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Ivan Valladarez
English 101
Professor Batty
In Class Exam
In Peter Singer’s narrative, “The Ethics of Eating” he specifies about the treatment of

farm animals and how they live and are treated before going to the slaughterhouse. Singer also

mentions possible alternative to eating meat. Although people would rather not change their diets

and talk about how eating meat is beneficial to their health, he does this to raise the question “is

this something that should continue to be a thing?” Singer also mentions possible alternatives to

eating meat and the benefits in pursuing this type of eating style. I suggest that farms lower the

number of animals allowed in their facilities so that they don’t live in a crowded environment.

Actions need to be taken to stop this kind of abuse and people should learn the benefits of being

vegetarian to help solve the issue.

Although Singer has many good points, there are people who would prefer to eat meat

and who would rather not be vegetarian. There are many benefits to eating meat like it boosts

energy levels, supports a strong immune system and metabolism, It boosts brain health and is a

good sorce of protein. People would also argue how hard it would be to change their eating

styles. Although I understand the counter argument, I believe that these farm animals deserve

better treatment. So, if changing the way you eat will prevent some animals from being

mistreated, I would want people to consider it.

From what I read; Singer thoroughly spoke about how the animals are treated. He spoke

about how chickens are mutilated to prevent them from harming each other since they are kept in

crowded cages. He states, “To prevent this, producers sear off all birds’ beaks with a hot blade.”

The reason farmers do this is because they overcrowd hens in small cages and the more dominant

aggressive bird peck to death the weaker hens. He also mentions how pigs are overcrowded and

how they are taken after they have just giving birth to be impregnated again. I suggest that farms

are only allowed to sustain a certain number of animals to reduce overcrowding. With this

proposition, animals would have more space and in doing so will prevent them from hurting each

other. Also, reducing their animals will prevent mass production and the constant need to

impregnate them. Farmer will also not need take the extremities to prevent the animals from

hurting each other. With this I hope to change the extreme conditions these animals must deal


Singer then goes on to speak on a certain life's styles people could do to stop supporting

these farms. He talks about how going vegan/vegetarian can stop supporting these kinds of

actions. Also in the article called “ Farming Animal Rights in the ‘Go Veg’ Campaigns of U.S

Animal Rights Organizations,” by, Carrie Packwood Freeman she stated, “ The most common

solution by far proposed by all animal rights organizations is for consumers to stop supporting

animal agribusiness and go vegan. While every animal rights organization uses the term

vegetarian more often than vegan, they imply veganism through all the dairy- and egg-free recipe

and product suggestions.” Being vegetarian also helps you save money. In the article “22

Reasons To Go Vegetarian Right Now” by Dworkin Norine she says, “replacing meat, chicken

and fish with vegetables and mits is estimated to cut food bill by an average of $4,000 a year.”

Besides the benefits of going vegetarian it will help with your health. Going vegetarian helps

lower the risk of heart diseases and reduces your risk of cancer. The benefits of being vegetarian

sincerely helps not only people but the animals in these farms.

Singer’s article spoke about the atrocities that are happing to animals in these farms. To

stop the suffering of these animals, farmers shouldn't be allowed to mass populate their animals

and should treat them better. People who don’t want to support violence towards animals should

consider going vegetarian. In doing so not only would they be helping farm animals but

themselves as well. Without taking any action these animals will continue to suffer these

atrocities. With constant overpopulation of these animals, this problem will eventually start to

severely grow out of proportion.

Work cited

Freeman, Carrie Packwood. “Framing Animal Rights in the ‘Go Veg’ Campaigns of U.S. Animal Rights

Organizations.” Society & Animals, vol. 18, no. 2, Apr. 2010, pp. 163–182. EBSCOhost,


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