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Ivan Valladarez

Professor Batty

English 101



When I first had to write about this topic, I wasn’t sure where I stood on this issue. I was
very conflicted since I didn’t want to support what Singer says is happening on these farms, but I
also didn’t want to give up meat. So, during the timed in class essay I didn’t know what to write
about. I couldn’t really side with any side fully which made the situation more complex than It
had to be. As I was turning in the essay, I knew that it wasn’t my best work and that I needed to
fix a lot of the issues it has. So when I learned I was going to revise it for my portfolio I felt
prepared since I knew what needed fixing. In my in-class essay I have revised it thoroughly and
used the comments given to me from professor Batty. I have fixed my thesis and supported it
within the body paragraphs and conclusion. I have added quotes from Singer and from other
reliable sources to support my body paragraphs. I have added a counter argument with a valid
argument that opposed my thesis. I bettered clarified my position in this argumentative essay. As
well as clarified the actions I would initiate to help solve this issue. This essay left me unsure of
how i felt about the issue but with this revision I had more time to think about were exactly I
stand on the subject.

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