Hils Dorf

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Pro! Hubert K. Hi/sdorf. Civil Engineering Dept., University various attempts have been made to relate the compressiw
of minois strength of masonry to the tensile strength of the bricks 3
Since a multitude of parameters govern the compressiw
strength of brick masonry , a reasonably accurate estimate ri
the masonry compressive strength is possible only if the.
Inlroduction parameters are considered simultanf',ously , and if the failuft
mechanism of masonry is taken into account. In the followin~
Structural engineers often hesita te to employ reinforced or this failure mechanism will be studied and, based upon ti",
unreinforced brick masonry as a structural material. This is nol discussion, a procedure wilJ be developed which may enable tE
surprising. Despite lhe use af masonry over thousands af years , to predkt strength and behavior of masonry units from
its potenlials hardly have been utilized and our knowledge of characteristic properties of its constituents whieh ean be
its struclural behavior is still quite limited. The prediction of determined in simple tests.
masonry strength from known characleristics af bricks and
mortar used in a masonry unit is Tather unreliable. Therefore,
acceptance af brick masonry units aften require experimental The Slress Slale in Brick Masonry
detennination af the compressive strength af a particular type Subjecled to Uniaxial Compression
af masonry Talher lhan to predict it f TOm known properties af
its constituents. Because af these uncertainties, the allowable Brick masonry is a two-phase material , both phases 0Il
stresses for masonry are Talher conservative ; lhus , lhe use af only have different strengths but also different deformati'"
brick mason ry as a load~bearing material may then become characteristics. In general, the uniaxial compressive strengtll
uneconomical. and lhe modulus of elasticity of the morta r are considerab~
In previous investigations 1,2,for a given slenderness ratio of lower Ihan the corresponding values af the bricks. Therefo~
the test piece and given coring paU em of the bricks, the if the mortar could deform freely, ils lateral slrains would bI
masonry strength increased as the standard compressive Iarger than lhe strains in lhe bricks. This is especially true j
strength of bricks and mortar increased. However. even if the the externaI load approaches the uniaxial compressivc streng
strengths of mortar and bricks are approximately equal. the of the mortaL However, because of bond and friction betWeef
strenglh of the masonry is smaller than the strength of its brick and mortar, the mortar is confined. Thus, an interflol
constituents. Poor workmanship and low workability of the state of stress is developed which consists ofaxial compressi~
mortar generally result in masonry strength reduction. and lateral tension in lhe briek and lriaxial eompression in t~
Furthennore, thick mortar joints reduce the masonry strength, morta r (Figure 6-1). It is only beca use of Ihis triaxial stated
and masonry strength is illtluenced by the water ahsorption of compression lhat a masonry unit eao be subjected to exter[l2l
lhe bricks. However. these relationships exhibit unusually stresses whkh exceed the uniaxial compressive strength oftbl
larger scattcr. mortaL
From observations of brick faiJure mode , il was concluded Even if care is taken in laying bricks, not ali bricks will ~
that the failure of masonry loaded in compression is initiated evenly supported by their mortar bed. Then , in addition to ti><
by vertical cracking or splitting of the bricks. Therefore , externaI load and the internaI slress slate described above, t~

Investigation into the Failure Mechanism of Brick Masonry 35

bricks are subjected to flexural and shear stresses. Insufficient

rUling of the mortar joints or varying thickness of bricks and
joints give rise not only to these flexuraI stresses , but they also See Delails 8elow
resuIt in an uneven distribution of the externaI load. Then,
stress concentrations are developed in the bricks which may be
considerably larger than the nominal average stress on which Specimen
aU calculations of masonry strength are generally based. Type A

Results from an Experimental Investigation
Type 8
With this concept in mind, the author has investigated the
failure mechanism of c1ay brick rnasonry units while working
at the Laboratory for Building Materiais at the Technical 9 .2 i
University of Munich. A delailed description of this investiga- Depfh: 4 .2 in.
tion is reported in Reference 4. Deplh: 9.2 in.
Most of the masonry specimens tested in this investigation
consisted of five layers of bricks (Specimen Type B in Figure
6-2). The thickness of lhe morlar joints was 0.47 inches and
0.24 inches, respectively. The bricks , 9.2 by 4.2 by 2.7 inches,
had a standard compressive strenglh of 5300 psi according lo ',7
'" '"
lhe German Specificalion DIN 105. The flexural slrength of
• • • • • • • • • --Tl
~• ~• ~• .~
the bricks was 780 psi, their lensile splitting strength

