Hip Labrum

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M u s c u l o s k e l e t a l I m a g i n g • B e s t P r a c t i c e s / R ev i ew

Naraghi and White

MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions of the Hip

Musculoskeletal Imaging
Best Practices/Review
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MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions

of the Hip
Ali Naraghi1 OBJECTIVE. Unenhanced MRI, indirect MR arthrography, and direct MR arthrography
Lawrence M. White have been used in the radiologic evaluation of patients with suspected labral tears and chondral
lesions of the hip. The purpose of this article is to examine the existing evidence for the use of
Naraghi A, White LM these techniques in patients with hip pain and suspected labral or chondral abnormalities.
CONCLUSION. Evidence from a review of the radiologic literature supports the use of
direct MR arthrography over unenhanced MRI and indirect MR arthrography for the detec-
tion of labral and cartilage abnormalities in the hip. Although high-resolution unenhanced
3-T MRI appears promising, limited information in the literature supports its use in the de-
tection and characterization of chondrolabral lesions.

Clinical Vignettes and Images tion of internal derangement of the hip is iden-
Patients with pathologic conditions affect- tifying an imaging technique that is reliable,
ing the labrum and cartilage of the hip may accurate, and convenient. MRI techniques, in-
present with a variety of symptoms, includ- cluding unenhanced MRI, direct MR arthrog-
ing hip pain typically localized to the groin, raphy, and indirect MR arthrography, have
limitation of range of motion, and clicking. been used in the imaging evaluation of this
These symptoms may be aggravated by physi- patient population [4–10]. The goal of this
cal activity. Labral and chondral lesions may review is to evaluate the most suitable tech-
be seen in patients with femoroacetabular im- nique for evaluation of patients with hip pain
pingement (FAI), developmental dysplasia of that has a suspected labral or chondral cause.
the hip, Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, slipped
capital femoral epiphysis, iliopsoas impinge- Background and Importance
ment, repetitive or acute trauma, or osteo- The hip labrum plays an important role in
arthritis. Improvements in surgical tech- hip function that includes hip stability, pro-
niques have meant that chondral lesions and prioception, distribution of forces in the hip,
labral tears are amenable to surgical interven- and joint lubrication [11, 12]. Although labral
tion. However, because labral tears and chon- tears can have a variety of causes, there has
Keywords: acetabular labrum, cartilage, hip, MR dral loss are among the many possible causes been growing interest in the diagnosis and
arthrography, MRI, unenhanced MRI
of hip pain [1, 2], diagnosis is based on a com- treatment of chondrolabral lesions, partly
DOI:10.2214/AJR.14.12581 bination of clinical features and supportive because of increasing interest in FAI. FAI,
imaging findings. As such, imaging is often which results in abnormal contact and abut-
Received January 16, 2014; accepted after revision undertaken to confirm the diagnosis and ex- ment between the femoral head and the ace-
February 7, 2015.
clude other causes of hip pain [3]. Clinical vi- tabular rim, has been proposed as a cause of
Both authors: Joint Department of Medical Imaging, gnettes and images are presented in Figures hip pain and a predisposing factor in the de-
University Health Network, Mount Sinai and Women’s 1–5. All findings described were surgically velopment of osteoarthritis of the hip [13–16].
College Hospitals, University of Toronto, 585 University proved at arthroscopy. FAI is thought to be caused by morphologic
Ave, 1- PMB 284, Toronto, ON M5G 2N2, Canada. Address variations of the femoral head-neck junction,
correspondence to L. M. White (lawrence.white@uhn.ca).
The Imaging Question the acetabulum, or both [13]. These variations
This article is available for credit. Despite advances in MRI hardware and ac- are characterized by anterolateral loss of the
quisition pulse sequences that result in high- offset at the femoral head-neck junction, re-
AJR 2015; 205:479–490 er-resolution MR images with improved sig- sulting in a cam type of deformity, or by ac-
nal-to-noise ratios, imaging of the articular etabular morphologic changes, such as retro-
cartilage and the labrum in the hip remains version, focal or global overcoverage, or coxa
© American Roentgen Ray Society challenging. A diagnostic challenge in evalua- profunda or protrusio acetabulum, resulting in

AJR:205, September 2015 479

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TABLE 1: Studies Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of MR Arthrography in the Detection of Hip Labral and Chondral Lesions

