Planning Memo Brochure

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To: Dr. Greg Wickliff

From: Hazel Mynes
Date: 11/25/2018
Re: Planning Memo for Brochure

Dr. Wickliff,
Below you will find the planning memo for my Brochure project. The brochure will be an
artifact used to advertise and spread the word for an upcoming workshop a client of mine will be
conducting in early 2019.
My audience for the brochure is the potential workshop attendees for my client, Lonnie Aaron
Summy. He has a business, which is also his ministry, where he helps people pinpoint what their
callings are based on uncovering and discovering their passions. Mr. Summy believes and
teaches that this discovery will lead people to their destinies, a word he uses to describe their
goals, dreams, and life purposes.
A secondary audience group will be my instructor, Dr. Wickliff, and classmates, who may do a
peer assessment and give feedback. Lastly, a third audience pool will be whoever I may decide to
show the brochure to later as a desktop publishing, digital publishing, graphic design, or
marketing work sample.
The brochure will be distributed via the client’s website, through email to his distribution list, in
public places where potential clients may see and obtain one, and by face-to-face interaction.
There will be no cost for the digital version of the brochure that will display on the client’s
website. For the printed version, I will retain Vistaprint to have the printing completed for the
client. I will upload my finished rendering of the brochure rather than using a Vistaprint
template. The specifications for the brochure will be:
 Tri-fold
 8.5 x 11
 Premium Glossy
 100 count
The cost for this type of brochure will be $78.00 for 100. The price goes down incrementally as
the quantity goes up.
The brochure will primarily be used by my client to market and advertise his workshop, and in a
larger way, his whole business/ministry. Also, the brochure will be seen by my customers and
potential clients, who may view the brochure on my website or in print as an example of my
 Logo – I will be using the logo for this business/ministry that another designer created for my
client before he hired me, which he still uses.
 Fonts – The font for the brochure will be a simple one since the Logo & tagline font is
simple. I may use some accent fonts, but for me, that choice usually comes to me in the
design process and is not decided ahead of time. Whatever I choose will go well with the
logo & tagline font.
 Colors – The colors will be compatible with or the same as what the current branding is on
the client’s website, which is dark blue, a golden yellow, white, and a touch of pinkish-
 Images – I will use images the client and I have already retained through purchase online or
our own photography. Any additional images we may need will come from creative
commons licensed images in PowerPoint or InDesign.
Computing tools
– The software I will use for designing the brochure is InDesign. I will also use standard personal
software, Paint and PowerPoint to manipulate any graphics I need to for the brochure.

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