SWOT Analysis HW (2015)

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1. Compassion and caring – I am extremely 1. Confidence – Although I think I exude

compassionate and caring, both in clinic with confidence most of the time in my life, when it
patients and with people in the community. I comes to the PT world, I am not confident in
always want to lend a helping hand when possible knowing how to answer some questions asked by
and a lot of people really inspire me and tend to patients/families, and I am not confident in my
touch my heart in many ways. skills of clinical reasoning when trying to figure
2. Good communication skills and easy to talk out a diagnosis/problem a patient is presenting
to - I communicate well with people of all ages, with.
and I feel as though I really make people feel 2. Change – I don’t do well with a lot of change. I
comfortable enough to talk to me about whatever like things to be planned out and to run in a
they need or want to. smooth, orderly fashion.
3. Open to criticism - I take criticism well from 3. Doubt – Because of past relationships in my life, I
people who have experience and knowledge in the doubt a lot of people and I find it hard for me to easily
area I’m learning, because I understand that I trust people. It takes a lot of time and getting to know
don’t know everything or that there may be a someone well for me to truly trust someone.
better way to doing something than the way I 4. Self-critique – I am pretty hard on myself and I am
already know. often a pessimistic person (I let it negatively affect me
4. Professional - I am professional in in some way). I beat myself up mentally when I realize
understanding and dealing with different types of something about me that I don’t think is good. I don’t
people, their attitudes and beliefs, and their do well with a turning something negative into a
cultures, even when they differ from my own. positive.

1. Job - There are some job opportunities and a 1. Reimbursement – Because of all the changes
need for a pediatric PT in my small delta within the government and with healthcare, and
hometown of Cleveland, MS. reimbursement policies, this could really hinder a
2. Clinical knowledge - Since pediatric PT is my physical therapy job, because reimbursement by
area of interest, it is a big opportunity for me to insurance is one of our main pay sources for most
get to go out of state to do a pediatric clinical. This patients we see.
will enable me to learn from other therapists and 2. Classmates – Even though there is a high demand
to see how the clinic is run in another state. This for us as physical therapists, especially in rural areas,
could benefit me if I get a job in pediatrics in MS, I think it is a threat for us as students to all find a job
to bring forth the good qualities I will learn and in the setting of our choice if we all happen to be
gain, to my place of work. looking for the same job opportunity in the same area.
3. Further education – There are many Other students could possibly be our competition for
opportunities to take courses in order to a position in the future.
specialize in an area of physical therapy or to take 3. Advocating – If other physical therapist don’t
CEU courses throughout our career. This is an advocate for our practice and provide knowledge to
advantage to expand our knowledge base and to our society of what physical therapy is all about There
help us grow as physical therapists and possibly are a lot of people, even doctors, who don’t know
better our ability to be hired in the future. what all is in our scope of practice and this could
4. Involvement – Being a current physical affect our patient load and who comes in to see us,
therapy student and a future DPT, this allows me especially when direct access takes effect.
to become involved with the MPTA and APTA and
to meet a lot of people to gain from and to be in
connection with. It also allows me to have an
opinion and a voice in legislative decisions made
for future physical therapists.

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