No. of No of Labrum Cartilage
Patients Patients Maximum
With With Field Slice In-Plane Pulse Sequence
No. of Reference Labral Chondral Strength FOV Thickness Resolution With Maximum Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
Authors Year Patientsa Standardb Tear Lesion (T) Coil 2
(cm ) (mm) (mm)c Resolution (%) (%) (%) (%)
Anderson et al. 2009 26 (27) Open (27) NA 9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.2 100
Aprato et al. [36] 2013 41 Open (21), 34 A 16, F 14 1.5 Torso phased 20–26 3–4 0.53 × 0.69 T1 91 86 A 69, F 46 A 88, F 81
arthroscopy (20) array, body
Blankenbaker et 2011 67 Arthroscopy (67) NA NA 3 Surface 18–24 1–4 0.56 × 0.80 T2 FS NA NA Conventional, Conventional,
al. [37] phased 70; IDEAL, 74 84; IDEAL, 77
Byrd and Jones 2004 40 Arthroscopy (40) 32 22 1.5 Torso NA NA NA NA 72 13 41 94
Chan et al. [39] 2005 30 Arthroscopy (17) 16 NA 1.5 NA 15 1.5 0.59 × 0.59 3D-FLASH 100 0 NA NA
Czerny et al. [40] 1996 56 (57) Surgery not 20 NA 1.0 (17), Surface 15 1.5 0.59 × 0.59 GRE 90 100 NA NA
otherwise 0.5 (40)
specified (22)
Czerny et al. [41] 1999 40 Open (40) 34 NA 0.5 (24), Surface 15 1.5 0.59 × 0.59 GRE 91 71 NA NA
1.0 (16)
Freedman et al. 2006 24 Arthroscopy (24) 23 NA 1.5 Torso phased 17–20 3–4 NA NA 96 0 25 NA
[43] array
James et al. [44] 2006 46 Arthroscopy (46) NA 38 1.5 Surface 15–17 3 NA NA NA NA 89 63–75
Naraghi and White

Keeney et al. [45] 2004 101 (102) Arthroscopy (102) 93 A 46, F 21 1.5 Phased array NA NA NA NA 71 44 47 89
Knuesel et al. [46] 2004 47 (50) Open (21) NA A 20, F 6 1.5 Surface 15–16 1.7–4 0.29 × 0.29 DESS NA NA 58–81 69–100
Leunig et al. [47] 1997 23 Open, arthroscopy 17 NA 1.5 Surface 20 NA 0.39 × 0.59 T1, T2, FLASH 69 71 NA NA
Nishii et al. [49] 2005 18 (20) Arthroscopy (20) NA A 20, F 12 1.5 Surface 16 1.5 0.63 × 0.63 3D-fast spoiled GRE NA NA 49–67 76–89
Park et al. [50] 2013 45 (47) Arthroscopy (47) 46 NA 3 Torso, cardiac 17–20 1–3 0.60 × 0.60 3D intermediate- 74–78 89–92 NA NA
weighted FSE
Perdikakis et al. 2011 10 (14) Open, arthroscopy NA NA 1.5 Surface 16–19 3–4 0.31 × 0.31 T1 FS 100 50 63 33
[51] (14)
Petersilge et al. 1996 10 Open, arthroscopy 8 NA 1.5 Helmholtz 20–50 3–5 1.04 × 0.78 T1 FS 100 100 NA NA
[52] (10)
Pfirrman et al. [9] 2008 44 Open (44) NA 23 1.5 Surface 15–16 1.25–4 0.29 × 0.29 3D water excitation NA NA 22–74 57–95
Reurink et al. [53] 2012 93 (95) Arthroscopy (95) 91 NA 1.5 NA 15–36 3 NA NA 86 50–75 NA NA
Schmid et al. [6] 2003 40 (42) Open (42) NA 42 1.0 Surface 16 3–4 0.63 × 0.63 T1 FS and T1 FLASH NA NA A 48–84, F A 73–86, F
40–60 78–88
Studler et al. [7] 2008 57 Open, arthroscopy 44 NA 1.5 Body 15–17 3–4 0.29 × 0.29 3D Water excitation 98 54 NA NA
(57) DESS

AJR:205, September 2015

(Table 1 continues on next page)
pincer impingement. A variety of morphologic imaging signs have been
MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions of the Hip

A 25–100, F
described for the relation between femur and acetabulum in patients with

Note—NA = not available, A = acetabular, F= femoral head, T1 = T1-weighted, T2 = T2-weighted, FS = fat-suppressed, IDEAL = iterative decomposition of water and fat with echo asymmetry and least-squares estimation,


FAI, and these are covered in other review articles [3, 17, 18].
Although controversies persist regarding the clinical significance

and treatment of patients with chondrolabral lesions and FAI [19], there
TABLE 1: Studies Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of MR Arthrography in the Detection of Hip Labral and Chondral Lesions (continued)

Sensitivity has been an increase in incidence of surgical procedures to treat osse-

A 71–92, F
(%) ous, chondral, and labral abnormalities in such patients. Surgical tech-


niques include débridement or repair of labral tears, microfracture of
acetabular chondral lesions, resection of the acetabular rim, and femo-
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Sensitivity Specificity

ral osteochondroplasty [20]. These procedures were once performed at




open surgery but are more routinely performed arthroscopically or by

miniarthrotomy with or without arthroscopic assistance [21–23]. As

a result, hip arthroscopy has become one of the most rapidly growing

90–95 areas in orthopedic surgery, and the annual number of hip arthroscop-


ic procedures was expected to exceed 70,000 in 2013, compared with
30,000 in 2008 [24]. This increase in the incidence of surgical inter-
0.29 × 0.29 3D water excitation

vention has led to an increase in demand for imaging of patients with

Pulse Sequence
With Maximum

suspected labral and chondral injuries.

