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General Instruction: No Cheating! Any forms of erasure means WRONG!

Read each
instructions and questions carefully. Not following instructions will consider
your answers wrong!

I. Identification: Provide what is asked!(2pts each)

1. It describes the growth in international exchange and interdependence.

2. It is the process of spreading various objects and experiences to people at
all corners of the earth.
3. It entails a reconfiguration of geography, so that social space is no longer
wholly mapped in terms of territorial places, territorial distances and
territorial borders.
4. It is an intergovernmental body established to promote mutual cooperation
between police authorities around the world and to develop means of
effectively preventing crime.
5. It is the world’s largest international police organization founded in
Vienna in 1923 and reconstituted in 1946.
6. A tool which will provide Member States with the capabilities to trace
illicit firearms that are seized through law enforcement investigations and
activities in their countries.
7. It is an Automated Search Facility Stolen Motor Vehicle (ASF-SMV) database
to support police in member countries in the fight against international
vehicle theft and trafficking.
8. It is use to seek the arrest or provisional arrest of wanted persons with a
view to extradition.
9. It is use to collect additional information about a person’s identity or
activities in relation to a crime.
10. It is use to provide warnings and criminal intelligence about persons who
have committed criminal offences and are likely to repeat these crimes in
other countries.
11. It is use to help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify
persons who are unable to identify themselves.
12. It is use to seek information on unidentified bodies.
13. It is use to warn police, public entities and other international
organizations about potential threats from disguised weapons, parcel bombs
and other dangerous materials.
14. It aims to achieve a specific law enforcement outcome.
15. It has little codification of law, no specialization among police, and a
system of punishment that just let things go for a while without attention
until things become too much, and then harsh, barbaric punishment is
16. It has a system of laws along with armies of lawyers, police who tend to
keep busy handling political crime and terrorism, and a system of punishment
characterized by over criminalization and overcrowding.

17. What kind of system in which they primarily rely upon oral systems of
evidence in which the public trial is a main focal point.
18. It is also known as Continental justice or Romano-Germanic justice, and
practiced throughout most of the European Union as well as elsewhere, in
places such as Sweden, Germany, France, and Japan.
19. What type of court system where the accused is innocent until proven
20. It holds the idea that progress comes along with rising expectations.
21. It is more on a response to a problem by police when assistance is
specifically requested by citizens.
22. Are those police departments created to serve an incorporated city, town,
village or borough.
23. It is the INTERPOL’s select deliberative organ which meets three times a
year, usually in March, July and immediately before the General Assembly.
24. It is the designated contact point for the General Secretariat, regional
offices and other member countries requiring assistance with overseas
investigations and the location and apprehension of fugitives.
25. These are experts in a purely advisory capacity, who may be appointed by the
Executive Committee and confirmed by the General Assembly.

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