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WHAT WAS life like for our people during doubled to over a million of Catholics. And,
the Spanish era (1565-1893)? How did by the end of Spanish rule in 1898, most of
Spaniards change the lives of our Filipino the Filipinos had become Catholics. This
ancestors? Did Spain improve or worsen the was the greatest missionary success in the
life in the Philippines? In this chapter we colonial history.
will study about the culture of the
So it came to the pass that the
Philippines during Spanish era.
Philippines became the only Christian nation
in Asian world. Catholics consider
themselves as Christians who believes in
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. But they
add and subtract some beliefs in the Bible.
The Roman Catholic religion was the Catholics believe the Pope in the Vatican
greatest legacy of Spain in the Philippines. If and no Roman can change what the Bible
the Spaniards had not come and colonized in says. For example, the Pope has allowed
our country in the 16th century, we would Catholics to make religious images that look
have been in a Muslim country, like like Jesus. His mother Mary and other
Indonesia, and Malaysia. To Spain, the Biblical characters like Peter, Paul and Mary
Filipinos owe a lasting debt of gratitude of Magdalena, etc. The Pope and Catholic
making the Philippines the only Christian priests allow Catholic to kneel down, pray
nation in Asia. before these religious images and parade
them in processions. Another characteristics
Catholicism spread quickly in the of Catholics is that they pray to Mary the
Philippines. This due to the diligence and mother of Jesus and they use the rosary
good works of the early Spanish (prayer beads), the prayer novenas
missionaries. The first Spanish missionaries (repetitious prayers), and “holy water” when
who came in the Philippines, especially 16th they cross themselves. They make the sign
and 17th century, were really zealous of the cross when they pray and they go to a
soldiers of Christ. priest for confession and communion.
The Spanish priest destroyed the Many Catholic priests during the
pagan idols and practices of the early Spanish era help to improve our lives. For
Filipinos. This is why we have so few relics example, they stopped the awful pagan
of our pre-Spanish era. The pagan and practices divorces, killing unwanted babies
Muslim Filipinos were told to leave their (abortion), offering human and animal’s
religion and convert to Catholicism.. exercises and tribal wars. The practice of
By the end of the 16th century, there polygamy (having many wives) was banned,
were more than 500,000 Catholics in the and marriage between a man and woman
Philippines. By the 17th century, this number become a holy union. The Catholic families
lived very religiously; feared God and the HOSPITALS AND ORPHANAGES
priest obeyed the laws of the land and the
Due to the influence of Christianity, the sick
commandments of the Catholic Church.
and the poor were given better care during
During our Spanish colonial era, the
the Spanish era. In 1578 the first hospital
Catholic Church and the government were
was founded in Manila. This hospital later
united. No other religion was permitted, and
became the Hospital of San Juan de Dios
it was illegal to disobey a Catholic priest.
and the San Lazaro Hospitals, two of the
The power of the Catholic Church was very
oldest existing hospitals in Asia. There were
strong during Spanish era.
other hospitals in Manila, Los Baños,
But many Catholic priests abused Cavite, Cebu and Laoag. The first hospital
their power. Although Catholic priest are not in the Philippines was started 173 years
allowed to marry, many of the priests in the earlier than the first hospital in the United
provinces and town had secret marriages States.
with beautiful women and they had
Orphans and homeless children did
illegitimate children. Many of these Catholic
not wander around. They were cared for in
priests inherited fortunes from their secret
special orphanages and asylums. In 1810 the
fathers, because the Spanish priest had
first regular orphanage was founded in
control of much wealth during the Spanish
Manila. It was the Real Hospicio de San
era. Sometimes the Spanish Catholic priests
Jose. It still exists. The other existing
(called friars) also abused the local
orphanage is the Asylum of St. Vincent de