0.70 × 0.94 T1 and T2 FS

The goals of imaging when labral or chondral injury is suspected

0.55 × 0.73 T1 FS, T2 FS

are accurate identification of features that affect management by vi-


0.66 × 0.74 T1 FS

sualization of bony morphologic changes and detection and character-


ization of chondral and labral lesions [17]. Features deemed necessary

for surgical decision making include acetabular version and coverage,
FOV Thickness Resolution


morphologic changes in the femoral head-neck junction, presence and


bReference standard is type of surgery (open vs arthroscopy). Numbers in parentheses are number of patients with surgical correlation.

location of labral tears, and the size and depth of chondral lesions, in-
cluding possible delaminating lesions of the acetabular chondral rim
cIn some cases a range of FOV and matrix were provided. It was not possible to calculate the in-plane resolution in these cases.

[25]. The presence of osteoarthritis should also be noted because this




can preclude surgical treatment of the chondral and labral lesions and
necessitate other surgical options, such as osteotomy or arthroplasty.
Torso phased 14–20
Surface, torso 18–24


MRI of the hip poses challenges that affect image quality and di-


agnostic accuracy. The articular cartilage of the hip is relatively thin

[26], the joint is obliquely oriented, and the articular surfaces are high-
ly curved and closely opposed. Use of conventional imaging planes re-




1.5 and 3 Surface

sults in partial volume averaging due to the spheric shape of the hip



joint. This is most striking in relation to the anterosuperior and postero-

superior aspects of the joint on coronal and axial images. In addition,
Labral Chondral Strength

within traditional closed-bore MRI systems, the hip is located off iso-




center of the magnetic field, which can hamper image quality owing to
GRE = gradient-recalled echo, DESS = dual-echo steady-state, FSE = fast spin-echo.

gradient nonlinearities and inhomogeneities of the main magnetic field.

Patients Patients

A 25, F 6

There is also marked variability in the appearance of the acetabular la-

No of




brum even in volunteer subjects without symptoms [27, 28].

In addition to larger-FOV images, which are used to assess for ex-
No. of

traarticular causes of pain, it is necessary to obtain dedicated focused





images of the involved hip with a small (14–18 cm) imaging FOV.
Oblique axial images prescribed along the long axis of the femoral neck
are used to supplement conventional triplanar orthogonal acquisitions
Arthroscopy (144)
Arthroscopy (34)
Arthroscopy (30)
Arthroscopy (28)
Arthroscopy (5)

and aid in evaluation of the femoral head-neck junction and acetabu-

lar overcoverage. These imaging planes may be supplemented by radial
images of the hip obtained at prescribed angular intervals perpendicu-
aValues in parentheses are number of hips.

lar to the surface of the hip joint with all resultant imaging planes in-
tersecting through the center of the joint. Radial imaging provides for
Year Patientsa

cross-sectional imaging depiction of the labrum and articular cartilage

No. of


of the hip joint, negating the effects of volume averaging. Radial ac-
quisitions also facilitate complete assessment of the femoral head-neck


Ziegert et al. [58] 2009



junction, including the anterosuperior quadrant, where the cam defor-

mity is often most pronounced [29].
Sutter et al. [55]

Toomayan et al.

High-resolution unenhanced MRI of the hip is easily performed

Sundberg et al.

Tian et al. [56]


with optimized state-of-the-art techniques. Improvements in surface

coil technology and the higher magnetic field strength associated with


3-T platforms deliver a higher signal-to-noise ratio, which can be used

to achieve high spatial resolution with a reasonable acquisition time.

