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Sri Kiran Inaganti

 Around 7 years of IT experience in which around 6 years involved in development, analysis and testing
of mobile applications by using objective –c using UIKit, Core Foundation with Cocoa touch and worked
as Software developer for 1 year.
 Strong knowledge of Objective-C (iPhone/iPad), work with iOS SDK (different versions from IOS SDK 4 to
IOS SDK 10.3) application development using Objective-C, Swift 2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0 Cocoa Touch, UIKit, Java,
Object Oriented Design Principles (OOD& OOP), PERL.
 Skillful at using both Storyboard and Interface Builder, especially very familiar with all kinds of Segues
(push, model, embedded and unwind) and Auto Layout.
 Created and customized views, table views, tab bars and navigation bars which are some basic
functionality in a multi-view application both programmatically and using Storyboards in iOS apps
 Experience in Web Applications including Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), requirements and
specifications, design, construction, testing, and maintenance
 Proficient skills in Test Driven Development (TDD).
 Worked with TDD for functional Unit Tests using the XCTest framework.
 Experience in handling automated execution including execution, monitoring, finding & debugging issues
and compiling reports.
 Expertise in MVC design architecture, Cocoa design patterns and concepts like delegation, protocols and
 Implemented NSOperation Queue and NSURLConnection to integrate with backend web services.
 Working knowledge of API's like Google Maps API, Facebook API and Twitter API.
 Good understanding of Memory Management and Cocoa Touch.
 Methodology development experience utilizing Agile/SCRUM and Waterfall - with knowledge of TDD.
 Proficient in source control with Git, SVN.
 Extensive experience Consuming REST/SOAP Web Services and APIs.
 Proficient in IOS APIs (Table, Animation, Notification, Core Data, Core Location, Map, Gesture, Security,
Multimedia, Camera) and APIs (Notifications, Background Aware Services, Animation, Core Bluetooth
API's. GPS, Settings.
 Experienced in Mobile Application Development using UIKit, MapKit, Core Graphics, AF Networking,
AVFoundation, Message UI, Core Location, Core Foundation with Cocoa touch, Cocoa Pods
 Knowledge in Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and NFC including creating iBeacon application interfacing the
Cloud Services and talk to the backend services.
 Experienced in working with data parsing forms such as XML and JSON, to dynamically display data on
 Experience in Layout designing and Layout modification along with strong knowledge in User Experience
design and usability testing.
 Experience in Google and Apple Map Kits and Mobile Location Services.
 Experience working with UICollectionView and UICollectionView Custom layout.
 Persistent storage implementations using Core Data, SQLite, archiving via NSCoding, Documents
Directory, NSUserDefauls/Lists, Keychain, as well as various Cloud based: iCloud, Google drive.

 Programming Languages: Objective-C, Swift, HTML, CSS, SQL, PHP, JavaScript, C, core java and java.
 Database: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server.
 Frameworks: Cocoa Touch, Core Location, UIKit, Core Graphics.
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 Tools: Storyboards, Interface Builder, Instruments – Allocations, Leaks, Zombies, LLDB, Cocoa Pods.
 Services, UIMapKit, Web kit, Cocoa Touch, Core Bluetooth, SQL Lite, Core Media, Core Motion,
 Operating Systems: Mac OS, Linux, Windows.
 Scripts: JavaScript, PHP, Perl.
 Web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS.
 Testing: Manual Testing, QC, QTP, Unit Testing.

 Bachelors in Information Technology Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad 2012
 Master in Computer Science from Texas A&M University 2015

Mymobility Zimmer Biomet, Portland, OR Sep 2018 – Present
IOS Application Developer
App link:
Introducing mymobility, the mobile application designed to help you prepare for your hip or knee
replacement surgery, giving you the ability to take an active role in your personal care and recovery
process. mymobility allows you to connect with your surgeon and care team through your iPhone® and
Apple Watch® before and after surgery, receive convenient reminders for tasks to complete and
encouragement throughout every stage of the process. Reminders will be sent to your iPhone and Apple
Watch for you to report to your care team about how you are doing and feeling during the process. This
offers a convenient way to complete and submit surveys on time and help your surgical care team stay
informed and track your recovery progress.

