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4 Oeconomus Office, Bishop Henry Byrne Diocesan Pastoral Center Iba, Zambales, 2201
7 Meeting of Principals
8 November 12, 2019
9 Venue: St. Augustine’s School, Iba, Zambales
11 Proposed Agenda
Agenda Item Page/s Presenter(s) / Discussant(s) Action(s) Needed
A. Call to order & Opening Prayer
B. Reading & approval of the minutes of the For Approval
previous meetings, pages 1ff
C. Matters arising from the minutes Fr. Ernie
D. Education Congress, page 8ff Fr. Ernie in behalf Fr. Raymann For Improvement
E. Principals RTF, pages 11ff Fr. Ernie as facilitator For discussion
F. Follow-up of Projects
G. Other Matters
H. Closing Prayer and Blessing
14 A. Minutes of the Meeting
16 October 24, 2019
17 St. Joseph College- Elementary Department, Olongapo City
19 A. Attendance:
20 Mrs. Zenaida Bernardino Sr. Gracia Abejo, SFIC
21 Ms. Tina Marie Farala Mr. Jietter Orzal
22 Ms. Rosemarie Antipolo Sr. Elisa Baynas, SPC
23 Dr. Lorelie Rafanan Mrs. Clarinda Bautista
24 Sr. Macrina Gresos, SPC Sr. Grace Gregorio, OP
25 Mrs. Teresa Sabado Mr. Julius Cesar De Vera
26 Ms. Marinel Flores Ms. Marigail Dionisio
27 Mr. Jayson Delgado Dr. Rey Enciso
28 Mrs. Marilou Elaugos Mrs. Arlene Anulao
29 Mrs. Isabelita Hipolito Dr. Leonor Dizon
30 Mr. Arsenio Ladiero Dr. Segundo Redondo
31 Mrs. Elizabeth Hondo Ms. Rooby Stephanie Tabios
32 Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Jose Montes Rev. Fr. Raymann Catindig

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1 I. Reading & Approval of the Previous Minutes
3 Attendance Correction: Corrected name of Sr. Helen Baculio, SPC
4 Meeting started at 10:10 in the morning with a prayer.
5 Fr. Ernie presented the format of the minutes of the meeting adapted from CEAP 3 format. As a
6 suggestion for the schools on how we presented our agenda and minutes of the meeting.
7 “As per suggestion the minutes of the meeting will be sent to you one week before the meeting. You
8 will be able to see the proceeding, step and action taken including resolutions. I propose this format to
9 the Board of Trustees to be our format. And now for our school principal I propose that this will be also
10 your format. This will be common way to present our agenda and minutes. This will be a clear
11 documentation as we prepare for the transition to become a system.” Fr. Ernie

12 Fr. Ernie presented the Agenda for the day.

13 The agenda including the corrections by Ms. Rosemarie Antipolo was proposed for approval by Sr.
14 Macrina Gresos, SPC and seconded by _____ .
16 B. Business Arising from the Minutes
17 ACDSI Retreat
18 The Admin Retreat on February 24-25, 2020 will be at Poggio Bustine Renewal Center, Beneg, Botolan,
19 Zambales. Our retreat facilitator will be our beloved Bartolome G. Santos Jr, DD. Expected participants
20 are VPs, Deans, Principals, Asst. Principals, SHS Coordinator and Finance Officers.
21 MACDDS Batch 3
22 Schedule of 1st Module will be on November 9-10, 2019. We have 28 enrollees from our diocese and
23 the Diocese of Balanga (Bataan) will be joining our class. The class will be held in Columban College,
24 Olongapo City.
26 As per Sir Narcy our Phase 3 of the Curriculum Mapping will be on December 9-13. This will be the
27 Critiquing stage of all the subject areas on their ongoing alignment.
29 C. Meeting Proceedings
30 Education Congress
31 Fr. Ernie presented the collated answers for the question: “What message, commitment, realization
32 etc. would you want participants to bring home? What to bring home after the EDUC CONGRESS?
33 “These collated answers will help a clear objective for our Education Congress. This is the reason why I
34 invited our EXECOM and Fr. Raymann for further discussion for our planning and organizing our
35 committees.
36 “We can have video presentation on what we are doing which we can give a copy each school. Like our
37 curriculum mapping and other activities. For example, with Dr. Seg for research or St. Joseph
38 Elementary… So, every school can have their exhibits during the Educ Congress.” Fr. Ernie
40 Fr. Ernie presented the framework of the Education Congress.
41 “To jumpstart the Diocese of Iba Education Ministry which is deeply Catholic, responsive to the 21st
42 century challenges invigorated for the 22nd century; and excellent in every way.”
43 How:

