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Internship Report on NCHD


Period of internship:

Submitted to:

Name of organization: National Commission for Human Development


Submitted by


“I dedicate this report parents who help me
in every way of life.”


All praises to ALLAH Almighty, The might merciful and beneficent, who has
blessed us with knowledge to accomplish the task of completing this report, give
Internship Report on NCHD

us the courage and allowed us to accomplish this task. This internship report has
given us a chance to observe the practical work experience, this report has
enhanced and sense of observation.

We all are very thankful to our respected teachers who had assigned us this
valuable opportunity to enhance our practical skills. Their inspiring guidance
remarkable, suggestions, constant encouragement, keen interest, constructive
criticism and friendly discussion enable us to complete this reports study
efficiently. It is there kindness that we are at this level of knowledge.

I am also very thankful to staff of NCHD who has given me lot of support to
complete my internship report.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………5
What NCHD do? ............................................................................................................8
Education: Bridging the missing links ………………………………………………..8

Achievements of the UPE ……………………………..................................................9
Health: Looking forward to a healthier Pakistan …………………………………...9
Achievements of the PHCE ……………………………………...................................10
National Volunteer Corps: an unprecedented movement ……….................................10
Achievement of VCD ………………………………………………………………….11
Communications and Media: Utilizing new technology……………………………...11
Global Resource Mobilization: Building partnerships for the future ………………..12
Vision ……………………………………………………………………………….....13
Mission ……………………………………………………………………..................13
SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………………....14
Objectives of the Internship Program ……………………………………………....15
Significance: ………………………………………………………………………......15
Eligibility ……………………………………………………………………………...15
Working ………………………………………………………………………………16
ORGANOGRAM …………………………………………………………… ………18
Key Learning …………………………………………………………………………19
CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………....20
Recommendations ……………………………………………………………. …….21
APPENDIX …………………………………………………………………………..22

Executive Summary

For the completion of my BA(HONS) program it is required to attend an internship training

program in a reputed organization for a period of 6 weeks, for this I have completed an
internship of 6 weeks in NCHD (National Commission for Human Development) not only to
meet the degree requirement but also to gain a professional awareness of the knowledge I have
Internship Report on NCHD

gained so far during the course of BA(HONS)

I gained lot of experience in these departments like that

 Education
 Literacy

I learned that how these departments work in the office as well as in the work field. I also
participate in meetings and training session. How to actively participate in the meetings and how
can I can represent the organization in the better way.

The sequence of the report is that it starts with the brief introduction about my internship
followed by history of the NCHD (National Commission for Human Development). Next is the
detail of the work I have done during my internship and list of supporting documents used for the
completion of report attached in the annexure with a list of references at the end of the report.


National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) was established by the President of
Pakistan, General Pervez Musharraf in July, 2001 as a federal statutory body. It is a fast-track
initiative to improve social sector outcomes at the grass-roots. The goal of the Commission is to
fill the implementation gaps and improve public sector delivery mechanisms to achieve the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through:

Universal Primary Education (UPE)
Adult Literacy / Gender Empowerment Program
Reducing Population Growth Rate
Improving Infant & Maternal Mortality
Capacity Building at Grassroots
With a ranking of 144 on the UNDP’s Human Development Index, out of a total of 178
NCHD is the primary and largest support organization of the Government of Pakistan for
realization of “MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS” in Education, Health, Capacity
Building, and Volunteerism for Community Development, and Gender Empowerment. NCHD is
presently operating in 50 districts of Pakistan with a future plan to be present in all districts of
Pakistan by 2007. NCHD has field offices in all 4 provinces including Azad Jamu & Kashmir.
Work of NCHD is based on a unique development model which is both participative and
responsible. It is based on involving all stakeholders, bringing them together on a common
platform, making them part of the change process from the very beginning so they take
ownership of the intervention till the very end. Thus, all stakeholders, especially the
communities, are involved in decision making and pooling of resources.

Based on a holistic development model, NCHD aims at enlarging the scale and scope of the
efforts made by the government in ensuring the effective provision of social services. It
perceives human development as a process of enlarging choices, building capacities and
encouraging participation of communities at the grass roots. To ensure this, NCHD is directed
towards supporting government line departments, civil society organizations and the local
communities in the sectors of education, basic health care and income generating activities at

NCHD identifies, and consequently presents innovative and cost effective solutions to fill
implementation gaps, building the capacities of the involved agencies and stakeholders to
effectively address the issues hampering the process. Through extensive training programs and
capacity building workshops which cater to all the stakeholders involved in the process, NCHD
helps ensure a lasting impact. These capacity building exercises are targeted towards
Government Line departments, community based organizations and the community.

The human development endeavors of National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
are supported by a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between the Government, the private sector
Internship Report on NCHD

and the international donor community. For ensuring sustainability in the long-run and to abide
by stringent rules of governance, this tripartite funding arrangement was formalized by the
creation of an independent funding agency called the Pakistan Human Development Fund
(PHDF), which is registered under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and functions under the
patronage of President of Pakistan. A 31-member team, representing the PHDF Board of
Directors, continuously monitors and evaluates NCHD’s progress, and also acts as the custodian
of funds.

