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1) Define absorption. Give a note on passive diffusion

2) Write about formulation factors affecting absorption
3) Give a note on physicochemical factors affecting absorption
4) Write about biological factors affecting absorption
5) Give a note on dissolution theories
6) Give a note on carrier mediated transport
7) Explain about dosage form factors affecting absorption
8) Define biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics and explain their role in formulation
9) What is sink condition? Write about various methods used to maintain sink condition
10) Explain about patient related factors affecting absorption
11) Explain about dosage related factors affecting absorption
12) Discuss about the methods of drug uptake


1) Enumerate the differences between true and apparent volume of distribution

2) Write about the factors affecting drug distribution
3) Write about the significance of protein binding
4) Explain about kinetics of protein binding with drugs
5) Define and explain the factors influencing protein binding of drugs
6) Explain the mechanisms of drug distribution
7) Explain about BBB
8) Describe the drug protein binding
9) Write about tissue binding of drugs
10) Explain about drug binding to human serum albumin
11) Explain about various physiological barriers for distribution of drugs in body
12) Explain about volume of distribution

1) Describe the metabolism of drugs by phase-I reactions with examples

2) What is meant by enzyme inhibition. Give examples
3) Explain the concept of clearance
4) Explain in brief excretion of drugs through lungs and skin
5) Describe phase-II drug metabolism reactions
6) Explain extraction ratio and the terms involved in it.
7) Write about non renal excretion of drugs
8) Explain enzyme induction. Giving examples
9) Describe the clinical pharmacokinetics in renal and hepatic failures
10) Give a note on principal process of excretion
11) Define clearance and explain about renal clearance
12) Explain about biliary excretion of drugs and entero hepatic cycling of drugs


1) Define bioavailabilty. Give the objectives and write a note on measurement of

2) Explain bioavailability study protocol
3) Explain bioequivalence study protocol
4) Write a note on IVIVC
5) Explain various methods to enhance bioavailability.
6) Explain the methods of assessment of bioavailability from plasma data
7) Explain the methods of assessment of bioavailability from urinary data
8) Describe the terms absolute and relative bioavailability with an equation and write their
9) Write about regulatory requirements for conduction of bioequivalence studies
10) Explain statistical interpretation of data.
11) Discuss physicochemical factors influencing bioavailability
12) Discuss biological factors influencing bioavailabilty

1) Give a note on pharmacokinetic parameters

2) Give a note on pharmacodynamic parameters
3) Derive equation for IV bolus drug and explain the pharmacokinetic parameters associated
with it.
4) Derive equation for IV infusion and explain the pharmacokinetic parameters associated
with it.
5) Derive equation for extravascular administration and explain the pharmacokinetic
parameters associated with it.
6) Write a note on urinary excretion studies
7) Give the differences between rate excretion and sigma minus method
8) Explain method of residuals.
9) Determine ka by Wagner Nelson method.
10) Write about non linear pharmacokinetics in detail.
11) Explain non compartmental kinetics
12) Define and explain various pharmacokinetic models.

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