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Figure 7

The chart shows the respondents’ preference of the most effective time to conduct F.O.C.

Majority of the respondents preferred to have the F.O.C during weekdays and during class
hours while during weekdays and not during class hours, majority of the respondents are
neutral about it but there is 1 person who did not prefer it. During the weekend, majority of
the respondents least preferred to have the F.O.C during weekends.

In conclusion, majority of the students prefer to have F.O.C during weekdays but not during
class hours and does not preferred to have F.O.C during weekends.
Figure 8

The chart shows the respondent’s opinion on when is the suitable time to conduct F.O.C.

Majority of the respondents (46.3%) thought that the most suitable time to conduct F.O.C is
at 11:00 – 1:00p.m. (41.5%) thought that 2-4pm is the best time for F.O.C while 22%
thought 8-10pm is the least suitable time to conduct F.O.C

The above result is supported by the findings from Julie Glass and Valerie Sue (2008). In
their study, they revealed that F.O.C are about flexibility and to accommodate work
schedules which in this case 11-1pm is the most suitable time to conduct F.O.C

In conclusion, the suitable time to conduct F.O.C are varied depends on the respondent.
Figure 9

The chart shows respondents opinion whether they found it easier to learn and understand
during F.O.C than face-to-face classes. Scale number 1 indicate that is it strongly disagree to
number 5 strongly agree.

Majority of the respondent (44%) does not agree not disagree. The second highest (22%) is
strongly disagree. Finally, only 6% strongly agree with F.O.C is easier to learn and
understand compared to face-to-face classes.

This finding supports Lisa Kirtman (2009) research. She found that students’ with traditional
class scores higher in midterm and final exams compared to online class students. This is
because they are lack of benefits of learning from peers in F.O.C.

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