What NCHD do:

Our solution: Incubation - an Innovative Approach

Human development indicators imply that the Pakistan needs a new approach to development.
Incubation of government and non-government delivery systems is a novel concept in human
development. It is derived from the business world where a business incubator nurtures
businesses through the initial phases of development. The ultimate objective is to help bridge the
implementation gap between strategy and delivery by establishing a nationwide network of
Human Development Support Units (HDSU) to operate under the aegis of the NCHD. Acting as
incubators, the HDSUs will build the capacity and competencies of government line
departments, and NGOs working in the social sectors at the district level by imparting skills to
promote communication, coordination and knowledge sharing.

Education: Bridging the Missing Links:

The Education Program aims to assist the government in achieving 100% primary school
enrollment and will open schools in areas where no government schools exist. It also aims to
facilitate economic empowerment and improve the employment rate. The program will target
three age groups:

 5-7 year olds will be beneficiaries of the Universal Primary Education

 8-14 year olds will benefit from the Basic Literacy and Non Formal Community Based
Primary projects

 15-39 year olds will enroll in an Adult Literacy project followed by a Skills Training

Achievements of the UPE:

 Enrolling 7,879,253 million (5-7 years) old out-of-school children.

 Increasing net enrolment ratio from 54% to 85% in operational districts

 Reducing dropout rate from 50% to 18% in operational districts (in Kacchi/Pakki

 Carried out house-to-house survey of 16.3 million house holds, for children aged 0-9
during 2006-07.

 Over 21,000 feeder teachers trained and deployed in primary schools.

 21,000 Community Based Feeder Schools established.

 Mobilizing 40,000 volunteers in 30,000 villages to support UPE

Internship Report on NCHD

 Joint Monitoring with district education department

 Preparation of Teachers Guides, Teachers Training Manuals, Lead Trainers and Masters
Trainer's Manuals & Student Assessment tools for Primary Education in all four

 313,287 primary school teachers trained on UPE, data collection, dropout prevention and
improving the quality of education.

Health: Looking forward to a healthier Pakistan:

The Health Program is focused on the improvement of Health Indicators: Infant Mortality Rate,
Maternal Mortality Rate & Population Growth Rate. The Health Projects have been developed in
line with the National Health Policy, which emphasizes Primary Health Care as the major service
for achieving these goals. The Program includes Primary Health Care Extension Project, Family
Health Worker Training Project, Community Midwifery Project and Health Capacity Building

Achievements of the PHCE program of NCHD (2002 - 2008):

 Provision of basic health care coverage to 1.20 million population on monthly basis

 171,561 households are getting monthly health visits (92%)

 179,909 children under five have been registered and are being monitored for growth

 164,097 eligible couples are being targeted for child spacing

 Increasing immunization status of children less than 2 years from 48% to 86% (59,858)

 Increased immunization status of TT inoculation to women of child bearing age from

23% to 77%

 Provision of antenatal care to an average 13,888 pregnant women on monthly basis,

showing 90% achievements

National Volunteer Corps: an unprecedented movement:

The NCHD has taken the initiative to create a National Volunteer Corps (NVC), following the
UN International Year of Volunteers. Where thousands men, women and children are being
mobilized to extend support to NCHD interventions at the grassroots in Pakistan. NCHD is
developing a system to match volunteer skill sets with the operational needs of the organization,
in order to support its programs.

Achievement of VCD:

 The achievements of the NCHD's VCD Programme during 2002 to 2008 are listed below:

 Established a National Volunteer Corps for achievement of MDGs

 Co-hosted the first ever International Conference on Volunteerism and MDGs held in
Pakistan in Dec. 2004, contributing in enhancing awareness about the role of
Volunteering achievement of MDG’s

 478,941 Volunteers registered for Education/Health activities

Internship Report on NCHD

 40,000 trained volunteers participated in Education/Health activities

 1,978 React Group Volunteers trained on first aid, disaster awareness, basic search and
rescue etc.

 Rs 84.2 million worth local resources mobilized

 1,713 Medical Camps arranged all over Pakistan treating 712,538 patients

 95 Volunteer Medical Stations established in DHQ Hospitals for blood donations,

transportation of dead bodies and medicines for needy patients

 2,500 NCHD volunteers participated in relief activities in Earthquake affected areas

from Oct 2005 onwards.

Communications and Media: Utilizing new technology:

An effective Communications strategy and Social Awareness campaign are being constantly
developed to articulate the attitudes and behaviors necessary for human development and will
identify and promote NCHD programs. It will use innovative Social Marketing methods to
generate demand for the Health and Education Programs at the grassroots and to support global
resource mobilization initiatives.

