C. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design

• There is not a main character in the book. This book talks about all the animals of the
world. But it’s multiple that they name throughout the book. The theme of the book is
to love the animals in the world. Setting of the book is multiple, because it changes
regarding the animal being talked about. This book can also be nonfiction because they
are real animals but not real pictures of them.
Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• This book can relate to the children in many places.
• The children of the book are all different races and colors.
• The settings are different, they can relate to where the setting is at because of a place
they might live.
• The book talks about many different animals, in which children can gain an interest in
what they are.
• The illustrations are also very detailed, who has a love for drawings will highly enjoy
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• When I chose this book, I didn’t look inside of it. I liked the title, so I chose it because
of that. But in all honestly, it is a beautiful book! The illustrations and the message. I
loved the many different animals drawn in the book.
Short Form (All Genres) #8

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: When Green Becomes Tomatoes Author: Julie Fogliano

Illustrator: Julie Morstad Publisher/Year: 2016

Genre: Poetry- Nonfiction

Summarize the content of the book –

D. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
E. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
F. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design
• This is more of narrative poem. It gives you example of who they are living their day
to day life. How they deal with the temperature changing. But the words used for this
book are amazing! They are our everyday simple words, but she made them all follow
so well. For imagery, she used her illustrations perfectly. I could have not imagined
this book without them.

Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• After reading the book myself, I learned that this book is more for the older children
because it comes with a lot of words. Longer poems then a 1 or 2nd grader will now and
understand. The drawings are amazing, very detailed, very organic. They look exactly
like you would see them in real life. It might spark up their interest because it talks
about the beach and the pool. It also talks about the heavy snow and rainy springs;
these are all something students have experienced.

Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• I loved the illustrations of the book! Absolutely beautiful. I just felt like there is
something missing to the book. More rhythm to the book. Get the children more
involved to read it. When I was reading it, it was long, and it seemed like it dragged on
for to long. But then again, it could just be my personal interest to when it comes to
poem books.
Short Form (All Genres) #9

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears Author: Verna Aardema

Illustrator: Leo and Diane Dillion Publisher/Year: 1975/ COBE

Genre: Folklore

Summarize the content of the book –

G. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
H. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
I. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design
• There was variety of characters within the book, but the main character was: mosquito,
iguana, snake, rabbit, crow, monkey, owl, and lion.
• The setting was in the jungle, a dark jungle
• Theme: Don’t judge to quickly of a situation, it might lead to something worse.
• Plot: Mosquito was saying something non important to the iguana in which then the
iguana put sticks in his ear to not hear anymore. Which then scared the snake, that
scare the rabbit, that scared the crow, that scared the monkey. When the monkey was
scared it happened to break a branch killing a little owl below it. When the mama owl
arrived, she was sad and did not who for the moon to come up. The lion thought it was
weird that the owl did not wake up the sun and called for a meeting. The animals then
explained what happened and they finally found out it was the mosquito who started it
all. When they called for the mosquito, it never came and then processed to whisper in
everyone’s ears.

Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• The illustrations are amazing! Very well drawn. A style you really do not see often
• The animals in the book bring interest to the students also.
• It also helps them see that if you take a couple steps back you can see what the problem
is and how to fix it.
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating

• Personally, not my favorite book but not a bad one. Nothing in the book caught my eye
for me to read it again. I honestly don’t know how to explain how I feel about the
book. It didn’t give me to much excitement but more sadness about the owl dying.
Short Form #10
Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera
Title: Not Quite NARWHAL
Author: Jessie Sima
Illustrator: Jessie Sima
Publisher/Year: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Genre: Modern Fantasy

Summarize the content of the book –

J. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
K. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
L. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design
• Setting: The Sea and The Land. Towards the end the shore becomes a big part in the
• Theme: It’s okay to be a little different.
• Characters: Main character is Kelp. Supporting are the Narwhal and the Unicorns.
• Plot of the story is, Kelp is born underwater but does not like anything that the
narwhals like (grew up with narwhals since birth). Until one day a current took him
away since he wasn’t a great swimmer. Once he reached to the top he saw something
that looked like him. That is where he decided to go follow what it was and finally met
the land. Once he found the creature, he found out that they were the same and that he
was a unicorn. So, the unicorn showed them their way of doing things. But, he missed
his narwhal friends and decided to go back with them. Once he got back he explained
to then that he was a unicorn and they all already knew that. After a while he started to
miss his unicorn’s friends. That is where he decided that he would be both a narwhal
and a unicorn together.

Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• The illustrations for this book are extremely cute. Which make sense since no one
knows what a unicorn looks like, but we can all imagine.
• It helps the student understand that being different is nothing to be worried about. The
people around you will love and respect you for you.
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• LOVED it! I will be buying a copy for myself! I love books in which they show
students that it is okay to be different. No one is the same and we learn to love that
about ourselves. It shows that you can be who you want to be no matter where you are.
Short Form #11

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: Hair Love Author: Matthew A. Cherry

Illustrator: Vashti Harrison Publisher/Year: 2019 & Kokila

Genre: Cont. Realistic Fiction

Summarize the content of the book –

M. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
N. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
O. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design
Characters- For this book there is 4 characters: Mom, Dad, Zuri (Main character), Rocky (the
Setting- Main event happened inside their home.
Plot- Zuri is a girl who starts talking about her African American hair. She talks about the
many styles she can make and how it easily gets destroyed. She wants a special hair style
because a surprise is coming! Her and her father work together on making her hair special. Her
mom then comes home. It does not say as to where she is coming from.
Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• I choose this book for two big reasons. 1. Many little girls struggle with their hair.
With Zuri, she is teaching them to love it and accept it. She shows how with many
hairstyles your hair can completely change. Being a curly haired girl myself I could
relate. Growing up I was the only one who has curly hair in my family which made me
feel out of place. I always wanted straight because that’s what everyone had around
me. As I got older I saw the many possibilities of change I could make with my hair.
She’s showing them to love their hair because it makes you, you. A quote from the
book is “I love that my hair lets me be me!” 2. The father is the one who does
everything with her until her mother gets home. I feel as if there is not enough book out
there at represent the dads. This book she talks about how her dad does her hair, takes
her to school, goes to work, etc. Many students do only grow up with dads and not
their mothers. So, I feel that’s another reason they can relate to this book.

Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• I give it a three because it’s simple her heartfelt. It talks about an issue many girls face
when not loving their hair. It’s a relatable story for some, they can say “That looks like
my hair” or “My hair can do that too”. I know it’s a book generated to make feels like
one race, but many can take out of it. I know I related to it. It’s beautiful written and
well-drawn with the images.
Short Form #12

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: This is the Rope Author: Jacqueline Woodson

Illustrator: James Ransome Publisher/Year: 2013 Nancy Paulsen Books

Genre: Historical Fiction

Summarize the content of the book –

P. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
Q. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
R. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design
The character of this book is a grandmother, mother, and granddaughter. With the book they
are growing up passing around a rope, Which the mother grandmother found when the great
migration was happening She has found it under an old tree. From there it was passed around
within generations. They moved from South Carolina to Brooklyn.

Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• This genre is harder to get the children’s appeal because it’s not right now. Not many
students are interested in the past. I do however they identify because many families
pass things down from generation to generation.
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• Probably the lowest I have rated. I didn’t feel appealed to it. It’s great because it shows
what happened in our past. I just did not enjoy reading it to much. There is many good
activities to do with it.
Short Form (All Genres) #13

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: Six Dots Author: Jen Bryant

Illustrator: Boris Kulikov Publisher/Year: Alfred A. Knopft/2016

Genre: Biography

Summarize the content of the book –

S. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
T. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
U. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design.
The information given was more shared for in a story. It gave us insight as to what happened
and how he started to do braille. I wished it would explain as why it was named after Louis
Braille. What I mean is why “braille”. The information good insight into his background and
why he created braille. There was no pin-point information within the pages.
Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• There is a lot of children in which in their families they have someone who is blind.
This can give them an insight as to how they read and why they read like that. Also, it
provides the students with a braille alphabet for them to learn it.
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

It’s a great book because personally I wonder what the dots mean. With this book now I
understand some of the letters. I do however wish some of the text within the book was braille
and we were personally able to feel it.
Short Form (All Genres) #14

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: What do you do with a tail like this? Author: Steve Jenkins & Robin Page

Publisher/Year: Houghton Mifflin Company/2003 Genre: Informational

Summarize the content of the book –

V. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
W. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
X. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what design
The information was about how different animals use their eyes, tails, mouth, eyes, and ears. It
is given in a traditional way. Very simple and straight to the point. They do not give any extra
information until the end of the book.

Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• The book gives very interesting information about some animals for example “If
you’re a horned lizard, you squirt blood out of your eyes”. This is information in which
it will grad a student’s attention quickly. They will then take it and want to learn more
from these animals. The illustrations are animated, but they look close to what the
animal looks like.
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good. I just feel like these types of books should also have
real life pictures. The information is well given and about interesting animals too.
Short Form (All Genres) #15

Your Name: Eliani Diaz-Aguilera

Title: The Word Collector Author: Peter H. Reynolds

Illustrator: Publisher/Year: Orchard Books/ 2018

Genre: Multicultural

Summarize the content of the book –

Y. For Fiction Form Genres—Explain the characters, the setting, theme and plot of the
Z. For Poetry Books: Explain the type(s) of poetry and give examples from the book of
fun word choices, lines of poetry and imagery from the poem(s)
AA. For Nonfiction Genres – Explain the information given, how it is shared-what
Jerome is a boy who collects words. He would find his favorite words and collect them in
similar word books. For example, like a book about sad, mad, happy words. Until one day he
slipped, and the words went flying. He them just collected all the words and made poems and
songs. He then later let them go so he can share them with everyone’s. Theme is words are
important, treasure them.
Explain how the book appeals to children, their interests, developmental levels, fun
illustrations etc. Give specific examples from the book:
• It helps the students learn new words. Also helps them see how many words are out
there that we do not use. But it’s also about sharing what we collect with everyone. The
illustrations are fun and lively.
Rate the book 1 2 3

Explain your rating.

• It’s helping the students understand how important text is. It can be used for the good
but also for the bad. It shows them the right and wrong way of using these words.
There is also many words in which I didn’t even know of.

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