 Worked extensively on table view controller and made customized table view cells according to the client
 Develop different Layouts, Views, Labels and Custom buttons in applications.
 Develop custom spinners and custom alert views which indicate network connectivity issues and session
timeout issues, and which can be used throughout the applications.
 Worked on customizing the view's in the app for UITableView and UIAlertView.
 Custom UI implemented with XIBs, and Worked on memory management using ARC in Swift, Manual
Retain/Release memory management.
 Involved in IOS app build (Xcode) and deploy to locally and multiple registered devices using TestFlight.
 Worked on UIViewAnimation to create the splash screen for login view.
 Developed UI screens with auto-layouts by integrating different constraints and views working with with
the UI/UX team to design a user-friendly interface for the IOS application.
 involved in IOS app build performance and functional tests using XCTest.
 Used Atlasian tools such as JIRA to manage and keep track on progress of project.
 Developed customized UISlider to rate the routine assigned to particular user with different ranges.
 Utilized CoreData for persistence of data and used versioning for data changes.
 Incorporated Categories, Protocols, User defaults, notification center, localization bundles, custom fonts,
attributed strings.
 Integrated Third Party Libraries into the application using Cocoapods

Environment : Xcode 10 and latest, Swift 4.0 and 4.2, Pods, Alamofire Framework, Charts, Animations,
JSON, Storyboard, CoreGraphics, AutoLayout Constraints, Keychain, TestFlight. JIRA, MVC, TDD, Agile
Methodology, Realm, Cocoa Touch Framework.
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Travelocity, Dallas, TX Jun 2017 – Aug 2018
IOS Application Developer
App link:
Travelocity is application Provide good User interference for user to search and book flights, cars, vacation
packages includes hotels. Travelocity keeps monitoring the changes in price and dynamically updates
prices. It provides 24/7 customer support to help the customers. Travelocity provides convenient travel
tools to view upcoming trip details, access address information and get maps for directions, receive alerts
for flight delays, gate changes, hotel check-out times and more.

 Worked on Agile based development mode
 Worked with Swift 3.0,4.0
 implemented and designed UI Views using Various Controls like UI Navigation View, UI Tab Bar View, UI
Table View, UI Custom Cell, UI Alert View.
 Developed Custom UI Views based on UIKit Framework.
 Used Swift extensions to enhance the functionality of native structures and classes.
 Closely interacted with design team to develop the better user interface both programmatically and
 Used Core Data to store data locally on the device for Barcode Scanning feature.
 Worked with Push Notification Framework to implement custom and user related pushes.
 Involved in creating database entities, entity-relationship diagrams.
 Used Core data Framework for local storage purpose in SQLite.
 Implemented Core Data for persistent storage of user data.
 Worked on UIdate picker and UITime picker to automatically retrieve the data.
 Worked on UIPicker view in fetching the data of net or previous provider based on user selection.
 UIpicker view to select the in-flight connectivity.
 Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate with backend webservices.
 Added calendar integration, so that users could save reservations to their calendar, using EventKit
 Connected to a RESTful API in order to get flight and hotel information, and parsed results using
 Extensively used Auto Layout to make the application compatible for all iPhones.
 Consumed JSON web service to fetch the data, reformatted the data to group the departments under a
parent product group and bind it to the customized Table View
 Created SSL certification for push notifications.
 Writing Unit Test cases and UITest cases using XCTest framework.

Environment : Swift 3.0 & 4.0, XCode 8/X/9X,IOS 10/11, Cocoa framework,IOS SDK, eventkit
,OOPS,UIFrameworks,Agile/Scrum, TDD, XCTest, MVC, KVO, and Singleton, CocoaPods, instruments,
SourceTree, HTML, XML, XPC, JSON Web Services,, XCTest, GIT.

