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Industrial regions of Pakistan.

Importance of Agriculture sector in Pakistan.

Agriculture has huge contribution toward GDP of Pakistan economy. it contributes about 25% of total
GDP, which is larger than other sectors of Pakistan. Increase in GDP shows the developing progress of
the economy. It has played very important role since independence toward GDP of Pakistan.

Industrial Growth in Pakistan.

Pakistan's industrial sector accounts for about 24% of GDP. ... Cotton and cotton-based products
account for 61% of export earnings of Pakistan. The consumption of cotton increased by 5.7% over the
past five years while the economic growth rate was 7%.

Contribution of manufacturing sector in Economy.

Developing countries like Pakistan need to have manufacturing contribute at least 28 to 30% of the GDP
before its share in the economy starts to decline. In Pakistan's case the highest contribution of
manufacturing in GDP was 14.8% in 2008, since then it has been in a constant decline, clocking in at
12.1% in 2018.

Contribution of service industry in economy.

The share of services sector in total GDP is 47 percent in low income countries, 53 percent in middle
income countries and 73 percent in high income countries. ... In case of Pakistan, the shares of services
are increasing in all sectors of economy over the period.

Textile Industry and Cotton Industry in Pakistan.

History of textile industry in Pakistan.

The origin of the Indian textiles is thought to be the Indus Valley civilization, situated in modern
Pakistan, where people used homespun cotton to weave garments. Historically, the Indus valley region
engaged in significant trade with the rest of the world. The silk from the region, for example, is known to
have been popular in Rome, Egypt, Britain, and Indonesia .In the 1950s, textile manufacturing emerged
as a central part of Pakistan's industrialization, shortly following independence from the British rule in
the South Asian .The Textile industry in Pakistan is the largest manufacturing industry in Pakistan.
Pakistan is the 8th largest exporter of textile commodities in Asia. Textile sector contributes 8.5% to the
GDP of Pakistan In addition, the sector employs about 45% of the total labor force in the country.

History of cotton industry in Pakistan.

In the 1950s, textile manufacturing emerged as a central part of Pakistan's industrialization, shortly
following independence from the British rule in the South Asia. In 1974, the Pakistan government
established the Cotton Export Corporation of Pakistan (CEC). The CEC served as a barrier to private
manufacturers from participating in international trade. However, in the late 1980s, the role of the CEC
diminished and by 1988-89, private manufacturers were able to buy cotton from ginners and sell in both
xfrom 3 to 600. In the same time period, spindles increased from 177,000 to 805 million.
Major areas in Pakistan where textile units and cotton
farming are present.
Pakistan Textile City is located in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Pakistan Textile City is an industrial zone
dedicated to the textile processing and related industry. Cotton is grown mostly in the two provinces of
Punjab and Sindh, with the former accounting for 79% and the latter for 20% of the nation's cotton
growing land. It is also grown in Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah (KPK) and Balochistan provinces.

Role of textile and cotton industries in the economy of

The textile industry is one of the most important sectors of Pakistani. It contributes significantly to the
country's 8.5% GDP, exports as well employment. It is, in fact, the backbone of the Pakistani economy'
Textile industry plays a vital role in the economic affairs of Pakistan by providing at both micro and
macro level. The cotton textile industry is being the backbone of the Pakistan’s economy. Now
Pakistan’s economy is participating significantly in the export sector more than before which is very
beneficial for economic growth. The Textile industry is often considered the backbone of the Pakistan's

Problems being faced by the textile and cotton

The main challenges are energy crises, fluctuating yarn prices, shortage of gas supply and load shading,
law and order situation, devaluation of Pakistani currency, lack of research and development (R&D)
institutions, lack of modern equipment and machinery and production cost.

Comparison of Pakistan and China’s Cotton

Chinas’s cotton industry:
Cotton production in China pertains to cotton which is the prime cash crop of China. Its production is the
highest in the world (in excess of 20 percent of world production) since 1982 until recently overtaken by
India. Twenty-four of the 35 provinces of China grow cotton with nearly 300 million people involved in
its production. It is the main input for textile industry of the country with cotton textiles now accounting
for 80% use vis-a-vis 95% in the 1950s. The cotton textile industry employs over 10 million people .Its
production in 2012–13 was 7.6 million tons but in 2013–14 it dropped to 7 million tons. [3] Historically,
its introduction in China is considered a 'southernization ', crop which originated from southern Asia
(India) during the "proto-globalization" period.

Pakistan’s cotton industry:

The textile sector in Pakistan contributes 57% to the country's exports. The textile industry is the second
largest employment sector in Pakistan. Pakistan is the 8th largest exporter of textile commodities in Asia
and textile sector contributes 8.5% to the GDP of Pakistan.

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