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Non-fiction close-reading practise

Read the following article about violence in video games and answer the
questions that follow. Write your answers in your book.

Rants Rage Against Grand Theft Auto IV

As was the case with the previous games in the series, activist groups, police,
politicians, and surviving victims of violence criticised Grand Theft Auto IV last
week, beginning shortly after the game was launched, released and sent forth

The activist group, (a collection of people who unite to challenge rules)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving – or MADD for short – protested against the
game, saying, “drunk driving is a choice, a violent is not a game and it
is not a joke.”

Grand Theft Auto IV gives players the options to drink drive after consuming
digital alcohol, but the game suggests taking a cab after drinking with in-game
buddies. Nevertheless, MADD has called upon the Entertainment Software
Readings Board to reclassify Grand Theft Auto IV as an Adults Only game,
effectively banning the game from sale in the US since neither Sony nor
Microsoft allow the sale of AO games on their respective consoles in America.

Nearly 13,500 people die in drunk driving crashes each year, with another half
million injured in alcohol-related crashes, asserts MADD. Regarding the game’s
violence, the New York Police Department (NYPD) association president Pat
Lynch told the New York Daily News on Wednesday that “being involved in a
shootout in a video game has no consequences and that is the wrong message to
send to young people.”

New York City mayor, the elected head of the town, Michael Bloomburg and
the mother of a killed NYPD officer echoed similar sentiments in the same
report. They said that the game “doesn’t exactly teach the kind of things that
you’d want to teach your kids,” or more descriptively put “teaches children to

Before launching the game, developer Rockstar said it fully expected the
mainstream backlash, saying that video games will continue to bear the blame
of societal challenges, including crime, acts of violence and the actions of
degenerate youth, such as stealing, vandalism and underage drinking.
Close-reading questions:

1. Note down two facts and two opinions from the article. Note down the
source of the fact or opinion as well.

2. What does the word, launched mean?

3. What does the term, activist group mean?

4. The computer game gives you the option to drive drunk but also suggests
you should call a taxi. Does this mean the game designers have been
responsible? Explain your opinion.

5. In summary, why do some people and groups criticise the rating of the
game, Grand Theft Auto IV?

6. What does the word, mayor mean?

7. Do you agree with the statement that “video games teaches children to
kill”? Why, or why not?

8. What does the word, degenerate mean?

9. What do you think is the most emotionally loaded word in the title? Why?

10.The article is called “Rants Rage Against Grand Theft Auto IV.” What
inference can you draw from this title regarding what the writer believes
about this issue?

11. In your opinion, to what extent does video gaming contribute to the
societal challenges mentioned in the article? (Crime, violence and the acts
of degenerate youth.)
Reading skills level 2 Boss.

Read the following article about violence in video games and answer the
questions that follow. Write your answers in your book.

Rants Rage Against Grand Theft Auto IV (facts are highlighted red, opinions
are highlighted blue)

As was the case with the previous games in the series, activist groups, police,
politicians, and surviving victims of violence criticised Grand Theft Auto IV last
week, beginning shortly after the game was launched, released and sent forth

The activist group, (a collection of people who unite to challenge rules)

Mothers Against Drunk Driving – or MADD for short – protested against the
game, saying, “drunk driving is a choice, a violent is not a game and it
is not a joke.”

Grand Theft Auto IV gives players the options to drink drive after consuming
digital alcohol, but the game suggests taking a cab after drinking with in-game
buddies. Nevertheless, MADD has called upon the Entertainment Software
Readings Board to reclassify Grand Theft Auto IV as an Adults Only game,
effectively banning the game from sale in the US since neither Sony nor
Microsoft allow the sale of AO games on their respective consoles in America.

Nearly 13,500 people die in drunk driving crashes each year, with another half
million injured in alcohol-related crashes, asserts MADD. Regarding the game’s
violence, the New York Police Department (NYPD) association president Pat
Lynch told the New York Daily News on Wednesday that “being involved in a
shootout in a video game has no consequences and that is the wrong message to
send to young people.”

New York City mayor, the elected head of the town, Michael Bloomburg and
the mother of a killed NYPD officer echoed similar sentiments in the same
report. They said that the game “doesn’t exactly teach the kind of things that
you’d want to teach your kids,” or more descriptively put “teaches children to

Before launching the game, developer Rockstar said it fully expected the
mainstream backlash, saying that video games will continue to bear the blame
of societal challenges, including crime, acts of violence and the actions of
degenerate youth, such as stealing, vandalism and underage drinking.
Rants Rage Against Grand Theft Auto IV – answers

1. Note down two facts and two opinions from the article. Note down the
source of the fact or opinion as well.

2. What does the word, launched mean?

Set off, got going, began etc.

3. What does the term, activist group mean?

A group of people who protest against an issue/event

4. The computer game gives you the option to drive drunk but also suggests
you should call a taxi. Does this mean the game designers have been
responsible? Explain your opinion.
The correctness of your answer here depends on whether or not your
explanation of your opinion is reasonable.

5. In summary, why do some people and groups criticise the rating of the
game, Grand Theft Auto IV?
Because of its violence and that it encourages bad behaviour such as
drinking and driving.

6. What does the word, mayor mean?

A person who runs a city/town.

7. Do you agree with the statement that “video games teaches children to
kill”? Why, or why not?
Again, this depends on how well your explain your opinion.

8. What does the word, degenerate mean?

Anti-social, trouble maker, causes trouble, anti-authority all okay

9. What do you think is the most emotionally loaded word in the title? Why?
Rage- because it is a powerful word and indicates a fierce anger.

10.The article is called “Rants Rage Against Grand Theft Auto IV.” What
inference can you draw from this title regarding what the writer believes
about this issue?
The writer believes that people anti the video game are quite passionate about
their cause through using words like rage. The powerful use of words against the
video game also hint that the writer probably agrees more with groups like
MADD than the video game company. For example, if a word like innocent Grand
Theft Auto had been used then their opinion would seem quite different.

11. In your opinion, to what extent does video gaming contribute to the
societal challenges mentioned in the article? (Crime, violence and the acts
of degenerate youth.)
Your answer here depends on your reasoning.

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