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Quezon Institute of Technology (QIT), INC

Poblacion, Quezon, Bukidnon 8715

Third Periodical Exam
December 12-13, 2019
Answer Key

Name: __________________________ Year and Section: ___________ Score: __________

Teacher: __________________________Passing Score: _____ Total Score: 70

Test I- Multiple Choice (30 points)

Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is commonly used for musical instruments.
a. bamboo b. metal c. stones
2. It refers to the activity of the parent in raising their children.
a. parenting b. parenthood c. responsibility
3. It is a kind of responsibility or duty.
a. parenthood b. parenting c. responsibility
4. The ability of the circulatory system to supply oxygen to working muscles during
a. muscular strength b. cardiovascular endurance c. muscular endurance
5. It refers to the movement using the joints and is controlled by the muscles.
a. muscular strength b. flexibility c. muscular endurance
6. The ability of the muscle to exert force against a resistance for a short period of time.
a. muscular endurance b. muscular strength c. flexibility
7. The ability of muscle group to continue muscle movement over a length of time.
a. muscular endurance b. muscular strength c. flexibility
8. It refers to the amount of bones, muscles and fat tissues in the body.
a. Body composition b. muscular strength c. flexibility
9. A test that measures the abdominal endurance.
a. Sit-up b. push-up c. sit and reach
10. It is something for which anyone is accountable.
a. Parenting b. responsibility c. parenthood
11. It includes family planning, preconception and prenatal and postnatal care.
a. Maternal health care b. prenatal care c. child care
12. _____________ is one of the most interesting forms of visual art.
a. Sculpture b. musical instrument c. temples
13. _____________ is the process of sharing information, thoughts, and ideas with
a. Communication b. citizenship c. relationship
14. It is an example of muscular fitness test that measure’s one’s strength.
a. Push-up b. sit up c. sit and reach
15. This test measures the flexibility of the hamstring and lower back.
a. Sit and reach b. sit up c. push up
16. It refers to the overall well-being of an individual.
a. Fitness test b. health benefits c. health related physical
17. It can help burn unnecessary fats while develop strength of heart and lungs.
a. Sit and reach b. sit up c. aerobic exercise
18. In anthropology, family relationship means _______________.
a. Discipline b. relatedness c. friendship
19. It is very essential especially for a newly born baby.
a. Check-up b. breast milk c. dental care
20. They are procedures and guidelines on protecting the life of a newborn.
a. Prenatal care b. newborn protocols c. proper nutrition
21. It is regarded as one of the most beautiful buildings in the world found in India.
a. Angkor Wat b. Taj Mahal c. temples
22. The first drop of breast milk which is usually thick and yellowish in color.
a. Antibodies b. colostrum c.
23. Parents should provide _______________.
a. Education b. love c. all of the above
24. It is a kind of aerobic exercise in which one foot is in contact with the ground.
a. Sit and reach b. low impact c. high impact
25. It is a kind of aerobic exercise in which both feet lose contact with the ground.
a. Sit and reach b. high impact c. low impact
26. The Queen who give birth to Siddharta Gautama.
a. Queen Maya b. Queen Elizabeth c. Queen Mary
27. It is used to do skin fold measurement.
a. Callipers b. mass index c. circumference measurement
28. The most impressive and magnificent of all Southeast Asian Hindu structures.
a. Angkor Wat b. Taj Mahal c. Temples
29. It is a wooden xylophone.
a. Ranat-ek b. Kong Wong Yai c. Chenda
30. It is a circular instrument.
a. Ranat-ek b. Kong Wong Yai c. Chenda
Test II- Identification (40 points)
Direction: Choose one word that corresponds to the given word. Find your answer on the
Hardwood panels wood tin brass bamboo sheets
Rattan bamboo bronze clay earth animal hide nylon rope
Stones jade jasper muscular strength muscular endurance
Flexibility body composition cardiovascular endurance Buddha
31. Ranat-ek: bamboo sheets, hardwood panels
32. Kong Wong Yai: rattan, wood, bamboo, tin, brass
33. Dan Nguyet: wood, bamboo sheets, silk, nylon strings
34. Carvings and sculptures: brass, clay, bronze, wood, porcelain, silver, gold
35. Woodworks and furnitures: rattan, woods, bamboo
36. Krapeu/takhe: wood, bamboo sheets, brass, animal hides, steel strings, nylon strings
37. Angkor Wat: earth, clay, stones
38. Dodro banam: animal hide, wood, steel strings, nylon strings, rattan, nylon rope
39. Chenda: animal hide, wood, steel strings, nylon strings, nylon rope
40. Taj Mahal: clay, white marble, jasper, jade, crystal
41. Sit-up: muscular endurance
42. Push-up: muscular strength
43. Skin fold measurement: body composition
44. Sit and reach: flexibility
45. Aerobic exercise: cardiovascular endurance
46. Jogging: aerobic exercise
47. Mopping the floor: flexibility
48. Lifting weights: muscular strength
49. Brisk walking: muscular endurance
50. Enlighten One: Buddha


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