I .< S
Of Strain
amounted to 410 psi. The major parameters in this study were
Iype and strength of the joint mortar. Eilher lime mortars.
Iime-cement mortars or cernent mortars were used. Their
compressive strength was determined from prismatic speci-

• • • • •
f-2.0;,-1 "~14
.- J
N "

mens 1.6 by 1.6 by 4.1 in. and ranged fTOm 21 psi for lhe lime I, 9.2 In.
mortar lo 3500 psi for the high strenglh cemenl mortars.
Additional dala are summarized in Table 6-1.
Numerous strain measurements over a gage length of 2 in. Figure 6-2. Types oI specimens and arrangemenl oI slrain
at the surfaces of several bricks were carried out to study the measurements.

Latera l Slresses

"ITlI IIlll state af stress acting in the bricks if the masonry unit was
subjected lo an axial Ioad (Figure 6-2).
In evaluating the strain measurements it was assumed that
the stresses in the bricks acting in the horizontal x-direction
are line.rly distribu!ed over the height af the brick. Then the
anCk' < F==zzzzzj stress 0x can be separated into tWQ components: (a) the
flexural stresses a xM and the normal stresses 0xN which are
+ constant over the height of a brick. The stresses a x N can be
attributed to differences in lateral strains between the mortar
Mortar< and the bricks. The flexural slresses may be caused by an
Joints + uneven support of the bricks as described earlier.
For two specirnens the distribution af lateral stresses 0xN
~ZZZZZZzzzj and 0xM and of the longitudinal stresses 0y across the width
of a brick is given in Figures 6-3 and 64. These resuI!s confirm

the original concept af the stress state in masonry. Lateral
tension, whose magnitude increases as the externaI load is

! !! !
" f 1 I II
Longitud ina l Stresses, u-y
increased, was observed in the bricks. Despite the extreme care
taken in manufacturing the masonry samples, the flexural
stresses and an almost random distribution of the stresses in
the direction of lhe externalload could nol be avoided.
) " Vertical cracking was observed in the bricks at loads
considerably below the failure load. In most cases initial
Figure 6-1. Idealized slress dislribulion in a masonry unit cracking occurred in sections in which the sum of the stresses
fUbjected to concentric compression. 0x = 0xM + 0xN reached a maximum.
36 Designing, Engineering, and Constrncting with Masonry Products

Table 6-1
Summary of Test Results

Specimen Mortar Bricks Masonry Unil

Nr. Type Type f: Ej f'b fí" Eb f' f'm Calco Uu
J m

- - - psi psi psi psi psi psi psi

lfI A lime 410 5.1 x 105 5300 450 2_2 x 106 2210 - -

1/2 2370 2250 1.63

2 B lime 410 5.1 x 10 5 5300 450 2_2 x 106 2930 2760 L58

3/1 3460 - -
3/2 B cemenl 2550 3.1 x 106 5300 450 2.2 x 106 3100 2860 L53

3/3 3290 2650 1.66

4/1 3600 - -
4/2 B cemenl 3500 3.5 x 106 5300 450 2.2 x 106 4850 3480 1.35

4/3 3320 3300 1.43

S/I 1060 - -
5/2 B lime 21 9.4 x 104 5300 450 2.2 x 106 1370 1610 2.18

5/3 1830 1870 1.88

6/1 1570 - -
6/2 B' lime 21 9.4 x 104 5300 450 2.2 x 106 1490 1910 1.85

6/3 1530 1790 1.95

joinllhickness: specimens A, B: 0.47 in.
specimens B' : 0.24 in.

