Working With Import Geometry

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Working with Import Geometry

Working with geometry that comes from a different CAD system through a translation
protocol such as IGES, DXF or STEP can sometimes be very challenging. In this Tip-of-
the-Month we will deal with solid geometry. Perhaps sometime in the future (if you let
me know) we can look at 2D import.

Figure 1 shows a typical import feature brought into part mode. Usually White lines
indicate solid geometry, Magenta lines show surface edges that are attached to their
neighbors, and Yellow lines usually indicate surface edges that are not attached. Other
colors (like the red here) are usually datum curve features, though some curves may also
be white, yellow, or magenta.


The first thing to do is to understand what you have. This can be done by examining the
model using wire frame, and shaded viewing modes. Spin the model, and Zoom in to
examine the small details. Look at the layers and turn a few on and off to see what is

TIP: Be careful with the layers. Items can be on more than one layer.

TIP: Create a couple new layers called "IMPORT-CURVES" and "IMPORT-SURFS".

Put all the imported curves and surfaces on the respective layers by using SET ITEMS
then CURVE or QUILT and PICK MANY to select them. Turn off the layer IMPORT-
CURVES and examine just the surfaces by toggling the other layers. Do the opposite for
IMPORT-SURFS to examine just the curves.

There are now 2 ways to continue work on the part.

1. Create new geometry "under" the imported geometry. (This is new Pro/E
geometry created using the import geometry as a VISUAL reference.)
2. Manipulate the import geometry to make it usable.

The advantage of creating new geometry is that the new features will be parametric,
good, sound geometry. Whereas the import geometry may have little problem areas that
cannot be easily corrected. Figure 2 shows a completed surface (MAGENTA) but the
edges of the geometry are not well defined. These are areas where problems with
additional geometry can be expected.


The advantage of manipulating imported geometry is that it will likely be faster, and
some features or surfaces may be difficult to replicate. A disadvantage is that as you
manipulate it, it will change, and it is hard to tell just how much.

If you choose to use the import geometry, use REDEFINE then select the import feature
to manipulate it. The first step is to try the easy things, then go to the harder ones as you

TIP: Be very careful with changes and the number of changes between saves. ANY
time to back out of the REDEFINE menus and SAVE OFTEN. If you try something that
doesn't work the way you thought, just finish with the appropriate DONEs and
DONE/RETURNs, then ERASE CURRENT and call it back up.

TIP: Prior to manipulating the import geometry, play with the SET UP > ACCURACY
value. The greater the number, the easier Pro/E can work with the imported geometry.
The smaller the number, the higher the accuracy of the model and the more difficult it is
to work with the imported geometry. Be careful with this, because it will also effect later
features. In general, if the model is simple, a larger number like 0.002 is fine, but if the
model is complicated, you may want a much smaller number like 0.0006. Notice when
you change ACCURACY more or less "seams" will change to yellow (unzip). This is
important to notice because if you change accuracy later, the import feature may unzip
some of the gaps and the later geometry will fail.

The simplest thing is to FIX BNDRIES > ZIP GAPS. This will get the small, easy
descrepancies. Use AUTO SELECT to see what Pro/E finds, then try adjusting the MAX
GAP DIST. Finally, use SEL CHAIN to work with one area at a time.

NOTE: With all these procedures, consult the HELP documentation to get more detailed

The next step is to use FIX BNDRIES > EDIT BNDRY to fix the areas that ZIP GAPS
was not able to correct. This is used to move boundaries of surfaces, so be very careful
where you select. Figure 3 shows a gap between two surfaces which must be corrected
using EDIT BNDRY. Note that the GREEN surface edge must be moved, not the
YELLOW surface edge because the arc of the CYAN surface ends at the vertex of the
YELLOW surface. If this were done the other way, a GEOM CHECK would occur.
This particular surface was corrected by using FIX BNDRIES > EDIT BNDRY then
selecting the green surface, SEL CONTOUR > SELECT ALL > MODIFY > MOVE
VERTEX. The vertex at the CYAN surface was then moved to the vertex of the yellow
surface. Once the move is done, Pro/E shows the new boundary, but will not join the
surfaces until you exit back to the main REDEFINE menu.


Remember to save after completing a complicated manipulation.

There are several other areas of the REDEFINE menu that are very helpful and should be
explored. The DELETE, for instance can be used to remove geometry from the import
feature. Sometimes there are strange little surfaces off in space in an import feature.
These surfaces obviously don't belong, but are there. Don't ignore them. The fact that
they are there will affect the part relative accuracy, and Pro/E's ability to deal with
changes to the import geometry. They also effect your ability to work with the part with
respect to ZOOM, SPIN, and SHADE operations. Delete them.

Also, in some cases it is easiest to delete certain surfaces from the feature entirely then
reconstruct them later using Pro/Surface. Other times there will be 2 surfaces exactly the
same in the same spot. The duplicate surface must be removed (deleted) in order for ZIP
GAPS and EDIT BNDRIES functionality to work correctly.

Tangency problems can also be addressed in the REDEFINE menus for import
geometry. Figure 4 is a good example of weird tangency. The 2 yellow surfaces bend in
on themselves as they converge at the point. Use FIX BNDRIES > FIX TANGENCY to
correct such problems. The FIX TANGENCY functionality works in much the same way


One last word of caution. Changes to the Import feature are permanent, so if you are
working along on later geometry and find another place the import feature must be
changed, realize that you may have to do a bit of REROUTing and REDEFINing to get
back to where you were ... and UNDO CHANGES will not UNDO the REDEFINition of
an Import feature. Sometimes UNDO CHANGES will help Pro/E find the past
references (for some very weird reason) but even if it helps the model to regenerate, the
changes to the import feature will remain.

Good luck with all your import features. Just remember to be patient, save often, and
explore all the possibilities. There is always a way to make it work.

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