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Amber Parker

Professor Saladino
EDU 214 – 1007 – 1008
22 March 2019
Your Classroom – Reflection
Artifact Description:
o Your Classroom – Using drawing tool found in Microsoft PowerPoint to draw a bird’s
eye view of my desired future classroom layout
What I Learned:
I learned many things throughout the process of completing this project. In past years I
have been asked to create a layout of how I want my classroom to be setup in the future. I
figured that I could easily take one of my previous ideas and quickly design my ideas using the
tools from PowerPoint. However, completing this project was even more frustrating than the
truss bridge project. Even though I had a rough draft of my classroom layout on the table next to
my computer while I was doing this assignment, it took me a lot longer to complete than I
initially thought it would. I tend to work a lot slower than my peers and have my whole life, so it
could just be me, but this project took me two hours to complete.
There were many aspects of this project that gave me problems as I worked through steps
1 through 8. For starters, I had quite a bit of trouble when trying to rotate shapes and line them
up exactly where I wanted them. Another problem I ran into was when I attempted to size down
the entire layout to make room for my name, class number, and date. After half an hour of trying
to figure it out, my mom walked past me and taught me how to do it within two minutes. I
definitely wish I asked for help instead of waiting for someone to come to me. Despite every
problem I ran into, I learned a great deal about patience and how to use the many drawing tools
found in PowerPoint. After completing this project, I am comfortable saying that it was
educational and fun to do even though it took a while to complete.
National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)•S Addressed:
o Standard #4 (4b): Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design
process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future:
Our best work does not come without time and effort. This project helped me realize that
I will need to use my imagination, critical thinking, patience, and my best effort if I want to be a
successful teacher and create things that will last. I think that this was a fantastic project to be
assigned to the students. I think that is can be used to teach students how to bring their ideas to
life by challenging them to think about the different components they would want to be present
in a room. This assignment could also be a great way to teach children how to digitally create
shapes of different shapes and sizes and compile them to create a design layout, whether it be for
a classroom, bedroom, building, etc.
Coming up with different designs for the layout of a room and then creating these layouts
digitally is a great way for young children (or anyone in general) to visualize their ideas and see
them come to life. I can see myself use this project in the future to help students visualize how
different lines and shapes can be used to represent different objects and how each object can be
used collectively to represent different ideas as a whole.

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