To express analylically lhe nonunifonnily of lhe slresses in mortar strength increases lhe coefficient U decreases
lhe direclion of lhe exlernal load ay, lhe nonuniformily 6-6). It is likely thal U is also a function of the
coefficient , U, was introduced. This coefficient is the ratio the mortar. It should be larger for mortars with I'"
between the maximum normal stress observed within ooe workabilily Ihan for mortars with high workability, si"~
brick lo lhe average normal slress acling on lhe masonry. The workable mortars result in more uniform joints and, lhus, in'
coefficienl of nonuniformily is a funclion of lhe applied load. more unifonn suppart af lhe brick. However, this tenden~
At low stresses, U decreases as the externaI load increases: cannot be c1early deduced frem the available data.
local "yielding" or crushing of lhe morlar ai poinls of high lf the loca1 stress concentrations in the bricks were lhe on~
stress concentration results in a more even distribution af parameler affecting the compressive slrenglh of vari""
slresses. As failure appreaches, lhe nonunifonnily coefficienl masonzy unils made frem lhe same Iypes of bricks,
rapidly increases (Figure 6-5). [ailure should Dccur as soon as the maximum local stress
The coefficient of nonuniformity a1 failuTe is also a U • a x m exceeds lhe compressive strength of lhe brick, j<4
funclion of slrenglh and workability of the mortar. As lhe U is lhe nonuniformily coefficient and a ym is the appl
lnvestigation into the Failure Mechanism of Brick Masonry 37

verage stress. In Figure 6-7 this maximum stress observed in

\as onIY units made af different types af mortar is given as a
~unction of the compressive strength of the mortaL Figure 6-7 z
shoWs , however, that as the compressive strength Df the mortar b
irtcreases , the maxirnum local stress in the brick at failuTe a150
Width of 8rick
increases. On a phenomenological basis this tendency can be
explained as follows: low strength mortars develop larger
lateral tensile stresses in the bricks than do the high-strength 200
Olortars. In general, the compressive strength of britlle I
~ ~ /
O -
materiaIs in a given longitudinal direction decreases as
simultaneously acting tensile stresses in lateral directions
increase. Consequently. the maxirnum stress whlch the brick
cafl sustaio decreases as the mortal strength decreases.
b -200 -

-400 --
Wldth of Brick
An AnaIytical Procedure to Predict the Strength
of Clay Brick Masonry Loaded in Compression
Figure 6-8 shows the developrnent Df stresses as they may
oceur in a single brick within a masonry uoH subjected to axial
compression. It is assumed that the lateral tensile stresses in
lhe x and z directions, a x and azo are equa1. In Figure 6-8
these stresses are given as a function of the local maximwn
stresses, 0y' which act in the direction of the externalload.

500 r--;,;
"" I'-.. ,./ r---...

- :; f- ,;'
1\1/ -----
The stresses 0y can be computed from the average masonry E
g ~
Width of Brick

.~ / \ r---. Figure 6-4. Distribution of stresses in a brick within specimen

no. 5/3. Jaints are lime mortar. aym = 1220 psi.
• 200 r-- .

V ""-..
-- -- / - 2.5

Width of 8rick 1cim.n JWith
Lime Mortar

"''---- ~ /
/ )ceciCement
m.n Martar
2 Wlth

Width of 8rick
I--- 7 ---
-3000 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
O"ym , psi

/\ V ""-..
Figure 6-5. Nonunijarmity coefficient as functian af applied
average masonry stress, a ym'

o", -1000
r--;,; _ w
N - ~
E ...L!!l.. stresses, a ym , and the coefficient of nonuniformity U. Line A
g in Figure 6-8 represents the failure criterion for the triaxial
Width of 8r ick strength of bricks and indicates the combinations of com-
pressive stresses ar. and lateral tensile stresses 0x and a z which
Figure 6·3. Distribution of stresses in a brick within specimen will cause local failure or cracking Df the brick. For a x = a z =
no. 2. Joints are lime--cement morta,. 0ym = 2400 psi. O, 0y is equal to the uniaxial compressive strength of the
38 Designing, Engineering, and Constructing with Masonry Products

2 .5 stresses are represenled by Line C in Figure 6-S. With

r I I
MorlofS of LCM' 'tY<rlobilily
increasing externa110ad ar increasing local stress, the minimUtn
lateral tensile stress increases.
If the exlernal load is increased beyond lhe load aI fint
cracking, then stresses in an uncracked section af the brid