AJR:205, September 2015 481

Naraghi and White

Imaging is best performed with a phased- enhanced MRI for detection of hip labral tears (Table 3). The sensitivities of this tech-
array surface coil or a multichannel cardiac tears; both sensitivity and specificity ranged nique were 82% and 100% and the specifici-
coil [30, 31]. Conventional MRI is an attrac- from zero to 100%. Only three of these stud- ties 100% and zero.
tive option in comparison with MR arthrog- ies had a sensitivity greater than 90%, and Six studies directly compared the diag-
raphy given the improved patient throughput four studies showed specificity greater than nostic accuracy of MRI with that of MR ar-
and the lack of gadolinium injection with its 80%. Two of the studies with lower sensitivi- thrography or indirect MR arthrography in
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associated limitations, which include cost, ties were performed in the mid 1990s, when the same patient population (Table 4). Apart
need for fluoroscopy or ultrasound, patient the image quality and anatomic resolution from the study by Sundberg et al. [54], which
discomfort, and risk of complications. of MRI systems were more limited than in included only five patients with arthroscopic
Direct MR arthrography, which entails in- later systems [40, 42]. Newer MRI systems, correlation, all of the studies showed supe-
traarticular injection of a dilute gadolinium with a combination of higher magnetic field rior sensitivity of MR arthrography. Interest-
mixture, has the advantages of distending strength and, just as important, advances in ingly, there was little difference in specific-
the joint, improving contrast-to-noise ratio, coil technology can deliver high spatial res- ity between the two imaging techniques in
and enabling acquisition of higher-resolution olution while maintaining a high signal-to- the studies directly comparing conventional
images [32, 33]. In addition, intraarticular noise ratio and contrast resolution. Stud- MRI and MR arthrography.
administration of local anesthetic agents at ies by Mintz et al. [4], Sutter et al. [55], and Smith et al. [60] performed a meta-analy-
arthrography can be a useful adjunct in lo- Zlatkin et al. [10]—who used phased-array sis of the diagnostic accuracy of unenhanced
calization and confirmation of an intraar- coils, a small FOV (12–17 cm), and high in- conventional MRI and MR arthrography for
ticular source of hip pain [34]. Indirect MR plane resolution—showed sensitivity of 77– the detection of labral tears. In a search of
arthrography, achieved by IV injection of 97% for the detection of labral tears at 1.5 multiple databases, they identified 19 studies
gadolinium followed by exercise of the ex- T. Three studies evaluated detection of labral as of April 2010 that assessed the sensitivity
tremity of interest, has a similar effect with tears at 3 T with variable results. In a small and specificity of MRI and MR arthrogra-
regard to contrast resolution but does not cohort, Sundberg et al. [54] found sensitiv- phy in the evaluation of hip labral tears. They
require intraarticular injection or imaging ity of 100% in a cohort of five patients. Tian found pooled sensitivity of 66% and specific-
guidance to facilitate intraarticular contrast et al. [56] found sensitivity of 61–66% and ity of 79% for conventional MRI and pooled
injection. One of the main limitations of in- specificity of 74–77% in a larger population. sensitivity and specificity of 87% and 64%
direct MR arthrography, however, is that it Interestingly, the in-plane resolution in both for MR arthrography. After analyzing ROC
does not produce substantial joint distention. these studies was inferior to that in the stud- curves, those investigators concluded that MR
ies by Mintz et al., Zlatkin et al., and Sutter arthrography is superior to conventional MRI
Synopsis and Synthesis of Evidence et al., which were conducted with high-reso- for detection of labral tears. Results of more
We performed a literature review using lution technique at 1.5 T. Using high-resolu- recent studies [36, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56] have
PubMed for English-language articles from tion imaging at 3 T, White et al. [59] found been in keeping with their findings. Smith
1990 to 2014. The search terms were MRI, sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 50% et al. did not specifically evaluate the influ-
MR arthrography, indirect MR arthrogra- for the detection of labral tears. ence of MRI pulse sequences, spatial resolu-
phy, hip labrum, hip cartilage, and femoro- We found 19 studies evaluating the diag- tion, or coils on diagnostic accuracy because
acetabular impingement. A total of 678 ar- nostic accuracy of MR arthrography against it would be difficult to establish a trend given
ticles were identified. All available abstracts a surgical reference standard in the assess- the marked variability in imaging techniques
were reviewed. Studies addressing the diag- ment of labral tears (Table 1). The sensitiv- in a relatively small number of studies.
nostic accuracy of conventional MRI, direct ity for detection of labral tears ranged from
MR arthrography, and indirect MR arthrog- 69% to 100% in these studies, most showing Assessment of Chondral Lesions
raphy against a surgical reference standard sensitivities greater than 90%. The variabil- Direct comparison between studies eval-
were selected. Studies of pediatric popula- ity in sensitivities of MR arthrography stud- uating chondral abnormalities is difficult
tions, postoperative hips, and cadavers were ies is less striking than that found in studies because some authors report the accura-
excluded. The yield was 30 studies of the di- of conventional MRI. The specificity for de- cy of MRI in the detection of chondral le-
agnostic utility of MRI of the hip labrum and tection of labral tears was far more variable sions, whereas others assess the accuracy of
cartilage [4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 35–58]. Tables 1–4 in those studies, ranging from zero to 100%, ­grading chondral abnormalities of the hips
show the pertinent features of these studies, most of the studies showing specificity less or evaluated specific types of chondral le-
including magnetic field strength, coil used, than 80%. There does not appear to be a sions. In general, sensitivity of MRI and MR
in-plane resolution, slice thickness, and the clear relation between spatial resolution and arthrography is limited in the evaluation of
sensitivities and specificities for detection of the diagnostic accuracy of MR arthrography. cartilage abnormalities of the hip, but speci-
labral and chondral abnormalities. This may be partly related to joint distention ficity is typically high.
with imbibition of contrast material into the Six studies examined the diagnostic per-
Assessment of Labral Tears tear and to the improved signal-to-noise ratio formance of conventional MRI in identifica-
Ten studies were identified in which the afforded by use of intraarticular gadolinium tion of chondral lesions of the hip (Table 2).
sensitivity and specificity of conventional and T1-weighted imaging. Sensitivity of conventional MRI for chondral
MRI for detection of labral tears were mea- We found only two studies [10, 48] of the lesions was 0–93%. Specificity ranged from
sured (Table 2). There was significant vari- diagnostic accuracy of indirect MR arthrog- 50% to 100%. In four of the studies, the ac-
ation in the diagnostic performance of un- raphy of the hip in the assessment of labral curacies of MRI in the detection of femoral