Mercedes Benz, Sunnyvale, CA May 2016 – Mar 2017

IOS Application Developer
App link:
Mercedes-Benz Companion integrates your iPhone and Apple Watch with your Mercedes-Benz vehicle. You
can search for a destination and send it directly to your vehicle’s navigation system, either from Mercedes-
Benz Companion or via the share option in some iPhone apps. With Mercedes-Benz Companion you can
locate your vehicle, check gas level and check the tire pressure right from your phone or watch. After you
arrive at your destination, you can get turn-by-turn walking directions, providing you with a seamless door-
to-door navigation experience.
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 Extensively worked on swift and knowledge on Swift 2.0,3.0.
 Created models in MVC and development of delegates for updating model information.
 Performed all tasks from UI design and implementation of for several features.
 Implemented calendar Integration, where calendar events with location will notify user before by
calculating ETA to destination.
 Developed essential tools such as the UITabBar.
 Used Bridging header to convert Objective-C files to Swift files.
 Experience in creating RESTFul services as well as mock services for both iOS
 Presented data as Collection View using delegate and data source methods using Swift.
 Provide suggestions to user based on user habits to locations.
 MapKit was used to display d directions from current location and directions to next stop in a table view.
 Took care of code review, and fixed bugs as documented by QA team.
 Used Instruments to fine tune the app performance and memory management.
 Formatted the Data as per Business rule to display in UI.
 Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
 During implementation, created of various views, table views, customized views and popovers.
 Provide suggestions to user based on user habits to locations.
 Took care of code review, and fixed bugs as documented by QA team.
 Used Instruments to fine tune the app performance and memory management.
 Formatted the Data as per Business rule to display in UI.
 Involved in Code Review, Code Fixes and bug Fixes.
 Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
 Complete data base designing for both android and iPhone
 Reported progress/challenges to onsite project lead.
 Worked with RSS News feed integration with custom UI components and social sharing features.

Environment: IOS 8, Xcode8, Objective C, Swift, Cocoa Touch, Android 6,5.1, Storyboard, NS JSON
Serialization, SQLite and Core Data, GCD, Map Kit and Core Location, TDD, XCTest.

United Airlines, Houston, TX Jan 2015- March 2016

IOS Application Developer
Customer Info is an internal iOS application under the Customer Relationships Management (CRM) used by
Flight Attendants and Executives of United Airlines. The main theme of this app is digitalizing the paper
reports used during the time of boarding and giving the complete information about the Crew and Customers
boarded on the Flight. Flight Attendants can look up for their current and upcoming schedules. This app also
helps the Flight Attendants and Executive’s to look for the status of any flight and the app also provides the
detailed information like connecting flights, birthdays and mileage plus status of all the customers boarded
in the flight.

 Designed and developed UITableView and multiple UITableViewCells to build expand or collapse
 Used CA Transition and UIViewAnimation with constraints and frames to expand or collapse the sections
of the Table View
 Recently implemented SQLCipher a third party model in encryption of databases.
 Design changes were done for table views, tab bars and navigation bars according to the new iPhone 6.
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 Participated in daily scrum to discuss the progress in the sprints.
 Worked on Web Service calls XML and JSON parsing included in the project.
 Linked the core data to the model and replaced all the mock data with the Core Data using Swift
 Used Story boards to design the User Interface.
 Used JSON parsers to parse the data from the web services and display it in the User Interface.
 Worked on Creating the Flight Information Screen of the app.
 Formatted the Data as per Business rule to display in UI.
 Created and customized views, Table Views, Tab Bars and Navigation Bars which are some basic
functionality in a multi-view application.
 Created Page layouts, search layouts to organize fields, custom links, related lists and other components
on SFDC.
 Worked with QA teams for testing, code fixes and bug fixing.
 Worked with RSS News feed integration with custom UI components and social sharing features.