inhabitants of the small towns. They used
Paul, built in 1885 in Manila.
their religious power to memorize people
into doing they wanted, even if they are
cruel and arrogant.
Finally, the Bible was banned at that
time. The Catholics during Spanish era were The simple diet and dress of the early
not allowed to have or to read the Bible. Filipino were also changed and improved by
Only a priest was allowed to that. Having a the Spaniards. Spain introduced mew food
Bible during the Spanish colonial era was plants like corn, potatoes, coffee, cacao,
considered a criminal offense , and the cabbage, seguidillas, Chico’s, guavas and
person with a Bible, could be put in jail. wheat. Filipino learned to eat bread and
Only the Catholic religious was allowed to drink coffee and chocolate.
be practiced, and the Bible was not available Other new foods introduced by Spain
for all. were beef (from cattle), mutton (from lamb),
The abuses of the Spanish friars and sausages (longganizas), ham (hamon) and
the Catholic Church in the Philippines sardines. From other parts of Europe came
became one of the reasons for the Philippine imported canned goods like chorizos de
Revolution that the Filipinos started in 1896. Bilbao, olive oil, and pickles. We learned to
eat with spoons, forks, table knives, napkins
and crystals deinking glasses. New drinks
came from Spain (sangria), Portugal (port),
Germany (beer) and France ().
In clothing, the men’s jacket and Christianity was a good influence on
bahag were replaced by the Western coat family life. Parents and children prayed
and trousers. Today we call the Western coat together the rosary and angelus every night.
“Americana” because it was introduced by Family members went home before the
the American Spaniards from Mexico. The church bells pealed to 6 PM. They woke up
Filipinos wore the”Americana” long before to the sound of the early morning church
from the Americans from the United States bells. They went to church together to hear
came. The lower-class men wore hats, mass on Sundays, holy days, and town
instead of the putong. fiestas. They prayed before every meal.
The style of dressing of the women There were a few broken families. It
also changed. Instead sarong robe, they was considered a scandal to come from a
wore the saya (skirt), camisa (blouse). They broken home. Parents spent time with their
learned to wear hair combs, shawls (monton children. In return, children obeyed and
de Manila) and handkerchiefs. They still respected their parents. As a sign of respects
wore jewelry, but gave up wearing armless for parents and grandparents, the children
and anklets. kissed their hands and said “Mano, Po.”
Instead of bare feet, everyone started
wearing slippers and shoes.
FAMILY LIFE The position of women in society was
improved even more during Spanish era.
Family life was also improved by the
The women were respected and honored by
coming of the Catholic Spaniards. Many
men. If single, the women were chaperoned
early Filipinos killed unwanted babies or
when they attended dances and social
married many wives. These practices were
events. Even when they are courted by a
stopped during Spanish era.
suitor, women were strictly chaperoned.
The family became the unit of the Women did not mix freely with men.
society, with a father as the head of the
Young women were kept in the
household and a mother in charge of the
home or at school with other women. They
daily chores and children. Family ties were
were educated in the colegios (exclusives
very close then. The father was the
schools) run by nuns for girls. They could
breadwinner of the family. He was respected
not study in the universities or practice a
and obeyed, but he was not a tyrant. He
profession like law, medicine and
consulted his wife on important decisions
engineering. They were only trained to be
affecting the family, like family expenses,
good wives and good mothers.
the children’s education and sale or purchase
of family property. The mother was the first Many young women entered the
tutor of the children. She taught them the nunnery and became nuns. The beautiful
alphabet and Catholic prayers (the Hail Maria Clara in the novels of Rizal is a good
Mary, Our Father, rosary and novenas). example of womanhood in Spanish times.
NEW CALENDAR It was Governor General Claveria
who solved this problem. On November 21,
Spain introduced the Western calendar in