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1 1. Character: Christ-centered, Collaborative, Innovative
2 2. Process: Consultative from beginning to living the commitment
3 3. Congress is already happening in the months prior to the two day- day congress through
4 collaborative efforts in reviewing and revising systems and structures, RTF, programs [especially
5 the curriculum maps], policies, practices (thus manuals).
6  The Voice of the Young (collated responses of the students to be presented)
7  Keynote Address: “Christus Vivit” Impetus/ A Call for Diocese and Its Catholic Schools to
8 invigorate its mission to the young of today
9  After hearing the voices of the young and keynote address of the Bishop, participants will be
10 asked through group chat “What are the challenges to us in Catholic schools of the Diocese?”
11  Conference Talk 1: Growing vibrant faith among the young for today and tomorrow`s world,
12 An Urgent Call to Catholic Education - Mr. Jude Liao
13  Community Lunch: Salu-Salo ng Pamilya
14 1. Diocese of Iba Education Ministry Brief History (Video Presentation)
15 2. Recognition and Appreciation
16 3. Loyalty Awardees
17  Conference Talk 2: Catholic Schools, Happy Schools- Coach Prince Germano
18  Thanksgiving and Praise: Eucharistic Celebration- Presider: Most Rev. Bartolome G. Santos, Jr.,
19 DD with all priests as concelebrants. Theme: Appreciated and Afire to Evangelize the Young”
23 Objective: to know the question of the students to the church and Catholic schools
24 ‘The general questions for students are: “What is your question to the Church? and in another, to
25 Catholic school: “What is your question to Catholic schools?”
26 ACTION TAKEN: ACSDI office will create an online survey for the questions asked to the surveys. Some
27 schools may also try doing their own style of surveying their students. Completion of survey will be on
28 November 15.
30 All teachers and non-teaching personnel are expected to attend the congress.
31 We are also inviting 5 student leaders each school.
32 ATTIRE suggestions: smart casual, or school uniform with collared shirts.
33 ACTION TAKEN: Fr. Raymann will go to Divisoria to survey shirts. What we will be asking is your shirt
34 sizes. Printing and layout will be with ACSDI Office. Deadline for shirt sizes will be on November 15.
36 “We may exhibit are the things we also presented with PEAC FAPE”- Dr. Seg
37 “Please don`t exhibit the future activities, we are going to present in our exhibit on our present
38 activities i.e Curriculum Mapping, Manuals, MACDDS etc. We can also exhibit our best practices in our
39 schools as we go home in our respective schools meron tayo iuuwi” Fr. Ernie
40 “Fr., base on my observation nasasayang yung exhibits because of time constraints hindi nabibisita.”
41 Mrs.Bernardino

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1 “To avoid this situation, we can add buffet table or serve packed lunch. And we ask CITE for the RFID
2 for sponsorship. Then we can ask our publishing company to support us with raffles but we are asking
3 a cash donation tapos tayo na lang ibibili ng prizes. We are also thinking that we can have like a
4 fellowship or bonding for two days” Fr. Ernie
5 Fr. Raymann presented the different working committees and facilitated the assigning of principal in
6 each committee:
Video Coverage Mr. Arsenio Ladiero
Usher/ Usherettes Mr. Julius Cesar De Vera
DOCUMENTATION Social Media (FB, IG, Twitter) Mrs. Leonor Dizon
Talks and Updates (PPT)
SDE Video
Group Chat
Lights and Sounds Dr. Rey Enciso
ACCOMMODATION Physical Arrangement Dr. Segundo Redondo
Security Mrs. Elizabeth Hondo
Identifying criteria for Service Award Mrs. Zenaida Bernardino
Tokens and Certificates (Prep and
AWARDS Distribution) Mrs. Isabelita Hipolito
Review Ms. Rooby Stephanie Tabios
Mrs. Susan Edrosolo
Pre Registration (Online) Mrs.Arlene Anulao
REGISTRATION Handout and Kits Ms. Rosemarie Antipolo
ID and Bags
Donations and Sponsorships Rev. Fr.Josefino Bernardino
Budget Rev. Fr. Raymann Catindig
Ms. Marites Merza
Mrs. Lorelie Rafanan
Rev. Fr. Ernesto C. Raymundo
Food preparation Sr. Grace Gregorio
FOOD Food budgeting Mr. Jayson Delgado
Sr. Gracia Abejo, SFIC
Preparation for the Liturgical activities Sr. Elisa Baynas, SPC
LITURGY Sr.Macrina Gresos, SPC
Sr. Helen Baculio, SPC
Program Mr.Jietter N. Orzal
PROGRAM Invitations Ms.Tina Marie Farala
Mrs.Marilou Elaugos
8 The program committee headed by Sir. Jietter Orzal presented the proposed program for the Education Congress
11 PART 1 Registration 7:00-8:00
12 PART 2
13 I- Entrance 8:00-8:30
14 - ACSDI Member School Administrators together with the School Flag
15 - BOT
16 - Colors - SJC Honor Guards
17 II- Doxology - SJC
18 III- National Anthem - Columban College Chorale