482 AJR:205, September 2015

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TABLE 2: Studies Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of Conventional Unenhanced MRI in the Detection of Hip Labral and Chondral Lesions
No. of No of Labrum Cartilage
Patients Patients Maximum
With With Field Slice In-Plane Pulse Sequence
No. of Reference Labral Chondral Strength FOV Thickness Resolution With Maximum Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
Authors Year Patientsa Standardb Tear Lesion (T)c Coil (cm2) (mm) (mm)d Resolution (%) (%) (%) (%)
Byrd and 2004 40 Arthroscopy (40) 32 22 1.5 Torso NA NA NA NA 25 50 18 100
Jones [38]
Czerny et al. 1996 56 (57) Surgery not 20 NA 1.0 (17), Surface 15–37.5 1.5–4.0 0.59 × 0.59 GRE 30 100 NA NA
[40] otherwise 0.5 (40)
specified (22)
Edwards et al. 1995 23 Arthroscopy (23) 1 NA 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA 0 95 A 0–67, F A 95–100, F
[42] 25–75 94–95
Mintz et al. [4] 2005 92 Arthroscopy (92) 89 A 44, F 42 1.5 Surface 15–17 3–4 0.33 × Intermediate- 96–97 33 A 91–93, F A 75–85, F
0.44–0.59 weighted 86–93 72–88
Sundberg et al. 2006 8 Arthroscopy (5) 5 NA 3 Body 16–22 0.9–4.0 0.70 × 0.70 3D DESS 100 NA NA NA
[54] multichan-
nel phased
Sutter et al. 2014 28 Arthroscopy (28) 26 A 25, F 6 1.5 Surface 15–17 1.25–4 0.29 × 0.29 3D water 77–89 50 A 58–83, F A 50–100, F
[55] phased excitation DESS 50–83 59–100
Tian et al. [56] 2014 90 Arthroscopy (90) 59 NA 3 Surface 18 3 0.70 × 0.78 Intermediate- 61–66 74–77 NA NA
weighted FS,
Toomayan et al. 2006 14 Large Arthroscopy (21) 12 Large NA 1.5 Body, torso 30–38; NA 1.17 × 1.56, T1, T2 Large FOV, Large FOV, NA NA
[57] FOV, 7 FOV, 4 phased 14–20 0.55 × 0.73 8; small 100; small
small small array FOV, 25 FOV, 100
MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions of the Hip

White et al. 2014 42 Arthroscopy (42) 41 A 36, F 11 3 NA 13 2–4 0.41 × 0.58 Intermediate- 100 50 A 94, F 94 A 67, F 100
[59] weighted
Zlatkin et al. 2010 14 Arthroscopy (14) 13 11 1.5 Body phased 12 4 0.38 × 0.63 PD, PD FS, T2 FS 85 100 82 NA
[10] array, spinal
Note—NA = not available, GRE = gradient-recalled echo, A = acetabular, F= femoral head, DESS = dual-echo steady-state, FS = fat-suppressed, FS = fat-suppressed, T2 = T2-weighted, T1 = T1-weighted, PD =
proton density–weighted.
aValues in parentheses are number of hips.
bReference standard is type of surgery (open vs arthroscopy). Numbers in parentheses are number of patients with surgical correlation.
cValues in parentheses are number of patients.
dIn some cases a range of FOV and matrix were provided. It was not possible to calculate the in-plane resolution in these cases.

AJR:205, September 2015 483

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TABLE 3: Studies Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of Indirect MR Arthrography in Detection of Hip Labral and Chondral Lesions
No. of No of Labrum Cartilage
Patients Patients Maximum
With With Field Slice In-Plane Pulse Sequence
No. of Reference Labral Chondral Strength FOV Thickness Resolution With Maximum Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
Authors Year Patients Standardb Tear Lesion (T) Coil 2
(cm ) (mm) (mm)c Resolution (%) (%) (%) (%)
Nishii et al. [48] 1996 19 Arthroscopy (19) 11 NA 1.5 Surface 16 3 0.62 × 0.83 T1 82 100 NA NA
Zlatkin et al. 2009 14 Arthroscopy (14) 13 11 1.5 Body phased 12 3 0.47 × 0.63 T1 FS 100 0 82 NA
[10] array, spinal
Note—NA = not available, T1 = T1-weighted, FS = fat-suppressed.
aReference standard is type of surgery (open vs arthroscopy). Numbers in parentheses are number of patients with surgical correlation.
bIn some cases a range of FOV and matrix were provided. It was not possible to calculate the in-plane resolution in these cases.