1849 he ordered all Filipino families to
our country. With this calendar, we kept
choose a surname from a catalog sent to all
dates similar to that used in Europe, which
provinces in the country. The special catalog
was then the most advanced region in the
listed Spanish surnames from A to Z. That is
how Filipinos came to have a Spanish name.
However, Governor General Narciso
Claveria corrected the Philippine calendar.
On August 16, 1884 he ordered that LATIN ALPHABET AND SPANISH
Tuesday, December 31, 1844 would be LANGUAGE
Wednesday, January 1, 1845. Until the time,
The introduction by Spain of Latin alphabet
our calendar had been one day behind the
and Spanish language made our people
European time.
closer to the Western world. This was an
improvement of our lives because West was
then the most advanced civilization in the
world. So we came to know Western culture
During Spanish era, Filipinos got Spanish and technology better.
names. At first the early Spanish colonizers
The educated and rich Filipinos
changed our local names to Spanish names
learned to speak Spanish. There are about
that they could remember. For example,
5,000 Spanish words in our native dialects.
Queen of Cebu was baptized as the first
The Spanish words are still commonly used
Filipina Catholic and given the name Juana,
like “mesa” (table), “silla” (chair), “oras”
after the Queen Juana of Spain (Mother of
(time), “campana” (bell), etc. Today we still
Charles I). It was difficult for the Spaniards
consider it a sign of culture to be able to
to remember Filipino names like “Malakas”
speak Spanish. After all, Spanish is the
or “Maganda”. So, when Filipinos became
language of Spain, one of the world’s former
converted to Catholicism, they were given
powers and of Latin America, a region with
new names during their baptism. This new
300 million people.
names usually followed that of the saints on
the catholic calendar. For example, a boy
baptized on the feast day of St. Gregory was
named “Gregorio”. A girl baptized on the
feast day of St. Anne was called “Ana”.
The Spanish friars (priests) studied our
Secondary, the early Filipinos did
native languages and taught us in these
not bother with surnames. One name is good
languages. They believed that we would
enough, for our ancestors. But this practice
learn faster if we used our native tongues. It
was so confusing because family ties could
was strange, but the Spaniards actually
not be known. So there was a need to add
preserved and developed our native
surnames (family names) to the first names.
languages like, Tagalog, Visayan, Ilocano,
The early Spanish missionaries wrote PRINTING, BOOKS AND
the first grammar books and dictionaries of NEWSPAPERS
the Filipino languages.
Printing is important because people learn
lot by reading, especially good books and
newspapers. The ancient Filipinos wrote in
wood, bark or leaves of trees, and other
flimsy materials. These materials did not
Spain introduced Western-style education in last. Unfornately, the early Spanish
the Philippines. This was the formal colonizers and missionaries studied and
schooling in different levels ─ elementary, wrote about our culture in books.
secondary (high school), college. The
The first Filipino printer was Tomas
Spaniards used these schools to spread
Pinpin. He trained under a Spanish priest at
Catholic religion and Spanish culture. Thus,
Abucay, Bataan. Pinpin the “Prince of
apart from learning how to read, write and
Filipino printers”, was also the first Filipino
count, a Filipino youth was taught the
author. He wrote the first Tagalog book ever
Catholic languages, and European arts and
The first book printed in the
The first foreign teachers in the
Philippines was the Doctrina Christiana. It
Philippines were the Spanish missionaries.
was published in 1593 in Manila by the
Filipino boys from rich families Dominican friars. It is 47 years ahead of the
studied at Colegio de Manila of the Jesuits, first book of Catholic catechism and prayers
or the Colegio de San Juan de Letran of the
The first newspaper was Del
Dominicians. Rich Filipino girls went to the
Superior Goviernor (Of the Superior
Colegio de San Isabel (the oldest school for
Government. It appeared from August 8,
girls in the Philippines), or the Beaterio de la
1811 to February 7, 1812, it was edited and
Compañia de Jesus (now St. Mary’s
published by Governor General Manuel
College), or Santa Catalina, La Concordia,