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1 IV- Welcome Address - Rev. Fr. Ernesto C. Raymundo 8:30-8:45
2 V- Video Presentation (Voice of the Young)-Secretariat 8:45-8:50
3 VI- Keynote Address: “Christus Vivit:” Impetus/A Call for Diocese and its Catholic schools to invigorate its mission
4 to the young of today. 8:50-10:20
5 Introduction of the Keynote Speaker - Rev. Fr. Noel S. Montes
6 Keynote Address - Most Rev. Bartolome G. Santos, Jr. D.D.
7 VII- Conference Talk 1: “Growing vibrant faith among the young for today and tomorrow’s world, An Urgent Call
8 to Catholic Education” 10:20-11:50
9 Introduction of the Conference Speaker: - Mrs. Susan Edrosolo
10 Talk: - Mr. Jude Liao
11 VIII- Community Lunch 12:00-1:30
12 Diocese of Iba Education Ministry Brief History (Video Presentation)- Secretariat
13 Recognition and Appreciation Ceremony - Mrs. Zenaida A. Bernardino
14 Video Presentation (School Achievements) - Secretariat
15 Presentation of Sponsors
16 IX- Conference Talk 2: “Catholic Schools, Happy School” 1:30-2:20
17 Introduction of the Conference Speaker: - Mr. Jayson C. Delgado
18 Talk: - Dr. Prince Germano
19 XII- EXHIBIT 3:00-3:30
20 PART 3 3:30-5:00
21 I-Thanksgiving and Praise: Eucharistic Celebration
22 Theme: “Appreciated and Afire to Evangelize the Young”
23 Presider: Most Rev. Bartolome G. Santos, Jr. D.D.
24 Concelebrants: All Priests of the Diocese of Iba
25 II- Community Song: “ACSDI Hymn”
26 Desiderata/Commitment - Secretariat
27 Words of Gratitude - Rev. Fr. Raymann G. Gonzales, Ed.D.
28 Chairman, ACSDI Education Congress 2020
30 Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Oscar V. Fontelera, Jr. (SCMS); Mr. Aries D. Cabasal (ICA); Mrs. Natassja C. Alcazar
31 (SASMA)
32 Other Matters:
33  Christmas Party- No schedule as of this time.
34  The Education Act
35  Important Reminders
36  November 9-10, 2019 MACDDS (1st Module) at Columban College- Main
37  November 12, 2019 ACSDI Meeting at Iba, Zambales
38  November 15, 2019 Submission of T-Shirt for Printing
39  November 22, 2019 Submission of Update for Manuals and Curriculum Mapping
40  November 27-29, 2019 Phd ELM and Audit Class at Columban College- Main
41  November 13-15, 2019 Mathematics Curriculum Mapping
42  December 9-13, 2019 Curriculum Mapping Phase 3 (Critiquing)
43 Next meeting will be on November 12, 2019 at Iba, Zambales.
44 Prepared by: Rolly A. Abelon, Secretary, ACSDI
45 Noted by: Rev. Fr. Ernesto C. Raymundo

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1 D. Education Congress 2020
This committee’s - promote the events via social media sites such as This Committee is
main responsibility facebook, twitter and Instagram responsible of
is to prepare the covering the over-
following: -notify the other committees with regards to the all flow of the

-video coverage updates through creation of group chats event as well as

-usher and the advertisement
usherettes -cover the event and come up with a SDE video and and promotion.
-social media (FB, post it on social media sites
-Talks and updates -print a hard copy of the pictures taken during the
-SDE video event
-group chat
-post on social media important ideas from the talks
This committee’s Coordinate with the target venue This committee is
main responsibility Establish theme for the event responsible for
is to prepare the Arrange flowers, plants, ornaments and other overall physical
following: paraphernalia to decorate the following: appearance as