TABLE 4: Studies Directly Comparing Sensitivity and Specificity of Unenhanced MRI and MR Arthrographic Techniques in Detection of Hip Labral
and Chondral Lesions
No. of No of Pulse Labrum Cartilage
Patients Patients Maximum Sequence
With With Field Slice In-Plane With
MRI No. of Reference Labral Chondral Strength FOV Thickness Resolution Maximum Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity
Author Year Type Patientsa Standardb Tear Lesion (T) Coil (cm2) (mm) (mm)c Resolution (%) (%) (%) (%)
Byrd et al. [38] 2004 MRI 40 Arthroscopy (40) 32 22 1.5 Torso NA NA NA NA 25 50 18 100
Byrd et al. [38] 2004 MRA 40 Arthroscopy (40) 32 22 1.5 Torso NA NA NA NA 72 13 41 94
Czerny et al. 1996 MRI 56 (57) Surgery not 20 NA 1.0 (17), Surface 15–37.5 1.5–4.0 0.59 × 0.59 GRE 30 100 NA NA
[40] otherwise 0.5 (40)
Naraghi and White

specified (22)
Czerny et al. 1996 MRA 56 (57) Surgery not 20 NA 1.0 (17), Surface 15 1.5 0.59 × 0.59 GRE 90 100 NA NA
[40] otherwise 0.5 (40)
specified (22)
Sundberg et al. 2006 MRI 8 Arthroscopy (5) 5 NA 3 Body 16–22 0.9–4.0 0.70 × 0.70 3D DESS 100 NA NA NA
[54] multichannel
phased array
Sundberg et al. 2006 MRA 8 Arthroscopy (5) 5 NA 1.5 Surface, 18–24 4 0.70 × 0.94 T1 FS, T2 FS 80 NA NA NA
[54] torso phased
Sutter et al. 2014 MRI 28 Arthroscopy (28) 26 A 25, F 6 1.5 Surface 15–17 1.25–4 0.29 × 0.29 3D water 77–89 50 A 58–83, F A 50–100,
[55] phased array excitation 50–83 F 59–100
Sutter et al. 2014 MRA 28 Arthroscopy (28) 26 A 25, F 6 1.5 Surface 15–17 1.25–4 0.29 × 0.29 3D Water 85–89 50–100 A 71–92, F A 25–100,
[55] phased array excitation 50–83 F 46–91
Tian et al. [56] 2014 MRI 90 Arthroscopy (90) 59 NA 3 Surface 18 3 0.70 × 0.78 Intermediate- 61–66 74–77 NA NA
(Table 4 continues on next page)

AJR:205, September 2015

MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions of the Hip

head and of acetabular chondral lesions were reported separate-

Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity

TABLE 4: Studies Directly Comparing Sensitivity and Specificity of Unenhanced MRI and MR Arthrographic Techniques in Detection of Hip Labral

Note—NA = not available, MRA = MR angiography, GRE = gradient-recalled echo, DESS = dual-echo steady-state, T1 = T1-weighted, FS = fat-suppressed, T2 = T2-weighted, A = acetabular, F= femoral head, PD =
ly. Of the conventional MRI studies, the study by Edwards et al.




[42] dates from 1995 and yielded the lowest sensitivity. Only one

group of investigators [59] reported the accuracy of 3-T conven-

tional MRI in the detection of chondral lesions of the hip; they



found sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 67% for the acetabu-
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lum and 100% for the femur.

small FOV small FOV

8 Large 100 Large
Twelve studies measured the accuracy of MR arthrography in
FOV, 25 FOV, 100



assessing chondral lesions of the hip (Table 1). There was a wide


range in sensitivity (22–92%) and specificity (25–100%). The

two studies with the lowest sensitivities [9, 35] only evaluated the

accuracy of MR arthrography in the detection of delaminating



chondral lesions. Three studies [6, 36, 55] evaluated the perfor-
0.38 × 0.63 PD, PD FS, T2 mance of MR arthrography separately for femoral head and ac-
0.55 × 0.73 T1 FS, T2 FS


etabular chondral lesions. These showed lower sensitivity of MR



arthrography for the detection of femoral head chondral lesions.

1.17 × 1.56; T1, T2
0.66 × 0.74 T1 FS

0.47 × 0.63 T1 FS Only one study of indirect MR arthrography of chondral


changes [10] showed sensitivity of 82% (Table 3). The speci-

FOV Thickness Resolution

0.55 × 0.73

ficity was not reported.