"r'<"- ,
v- Mortors of HiQh
may develop along Line B2 · As soon as line B2 inlersecl, Ih.
failure criterion Line A, the second crack is forrned. TI!>
process af cracking continues, and the brick may be split intn
• small elemeots. Excessive cracking also results in an increase of
~ lhe coefficienl of nonuniforrnily (see lesl results in Figure 6-5.
Under lhe best condilions, failure of lhe masonry oceu.
oo when the laleral lensile strength of lhe brick is smaller Ih"
KlOO 2000 3000 4000 5000 the stress which is necessary to sufficiently confine the mortar
Compressive Slrengh of Morlar, f'), psi
Therefore, the intersection of the faBure criterioo Line A and
lhe minirnum laleral stress Line C corresponds to lhe ultimal'
Figure 6-6. Variation of nonuniformity eoeffteient wilh type
load of lhe masonry uni!.
ofmorlar. In Figure 6-8 the paramelers which are known lo affecl I'"
compressive streogth of brick masoory are considered:
1. The uniaxial compressive slrenglh of lhe brick.
8000 2. The biaxial lensile slrenglh of lhe brick.
3. The failure crilerion for bricks under a Iriaxial slale <Í
, stresses as represenled by Line A.
b 4. The uniaxial compressive strenglh of lhe mortar whicl
,; 6000
1 corresponds lo lhe onsel of Line C in Figure 6-8.
'ª " , b
" S. The behavior of lhe mor lar under a slale of lriaxii
~ o
eompression, determining the shape and inclination of Line C.
6. The coefficient of nonuniformity.

in °f Failure of the masonry may oceur before Line A intersecu
wilh Lirte C: lhe stress si ale ai lhe surface of lhe brick and Ih<
-' 2000
mortar joints is only biaxial, so the mortar is not sufficientl)
E confined; therefore, spalling of lhe surface layers of lhe brickt
E may occur at lower stresses and may result in a rapidl)
00 1000 2000
3000 4000
progressing failure.
The following equation is an attempl lo express the failwr
Compressive Slrength of Mortor, t'j ,psi criterion described above in an analylical formo No informo
tion 00 the behavior of bricks under triaxial stresses WI
available. Therefore, il was assumed lha I lhe failure crileri'"
Figure 6-7. Maximum local stress in briek aI failure.
Line A as shown in Figure 6-S corresponds lo a slraighl !in<
Then, Line A can be expressed by lhe following equalion:

brick. The exacl shape of Ihis failure crilerion is plcscntly

unknown. If bricks follow Mohr's Iheory of failure assuming a
slraighl line envelope, Ihen lhis failure crilerion would
correspond lo a slraighl line as shown in Figure 6-8.
]f the masonry is subjected to externaI compression 0ym)
laleral lensile slresses 0x and a z are developed following lhe in which a x ' azo ~ :::; stresses in x, y or z-direction
dashed line B1 in Figure 6-8. If lhis line inlersecls lhe failure b uniaxial compressive strength of bric1
criterion line A, local failure accurs; i.e., a crack is formed in f bt strength of brick under biaxial tension.
the brick in a direction parallel to the direction of lhe exlernal ax = U z
load. This, however, does nol correspond to complele failure
Line C corresponds to the minimum lateral tensile str~
of the masonry uni!. AI lhe cracked section the lateral slresses
dirninish , and part of lhe flexural stresses in lhe uncracked which has lo acl in lhe brick to sufficiently confine ti><

seclions of lhe bricks are relieved. If lhe exlernal load is morlar. li depends on lhe behavior of lhe morlar und<'
already larger Ihan lhe uniaxial compressive slrenglh, Ihen the triaxial compression. No corresponding tests have been ca~
mortar has lo be lalerally confined. Therefore, a cerlain out in this investigation. Thereforc , it was assumed that tlt
minimum lateral compressive stress has to act upon the strength of the morta r under triaxial compression is similar I
mortal. Thls stress is counterbaIanced by tensile stresses in the the strength of concrete under triaxial compression. Rich~
uncracked sections af the bricks. These minimum tensile Brandtzaeg and Brown in their investigation of the triaxJl.
Investigation into the Failure Mechanism of Brick Masonry 39

strength of concreteS found that the triaxial strength of <, ' <,
concrete ean be approximated by the following expression:

Cf ac~ i n 9
(6 -2a)
f"Oilur e ( "'erlan 01 Sro ck-L ,n e A

In which fí = compressive strength of a laterally con-

/ Fa llu,e
fined concrete cylinder /
f~ = uniaxial compressive strength of concrete B,;/
_____ M,n'mum Lateral Ten s 'on
cylinder / In 8 roc ~ -Lln e C
02 ::;: lateral confinement af cylinder /
If Equation 6-2 is valid for mortars, then the minimum /

lateral confinement Df the mortar joint is:

Lo col Com pr ess lon

I (Gy
4.T - f).') (6-2b) Figure 6-8. Failure criterion of brick masonry.

In which 0xj ::;: lateral compressive stress in mortar joiot 4000,----,----,------r----c,-----,

a y ::;: local stress in y-direction
fj ' ::;: uniaxial compressive strength af mortar
For simplicity let us assume that the lateral stresses 0x in
bricks and morta r joints are uniforrnly distributed Dver the 3000
height of bricks and mortar. Then from the equilibrium
condition it follows that

(6-3) .. 2000

__E ~ . -r~ '0 8 f~,m~~'
In which 0xb = lateral tensile stress in bricks 1000
Uxj = lateral compressive stress in rnortar joint
fi = height of brick
j = thickness of joint
Substituting Equation 6-3 in Equation 6-2a we obtain an 2000 3000 4000 5000
expression for Line C in Figure 6-8 f~ , measured

Figure 6-9. Comparison of measured and computed values of

(64) masonry strength.

From Equation 6-1 and 64 the magnitude of lhe maximum f'b f bt + a f'
local stress at failure, 0Y' ean be determined. It corresponds to f'=- (6-5)
lhe poinl af inlerseclion af lines A and C: m Uu f bt + a f'b

f bt + a f.'
This expression depicts the known relationships betwecn
the compressive strength af masonry and variaus pararneters:
f bt + a f b' masonry strength increases with increasing compressive
strength of bricks aod mortar, with increasing tensile strength
where a = j
4.1b of bricks, and with decreasing ratio of joiot thickness to height
of brick. It should be realized, however, that U u is not a
Using the nonuniformity coefficient at failure constant but depends on a number of pararileters including the
average masonry stress at failure ean be expressed as joint thickness and the mortar strength.


Equation 6-5 was used to evaluate the results of this

investigation. The biaxial tensile strength of the bricks Cf the
Then we obtain as a general exprcssion for the axial relationship between uniaxial tensile strength and biaxial
comprcssive strength af masonry: tensile strength were unknown. Therefore, it was assumed that
40 Designing, Engineering, and Constructing with Masonry Products