-venue -stage well as the

-lights and sounds -registration desk physical
-physical -reception area arrangements
arrangement -hall entrance necessary for the
-security -make the place welcoming and cozy with the given event.
-decoration budget
-ensure the safety and security of the attendees
-set-up sounds and lights as well as the chairs and
tables as well as the projector and white screen/LED
TV and other needs for the signages
This committee’s - prepare criteria for Service awards This committee
main responsibility holds
is to prepare the -prepare a list of to recognize members of the ACSDI responsibility for
following: member schools providing an
-identifying criteria objective process
for Service Awards -coordinate with the finance committee in preparing and review of
-Tokens and the certificates and plaques for the conference candidates for
Certificates (Prep participants, awardees, and resource speakers Service awards
and Orientation)
This committee’s -Prepare registration forms This committee
main responsibility - prepare nametags and kits as well as hand-outs and shall be
is to prepare the bags responsible for
following: -welcome guests and assist them to their designated getting necessary
-pre-registration areas information from

(online) -prepare signages attendees,

-hand-outs and kits -set up a record system in cooperation with the registering those
-ID and bags finance for recording those who are registered and attending and
amount to be paid each providing
-after the conference; turn over to the finance the directions to the
required financial results venue.
-amount of pre-registered financial results
-amount collected during the day
-figures of the attendees
FINANCE/ This committee’s -lead fund-raising activities Generate the
LOGISTICS main responsibility -solicit sponsorships for programs, food, etc. budget, appoint

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is to prepare the -work with the treasurer to keep the accounts on committee chairs,
following: track determine theme,
-donations and maintain
sponsorships communication
-budget preparation with other
-oversees the
event from
planning up to the
FOOD This committee’s - since the event is to start at 7 am, the food The food
main responsibility committee is expected to set up at least 30 minutes committee is
is to prepare the prior. responsible for
following: -buy food and necessary supplies needed providing an
-food preparation -prepare the buffet table and the necessary adequate and
-food budgeting silverwares timely supply of
-clean tables and dispose left overs food and drinks
-arrange food tasting prior to the event with the during the
event head organizers to ensure taste and quality duration of the
LITURGY This committee’s -prepare a liturgical rite for the Eucharistic This committee is
main responsibility celebrations solely concerned
is to prepare the -prepare a repertoire of songs with leading and
following: -coordinate with the choir disposing a
-preparation for the -prepare the necessary liturgical materials necessary prayerful and
liturgical activities -coordinate with the diocesan mother butlers for the solemn
vestments of priests atmosphere
-prepare the readers, psalmist as well as the servers during certain
-prepare a powerpoint presentation for the flow of parts of the event
the mass which will serve as guide during the
Eucharistic celebration
PROGRAM This committee’s -create a lay-out of the invitation This committee’s
main responsibility -Inviting the main speakers/presenters for talks, main function is
is to prepare the workshops, and/or panel discussions. to ensure a
following: -Obtaining titles, abstracts, biographical information, smooth flow of
-program and equipment needs from the invited the program
-invitations speakers/presenters; maintaining communication proper
with speakers/presenters to confirm the date and
time for their presentations, and confirming that they
have directions to and parking for the meeting.
- Creating the program. The program should contain
-Program Schedule with times and locations of events
-Abstracts of all talks -Biographies of invited speakers
-assign master of ceremonies as well persons who
will introduce the speakers
-prepare ice breakers if deemed necessary
2 The Day’s Program
People in
Duration Program Actions Things Ready on the Day of Congress
Venue: Stage; LCD screens & LCD
projectors, Internet connection;
Furnishings for the liturgical
celebration; Lights & sounds;
decorations; signages; displays
7:00 - Registration Distribute by school IDs List of school participants. Registration
8:00 and kits Things needed for registration staff