Two studies evaluated the performance of conventional MRI

and MR arthrography in the same patient population for detec-
bReference standard is type of surgery (open vs arthroscopy). Numbers in parentheses are number of patients with surgical correlation. tion of chondral abnormalities (Table 4). Byrd and Jones [38]
found higher sensitivity and lower specificity of MR arthrogra-




cIn some cases a range of FOV and matrix were provided. It was not possible to calculate the in-plane resolution in these cases.

phy. In the study by Sutter et al. [55], sensitivity for acetabular

chondral lesions was improved with the use of MR arthrography
phased array 14–20


for both readers, but specificity was poorer with MR arthrogra-




phy for one reader. For femoral lesions, there was no difference
in sensitivity, but specificity was poorer with MR arthrography.
phased array

phased array
array, spinal

array, spinal
Torso phased

Body phased

Body phased

Smith et al. [61] performed a meta-analysis of the diagnos-

Body, torso

tic accuracy of MRI and MR arthrography in the assessment of



hip chondral lesions using a method similar to the one they used
in their meta-analysis of hip labral lesions. They identified 16
MRI studies of the diagnostic accuracy of MRI or MR arthrog-
Labral Chondral Strength






raphy in the detection of chondral lesions of the hip. They cal-


culated pooled sensitivity and specificity of 59% and 94% for

Patients Patients

MRI and pooled sensitivity and specificity of 62% and 86% for
Tear Lesion
No. of No of






MR arthrography in overall detection of chondral lesions. The

pooled sensitivity and specificity for conventional MRI for fem-
FOV, 4

oral head lesions were 63% and 95% versus 79% and 97% for






acetabular lesions. They identified only one MR arthrography

study showing accuracy of detection of femoral head chondral
Arthroscopy (34)

Arthroscopy (30)
14 Large Arthroscopy (21)

Arthroscopy (14)

Arthroscopy (14)
and Chondral Lesions (continued)

lesions. The pooled sensitivity and specificity of MR arthrogra-


phy for acetabular lesions were 76% and 92%. After analyzing
ROC curves, Smith et al. concluded that the diagnostic accura-
cy of MRI is superior to that of MR arthrography in the detec-
tion of chondral lesions.
Type Patientsa

aValues in parentheses are number of hips.

FOV, 7
No. of





Evidence-Based Guidelines
Current evidence supports the use of MR arthrography in the
2009 Indirect

2009 Indirect




evaluation of labral tears of the hip. This evidence comes from

pooled analysis of the available literature and from studies di-
proton density–weighted.

rectly comparing conventional MRI and MR arthrography in

Toomayan et al. 2006

Toomayan et al. 2006


the same patient population. Most studies related to unenhanced

MRI of the hip for evaluation of intraarticular abnormalities have
Tian et al. [56]

Zlatkin et al.

Zlatkin et al.