Environment: iOS 7.0,(iPhone SDK), Mac OS X, Objective C, Swift, XCode 4.6 and 5.0, Agile Methodology,
HTML5, CSS, AngularJS, REST, JIRA, JavaScript, jQuery

ResMed, San Diego, CA Jun 2013– Dec 2014

IOS Application Developer
App link:
ResMed is united in the commitment to change millions of lives with every breath. This App tracks your
sleeping and provides you a better way to have a good sleep. It has got a medical device which will be
operated by our App through Bluetooth and processed therapy where it collects data while sleeping and
from which provides better ways to have good sleep. This App is in pre-release state.

 Customized UIAlertView and UITableView to build the user interface of the app.
 Implemented UIView, UItableviewController, UITabBar, and UIPickerView and improved in many ways
to previous UI and UIPageViewController to provide information about app.
 Worked with data storage and retrieval using CoreData to improve memory overhead of the app, and
increase responsiveness.
 Implemented NSURLConnection to communicate with backend web services.
 Developed the functionality to upgrade of the device software.
 Designed app for all types of screen sizes and orientations and tested on all devices.
 Worked with QA team and fixed bugs at the same time.
 Used third party frameworks like IQKeyboardManager and social frameworks like Facebook and twitter
where user can share.
 Worked on writing unit test cases to validate the functionalities of the app.
 Used testflght for testing and tracking of the app.
 Developed innovative ideas which involves with countdown timer, one click upgrade that push app to a
new level.
 Involved in every team, learned and helped in implementing app.
 Involved in daily stand-ups and weekly sprint meetings.

Environment: iOS 7.0 and 6.0 (iPad SDK), Objective C, Code 5.1.1, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, JavaScript,
JSON Parsing.
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Qualcomm technologies, Bangalore, India Aug 2012– Apr 2013
Software developer
Electronic Data System (EDS) and Study Payment module used for research protocol data capturing and
Payment management for Hospitals and several sites throughout United States which is FDA validated data.
Developed and designed many protocol forms and also automated them wherever possible. Worked on
updating of Oracle stored procedures, WebSphere application deployment and troubleshooting on day to
day basis. Designed & developed Java/EJB based solution for Payment automation module. Extracted clinical
data from data warehouse application and other transactional databases system and transformed into a new
Java based database system.

 Requirement analysis to identify the set of possible use cases for the new product design.
 Handling multiple series clinical protocol from document to module delivery (end to end).
 Experience in handling FDA validated documentation keeping system and managing change request for
the same.
 Java Development deployment using WebSphere 5.0 / 6.0 and Eclipse and RAD IDE.
 Front End Development using JSP, HTML, JavaScript, XML, and XSL.
 XML transformation using XSLT and XPATH.
 Redesign and implementation of Form System for easy configurability.
 Custom Form implementations for various protocols.
 Design and implementation of Payment automation module.
 Data migration from legacy DB2, Sybase based systems to Java/J2EE based modules.
 Custom Database/Table design for various protocol implementations.
 PL/SQL development.
 Data transformation for comparative analysis and studies.
 Code Reviews.
 Enhancement implementations in Report module.
 Customized report implementations for various protocols.
 Interacting with Line of Business teams as part of Change Management activities.
 Coding and Maintenance of existing product using Struts MVC framework.
 Preparation of Unit test plans and System test plans for various functionalities.
 MIS report creation (using remedy bug and change request ticket handling)

Environment: JSP 1.2, Servlets, JavaScript, XSL, EJB, MQ, JMS, WEB SERVICES, JAX-WS, JAXB, JSTL, JNDI, LDAP,
struts 2.0, Spring 2.1, Hibernate 3.3, WebSphere 7.0, RAD/WSAD 7.0, JBoss, Oracle 10G, DB2, Sybase, TOAD,
LINUX, Apache Ant, Maven, VSS, CVS.

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