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Usher welcomes and Bunched by school IDs, kits for each
guides participants participants and schools kit. Light &
Background music [pre-chosen sounds
happy welcoming song]
The kit for each school includes in
digital form in one file and in a USB:
1. A digital file containing:
- A description of the Congress
- The VMG of the Diocese of Iba
- The Vision Mission Care Values
Terminal Outcome of ACSDI schools
- The collation of all the
questions of the Young
- The salient features of the
DoIEM curriculum maps
- The salient features of the
revised school manuals
- The future projects of DoIEM
2. All the video and PPT
presentations during the congress
3. The PPT/video presentation of
each school’s complete version of
its History & Features -
Achievements & Milestones.
7:45 – Preparatory testing of use of Emcee introduced PPT showing software Emcee
8:50 software for getting online process and tests; Secretariat
feedback secretariat checks if Light &
inputs are coming it sounds
8:00 - Opening Ceremony Entrance is ordered Diocesan banner Students
8:30 Entrance: Bishop, Board of guiding those who are Philippine flag and flag stand School who will
Trustees with DoI banner include. flags and flag stands carry the
ACSDI Member School Music for doxology Doxology music record banner &
Administrators with the ready as well as the List of schools flags
School Flag and Colors - St. performers right at the Students
Joseph College Honor Guards last part of the who will
Doxology - St. Joseph College entrance. perform
Elem Dept.
National Anthem -Columban
College Chorale
Presentation of Delegates -
Ms. Rosemarie D. Antipolo
8:35 - Words of Welcome and Emcee introduces the Lights & sounds Light &
8:45 Overview of the Congress - Welcomer Sounds /
Rev. Fr. Ernesto C. Raymundo Secretariat
8:45 – Part I : Voices of the Young, The video is introduced, Video of the Voices of the Young Secretariat
9:15 What Are they Asking Us? - A then the video is shown
Video Presentation –
Introduction by Mr. Aris
9:15 - Part II : Keynote Address: Introduction of the Curriculum vitae of the speaker Light &
10:15 “Christus Vivit:” A Call for keynote speaker Powerpoint (PPT) presentation of Sounds /
Diocese and its schools to PPT presentation of the keynote speaker secretariat
invigorate its mission to the speaker readied
young of today
- Most Rev. Bartolome G.
Santos, Jr. D.D.

Page 8 of 11
Introduction of the Keynote
Speaker – by Rev. Fr. Noel S.
10:15 – Our Response: Our Challenges The emcee presents the PPT showing the software and Emcee
10:30 procedure as shown in “Having heard the voices of the and
the PPT and the the message of our Pope Francis,
question to be asked. what are the challenges to you?”
Internet connection.
(Snacks will be served in every Waiters serve snacks Snack packs Food
table) with minimal Committee
10:30 - Part III : Talk 1: “Growing Speaker is introduced PPT presentation of the speaker
11:45 vibrant faith among the young PPT presentation of
for today and tomorrow’s speaker readied
world, An urgent call to our
Catholic schools” - Mr. Jude
Introduction of the
Speaker: Mrs. Susana V.
Our Response: Our Emcee invites PPT showing the software and the Secretariat
Commitment as Evangelizers participants to respond question “Having heard possible
via software; responses to the challenges we
During this time the recognized, what would be your
packed lunch are being commitment to respond to the
distributed challenges?”
Internet Connections.
12:00- Part IV : ACSDI Family Emcee invites all to Videos Emcee
1:30 Banquet happily eat. After 15 or - Brief history of DoIEM Awards
Angelus & Grace Before a little more minutes, PPT presentations – awardees and Committee
Meals - he/she invites to honorees Secretariat
Lunch everyone to watch the Certificates of recognition
Video Presentations: video presentations Awards
A Brief History Diocese of Certificates and awards Certificates of appreciation of
Iba Education Ministry are distributed to sponsors
Video Presentation: school leaders as a
Schools Achievements group. School
Recognition and presidents/ directors,
Appreciation Ceremony principals will
- By Most. Rev. Bartolome simultaneously. As they
G. Santos Jr., DD are all going to the
- Rev. Fr. Ernesto C. stage a PPT
Raymundo presentation of the
- To be assisted by Awards pictures, names and
Committee position with the school
Presentation of Sponsors as background is shown.
& Certificate of Appreciation The same goes through
with other awards like
the 15 & above in
service. This time the
years of service is also
by the picture of each
to be recognized
Sponsors are also
readied ahead to be on
the stage on time

