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Information and communication technologies (ICTs) developments greatly affect the

convenience and comfort of the people to communicate despite being around the world. The
younger generation are seen to be more in tune with current technologies
developments(Vaportzis, Clausen, & Gow, 2017). As technology is more inclined towards the
younger generation, a proactive step in restructuring the education system can be implemented.

The ICTs development provides a paradigm shift for education(Keller & Cernerud,
2006). Education is an important medium of acquiring essential knowledge and skills.
Nowadays the knowledge can be acquired by teachers and students through the internet
sources, not only available in books regarding current issues and resources for researches and
learning(Arkorful & Abaidoo, 2014).

The tremendous changes happen in university education system since the development
of ICTs. The e-Learning is one of the changes made to improvise the quality of educational
methods, that have totally change the ways of student traditional learning process. Traditional
system needs students to attend the class to get lectures from lecturers for hours. e-Learning is
different with the traditional method of learning where students can have lecture from their
teachers for certain topics at home(Adewole-odeshi, 2014). E-Learning should contain
interactive and attractive activities to maintain the students focus and involvement for students'
understanding and learning process.

As in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), the e-Learning learning method is
called Full Online Classroom (F.O.C). The lecturers give handouts and assignment
throughout online application such as YouTube, Google classroom, Edmodo and Schoology
as medium to conduct and deliver lecture. Therefore, this study is conducted to analyse the
effectiveness of F.O.C among UTHM students.
Adewole-odeshi, E. (2014). Attitude of Students Towards E-learning in South- West Nigerian
Universities : An Application of Technology Acceptance Model, (January).

Arkorful,V., & Abaidoo, N. (2014). The role of e-learning , the advantages and disadvantages
of its adoption in Higher Education ., 2(12), 397–410.

Keller, C., & Cernerud, L. (2006). Students ’ Perceptions of E-learning in University

Education, (August 2014), 37–41.

Vaportzis, E., Clausen, M. G., & Gow, A. J. (2017). Older adults perceptions of technology
and barriers to interacting with tablet computers: A focus group study. Frontiers in
Psychology, 8(OCT), 1–11.

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