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SPECIAL REPORT fore important to the user.

Because the computer is owned

and supported as an installation, the incremental cost of
running it is very low, and no use charge need be levied on
users. We need only to control their relative priority of
A Futures Market in Reserving Computer Time. Users wishing to sign up in
Computer Time advance for computer time do so by marking the period of
time they wish to use and their initials on a scheduling
sheet posted in the computer room. With each such bid,
I. E. SUTHERLAiND the user must indicate the price he is willing to pay to
Harvard University, * Cambridge, Massachusetts reserve the block of time in an arbitrary unit of currency
called " y e n . " A user may sign up for a period of two hours
from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon by drawing a line in
An auction method is described for allocating computer time that time period, writing his initials, and indicating for
that allows the price of computer time to fluctuate with the example, 3 yen as his bid. Users may preempt time already
demand and the relative priority of users to be controlled so bid provided they are wining to pay a higher rate for the
that more important projects get better access. This auction is time in yen per hour. To preempt a bid, one writes the
free of the periodic fluctuation in computer use often associated new bid above it on the schedule. At nine o'clock each
with monthly time allocation schemes. morning, the schedule for the next day is frozen. Thus
users know at least a day in advance which of their bids
KEY WORDS AND PHRASES: computer scheduling, auction, time allocation,
have been successful. A recorded telephone message is
operating efficiency
provided to inform users of successful bids.
In actual practice users soon learn the going price to
reserve time on the computer and how to bid accordingly.
Introduction. At Harvard University users bid in a
If a user wants to be sure that his bid will not be pre-
continuous auction to reserve time on the PDP-1 com-
empted, he merely bids somewhat higher than the typical
puter. The auction permits even the most impoverished
rate for that time of day.
user to have access to the computer if no one else wants it.
Different amounts of currency (yen) are assigned to
Assignment of different amounts of bidding currency to
different users according to the importance of their projects.
different users provides control of their relative priority of
A faculty member or a graduate student in the final stages
access. The bidding currency for the auction, unlike real
of completing his thesis, for example, will be assigned 10
money, reverts to the bidder when he uses the time for
yen. A student with no particular project in mind, who
which he bid. This automatic return of currency elimi-
merely wants access to the computer to learn about its
nates the need to issue new time allocations periodically.
use, will be assigned i yen. Project employees with modest
Very High Computer Utilization. We have found that but regular needs for computer time will be assigned 5 yen.
under the auction system described here our computer Maintenance and special demonstration functions are
utilization is very high. A user's access is limited only by assigned a large supply of yen.
the real limit of the inelastic cost installation: the de- The key to the success of the auction system is that yen
mands of its other users. Users feel free to use the com- cannot be consumed. Unlike ordinary dollars, yen revert
puter whenever it is available because their bidding cur- to the bidder as soon as he consumes the computer time
rency will be returned to them. The computer is never for which he bid or whenever his bid is preempted. Yen
idle, as often happens under other allocation schemes, are merely tokens with which to reserve computer time in
merely because everyone has used up his current monthly advance. They are assigned to a user for the duration of
allotment of time. If the computer ever is idle, its price his project. Because a user's purchasing power does not
automatically becomes attractively low. I believe that this decrease through use of the computer, the continuous
auction system could be applied with advantage to sched- auction system is entirely free of the feast and famine
ule other pieces of equipment to which many users need problems associated with periodic allocations of computer
access for varying periods of time. time. The absurd phenomenon of the computer sitting idle
The PDP-1 computer scheduled by auction is used by at the end of the month merely because all users have con-
individual students and faculty members for experiments sumed their quota of time is entirely absent. You can't
which run from 15 minutes to several hours in length. use up your yen.
Because direct interaction between a user and his program
Rules for the Bidding. The rules which implement
is usually essential, users are expected to run the computer
the auction system are fairly simple. The major rule
themselves. Reserving time at a convenient hour is there-
is that a user's outstanding bids for future computer time
must not exceed his allocation of yen. A user may preempt
* Aiken Computation Laboratory any bid, including his own, by bidding at a higher rate in