been conducted with MRI performed on a 1.5-T platform, and


the imaging spatial resolution in some of the older studies does





not compare to the high-resolution imaging achievable later. Al-

though the current evidence favors the use of MR arthrography,

AJR:205, September 2015 485

Naraghi and White

we have found that optimized high-resolution FAI is identification of the source of the pa- aging assessment of articular cartilage in the
nonarthrographic 3-T MRI of the hip can be tient’s symptoms. Labral and even chondral hip requires further validation.
highly accurate in detection of chondral and abnormalities may be seen in many individ- The prognostic utility of MRI in the evalu-
labral abnormalities of the hip. Sundberg et uals who do not have symptoms. Therefore, ation of patients with labral and chondral le-
al. [54] and White et al. [59] found that 3-T the presence of such intraarticular abnormal- sions is not well established and would be an
conventional MRI may be a suitable alter- ities does not necessarily mean that these le- important factor to determine as we continue
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native, but there are insufficient data about sions are the cause of symptoms or that ar- to image more patients with these lesions.
whether high-resolution unenhanced MRI throscopic treatment would result in their
performed at 3 T with modern multichannel alleviation [63]. Periarticular causes of hip Summary
surface coil technology can replace MR ar- pain can result in groin pain and produce Recommendations for Best Practices
thrography in the accurate diagnosis of labral symptoms similar to those in individuals MR arthrography is the current standard
abnormalities of the hip. There does not ap- with intraarticular abnormalities. Some or- technique of advanced imaging for the eval-
pear to be a clear relation between in-plane thopedic surgeons use the response to in- uation of patients with suspected labral tears
resolution and diagnostic accuracy for labral traarticular injection of local anesthetic and chondral lesions. Limited data suggest
tears, likely because of the influence of other agents, performed in conjunction with in- that high-resolution unenhanced MRI, par-
factors, such as signal-to-noise ratio and con- traarticular injection of contrast medium at ticularly performed at 3 T, may be as accu-
trast resolution, related to the pulse sequences MR arthrography, as part of their decision- rate as MR arthrography in the detection of
used. Current findings in the literature sug- making algorithm [34, 38, 64]. In this situa- labral and chondral tears. Large-FOV unen-
gest that although imaging with a large FOV tion, even if unenhanced MRI is performed, hanced MRI is far inferior to both MR ar-
encompassing the whole pelvis is beneficial the patient may still need an intraarticular thrography and high-resolution unenhanced
for detection of extraarticular causes of hip injection as part of the treatment algorithm. MRI in the detection of labral and chondral
pain, it has low accuracy in the evaluation of abnormalities of the hip.
the hip labrum. Outstanding Issues That
With regard to evaluation of hip articular Warrant Research Recommendations for Future Research
cartilage, there appears to be less discrepan- Few studies have directly compared high- Data regarding the use of high-resolution
cy between conventional MRI and MR ar- er-resolution unenhanced MRI directly with unenhanced 3-T MRI of the hip are limited.
thrography. Sensitivity of both techniques is MR arthrography. Only three studies have Larger-scale studies comparing 3-T MRI and
limited, but specificity is relatively high, par- evaluated the utility of 3-T MRI in the as- MR arthrography would be a major require-
ticularly for conventional MRI. sessment of labral or chondral abnormali- ment for validating the use of unenhanced
The foregoing guidelines are in accor- ties of the hip, and the numbers of patients 3-T MRI. Additional studies on the validity
dance with the American College of Radi- in these studies is small. Studies on the ac- and reliability of biochemical imaging tech-
ology appropriateness criteria, which give a curacy of unenhanced 3-T MRI in compari- niques for articular cartilage would also be
rating of 9 for the use of MR arthrography son with arthroscopy that have larger series required to determine whether they could be
in the evaluation of individuals with chronic of patients and reproducible results are lack- applied in routine clinical practice.
hip pain with suspected labral tear with or ing and would be needed to establish the ac-
without findings suggestive of FAI [62]. This curacy of this technique. Direct comparative References
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(Figures start on next page)

488 AJR:205, September 2015

Fig. 1—24-year-old man with 1-year history of
MRI of Labral and Chondral Lesions of the Hip
mechanical hip pain.
A, Sagittal T1-weighted fat-suppressed 3-T MR
arthrogram (TR/TE, 630/8.6) shows extension of
gadolinium (arrowhead) into labrum. Finding is
consistent with labral tear.
B, Axial oblique T1-weighted fat-suppressed 3-T
MR arthrogram (TR/TE, 630/8.6) shows labral tear
(arrowhead) involving base of labrum and extending
into substance of labrum.
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Fig. 2—32-year-old male soccer player with acute

twisting injury of hip.
A, Axial oblique T1-weighted fat-suppressed 1.5-T
MR arthrogram (TR/TE, 620/12) shows full-thickness
chondral defect of femoral head (arrowhead) and tear
of anterosuperior labrum (arrow).
B, Coronal T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR
arthrogram (TR/TE, 4350/82) shows delaminating
nature of chondral lesion (arrowhead).


Fig. 3—22-year-old male varsity athlete with chronic

anterior hip pain.
A and B, Coronal unenhanced 3-T intermediate-
weighted fat-suppressed (TR/TE, 4460/28) (A) and
proton density–weighted radial (TR/TE, 1990/21)
(B) images of left hip show tear of superior labrum
(arrow) that extends into anterosuperior labrum
(not shown). Full-thickness chondral defect (small
arrowhead) is present at chondrolabral junction.
Small subarticular cyst (large arrowhead, A) is
evident on coronal image.

AJR:205, September 2015 489

Naraghi and White

Fig. 4—28-year-old woman with intermittent groin

pain and occasional feeling of clicking in hip.
A, Coronal unenhanced 3-T intermediate-weighted
(TR/TE, 4430/26) MR image shows somewhat
hypertrophic labrum with tear cleft and detachment
through base of labrum (arrow). Focal chondral
fissures (arrowheads) are present in superior aspect
of acetabular cartilage.
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B, Sagittal proton density–weighted fat-suppressed

MR image (TR/TE, 1980/22) shows area of
delamination (arrow) involving acetabular cartilage
and chondral fissuring (arrowhead).


Fig. 5—19-year-old woman with ill-defined hip pain

exacerbated by exercise with feeling of catching and
instability in hip.
A and B, Sagittal unenhanced 3-T fat-suppressed
proton density–weighted (TR/TE, 2000/24) (A) and
coronal intermediate-weighted fat-suppressed
(TR/TE, 4450/27) (B) images show anterosuperior-
superior labral tear (arrow). Delaminating chondral
lesion (arrowhead, A) is present in anterosuperior
aspect. Partial tear of ligamentum teres (arrowhead,
B) also is present.

This article is available for CME and Self-Assessment (SA-CME) credit that satisfies Part II requirements for maintenance
of certification (MOC). To access the examination for this article, follow the prompts associated with the online version
of the article.

490 AJR:205, September 2015

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