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Motto in life

Most important thing in life

What are your hobbies?

What's the best advice you've given or been given?

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

What is your deepest fear?

What is your favorite thing to wear?

What's your favorite food?

word to describe your life so far

Thing you're most proud of

Favorite song

Favorite Movie of all time

Favorite Color

Favorite Food

Favorite singer/group

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be

Dengue hemorrhagic fever
Dengue hemorrhagic fever are acute febrile diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, which occur in the
tropics, can be life-threatening, and are caused by four closely related virus serotypes of the genus
Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. It is also known as breakbone fever, since it can be extremely painful.
Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti or more rarely the Aedes albopictus
mosquito. The mosquitoes that spread dengue usually bite at dusk and dawn but may bite at any time
during the day, especially indoors, in shady areas, or when the weather is cloudy.


Early symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever are similar to those of dengue fever, but after
several days the patient becomes irritable, restless, and sweaty. These symptoms are followed by
a shock -like state.

Bleeding may appear as tiny spots of blood on the skin and larger patches of blood under the
skin. Minor injuries may cause bleeding.

Shock may cause death. If the patient survives, recovery begins after a one-day crisis period.

Early symptoms include:

 Decreased appetite
 Fever
 Headache
 Joint aches
 Malaise
 Muscle aches
 Vomiting

Acute phase symptoms include:

 Restlessness followed by:

o Ecchymosis
o Generalized rash
o Petechiae
o Worsening of earlier symptoms
 Shock-like state
o Cold, clammy extremities
o Sweatiness (diaphoretic)

Diagnostic Tests

 Blood tests
 Dengue virus lood test
 Dengue antibodies blood test


Because Dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by a virus for which there is no known cure or
vaccine, the only treatment is to treat the symptoms.

 A transfusion of fresh blood or platelets can correct bleeding problems

 Intravenous (IV) fluids and electrolytes are also used to correct electrolyte imbalances
 Oxygen therapy may be needed to treat abnormally low blood oxygen
 Rehydration with intravenous (IV) fluids is often necessary to treat dehydration
 Supportive care in an intensive care unit/environment

Possible Complications

 Encephalopathy -disorder or disease of the brain.

 Liver damage
 Very low BP
 bleeding
 Residual brain damage
 Seizures
 Shock
 death

there is no vaccine available to prevent dengue fever. Use personal protection such as full-coverage
clothing, netting,and if possible, travel during periods of minimal mosquito activity.

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