V o l u m e 11 / N u m b e r 6 / J u n e , 1968 Communications o f t h e ACM 449

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FIG. 1

yen per hour. A user m a y cancel any of his own bids and Users are allowed to indicate a preference for certain
use the yen elsewhere, but he m a y neither lower a bid nor portions of a block of time by bidding the block at several
rebid on time he has canceled. different rates. T h e rule which permits this declares t h a t
Three additional rules provide for continuity of time bids by a single user for consecutive blocks of time are like
and assure users of blocks of reasonable length. First, it is a single block which can be preempted only at the begin-
always permissible to preempt an entire block of time, but ning or the end. Thus a user can guard the beginning of a
if a user chooses to preempt some p a r t of a block, he must three-hour block b y bidding 3 yen for the first hour, 2 yen
take either the beginning or the end. This assures the for the second hour, and 1 yen for the final hour. A pro-
previous bidder t h a t his block of time will not be divided. tective bid can be placed at the beginning and the end of
This first rule does not a p p l y to blocks six hours or more a block of time. For example, a user m a y sign for several
long. Second, the effective bidding rate for the remaining hours with a single yen, but protect this low bid by bidding
period of a partly preempted bid is raised because all of the high for an adjacent half hour at each end. Such a bid will
yen are considered to be concentrated in the smaller re- stand longer than if the same number of yen had been
maining section. Third, if a user preempts part of a block uniformly distributed, b u t when it falls at one end, the
of time which was an hour or more in length, the remaining center will vanish entirely.
part must be at least an hour long. This rule assures a There is an element of gamesmanship associated with
user who needs an extended period of computer time t h a t making bids. The ability to protect a low bid with ad-
he will get at least an hour if he gets any time at all. jacent high bids is the maior tool, but the other rules can
be used too. For example, instead of bidding for an hour
Additional Bidding Rules. There are several rules at a flat rate of 2 yen, which can be preempted b y a simple
designed to simplify the accounting for the auction. Users 3-yeIl bid, one should bid 1 yen for 15 minutes and 1 yen
m a y sign for and use time only with their own yen. Yen for the remaining 45 minutes. Such a bid can only be
for muRiperson projects are assigned to the individuals preempted b y using 4 yen, 2 for each section, because the
rather t h a n the project to avoid issuing undue preemption entire hour must be taken if any of it is preempted and
power. Bids m u s t be in integer numbers of yen. There is the new bid m u s t be at a higher rate than the previous bid.
no m i n i m u m rate, but the minimum bid is for 1 yen,
whatever the period. Bids must begin and end at regular The Scheduling Board. The computer schedule is
quarter hours. maintained on a continuous chart posted in the com-

450 Communications o f t h e ACM V o l u m e 11 / N u m b e r 6 / J u n e , 1968

purer room. (See Figure 1.) This chart consists of a not consume their yen, they feel free to use the computer
long roll of transparent paper over fixed time and day whenever it is available. As a result the computer is rarely
rulings. Users mark their bids on the transparent paper shut off.
with colored felt-tipped pens. The color indicates the
Controlling Priority. The relative priority of different
number of yen bid. The transparent paper is moved up
users can easily be controlled by issuing them more or less
each day so that the face of the chart always presents the
yen. A new user can simply be issued a number of yen
next two weeks. The chart is ruled so that a single day runs
appropriate to the importance of his project, because the
horizontally in a strip 30 inches long and 2 inches high.
inflation caused by issuing new yen will raise the price of
Fifteen-minute time periods are shown. Horizontal lines
computer time slightly, automatically taking computer
within each day strip provide for six preemptions, which
availability away from the other users. The system is
seems to be adequate. On only one occasion have all six
self-policing because users can easily see when a competitor
preemption spaces been filled. Rarely are there more than
has committed more yen than his allocation.
three bids for a single block of time.
Experience has shown that about half the yen available Acknowledgments. The continuous auction scheme for
for bidding are posted as bids on the schedule at any one computer scheduling described here is a combination of an
time. With 167 yen issued among 30 users, the price of auction scheme devised by Charles Blair of the Depart-
time varies from about 3 yen per hour during peak day- ment of Defense and a method devised by Lawrence G.
time use to less than 1 yen per hour at night. The price of Roberts for allocating time on the TX-2 computer at
time is a strong function of the demand for computer M I T ' s Lincoln Laboratory. I have combined Blair's
time. At the end of the semester, when computer projects auction technique with Roberts' idea of limiting the sign-
are due, the price of computing time rises noticeably. up power of the individual user. I am also indebted to
This auction scheme for allocating computer time works Professor Steven A. Coons of M I T and Mr. Harold
better than any other I have used. Although users com- Schwenk (now our most aggressive preemptor) for the
plain when their bids are preempted, they are generally considerable help they provided as the continuous auction
glad to have a choice between short periods of expensive scheme was being defined. The modest expenses for sched-
prime time and long periods of time at less desirable peri- uling board, colored pens, and preparation of this paper
ods of the day. Because users know that their time m a y be were supported by a contract from the Bell Telephone
preempted, they are less prone to complain when their Laboratories, Inc. The PDP-1 to which the auction scheme
time is preempted for maintenance. Because users can- is applied is supported by ARPA under contract SD-265.


Prepared b y the D a t a Base Task Group of the COBOL Committee

A Special Joint Issue of A C M S I G P L A N Notices

and A CM S[GBDT Newsletter

Available from: Association for Computing Machinery,

211 East 43 Street, New York, N.Y. 10017
Price per single copy, $2.00; in quantities of 50 or more (shipped to the same address), $1.00 per copy.

V o l u m e 11 / N u m b e r 6 / J u n e , 1968 Communications o f t h e ACM 451

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