New Elevator Pitch

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Sub Topic 1 Expatriates

Other services can do it
Not for occasional tourists To use the service
Future partnerships Requirements
To be the angel

App All platforms

Open your device
Website While app isn't available

Freedom Speak
Safety Where to meet

Connection between fellows Strategy Choose your angel When to meet

Social capital Call for details
Reduce unemployment Build better communities Opportunity in the challenge Social Purpose Process Until you gain ambience
For how long will you need
Antagonistic assets Create demand Industry They can't help you forever
Empathy Social Enterprise FOREIGN RELATIVE

Moral Obligation Reason

Impact Evaluate it
Self-efficacy TAXI DRIVER/LOCAL HAWKER Money back
What do you expect
Social support Punishment 4 the angel

Down with borders!

Connection between fellows Mission
M&V Support to your displacement
Reduce unemployment Social capital
Build better communities Opportunity in the challenge Vision Personal Diplomacy with purpose
A way to make money while helping others Promise of value

Smaller issues Give support

You get what you paiy for
Emergency contact

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