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Continuing Professional Development

1. Explain the methods of professional development below

Professional Description
Induction Induction training is the training that an
training employee receives when they first joins a
business or organisation. Induction training is
important as it enables a new recruit to become
productive as quickly as possible. It can avoid
costly mistakes by recruits not knowing the
procedures or techniques of their new jobs.The
main purpose of induction training is to integrate
new employees into the company and make
them understand the systems and procedures
such as where the closest fire exit is.
Performance performance appraisal is a method by which the
appraisal job performance of an ​employee​ is documented
and evaluated. Performance appraisals are a
part of ​career development​ and consist of
regular reviews of employee performance within

On the job/ off On the job​ training is whilst you are working
the job training within a job but being trained at the same time.
This could include shadowing someone else that
is better than you so that you are able to see
how they do their process. This would come up
with a better idea of the way things are
performed efficiently in the workplace.
off the job training ​is when employees take
their time off work to attend a training centre for
example to become more qualified in the job
that they already attain. the benefits of off job
training is that the employees get to learn
different methods of training from different
people that aren't in the same business as them.
Coaching and Coaching and mentoring are forms of training to
mentoring gain a certain set of skills in a particular area. an
example of when jobs use this method is when
businesses hire new employees, they use a more
experienced employee to coach/mentor the new
employees so that the new employees have a
better understanding of the job role and the
tasks required to meet the targets.
Graduate training A graduate scheme is a work-based training
programme programme that allows recent graduates to gain
practical experience with a company, which then
results in them having a headstart into the work
environment. graduate schemes are done to
help those who have just graduated as those
who have just graduated academically know
about a certain profession but won't have any
real life experience doing the role so this scheme
helps them give an understanding to the actual
job role and not just the job role from exams.

here is an example I found online for a graduate

training scheme where it states what the
graduates will receive if they take upon this offer
such as full support of professional development.

Management Management training is training activity that

training focuses on improving an individual's skills as a
leader and manager. ​management training
teaches much more ​vital​ skills needed to keep
employees motivated and productive.
Management training is important as managers
who knows how to properly communicate
direction and assign tasks will help benefit
employees of a company.

Secondments A secondment is the opportunity to work

temporarily in a different firm or department in
comparison to the one an employee is already
working in. Employee secondment can help
employers as a means of developing good
business relationships and sharing and
enhancing employees' skills. it also offers
employees a valuable career development
opportunity, with the chance to make new
contacts and gain experience within a different
setting​. An example of secondment is in my job
I am a sales assistant at sports direct but
sometimes i am on the tills which is in the same
work place however a different environment and
different tasks.
Shadowing In job shadowing, a business typically partners
with an educational establishment to provide an
experience for a student of what it is like to
perform a certain type of work by having them
accompany an experienced worker as they
perform the targeted job. for example in my
work placement for the first two weeks i was put
next to experienced members of my work
placement , natwest, to just shadow how they
do their jobs as sometimes watching how to do
something is more efficient than being told.
E-Learning E-Learning is learning that is done on the
internet. by this I mean it is training courses
that are done online. For example, you are able
to do a language courses online within the
comfort of your own home all needed is a stable
internet connection.
Vocational & Vocational qualifications are practical
professional qualifications that relate to a specific job or
courses career sector. Unlike more academic courses
such as A-levels, they combine a mix of theory
and practical learning and you’ll probably do
some work experience too. For example to
become a hairdresser you can take a level 3 hair
course and this can be offered in a licensed
vocational school, but in some cities they can
train as an apprentice. Training takes about nine
months. Students combine classes with
supervised practice working on people's hair.

Job rotation When working the same job for a long period of
time, it makes you less motivated to put effort
into the work simply due to the fact you are
used to the job role and bored of it, job rotation
enables ​employees to swap between different
tasks to promote experience within themselves
and variety so that they can get a better
understanding of different job roles in a business
which makes employees feel more important in
a business.
Lifelong learning Lifelong Learning is basically the process of
gaining knowledge and skills throughout the
course of your life, for both personal and
professional reasons. lifelong learning not only
promotes being more socially , active
citizenship, and personal development, but also
self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness
and employability.
Retraining Retraining is a when employers are given the
chance to learn new skills. Although every
employee will receive training at the very
beginning of their job, more training may be
necessary down the line in order to avoid having
a stagnant workforce. An example of when
retraining is crucial is when companies have
upgraded to newer technologies, employees may
require retraining so that everyone learns how
to use the new devices as opposed to simply
relying on newer or younger employees.
Retraining is also highly useful for the workers
because they are learning new skills that could
make them more viable candidates should they
have looked for new work elsewhere.

2. Explain which of these methods you may need to

achieve your career aim and why

Shadow Training
I think I would need to do a lot of shadow training to achieve my
career goal of becoming a mortgage advisor. This is because to
become a mortgage advisor you need to be able to talk to
customers with empathy and sincere so that you do not make
customers feel belittled, the only way I feel I can learn to do this is
to shadow one who is already a mortgage advisor to see how they
would deal with different situations. shadowing a mortgage advisor
will teach me key knowledge that books would not be able to teach
me as I am able to witness how to deal with customers live and in
the moment.

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring would be a method I feel would help me
become a mortgage advisor. This is simply due to the fact that I will
be able to get mentored one-on-one by a qualified and experienced
mortgage advisor. This would help me achieve my career aim as
other mortgages advisor would be able to share their knowledge
and their key tips they have picked up whilst working on the job
such as how to deal with difficult customers etc.

Induction Training
I would need to have induction training at the company that I would
be working at because this would help me to gain a better
understanding of the environment I will be working in. it would give
me a better understanding of how I would need to do my job. I
think this is important for every single job role because when an
employee is new to the company, they usually only know basic facts
about the job and business therefore it is a good idea to make sure
that when I have become a mortgage advisor, I get some induction
training so that I am able to learn about the different rules and
regulations of the company. This would help to ensure that I am
able to do my job to the best of its ability, and cater my work for
the company.

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