Global Resource Mobilization: Building partnerships for the future:

For sustaining the continuous and fast expansion of NCHD operations, Global Resource
Mobilization acts as an integral part of its activities. Aimed at generating much needed resources
for its long-term sustainability, and the effective delivery of its services, NCHD has successfully
raised over US $10 million for its operational projects in Pakistan in a short span of one and a

half year. This success has been made possible by building partnerships in the development
world and by creating public-private collaborations with recognized organizations in the private

Human development in Pakistan requires a movement for social transformation. NCHD believes
in the importance of community ownership in all its projects where decision rights are provided
to all stakeholders. This approach to poverty alleviation is multi-sect oral; therefore at NCHD we
are taking an integrated approach focusing on the needs of people at the grassroots.
Internship Report on NCHD


To help creates a literate, healthy, tolerant and just Pakistani society.


To promote Human Development by supporting Government Line Departments, Non-

Governmental Organizations and elected officials at the district level in primary education,
literacy and provision of basic healthcare services. NCHD is a fast-track initiative to improve
social sector outcomes at the grassroots. The goal of the Commission is to fill the
implementation gaps and improve public sector delivery mechanisms to achieve the MDGs.

SWOT Analysis


 Latest policies and techniques to human development

 Only one national social development organization

 Statutory body / semi Govt.

 International donators


 Working smoothly

 Inter-department relation harmony


 Literacy rate

 Poverty Alleviation

 Health improvement

 Social awareness

 Plan to be 100% literate till 2015

 Working in more than 100 Districts

Internship Report on NCHD

 Political interference

 Unawareness of NCHD projects

 Donations

Objectives of the Internship Program:

1. To get Experience of development sector at the grass root.

2. Experience a new geographic location, language, culture.

3. To Develop new skills and work habits

4. To get working experience with Group Work

5. Compulsory for the degree


As part of my BA(HONS) studies among other academic course I was exposed to queries of
degree mostly related to international, principles of sustainable development which focuses on
personnel management equipped with theoretical knowledge. I need was to first develop and
interface between the theory taught with the actual applied in the field, to enable the students to
understand the field realities for adoption of the principles.

• Citizen of any country

• Student (enrolled in an accredited college university)

• Good academic standing


The department of the NCHD which I working with:

 Education
 Data Entery

 Division of the working plan:

 20 days with education Department

 10 Data Entery

First 10 days

I work with Education department First day orientation on the Education department its
objectives and its working with in the office as well in the field. The field worker of the
Education behalf on the NCHD is called MC Markaz Coordinator me attach with an get much
practical experience. The activities performed in the education department with Mc below under
these headings:

 100 percent enrollment

 Awareness to parent of the children
 Update the UPE(Universal Primary Education) Register
 Announcement in the mosques
 Role of the parent in the education
Internship Report on NCHD

 Submit the report to the DPME(District Programe Manager Education)

 Monitor the MC performance
 Collect the report from the MCs on daily bases
 Contact those MCs which do no submit the report

Next 10 day

And me last 10 days work

 Data entry
 Attend the meeting
 To understand the officers working’s
 Implementation of the projects
 Check the achievements of the NCHD

ctProgram FCs
Volunteerism For Community
General District
Manager MCs Manager
District Education
Program Manager Capacity Development
Field Coordinators Markaz Coordinators

Internship Report on NCHD

Key Learning:

The key learning duration my internship are below under these headings:

 Practical experience

 Time management

 Practical experience with community

 Improving the communication skills

 Analysis of data

 Completion of task

 Understanding organization set up

 Understanding process of development

 Collection of data


Overall, my experience at NCHD has been useful in forming a positive opinion about the nature
of the job and what is required to succeed in the endeavors of life. I have found NCHD to be a
good place to get exposure of practical life and a good learning experience. It has enhanced my
communication and analytical skills.

Working at NCHD has made me aware of the trends and environment of practical life. I came to
know how NCHD caters a diverse group of individuals having vibrant cultures with no
boundaries of communication. NCHD focuses on community development to a great extent and
hence, its services are valued and appreciated.

During my internship, I worked in Education in which I learned how it is responsible for

improving the programs and then tracking the results. NCHD has demonstrated its ability to
identify market needs and develop interventions that are unique in concept that fulfill
Millennium Development Goals (MDG). It is actively working to achieve the Millennium
Development Goals through program activities in the fields of health, education, poverty
alleviation, volunteerism/community development and capacity building at the district level.
Internship Report on NCHD


As the aim of NCHD to promote Human Development by supporting Government Line

Departments, Non-Governmental Organizations and elected officials at the district level in
primary education, literacy and provision of basic healthcare services.

The existing recruiting procedure is difficult, manual and it cause too much delay, I suggest
NCHD to develop and online web portal to get online CV and selection procedure, and it can
easy be done through portal.

Suggested procedure will be as fallow

 As NCHD is advertising jobs on web, There is need

to comprehend the application form so the requirement should be fulfilled.

 Viewers will have more information’s to explore on the web to view available

 There should be some conditions to apply online

 Candidates applying online will be in better position to respond.

 Short listing although done by related department but HR should have to be vigilant and
should review the short listing.

 Short listed candidates must be informed about interview schedule and location at least
before one week

 Final results should be displayed on web also.


Imran Aamir
District Program Manager (Education)
District Narowal

Official Address

National Commission for Human Development

14th Floor, Shaheed-e-Millat Secretariat,
Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad

Phone: 92-51-9216200
Fax: 92-51-9216164

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