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Waseem Ahmed

Class# 51

Reg No: 13PWCIV4023

Section: B


Dr. Mujahid Khan

Theissen Polygon method
The average annual precipitation for the following four gauging station is given

1. Mardan Irrigation Department=100.4mm

2. Forest Institute Peshawar = 466.3mm
3. Kohat station 625.8mm
4. Chitral gauge station= 404mm

1. Find the location of these gauging station on google earth

2. Draw the polygon surrounding each station
3. Calculate the area enclosed by each polygon
4. Find the areal distribution by Theissen polygon method
5. Compare the results with arithmetic mean method and comment.

Given Data:
Pm= 100.4 mm
Pp= 466.3 mm
Pk= 625.8 mm
Pc= 404 mm
P= average rain over the area=?

(1) Locating these gauging station on the google:

I just opened the google earth and

located these gauging station on the google earth as shown in the figure.
After this I just roughly joined these points as can be seen in the following figure.

After joining these points, in the next step, I selected catchment area for these gauging
(2)Draw the polygon surrounding each station
Now in order to make of those selected gauging stations, I just searched for the distances b/w
these cities in the google and I took these points and drawn them in AutoCAD along with
catchment area according to those distances and connected these points as shown in the figure.

In the next step I drawn the perpendiculars to each of the connecting lines as shown in the above

The alphabets in the above figure represents respective gauging station.

After this removed all the connecting lines in order to get polygon for every station.
(3) Calculate the area enclosed by each polygon:

In order to get area for each station and all catchment area, I used the area command in the
AutoCAD and found the area as given below,

From the above figure;

Total catchment area= At = 55511.36 km^2

Area for Mardan Gauging station= 20870.39 km^2

Area for Peshawar Gauging station=12103.05 km^2

Area for Kohat Gauging station=6180.76 km^2

Area for Chitral Gauging station=16253.92 km^2

(4) Finding the areal distribution by Theissen polygon method:

For this I used the following formula

P= ∑ Wi Pi

For this first calculating the sub-region weightings (Wi)

Wm=Am/At = 20870.39/55511.36 = 0.376

Wp=Ap/At = 12103.05/55511.36 = 0.218

Wk= Ak/At = 6180.76/55511.36 = 0.112

Wc= Ac/At = 16253.92/55511.36 = 0.293

Now put the values in the above formula.

P= (0.376x100.4) + (0.218x466.3) + (0.122x625.8) + (0.293x404)

P=327.87 mm Ans

(5) Comparing the results with arithmetic mean method and commenting:

Now calculating the areal distribution by arithmetic mean method by using the following

P=∑ Pi/n

Where n is the number of stations

P= (Pm + Pp + Pk + Pc)/4

P = (100.4 + 466.3 + 625.8 + 404)/4

P= 399.125

As these is a difference in the values so that may be due to the computation of area of the
gauging stations

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