Gonzales de Aguilar. They include the first
and Assumption Convent.
daily newspaper (La Esperanza); the first
There were three universities during vernacular paper (El Ilokano); and the first
the Spanish era. But only one of them has women’s magazine (El Hogar).
remained until today. It is the University of
Santo Tomas. Founded in 1611, the U.S.T.
is the oldest existing university in the LITERATURE
country. It is 25 years older than Harvard
During the Spanish era, Philippine literature
University the oldest university in the
was religious and taught lessons about good
United States (1636).
and evil. Most of the reading materials were
The Spaniards also introduced prayer books, novenas, and biographies of
vocational schools and normal schools for saints. The first Tagalog passion was by
teachers. Gaspar Aquino de Belen in 1704. There
were also well-known passions by other season, when no others plays will allowed.
writers. The moro-moro by contrast, was an
adventurous play featuring fights between
Other types of literature for the
Christians and Muslims. In these plays, the
masses were awits (heroic poems) and
Christians always won in the end.
corridos (religious legendary poems). They
were stories about knights, heroes or
legends. Some examples were Don Juan
Tenorio, Ibong Adarna, and Bernardo
Carpio. Our music was also enriched by
Spain. The Philippine national anthem
One of the famous writers in Spanish
shows Spanish influence. Our musical
era is Francisco Baltazar, or Balagtas.
instruments, songs and dances were
Today, the Tagalog poetical contests are
called “balagtasan” in his honor. Balagtas
was the “Prince of Tagalog poets.” His Spain influenced Filipino dances like
masterpiece was Florante at Laura, a story the cariñosa, surido, pandango, and the
of the love and adventures of a hero named jota. The polka, lancer, waltz and rigdon
Florante. were originally European dances.
The most famous Ilocano poet then From Europe and Mexico came new
was Pedro Bukaneg. And Father Anselmo musical instruments, like violin, flute, piano,
Fajardo wrote Pampango drama. harp and others. In many towns and villages
during Spanish times, there were many
The three greatest Filipino poets in
bands that played in the town plaza and
Spanish were, Cecilio Apostol, Fernando
during fiestas. Sometimes, they only used
Ma. Guerrero and Jose Palma. Palma wrote
musical instruments made from bamboo. So
the original lyrics of the Philippine national
they were called musikong buh (bamboo
anthem. Our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal,
wrote in Spanish. His two books, Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo helped to The bamboo organ at the old
bring down the Spanish regime. Catholic church of Las Piñas is the only one
of its kind in the world. It was built in 1818
by Fr. Diego Cerra.
Western-style plays performed on stage live
actors were first introduced by the
Spaniards. The first play was presented at The modern towns grew out of the
Cebu in 1598. early settlements built by the Spaniards. The
Spanish villages formed a rectangular
During the Spanish era, two kinds of
pattern, with a central plaza and rectangular
plays become popular. They were cenaculo
street blocks.
and the moro-moro. The cenaculo was a
religious play about the life and suffering of Spain introduced the use of stone for
Christ. It was performed during the Lenten building. During the Spanish era were built
the first stone churches, stone buildings, many famous books on these subjects. They
stone forts, and stone houses. Some “bahay also trained a few Filipinos to be scientists,
na bato” (stone houses) of the rich families especially doctors, chemist, and
still exist today, for example the house of pharmacists.
Dr. Jose Rizal at Calamba, Laguna. The
Anacleto V. del Rosario became the
oldest existing stone church is San Agustin
first Filipino director of the Manila
Church at Intramuros, Manila.
Laboratory in 1888. He was called the
It became fashionable to have a “Prince of Filipino chemists.” Other famous
house with red tile roof, an azotea (balcony), scientists during Spanish times were
and a patio (yard). graduates of the University of Santo Tomas
─ Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Dr. Mariano V.
del Rosario, and Dr. Jose Rizal.
European paintings and sculpture
were brought to the Philippines by Spain.
Thus, the first arts works were religious art The crowning glory of Philippine