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1:30 - Part V : Talk 2: “Catholic Introduction of the Curriculum vitae of the speaker Secretariat
2:45 Schools, Happy Schools” – Sir keynote speaker Powerpoint (PPT) presentation of Lights &
Coach Prince Germano PPT presentation of the keynote speaker Sound
Introduction of the speaker readied
Conference Speaker: Mr.
Jayson O. Delgado
2:45 – Our Response: Our Challenges Emcee invites PPT showing the software and the Secretariat
3:00 and Commitments as Catholic participants to respond question “Having heard possible
Educators via software; responses to the challenges we
During this time the recognized, what would be your
packed lunch are being commitment to respond to the
distributed challenges?”
Internet Connections.
3:00 – Video Presentation: Emcee introduces each Schools presentation derived from Secretariat
3:45 Schools Presentations: video and gets audience their longer version presentation Lights &
Features, Achievements & response after each edited as one video presentation Sound
Milestones video for all schools.
Diocesan Schools Video presentations of the salient
Renewed: DoIEM Curriculum features of the DoIEM Curriculum
Maps, Manuals Maps and Manuals
4:00 – Eucharistic Celebration Emcee prepares hearts PPT of liturgy rites, texts and hymns
5:00 Theme: “Appreciated, & minds of all for the Liturgical paraphernalia, vestments,
Renewed, Afire to Evangelize celebration of the Holy etc.
the Young” Eucharist though a PPT of Desiderata
Presider: Most Rev. moment of silence and Record of reflective spiritual music
Bartolome G. Santos, Jr., D.D. followed by soft
Concelebrants: All Priests of spiritually reflective
the Diocese of Iba music via sound system
5:00 – Reading of the Community Project the Community PPT of Desiderata
5:05 Desiderata Desiderata
5:05-5:10 Words of Gratitude - Rev. Fr. Lights &
Raymann G. Catindig, Ed.D. Sounds
Chairman, ACSDI Education
Congress 2020
Community Singing: “ACSDI Project ACSDI Hymn and PPT of ACSDI Hymn and Recording Secretariat
Hymn” play its recording of ACSDI Hymn Lights &
Distribution of Certificate of Distribute certificates By school in specified corner of the Awards
Participation - and take home snacks snack distribution Committee
Distribution of take home by school Secretariat
snacks Food
2 Powerpoint Video Presentation of Each School Contents.
3 The aim of the presentation is that other schools may get to know well your school, appreciate it, learn
4 from it, be inspired by it, and discover more aspects of fruitful collaboration.
5  Unique Features of the School
6  Brief history [with pictures and/or videos of Columban Fathers and other priest founders,
7 pictures of old school buildings, significant events in the past, etc.]
8  Most of what is in the school status report except Finance Aspect
9  Achievements & Milestones
10  Best School Practices other schools may be inspired to spark creative ideas in their own
11 schools
12  What the school can offer to help other ACSDI schools: programs, trainings, facilities, etc.

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1  Include pictures and video clips in your presentation
3 E. RTF of Principals & Required Qualification, and Proposal of Principles & Guidelines
4 in the remuneration-benefits of principals
5 Processes:

6 1. Presentation of the team on principalship

7 2. Process: Part 1 – Role, Functions, and Tasks of Principals
8 a. Clarify outcomes of principal leadership
9 b. Identify functions
10 c. Figure out interrelationship of functions and how they contribute to the attainment of
11 the outcome of the role of principals
12 d. List down tasks under each function: [Do daily log or do brainstorming]
13 e. Post-meeting: Re-draft RTF
14 3. Process: Part 2 – Qualification of Principals
15 a. Identify capabilities (knowledge and skills) needed to perform the functions and tasks
16 [What are the requisites to obtain these capabilities? What are the evidences there is
17 likelihood of presence of capabilities?]
18 b. Identify the Catholic character and attitudes required to be a Christ-centered principal
19 performing the functions. This is to be based on the amplified understanding of the three
20 virtues of Love, Faith and Hope [the expression of being inspired by the Holy Spirit, the
21 Spirit of the Risen Lord present in us], which undergirds a whole child approach to
22 education [Whole Child Tenets: Healthy, Safe, Engaged, Challenged and Supported; thus,
23 Inspired (or loving, faithful, and hopeful) healthy, safe, engaging, challenging and
24 supportive leadership and management.] It would be wonderful to list down how you
25 have been practicing them through the years though not identifying them as such.
26 4. Process: Part 3 – Guiding Principles in determining principal remuneration and benefits
27 a. What guiding principle do you suggest to be considered in determining the salaries and
28 benefits of principals? Why?
29 b. What guidelines do you suggest to be considered in determining the salaries and benefits
30 of principals? Why?
31 c. What criteria should be included when designing principal ranking system? [Refer to
32 documents like the PCSS on governance and the RTF and Qualifications of principals as
33 finally identified.]
34 5. Process: Part 4 – First Complete Draft
35 a. Finalize the complete draft containing the following
36 i. Outcomes of Principal Leadership : What this leadership ensures to come about
37 ii. RTF of principals
38 iii. Qualifications required of Principals
39 iv. Guiding Principles in determining principal salaries and benefits
40 6. Process: Part 5 - Principal holistic development program for principals

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