lhe biaxial lensile strenglh of lhe brick was equal lo ils References
uniaxial tensile slrength. Furthermore, it was assumed that the
uniaxial compressive strength of the bricks is equal to its I. Monk, C. B., "A Historieal Survey and Analysis of the
standard strength. In Figure 6-9 the masonry strength com- Compressive Strength of Brick Masonry ," Structural Clay
puted from Equation 6-5 is compared to the experiment al Products Research Foundation , Geneva, Illinois Researeh
results: the compressive strength of lhe test specimens could Reporl No. 12, 1967.
be predicted within a range of ± 20% of the actual values. For 2. Graf, O., "The Load Carrying Capaeity of Masonry,
the higher strength mortars, lh~ l:omputed values generally cspccially of One-Story High Walls ," Fortschritle und
were too low; however. they were too high for the low- Forschungen im Bauwesen, Reihe D, No. 8 , Stuttgart.
strength mortars. This may be due to an erroneous assumption 1952.
of the failure crU.erion for bricks and mortar under triaxial 3. MeBurney, J. H., "The Effect of Strength of Brick on
stress states. The relationship given by Richart , Brandtzaeg and Compressive Strength of Brick Masonry ," Proceedings.
Brown is empirical and is not necessarily the s~me for ali types American Society for Testing and MateriaIs . Vol. 28 , Part
of mortars. Nevertheless, this rati onal approach in the pre- li, 1928 , pp. 605-634.
diction of the compressive strength of masonry units appears 4. Hilsdorf, H. , "Investigation into the Failure Mechanism of
to be promising. Before a general applicability of Equation 6-5 Brick Masonry ," Material prufungsamt f.d. Bauwesen,
could be recommended, variaus characteristic properties of Technische Hochschule, Munich, Report Nr. 40, 1965.
masonry have to be established which were normally not 5. Richart, F. E., Brandtzaeg, A., Brown , R. L., "A study of
investigated in previous studies. These are: the Failure of Concrete under Combined Compressive
I. The coefficient of non-uniformity , U, as a function of (a) Stresses," BuUetin 185, University of lllinois Engineering
quality of workmanship, (b) type and compressive strength of Experiment Station , 1928.
mortar, (c) type of bricks, (d) pattern of masonry unit and
coring of bricks, and (e) thickness of joints.
2. The behavior of bricks and mortars subjected to defined
triaxial stress states.
3. A relationship between the st rength of bricks under
biaxial tensian . uniaxial tensian and flexure . '
Then an approach as outlined in the foregoing may enable
us to safely predict lhe compressive strength af masonry from
praperties of its constituents which can be easily determined
in standard tests.

a Coefficient to evaluate Equation 6-5
Height of brick
Modulus of elasticity V
Uniaxia1 campressive strength af brick b
Biaxial lensile slrength of brick Tangent Modulus
Compressive strength of standard concrete cylin- Brick Only. (Marlor
"Infinitely· S'ift.)
I~ 1 I
' (,Tangent Madulus for Brick ond
Un iaxial compressive strength of joint mortar Transi l r Arei Mortor in UnioKiol Compress1on
Compressive strength of masonry unit ./

Compressive strength of standard concrete cylin-
der which is confined by a slress a2
Thickness of mortar joint /
a x ' a y , Oz Stresses in x, y and z-direction
Stress in brick acting in x-direction
a ym
Stress in mortar joint acting in x-direction
Average masonry stress in y-direction
/ Stroin {- - in./in.l
a2 Confining pressure of a concrete cylinder
U Nonuniformity coefficienl
Uu Nonuniformity coefficient at failure FIgure 6-A. Stress strain curoe.

Investigation into the Failure Mechanism of Brick Masonry 41

Remarks AI lhe slarl of lhe loading il appears lhe langenl modulus is

lhe resull of lhe combinalion of lhe shorlening of lhe brick
By Bob D. Campbel/ plus Ihal of lhe mortar in uniaxial compression. The final
Bob D. Campbell & Company, Structural Engineers Tangenl modulus is more nearly Ihal of lhe brick alone. Thal
is, with a true tTiaxial compression condition Poisson '5 fatio is
I was impressed by lhe mulual supporl of papers 2 and 7 of zero , and the mortar, so confined. i5 infinitely stiff. See Figure
lhe Ihird session (chaplers 6 and 11). Professor Hilsdorfs 6-A herewilh.
paper, "An Invesligalion Inlo lhe Failure Mechanism of Brick The curved transition between the two end conditions is
Masonry Loaded in Axial Compression" clearly answered lhe lhe inleresting part of lhe graph. It appears lo be a " piclure"
queslion of "Why" lhe langenl modulus of elasticily increased of Ihal which is laking place , and I feel il should be closely
with load 00 the stress-strain curve af "Experimental Investi- analysed as future research in the interaction of brick and
galion on lhe Slruclural Performance of Brick Masonry mortar.
Prisms" by DT. Rao. This increase was not necessarily slackness I would like lo commend lhe whole conference and Ihese
of experimental set up, oor was it densification af mortar, per two authors in particular for the contribution to a more
se, as Dr. Rao proposes. It more likely is a piclure of lhe complele underslanding by lhe practicing professions in
mortar shifting [ram uniaxial compression to the triaxial masonry construction of many of the actions of brick, mortar ,
compression condition reported by Professor Hilsdorf. concrete , etc. when combined.

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