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Assignment No.


Fall 2019

Assignment No. 1 Total Marks: 10+5

Due Date: 21-11-2019


To asses students’ knowledge of the subject and to motivate them towards conceptual knowledge
and practical application of the subject.


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How do you see the Two Nation Theory of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah
and Allama Iqbal? Justify your Answer with at least five points. 10 Marks

 Pakistan was created in 1947 on the bases of “Two Nation Theory. This Two Nation theory
was given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Who is said to be the pioneer of this theory. He first of
all described in 1867 that Hindus & Muslims are two separate nations and cannot live
together. Sir Ahmed Khan also played a great role in educating the Muslims community of
Subcontinent. Syed Ahmad Khan’s Aligarh Movement played a significant role to bring
about an intellectual revolution among the Indian Muslims. Thus Aligarh Movement
succeeded in achieving its major objectives and boosted up the depressed Muslim community
to the real status of nation.
 The entire political scenario created after the War of Independence 1857 was changed by this
Two Nation theory as the Muslims were suffering at that time. Hindus and Muslims cannot
live together because their political, social and cultural life is different from each other. After
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan this idea of Two Nation Theory was further propagated by other
Muslim leaders at their times. Dr. Allama Iqbal and Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
also played an effective role.
 Men like Allama Iqbal are born but in centuries. He was conscious of significance of Islam in
lives of the Muslims. He gave pjilosphical explanation to this Theory. Dr Allama
Muhammad Iqbal ranks amongst the Muslim intellectuals who left a deep impact on history.
He inspired Muslims of the Sub-Continent and beyond. He infused a moving spirit and
identity in the Indian Muslims. He presented a framework of their political future and talked
how that would help to achieve the goal of Ummah. He presented a vision and dream in his
Allahabad Address.
 M. A. Jinnah was a history-making leader who changed the course of history. He possessed a
visionary leadership, commitment to the cause and political mobilization capacity. He was a
Charismatic Leader in the real sense of the meaning. Jinnah played a decisive role in
articulating the Muslim demands and pursuing these faced strong opposition from the Hindus
and the British. He defined Muslim identity and mobilized them with reference to Islam and
convinced others that Muslims are different from the Hindus and the Congress. Islamic
principles, concepts and symbols surfaced in his speeches and statements.
 Two Nation Theory served as the basis for the creation of Pakistan by the Muslims to the
British and Hindus. Muslims wanted to order their lives in accordance with their religious
identity and philosophy of life without overwhelmed by an unsympathetic identity. This Two
Nation Theory was culminated by Quaid e Azam with the establishment of Pakistan in
August, 1947.
What is the impact of Allahabad Address (1930) presented by Allama Iqbal on the

Muslim politics? Justify your answer with at least five points. 5 Marks

 Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal ranks amongst the Muslim intellectuals who left a deep impact
on history. He inspired Muslims of the Sub-Continent and beyond. He infused a moving
spirit and identity in the Indian Muslims. He presented a framework of their political future
and talked how that would help to achieve the goal of Ummah. He presented a vision and
dream in his Allahabad Address.
 Allama Iqbal was a great poet and philosopher who gave the idea of Pakistan; Muslims were
ignorant it was Allama Iqbal who aroused the Muslims through his poetry & also played an
effective role in All India Muslim League. Allama Iqbal presented his idea in his addresses at
Allahabad 1930. His address left an ever lasting impact on the politics of the subcontinent.
After this address there was a new hope and enthusiasm for Muslims. It cleared all the
political confusions from the minds of the Muslims and made them release their destination.
 He addressed I can see: “Punjab, N.W.F.P, Sindh and Baluchistan be amalgamated into a
state, self-government within the British empire or without it. The formation of such a
consolidated North Western Muslim state appears to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at
least of North West India. To India, it will offer peace and security due to internal balance of
 He asserted that there is only one way to eliminate the riots and bring piece in the
subcontinent is to create a separate state for Muslims. He also developed a national and
religious spirit in the Muslims by his address to the Muslims of Subcontinent. Muslims came
to know that how they can individually contribute with Muslim League for a separate state.
 Through his address Allama Iqbal also protected Muslims religious identity. Iqbal’s address
is a forceful and logical presentation of the Muslim case in India. Iqbal presented a review of
the political and social situation of India and solution of the ills befalling India.

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