of official portraits of kings or governors science during Spanish times was the
general. Observatory of Manila. It accurately warned
of typhoons. It also measured earthquakes.
In painting, Damian Domingo was
the “Father of Filipino painters.” He also The Observatory was founded by the
founded the first school of painting at Jesuit priests in 1865. The first director was
Manila in 1820. Fr. Federico Faura. The Padre Faura Street
in Ermita, Manila is named after him. He
Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion
also invented the Faura Barometer. His
Hidalgo won international fame with their
successor, Fr. Jose Algue, invented
paintings. They won first and second prizes,
respectively, at National Exposition in
Madrid in 1883. The Observatory of Manila is the
oldest weather center in Asia.
Beautiful wood carvings of saints,
altars and pulpits decorated churches.
Images of catholic saints replaced the
pagans idol (anitos) of Filipinos. The
greatest Filipino sculptor in the Spanish era Spain introduced the religious festivals
was Mariano C. Madriñan from Paete, (fiestas) in the Philippines. Every town or
Laguna. barangay had its own patron saint. Each
year the feast day of the patron saint was
celebrated in the town barangay.
It was also Spain who gave us the
The Spanish missionaries introduced idea of a sleepy and a quiet Lenten season.
modern science in the Philippines. They From Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, all
studied our plants and animals, and wrote festival and parties were stopped. People
chanted the “pasyon” or watched the the insulares or the Spaniards born in the
“cenaculo” to remember the life and death Philippines. During the independence
of Christ. movement and the American era was the
word “Filipino” used to mean the citizens of
The Filipino love for gambling came
the Philippines.
out in the introduction of horse races,
lottery and legalized cockfighting. Horse Because of the Spanish influence, the
racing in the race tracks started in 1868 at Filipinos have such good character traits
Santa Mesa, Manila. Cockfighting was such as:
made legal and taxed. The Manila Lottery, a
1. Christian devotion
monthly event, became the origin of the
2. delicadeza (honor)
present day sweepstakes.
3. palabra de honor (keeping
Other amusements during the promises)
Spanish era were family events, like 4. urbanidad (good manners)
baptisms, weddings, death anniversaries 5. romanticism
(siyaman), visits to the holy shrines, the
On the other hand, the Filipinos also
Flores de Mayo (May, flower festival), and
inherited some bad traits as:
Santacruzan (Holy Cross procession in
May). 1. the mañana habit (delaying work)
2. sentimentalism
Because there were no radios and
3. siesta (afternoon nap)
televisions then, people played games
4. señorito habit (dislike of manual
indoors and outdoors. Favorite games then
were poetical contests (duplo and
5. aristocracy or snobbishness
balagtasan, story-telling, card games juego
de prenda, pangguingui, manila, tres siete)
and outdoors games like patintero, juego de
anilla (rings), sipa and kite-flying.

Among the Spaniards, there were
two classes of foreigners. They were called
the “peninsulares” and the “insulares.”
The peninsulares were the originally came
from Spain to live and work in the
Philippines. The peninsulares felt superior to
others. Secondly, the insulares were the
Spaniards who had been born and bred in
the Philippines. They were made feel
interior simply because they did not come
from abroad in Spain. Actually, the word
“Filipino” was originally used to describe

The Spaniards gave the Philippines a rich heritage. The Spanish influence
improved our social and cultural life. From our study of the Spanish heritage, we
learn the following:

1. We are the only Christian nation in Asia.

2. Christianity improved the standard of life of our people. It stopped the

practice of divorce, infanticide, animal and human sacrifices, polygamy, and
tribal wars.

3. Spain improved our diet, dress, family life, the position of women, the
calendar, names, alphabet and language, education, literature, music,
housing, and arts and sciences.

4. Many of our cultural traits and customs were influenced by Spain.

Republic of the Philippines
Eastern Visayas State University
Ormoc City Campus
Ormoc City




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