Unseen Passage IGCSE

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In the poem “Koi Pond, Oakland Museum” by Susan Kolodny the use of personification,

repetition and simile is used to show her profound realisation she had whilst watching the fish in
a pond. While also exploring the theme of the human tendency to view visually appealing traits
as superior as compared to individuals with inferior looks.

“Loop and circle back” is repeated twice. “Beneath them, like a subplot or a motive” is the simile
used. “Is a school of uniformly dark ones, smaller, unadorned” is the use of personification.

The given evidence really emphasizes her description of the fish explaining their movement and
shows the reader that they all repeat the same pattern yet are treated differently because of the
other evidence “Beneath them, like a subplot or motive” which shows that the “dark, smaller and
unadorned” fish are not treated the same as the other colored fish since they are beneath
showing the reader that they are not equally treated.

In conclusion the poet has used personification, repetition and simile to show her profound
realisation she had whilst watching the fish in the pond and the recurring theme throughout the
poem is shown which is the human tendency to view visually appealing traits as superior
compared to individuals with inferior features.

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